Monday, May 1, 2023

How can the SSPX faithful at the St. Catherine of Siena chapel in Rome receive a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions?


Fr. Federico Montani at the SSPX Latin Mass yesterday Sunday- morning announced a plenary indulgence on the feast of St. Catherine of Siena for those who attended the Mass at the chapel in Rome dedicated to the Dominican patron saint of Italy. There would be a plenary indulgence for those at the chapel who went for Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Confession. The indulgence was issued he said by a former pope.

However he did not point out that a condition for receiving the Indulgence was living without mortal and venial sin.

The SSPX priests and faithful at this chapel and those at Albano, Italy are in a state of scandal. Scandal is a sin according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and earlier Catechisms.

For political left reasons the priests and laity cannot affirm the original Nicene Creed. They also have to reject the Athanasius Creed. This is a public mortal sin of faith.

Generally in such a condition the priest is not allowed to offer the Latin Mass.

The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) in general interprets Vatican Council II irrationally even when a rational option exists. This is schism with the past Magisterium. Since the irrational interpretation of the Council, produces new versions of the Creeds and Catechisms. This is not Catholic orthodoxy. It is public heresy and schism. There has been no denial from anyone in the SSPX.

None of them are affirming the Catholic Faith, not even the members of the Forza Nuova, who were there at Mass yesterday morning along with their families.

How can they all receive a plenary indulgence under these conditions? The SSPX like Pope Francis, the cardinals and bishops, are not magisterial in their intepretation of Vatican Council II when they do not choose the rational premise and inference. With the rational premise and inference there are no exceptions mentioned in the text of Vatican Council II for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) according to the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) of Pope Honorious III at the time St. Dominic Guzman and the founders of the Order of Preachers. -Lionel Andrades


Prayer to St Catherine of Siena

O admirable Saint Catherine, thou who didst merit to make of thy whole life the noblest holocaust, constantly inspiring thyself to a most ardent love for Jesus, the Lamb without blemish, and for His beloved Spouse the Church, whose rights thou didst strenuously affirm and support in troubled times, obtain, likewise, for us the grace not only to pass unscathed through the corruption of this world, but also to remain unshakably faithful to the Church, in word, in deed, in example, to see always, and to make others see, in the Vicar of Christ our anchor, as it were, in the storms of life, the beacon light that points the way to the harbor of safety in the dark night of our times and of men’s souls.

This prayer formerly carried an indulgence of 300 days and a plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, when this prayer has been recited daily for a month.


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