Thursday, January 2, 2020

Hundreds of professors were employed annually over the last few years at the Angelicum University after it was confirmed that they interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference

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Hundreds of professors were  employed annually over the last few years at the Angelicum University after it was confirmed that they interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference, to create a rupture with Tradition (EENS, Ecumenism of the Syllabus of Errors etc).
This is also the policy at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican and so Archbishops Augustine di Noi, Guido Pozzo and Giacomo Morandi got their jobs there.
The Handbook of Studies (2019-2020) at the Angelicum University, Rome has the evidence.It is there in black and white. The professors mention Vatican Council II and then reject the exclusivist ecclesiology of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Church over the centuries.This is possible when they wrongly assume that the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance are exceptions to EENS. Similarly in Vatican Council II, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, are wrongly postulated as exceptions to EENS.In other words they are exceptions since they refer to visible and personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church, for the professors.This is false reasoning.There are no visible people whom we can see saved in Heaven or on earth, without faith and baptism.We cannot see or meet someone saved outside the Church, this is common sense. A person who is saved is in Heaven and known only to God and to those who are in Heaven. So how can there be exceptions on earth to EENS for the professors ?
And if there are no literal cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church, how can there be exceptions to 16th century EENS ?
There are none.
LG 8, LG 16 etc refer to only hypothetical and speculative cases.They cannot be anything else. A possibility of salvation outside the Church exists only in our mind and is not an objective person in 2020.
But there is a new ecclesiology of the Church being taught  these last few tears by Prof.Tomasso  Stancati, for example.It is based upon there being exceptions to EENS . It is based upon the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) being correct and Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston being wrong.The  LOHO assumed unknown and invisible cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance were visible and known.Bad premise!
Then upon this irrationality Fr.Stancati  creates a new theology.It says there is salvation outside the Church.If Stancati did not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS, the Council would support the past ecclesiology of the Church.
Like Stancati , T.Michelet,D.Aucone and M.Fuss 1 use Cushingism to create a new ecclesiology and avoid Feeneyism.Since the conclusion would be traditional.
Cushingism refers to assuming invisible and unknown people as being visible and known in the present times. Then it is concluded that there are objective exceptions to EENS. There is salvation outside the Catholic Church and it is known.
While Feeneyism refers to assuming invisible and unknown people in the present times are unknown and invisible in the present times.This is common sense. It was the traditional approach of the popes and saints over centuries. So it is concluded that there are no objective exceptions to EENS.
But  Stancati ,T.Michelet,D.Aucone and M.Fuss interpret  Vatican Council II, the Catechisms and the Creeds with Cushingism. I interpret them with Feeneyism.
They could interpret magisterial documents like me but then they would not be employed, by the Dominican Father General, at the Angelicum.The CDF would reject them.
Since outside the Church there is salvation there is also a new ecumenism.This can be seen in the courses offered by T.F Rossi,B.Degorski,H.Destivelle and D.Keramidas.2
So the professors use a false premise and create a non traditional and heretical conclusion and then call it ' a development of doctrine'.B.Blankenhorn and R.Weimann offer a course with this deception.3
With known salvation outside the Church it is assumed that non Christians do not need to convert into the Catholic Church. There is a new ecclesiology and new ecumensim. So this false reasoning is extended to also Muslims.So J.Ellul will not teach that non Christians without faith and baptism(Ad Gentes 7) need to convert into the Catholic Church and there are no known exceptions. 4

If these professors, mostly Dominicans, were honest and would say that outside the Church there is  no personally known salvation, since only God could really know of all exceptions, if there were any -  they would not be employed. If when interpreting Scripture they cited John 3:5 ( all need the baptism of water for salvation) and Mark 16:16( those who do not believe in Jesus in the Church he founded are condemned) they would support the  traditional theology on no salvation outside the Church, there being exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.Then they would be saying that Vatican Council II is not a rupture with Tradition.The course descriptions would change in the Handbook of Studies.
But the two popes would object.This error in the Church was sustained by Cardinal Ratzinger as Prefect of the CDF. Pope Paul VI refused to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.He used the false Cushingite premise.He had a choice but he chose the objective error and violated the Principle of Non Contradiction. This could not be magisterial. The Holy Spirit cannot make a mistake. This was human error.
No pope who followed him corrected the error.
Now there can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one rational and the other rational and the Dominicans choose the irrational option.-Lionel Andrades

