Saturday, April 10, 2021

Repost : CDF uses the irrational New Theology as a weapon against the traditonalists


 MARCH 9, 2020

CDF uses the irrational New Theology as a weapon against the traditonalists

Presently Catholics who follow the Cushingite Prefect and Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) follow heresy on the Creeds and Catechisms and Vatican Council II and are in schism with the past popes on extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). For the CDF Secretaries Morandi and Di Noia , EENS is Cushingite but it was Feeneyite for the popes over the centuries.
Cushingism is an objective mistake and cannot be the teaching of the Holy Spirit. It is irrational and deceptive. Archbishop Augustine Di Noia op, for example, no more represents the magisterium, until he corrects the error.Cushingism has spread like the Arian heresy of the past, through out the Church and Di Noia instead of ending it with sincerity, still stokes it.
Just because Di Noia works for the CDF, it does not make him immune from the virus of heresy.It does not mean he cannot teach heresy and schism. Similarly just because Francis and Benedict are popes, it does not mean they cannot be teaching an error in theology and doctrine. They could be as political as Pope Paul VI and give in to ecclesiastical Masonry and powerful lobbies outside the Church.
When the popes and the CDF Secretaries confuse what is invisible as being visible,  it is irrational, non traditional and heretical. The conclusion is a rupture with Tradition.Even a pope can violate the Principle of Non Contradiction. ( See links on the right hand side bar for details).

Cushingism is also known as the New Theology, the irrational New Theology and it is being used as a weapon especially against the traditionalists. Without the irrational New Theology, the Church would return to the past exclusivist ecclesiology and there would be unity in doctrine for the traditionalists and all Catholics, who accept Vatican Council II.
1.Now with the irrational New Theology the CDF and the Archbishop of Ferrara-Commacchio, Italy have put the traditionalists Familia Christi on the defensive. They are made to appear  heretical and schismatic and the priests are suppressed.Without the Cushingite New Theology, Cardinal Luiz Ladaria and Archbishop Giancarlo Peregro would have to affirm the strict interpretation of EENS.Since the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) would not be practical exceptions to EENS.They would have to affirm the past ecclesiocentric ecclesiology of the Church since LG 16 etc in Vatican Council II, would not be exceptions.
2.With the irrational New Theology the CDF and the Bishop Peter Libasci, the archbishop of Manchester, USA have put Brother Andre Marie MICM and the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the St. Benedict Center, N.H, on the defensive.They are made to appear as heretics and schismatics. Without the irrational New Theology( based upon invisible cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc being personally known and physically visible in 2020) the CDF and Bishop Libasci would have to affirm the Athanasius Creed.Since BOD, BOB and I.I would not be literal and practical exceptions.Similarly there would be no exceptions to the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. It would be the traditionalists who would demand that the CDF affirm Vatican Council II rationally.They would demand that he CDF affirm the Creeds and Catechism and EENS , rationally i.e without the false premise, inference and conclusion.Morally there would be pressure on the CDF and the two popes.
3.The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) would no more be on the defensive. They could affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise and ask Archbishop Augustine Di Noia to do the same.Now with the irrational New Theology they are being forced to interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition and accept the conclusion.Cushingite Pope Benedict then says that the problem with the SSPX is 'doctrinal'. He means they are not accepting the irrational New Theology.
Without the irrational New Theology, Cushingite theology, there would then no more be a pre-and-post-Vatican Council-II ecclesiology. The ecclesiology of the Church would be the same at Mass in Latin and the vernacular.Since Vatican Council II would not be a rupture with Tradition.Doctrine on exclusive salvation would not be a break with the founders of the religious communities- St. Francis Assisi, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Dominic...
The Familia Christi, St. Benedict Center and the SSPX would put the onus for rational and traditional doctrine and theology, on the CDF and the two popes.-Lionel Andrades

 MARCH 9, 2020
An injustice is done to the traditionalist Brother Andre Marie MICM and the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with the irrational New Theology

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