Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Amazon Synod and Lefbvrist theology are Cushingite (Graphics)

-Lionel Andrades

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made a mistake because Lumen Gentium does not contradict the past ecclesiology, Unitatis Redintigatio does not contradict an ecumenism of return and Ad Gentes does not contradict traditional mission and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.This is the mistake made by traditionalists and sedevacantists who follow Lefebvre and the bishops of the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX)

OCTOBER 8, 2019

The theology of these books is the same as that of the cardinals and bishops at the Amazon Synod

OCTOBER 8, 2019

Don't read these books - the theology is skewered


 OCTOBER 7, 2019

The Leftist controlled media in Italy describe the traditionalists and conservative Catholics as extremists. But when Vatican Council II supports exclusive salvation, then who will be the extremists and rebels? The norm will be the support of Tradition by Vatican Council II interpreted rationally. So the liberals will be the rebels and extremists. The norm which they have been used to has been changed. The Council supports Tradition and is not a rupture with the past ecclesiology

OCTOBER 7, 2019

Professors at the John Lateran University Rome unethical : they support deception and a lie officially

OCTOBER 7, 2019

Cardinal Raymond Burke at the Napa Institute : Vatican Council II supports his talk

OCTOBER 7, 2019

Before reading Vatican Council II it must be clear for Dr. Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon that there are no physically visible cases of non Catholics, in the present times (1965-2019) as referenced in LG 8,LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc.

OCTOBER 6, 2019

Vatican 2: Rupture or Continuity- Dr Taylor Marshall

OCTOBER 6, 2019

Even if the Church was infiltrated before and during Vatican Council II, the Council and other magisterial documents can be interpreted without the false premise. So the conclusion is different. If Dr.Taylor Marshall interprets Vatican Council II with Feeneyism he would be saying there are only Catholics in Heaven

OCTOBER 6, 2019

The four point criticism of the Amazon Synod, Working Paper, on Oct. 1 issued by Coetus Internationalis Patrum Working Group (International Group of Fathers) is based upon the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.

OCTOBER 6, 2019

Speakers at the Voice of the Family Conference remain politically correct with the Left and the Working Paper of the Amazon Synod: reject exclusive salvation assuming there are known cases of BOD, BOB and I.I


 OCTOBER 5, 2019

The Council is Feeneyite and traditional.There is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church : National Catholic Reporter misrepresents Vatican Council II

OCTOBER 5, 2019

Prof.Giovanni Tangorra teaches an Ecclesiology course at St.John Lateran University, Rome : He interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism to create a hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition - 2


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