TE 2379 Ecclesiology. 5 ECTS

After a brief history of ecclesiology, the course will explore the images used in Scripture, Tra-
dition and the Magisterium to express the nature of the Church (People of God, Body of Christ,

Temple of the Spirit, etc.) ; the four properties or “notes” of the Church in the Creed (One,
Holy, Catholic, Apostolic) and several systematic definitions (mystery - sacrament, mystical

person, communion ...). We shall then examine the states of the Church in the history of sal-
vation (Ecclesia ab Abel); and the hierarchical constitution of the Church of Christ, ministries

and states of life, according to the Dogmatic Constitution of the Second Vatican Council on
the Church Lumen Gentium.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: LA SOUJEOLE (de), Benoît-Dominique, O.P., Introduction to the Mystery

of the Church, Washington, D.C., Catholic University of America Press, “Thomistic ressource-
ment series, 3” 2014 ; JOURNET Charles, card., The Theology of the Church, San Francisco,

Ignatius Press, 2004 ; BOUYER Louis, The Church of God - Body of Christ and Temple of the

Spirit, Franciscan Herald Press, 1982 (San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 2011) ; TILLARD, Jean-
Marie Roger, O.P., Church of Churches : the Ecclesiology of Communion, Collegeville (Minn.),

The Liturgical Press, 1992 ; NICHOLS Aidan, O.P., Figuring out the Church, San Francisco,
Ignatius Press, 2013
T. MICHELET, O.P. Mon. 10.30-12.15; Fri. 8.30-9.15

SCL 3276 La fraternità come categoria ecclesiologica 4 ECTS
Utilizzata con frequenza nel Nuovo Testamento come denominazione stessa della comunità

cristiana (philadelphòs), e ricorrente nella letteratura patristica (specie in Tertulliano) come ca-
tegoria privilegiata per esprimere l’autocomprensione ecclesiale, il termine “fraternità” è al

centro di una riscoperta nell’ecclesiologia contemporanea come principio ermeneutico capace
di esprimere il legame egualitario e dipendente da una comune origine, esistente tra i membri
del popolo di Dio. Alla luce delle indicazioni del Magistero di papa Francesco e del recente
documento della Commissione teologica internazionale La sinodalità nella vita e nella missione
della Chiesa (2018), il seminario si propone di verificare la pertinenza del principio “fraternità”
come categoria ermeneutica per esprimere la comunione ecclesiale e di stimolare gli studenti
ad approfondire percorsi in tale direzione in chiave storica e sistematica.
BIBLIOGRAFIA:. FRANCESCO, Esortazione apostolica Evangelii Gaudium, in EV 29 (2013);
COMMISSIONE TEOLOGICA INTERNZAZIONALE, La sinodalità nella vita e nella missione
della Chiesa (2 marzo 2018); J. RATZINGER, La fraternità cristiana, Queriniana, Brescia,
2005; S. DIANICH-C. TORCIVIA, Forme del popolo di Dio tra comunità e fraternità, San Paolo,
Cinisello Balsamo, 2012; C. TORCIVIA (ed.), La Chiesa è una fraternità. Un modo antico e
sempre nuovo di vedere la Chiesa e il mondo, Il Pozzo di Giacobbe, Trapani, 2016.
D. AUCONE, O.P. Gio. 14.30-16.15

TE 2545 Introduction to the World’s Great Religions. 3 ECTS
In line with the teaching of Vatican Council II that the Church “rejects nothing of what is true
and holy in the religions” (Nostra aetate 2) the course offers a concise presentation of some
of the major religious traditions of our contemporary world. Following an initial exploration of
the religious phenomenon in general, attention will be focused on the basic elements of Indian
religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, Far Eastern traditions (Confucianism, Taoism and
Shinto), Islam as well as on the emerging New Age spirituality in Western culture that indicates
a changing religious landscape to which theology has to pay attention.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: C. E. FARHADIAN, Introducing World Religions, Grand Rapids: Baker Aca-
demic, 2015; J. R. HINNELLS (ed.), A New Handbook of Living Religions, Harmondsworth:

Penguin Books, 1997; J. R. HINNELLS (ed.), The Routledge Companion to the Study of Re-
ligions, Routledge, Abingdon, 2010; I. MARKHAM (ed.), A World Religions Reader, Oxford:

Blackwell, 1996; A. SHARMA (ed.), Our Religions, New York: HarperCollins 1993.
M. FUSS Thu. 8.30-10.15

TI 2346 “Unità ecumeniche”. Corso di introduzione all’Ecumenismo. 3 ECTS
Come consuetudine il corso sarà organizzato secondo una didattica modulare, i cui moduli
pur costituendosi come unità a sé stanti, si possono concatenare in sequenza. I “Moduli” sono
quattro ; I. Spiritualità (fondazione biblica, cammino di conversione e riconciliazione), II. Storia

(divisioni storiche e Movimento ecumenico), III. Metodo (redazione e interpretazione dei do-
cumenti ecumenici), IV. Sistematica (principi cattolici dell’ecumenismo e contributo della Teo-
logia ecumenica alla teologia).

