Friday, December 13, 2019

Catholics are discriminated in Rome because of their religion : seventeen years in Rome and I am still waiting to be a priest.

I am not allowed to study for the priesthood at the Legion of Christ seminary/university and the Beda Pontifical College(seminary) in Rome since I do not interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise  to create a false rupture with 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).I am discriminated against because of my rational interpretation of Vatican Council II in support of traditional Catholic theology.
 Image result for Propaganda Fide Rome photo icon
As a seminarian(2002-2003) even Propaganda Fide ,Vatican stopped my scholarship.They only give scholarships to  Catholic students who interpret the Council-text with a false premise and inference.
In 2019 I cannot ask an Italian bishop  to recommend me. Since he would want me to interpret Magisterial documents by confusing what is invisible as being visible, implicit as explicit and subjective as objective.So unknown cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I and LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II,1 would be seen as known exceptions  to Feeneyite EENS.This is objectively wrong. There are no literal cases. There are no practical exceptions to the 16th century, strict interpretation of EENS.
The Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) confused hypothetical cases of BOD, BOB and I.I as being real people saved outside the Church and someone at the Council, referenced it in Vatican Council II.Cardinal Ratzinger referenced the mistake in the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994).
So it is only with this error that an Italian bishop can recommend me to study for ministerial priesthood.
This means I have to reject the past ecclesiology of the Church and project Vatican Council II as contradicting it,when in really the Council does not contradict it, when interpreted rationally.
It is only with this ruse will I be eligible for a Church-scholarship and be able to continue  to study to be a priest at the Beda International Seminary, for late vocations, under the bishops of England and Wales or the Legion of Christ seminary here, or any where else.
I am now 65 years. In 2002 I was 48 years and accepted for a scholarship by Propaganda Fide.They did not know at that time that Vatican Council II could be interpreted in harmony with traditional EENS.I was a seminarian for a month at the Legion of Christ seminary, Pontificio Collegio Internazionale Maria Mater Ecclesiae(PIMME),Rome.
My Spiritual Director Fr.Andrez Martinez l.c, in coordination with the Rector, Fr. Juan Duennas l.c. told me I would have to end my proclamation of EENS ( or even Dominus Iesus) if I was to continue to receive my scholarship.That was the end for me there as a seminarian at PIMME and as a student of Philosophy at  the nearby  Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum(UPRA).
 Image result for Beda College Rome photo icon
They asked me to check at the other seminaries. I went to the Beda College along with seminarian- friends and I was accepted there by Mons. Roderick Strange, the Rector.I was there for a month. EENS was unacceptable and the professors rejected even other teachings of the Church. I was asked to look out for a place to stay in Rome.
Like me so many conservative seminarians are not allowed to study and live at pontifical seminaries and universities in Rome.The students have to officially interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechisms, irrationally, like the liberals and the Lefebvrists.
I could not do it.
Now after 17 years I am still unable to be a priest or deacon, since I interpret Magisterial documents without the common false premise, which is approved by the Left.
Catholics are discriminated in Rome because of their religion.
Campobasso don Nicola Pacetta accanto al suo arcivescovo Bregantini durante una recente celebrazione
A 73 year old Italian grand father in the north of Italy, it was reported in Avvenire, was ordained a priest on May 11,2019.He celebrated his First Mass in the diocese of Campolieto in the province of Campobasso.Nicola Pacetta, was ordained by Archbishop GianCarlo Maria Bregantini who was born in 1949 and also was a late  vocation to ministerial priesthood. He had to accept the false interpretation of Vatican Council II and went ahead with it. 
Seventeen years in Rome and I am still waiting to be a priest.-Lionel Andrades 


 BOD( Baptism of Desire . Case of the unknown cathechumen who desires the baptism of water but dies before he receives it and is allegedly saved and now in Heaven)

BOB (Baptism of Blood. The case of unknown person who is in Heaven as a martyr without the baptism of water)

I.I (Invincible ignorance: The case of an unknown non Catholics who is in Heaven without faith and baptism and instead in invincible ignorance.)

LG 8 ( Lumen Gentium 8: The case of the unknown person saved outside the Church with 'elements of sanctification and truth' or where the true Church of Christ allegedly subsists.

 LG 14 (Lumen Gentium 14:  Baptism of Desire . Case of the unknown cathechumen who desires the baptism of water but dies before he receives it and is allegedly saved and now in Heaven)

LG 16 ( Lumen Gentium 16: The case of the unknown person saved outside the Church in invincible ignorance and who is now in Heaven without faith and the baptism of water) 

UR 3 (Unitatitis Redintigratiio 3, Vatican Council II : The case of the unknown Christian, who is saved in his religions without Catholic faith or the baptism of water in the Catholic Church and is allegedly known to someone on earth who has seen him or her in Heaven).

NA 2(  Nostra Aetate 2: The case of  the unknown non Catholic saved outside the Catholic Church without faith and baptism. He or she is saved with good and holy things in other religion or with the a ray of that Truth which enlightens all mankind.

GS 22 (Gaudium et Specs 22. The case of the unknown non Catholic who is saved outside the Catholic Church. He or she is saved without faith and baptism but with goodwill.

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