Thursday, January 7, 2021

Move over Prof.Alberto Melloni.Your system is antiquated, outdated. Obsolete

 Move over Prof.Alberto Melloni.Your system is antiquated, outdated. Obsolete. -Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 7, 2020

If Prof. Alberto Melloni of the Bologna School would interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise of the New Theology, the Italian Government may not continue to finance him.He would be taking the Catholic Church back to Tradition

 If Prof. Alberto Melloni of the Bologna School would interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise of the New Theology, the Italian Government may not continue to finance him.He would be taking the Catholic Church back to Tradition-Lionel Andrades

John XXIII Foundation for Religious Sciences (FSCIRE), the "Bologna School, interprets Vatican Council II with the common false premise.There is no transparency on this issue

 FEBRUARY 22, 2020

The Italian government is funding Alberto Melloni's John XXIII Foundation for Religious Sciences (FSCIRE), the headquarters of the so-called "Bologna School,"1 guaranteed another yearly million-euro funding for 2020–2022.Melloni uses the irrational model to interpret Vatican Council II. It is only with a false premise, inference and conclusion that he makes the Council a rupture with Tradition. He could choose the rational premise, inference and conclusion.


 With this rational model, the  Vatican, the Bologna School, Archbishop Pegro and Cardinal Matteo Zuppi , would not be contradicting the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.


Image result for Athanasius Creed pHOTO

'Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly...'



Repost : The political party Lega Salvini needs to take up the issue in the Italian Senate of the Italian priests Fathers Riccardo Petroni, Matteo Riboli, Lorenzo Mazzetti di Pietralata, Emanuele Lonardi and Enrico D'Urso deprived of the status of being a priest and made lay men, by Archbishop Peregro in Ferrara, who rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, supported by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican

 MARCH 4, 2020

The political party Lega Salvini needs to take up the issue in the Italian Senate of the Italian priests Fathers Riccardo Petroni, Matteo Riboli, Lorenzo Mazzetti di Pietralata, Emanuele Lonardi and Enrico D'Urso deprived of the status of being a priest and made lay men, by Archbishop Peregro in Ferrara, who rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, supported by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican

Image result for Photo Alan Fabri and MAtteo Salvini
The political party Lega Salvini needs to take up the issue in the Italian Senate of the Italian priests Fathers Riccardo Petroni, Matteo Riboli, Lorenzo Mazzetti di Pietralata, Emanuele Lonardi and Enrico D'Urso deprived of the status of being a priest and made lay men, by Archbishop Peregro in Ferrara, who rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, supported by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican.
It is unethical and dishonest for the Archbishop and his Curia in Ferrara-Commachio, not to affirm the dogma EENS, the Athanasius Creed, the past exclusivist ecclesiology based upon the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and an ecumenism of return into the Catholic Church for the Lutherans and other Christians.This is not possible for Archbishop Peregro since he re-interprets Vatican Council II irrationally as did Pope Paul VI.
The Archbishop must be asked by Lega Mayor Alan Fabri to re-interpret the Creeds and Catechisms rationally, affirm the dogma EENS like the traditionalists and re instate the expelled priests.
An archbishop who cannot affirm the dogma EENS in public should not be an archbishop and he should not be allowed to expel priests who do affirm EENS rationally and traditionally.
In the Senate the Vatican must be asked to reaffirm the dogma EENS and Vatican Council II with the rational premise, inference and conclusion just like the Italian saints Padre Pio, Gemma Galgani, Catherine of Siena and the popes over the centuries.
Matteo Zuppi 2019.jpgImage result for +Bologna School of Professor Melloni  photo

Similarly the Senate must be asked why does the Italian Government annually finance the Bologna School of Professor Melloni 1 when he interprets Vatican Council II with the same irrational premise, inference and conclusion as does Archbishop Perego.A false rupture is created with the dogma EENS and the rest of Tradition, in the same unethical way by Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna, who oversees Ferrara and Emilia Romano, where the Familia Christi serve.-Lionel Andrades


 JANUARY 3, 2020

John XXIII Foundation for Religious Sciences (FSCIRE), the "Bologna School, interprets Vatican Council II with the common false premise.There is no transparency on this issue

 FEBRUARY 22, 2020

The Italian government is funding Alberto Melloni's John XXIII Foundation for Religious Sciences (FSCIRE), the headquarters of the so-called "Bologna School,"1 guaranteed another yearly million-euro funding for 2020–2022.Melloni uses the irrational model to interpret Vatican Council II. It is only with a false premise, inference and conclusion that he makes the Council a rupture with Tradition. He could choose the rational premise, inference and conclusion.