BIBLIOGRAFIA: i documenti della Chiesa: LG, UR, UUS, Direttorio per l’applicazione dei
principi e delle norme sull’ecumenismo; T.F. ROSSI, Manuale di Ecumenismo, Queriniana,
Brescia 2012.
T.F. ROSSI Mar. 8.30-10.15

dP 2875 Dogma ed ecumenismo: un binomio risolto nella Chiesa delle origini 3 ECTS

Il corso intende rivelare la preoccupazione dei Padri di mantenere l’unità della Chiesa, attra-
verso formulazioni di dogmi adeguate alle diverse correnti teologiche. Si fermerà l’attenzione

sul Primo Concilio di Costantinopoli (381) quale esempio, tuttora valido, di incontro tra defini-
zione del dogma e dialogo ecumenico.

BIBLIOGRAFIA : A. GRILLMEIR, Gesù il Cristo nella fede della Chiesa (Biblioteca teologica,

18-19), Brescia 1982; J.D.N. KELLY, Il pensiero cristiano delle origini, Bologna 1972; M. SI-
MONETTI, La crisi ariana nel IV secolo, Roma 1975; B. STUDER, Dio salvatore nei Padri

della Chiesa, Roma 1986.
B. DEGORSKI Ven. 10.30-12.15

eP 3291 Challenges and Perspectives of the Catholic-Orthodox Theological
Dialogue 3 ECTS

Initiated after the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic-Orthodox theological dialogue has is-
sued fundamental documents concerning the sacraments, uniatism, pneumatology, primacy

and synodality. This “two-voices” course will focus on the contribution of the main documents

of the national and international theological joint commissions and the perspectives for rap-
prochement between our Churches. It will also be an opportunity to highlight the distinctive

characteristics of both theological traditions with reference to contemporary authors.
Bibliography and material will be provided during the course.
H. DESTIVELLE, O.P.-D. KERAMIDAS Wed. 16.30-18.15


eP 2758 The Vatican II and the Ecumenical Observer: History of a Future 3 ECTS
The course will present the ecumenical intention as one of the guiding hermeneutical keys to
understand the mind of the Council. The course will thus explore as an essential part of this

inspiration the historical circumstances which determined the presence of the Ecumenical De-
legated-Observers and Invited-Guests to the conciliar sessions, as well as their contribution

in focusing relevant theological concepts of Vatican II.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Selected bibliography will be provided during the course
T.F. ROSSI Fri. 14.30-16.15


eP 3297 Catholic Principles of Ecumenism 3 ECTS
Rather than defining “principles of Catholic ecumenism”, the Second Vatican Council proposed
“Catholic principles of ecumenism”. Based on official documents and theological texts, the
course will present the main concepts and understandings that guide the Catholic Church in
promoting Christian unity: union/unity; perfect or imperfect communion; dialogue of truth and
dialogue of charity; hierarchy of truths; exchange of gifts; differentiated consensus; reconciled
diversity; sister Churches; purification of memory etc.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Bibliography and material will be provided during the course
H. DESTIVELLE Wed. 16.30-18.15



dP 3094 Fundamental Theology: The Development of Doctrine 3 ECTS
This course studies the development of doctrine from a historical and Thomistic perspective.
The course considers the modernist crisis as well as the theories of doctrinal development
proposed by John Henry Newman, Yves Congar and Walter Kasper. The course includes

case studies of specific doctrines, with a focus on development in moral doctrines such as re-
ligious freedom, slavery and the salvation of non-Christians.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Y. CONGAR, La fede e la teologia, Desclée, Rome, 1967; W. KASPER,
The Methods of Dogmatic Theology, New York: Paulist Press, 1967; A. MESZAROS, The

Prophetic Church: History and Doctrinal Development in John Henry Newman and Yves Con-
gar, Oxford Univ. Press, 2016; J. H. NEWMAN, An Essay on the Development of Christian

