Thursday, January 7, 2021

The SSPX website has a lot of nonsense on Vatican Council II. The Council is interpreted with a false premise

 The SSPX website has a lot of nonsense on Vatican Council II. The Council is interpreted with a false premise. - Lionel Andrades

Lionel Andrades
Catholic layman

  1. Conference given by Bp. Fellay, October 8, 2016, Port-Marly (France)

    Can a Pastoral Council be Debatable? All of a sudden, more than a year ago, Rome made us ... Fathers—in other words, all the bishops gathered at Vatican Council II—made, at the beginning of the first session, a profession of faith that is ...

  2. The Traditional Mass vs. the New Mass

    ... Lacks all Four Marks Codified after Council of Trent by a Canonized Pope (St. Pius V) Contrived after Vatican II with help of six Prostestant ministers ...

  3. Vatican II Council: A Much Needed Discussion

    ... from Msgr. Gherardini's book, The Ecumenical Second Vatican Council: A Much Needed Discussion , soon to be published in English. Published ...

  4. 50 petition pope for Vatican II re-examination

    ... requesting " a more in-depth examination of the pastoral councilVatican II ." The text of the petition was offered by DICI , which we ...

  5. Can a Pastoral Council be Debatable?

    ... Chrétienté (no. 161, October 2016). Can a Pastoral Council be Debatable? All of a sudden, more than a year ago, Rome made us ... Fathers—in other words, all the bishops gathered at Vatican Council II—made, at the beginning of the first session, a profession ...

  6. The Hot Summer of 1976 and Archbishop Lefebvre

    ... of Pope Paul VI. This event occurred in 1976. The Second Vatican Council had ended 11 years earlier. The new rite of the Mass had been ...

  7. Pray much for the Holy Father

    ... kind of a child would you be? The Catechism of the Council of Trent explains that we honor our father and mother first of all by ... too has sadly allowed himself to be drawn into the errors of Vatican II, then this is nevertheless not a sufficient reason to separate ...

  8. Other voices on Vatican II

    ... of St. Pius X is not alone in its critique of the Second Vatican Council. There are other Catholics apart from the priestly society who dispute ...

  9. Collegiality excerpt from "I Accuse the Council"

    ... segment about the debate on Collegiality during the Second Vatican Council is an excerpt from Archbishop Lefebvre's book, I Accuse the ...


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