 With this rational model, the  Vatican, the Bologna School, Archbishop Pegro and Cardinal Matteo Zuppi , would not be contradicting the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.


Image result for Athanasius Creed pHOTO

'Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly...'



Pope Francis interprets the Creeds with a false premise, inference and conclusion. This was un precedented over the centuries.

Pope Francis interprets the Creeds with a false premise, inference and conclusion. This was un precedented over the centuries.
Pope Pius XII and Pope John XXIII and the following popes, interpreted extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with a false premise.Pope Paul VI and the following popes interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise.
Now Pope Francis interprets the Creeds and Vatican Council Ii with the false premise and so creates a hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition on ecumenism, traditional ecclesiocentic mission, liturgy with the old exclusivist ecclesiology and traditional ecclesiology.It's a different Catholic Church now.The whole Church is following him in the error, conservatives and liberals.
Bishop Schneider, Maike Hickson and John Henry Weston continue to interpret LG 8 and UR 3 in Vatican Council II as exceptions to EENS. Bishop Bernard Fellay  did this continously. He never corrected himself. He probably will go to the end of his life, with this error, like Fr.Nicholas Gruner   and John Vennari.
If the popes interpret the Creeds without the false premise, like me,  they would be opposed by the Jewish Left.There would be persecution.Now there is support.
The two popes do not affirm the Creeds to avoid a persecution of the Church. They have changed the faith-teachings of the Church.
So the official Profession of Faith and Oath of Office for Cardinals, Bishops, Rectors, Superiors and Parish Priests are mere words supporting heresy and dissent.
-Lionel Andrades


MARCH 5, 2020

All the books in Italy which cite Vatican Council II, in general are in error, since the Council is interpreted with a false premise, inference and conclusion. So it is wrong for the Italian Government to annually finance the Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII( Bologna School )of Alberto Melloni. He receives about a million a year it is reported.

All the books in Italy which cite Vatican Council II, in general are in error, since the Council is interpreted with a false premise, inference and conclusion. So it is wrong for the Italian Government to annually finance the Bologna School of Alberto Melloni. He receives about a million a year it is reported.
Gabriele Albonetti of the Leftist Partito Democratico is  member of the Board of Trustees of Melloni's Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII, also called the Bologna School.
Melloni  does not affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise, for then the Council would support the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Melloni's talks on Lutheranism would then be false.His talk on Italian society today being based on Vatican Council II  interpreted irrationally , is also false.His talks on the Council supporting the liberalism of Pope Francis is also false.The interpretation of Vatican Council II with the irrationality, is now obsolete.
-Lionel Andrades

MARCH 5, 2020

All the books and articles on Vatican Council II in Italy were written with a false premise, inference and conclusion.Lionel's Blog is an exception.Salvini's Lega political party could take up this issue in the Italian Senate


ARCH 4, 2020

The political party Lega Salvini needs to take up the issue in the Italian Senate of the Italian priests Fathers Riccardo Petroni, Matteo Riboli, Lorenzo Mazzetti di Pietralata, Emanuele Lonardi and Enrico D'Urso deprived of the status of being a priest and made lay men, by Archbishop Peregro in Ferrara, who rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, supported by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican

La Scuola di Bologna sul Concilio Vaticano II dello storico Alberto Melloni è finanziata ogni anno dal governo di sinistra italiano quando interpreta il Concilio con una irrazionale premessa, inferenza e conclusione per respingere il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus se è stato interpretato nel papi Italiani nel corso dei secoli.

-Lionel Andrades







NOVEMBER 17, 2019

Image result for Photos of  Eugenio Scalfari e papa Francesco photosImage result for Vatican Insider Tornielli La Stampa Photo

Pope Francis needs to tell Eugenio Scalfari that articles and reports in his newspaper on Vatican Council II have a built-in error : Andrea Tornielli needs to clean up the Vatican websites which carry the same mistake

NOVEMBER 17, 2019

Image result for Photo dustbin for books

Operation Dustbin


FEBRUARY 22, 2020

Andrea Torneilli and the Vatican Press Office by now know that they interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational model and not the rational one.Pope Francis is probably informed and he must be saying that that we cannot go back to Tradition and the past and yet we cannot interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. We cannot irrationally interpret the Creeds and Catechism. There cannot be a false profession of faith( Professio Fidei).


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