Doctrine, South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 1989; J. T. NOONAN, A Church That
Can and Cannot Change, South Bend, Indiana: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 2005.
B. BLANKENHORN, O.P. Mon. 14.30-16.15

dS 3098 The Transmission of Faith Today 4 ECTS
More than half a century has passed since the closing of the Second Vatican Council, which

was meant to bring a renewal to the faith. Within a society characterized by growing secular-
ism, it is necessary to ask how this renewal can be realised today. In this course the most rel-
evant currents of thought will be analysed in relation to the Council’s objectives. The question

of hermeneutics, the interpretation of the texts of both the Council and the Church’s Tradition,
are crucial elements contributing to the transmission of the faith.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: PIUS XII, Encyclical Letter Humani generis, in: AAS 42 (1950), 562-578; J.

RATZINGER, The World and the Church: A Contrast between Vatican I and Vatican II, in: Gre-
gorianum 89, 253-261; JOHN HENRY NEWMAN, An Essay on the Development of Christian

Doctrine, New York 2007; J. RATZINGER, Theological Highlights of Vatican II, New York 1966;
Francis, Encyclical Lumen fidei, 29 June 2013.
R. WEIMANN Wed. 14.30-16.15


eP 1736 “The hope that is in you”: Doctrinal and Moral Themes in
Christian-Muslim Dialogue 3 ECTS
This course discusses the principal aspects of Christian doctrine and life as well as Muslim

belief and practice by addressing questions frequently posed by Muslims regarding the Chris-
tian faith. The aim of this course is to enhance a sincere and dynamic process of dialogue

between Christians and Muslims.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: The Holy Bible; The Qur’an;Second Vatican Council, Declaration Nostra

Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Dialogue and Proclamation: Reflection and Ori-
entations on Interreligious Dialogue and the Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Li-
breria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano,1991

GIOIA, FRANCESCO (ed.), Interreligious Dialogue: The Official Teaching of the Catholic
Church from the Second Vatican Council to John Paul II, 1963-2005, Pauline Books & Media,
Boston, 2006
Thomas Aquinas, Reasons for the Faith (against Muslim Objections), in:
Timothy I, Apology for Christianity, in:
J. ELLUL, O.P. Mon. 8.30-10.15

DECEMBER 31, 2019

Evidence of the deception at the Angelicum University

ANUARY 1, 2020

List of professors associated with the Angelicum University, Rome according to their website. Most of them are expected to use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II

 DECEMBER 31, 2019

Liberals, traditionalists and sedevacantists make a mistake. Vatican Council II is a rupture with Tradition for them ( Graphics )

DECEMBER 31, 2019

The Dominicans are unethical academically and yet Propaganda Fide disburses millions of euros, for students from all over the world, to study at Dominican institutions

DECEMBER 31, 2019

Michelt, Stancati, Weimann, Ellul, Rossi, Destivelle, Keramidas, Buckles, Bonino, Sullivan, Blankenhorn, Giordano and other professors at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas Rome, the whole group, are interpreting Lumen Gentium 8 etc as being exceptions to 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)- when they are not.

DECEMBER 30, 2019

Angelicum Dean of Theology un-ethical : no denial or clarification from her

 DECEMBER 30, 2019

Professors would violate the Principle of Non Contradiction of Aristotle and they would be teaching us about Aristotle and Plato

DECEMBER 30, 2019

I am not allowed to study philosophy or theology at the Angelicum University,Rome since I interpret Vatican Council II rationally .But non Catholics who do not accept Vatican Council II, are permitted to enroll, and proclaim my faith honestly.This is discrimination based upon religion

 DECEMBER 29, 2019

Angelicum Dean of Theology will not comment

DECEMBER 11, 2019

Sr.Elisa Ann Nutt will defend her doctoral thesis tomorrow at the Angelicum University and her moderator will be Prof. Wojciech Giertych o.p, the papal theologian : both interpret Vatican Council II irrationally like the rest of the students and faculty

DECEMBER 10, 2019

Image result for Ut Unum Sint  corso ecumenismo Roma Angelicum photo

There is a formation course at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas, on the new ecumenism, titled Ut Unum Sint which interprets Unitatis Reintigratio in Vatican Council II has having exceptions to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.

DECEMBER 11, 2019

At the Angelicum and Gregorian University,Rome, they approve doctoral thesis only of students who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.This is unethical and dishonest.

DECEMBER 13, 2019

Catholics are discriminated in Rome because of their religion : seventeen years in Rome and I am still waiting to be a priest.

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