Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Catholic political parties which want to affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King in law and politics must correct the two errors in seminaries and universities, 1) LOHO and 2) irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II. This is the leftist ideology approved by Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict and now by a leftist Vatican

Yesterday I met a few Franciscan Friars in the bus they were going to the university and I, for morning Mass in Italian. Oneof them was speaking to another and he referred to Holy Scipture. I passed near him and  remarked, "Holy Scripture says outside the Church there is no salvation". I was referring to John 3:5, Mark 16:16 etc.He chuckled but did not talk on this subject.We had discussed it before. He knew this was how the popes and saints interpreted the Bible.But them came the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (LOHO) 81 years back..It brought an irrational premise into the Church. This was repeated at Vatican Council II, 55 years back.These Franciscans have to sit through class at the pontifical university in Rome as this error is taught. Since this is the leftist policy here and the Church is following it.
The young Franciscan  knows that invisible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) cannot be visible exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus but he has to pretend that they are exceptions, if he wants to continue to study to be a Catholic priest.
He knows that unknown cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not personally known individuals in 2020, but he has to pretend that they are or the Francisan Superior will tell him to leave and return to Africa.
Fake theology is controlled by the Left in the Catholic Church.
 But now we have identified the error and the cause of a break with Tradition.We can avoid it. It can eliminated.
 Image result for Photo Salvini with rosary in church ph
These young seminarians need the help of the Catholic political parties.The students  are forced to learn this false theology for ideological reasons alien for them. Even the members of the political parties in ignorance affirm this same fake theology.
This is not the teaching of Jesus Christ nor Sacred Tradition. This was not how the Catholic Church interpreted Holy Scripture.
 Image result for Forza Nuova
 Now that we have identified this cause of a break with Tradition and can avoid it. We can eliminate it.
Catholic political parties which want to affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King in law and politics must correct the two errors in seminaries and universities, 1) LOHO and 2) irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II. This is the leftist ideology approved by Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict and now by a leftist Vatican-Lionel Andrades 

February 17, 2020

So much of Pope Benedict's writings with the false premise, inference and conclusion were there to support the leftist ideology. We have a leftist theology with new doctrines. 



FEBRUARY 16, 2020

Catholic political parties could issue statements on the issue of Catholic salvation.They could support the Social Reign of Christ the King but also- the Catholic concept of salvation and faith.

FEBRUARY 16, 2020

In Italy, Church and State are not separated. The Church supports the Left. The Church is separated from Catholic values in law and politics

FEBRUARY 15, 2020

Image result for Photos Social Reign of Christ the King

Salvini and the Lega are at a disadvantage


JULY 17, 2017
Catholic political parties must teach Catholics the faith which is not being taught by religious due to political pressure   


 MAY 3, 2017
Image result for Name of the President of Poland
Andrzej Duda President of Poland does not note the split between Church doctrine and State in Poland because of Cushingism   http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2017/05/andrzej-dudathe-president-of-poland.html

OCTOBER 30, 2016
Image result for Photo of the Social Reign of Christ the King
With Feeneyite Vatican Council II the Catholic Church affirms the Social Reign of Christ the King.  http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2016/10/with-feeneyite-vatican-council-ii.html


JANUARY 24, 2020

Questions and Answers 


Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II is Feeneyite. It has an exclusivist ecclesiology

Questions and Answers : Evangelizing with Vatican Council II

Image result for Photos Social Reign of Christ the King
Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II affirms the Social Kingship of Christ the King

Questions and Answers : Did the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 make a factual mistake ?

Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II affirms the Social Kingship of Christ the King

Questions and Answers : Evangelizing with Vatican Council II


Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II is Feeneyite. It has an exclusivist ecclesiology


The present 'Magisterium' supports the political Left on doctrine and has also made a factual mistake
If ' a ray of the Truth' (NA 2) is considered visible or invisible decides heresy

The theology of the Magisterium has gone off the rails. It is bad theology to assume there are objective cases on earth, in the present times, of people who are in Heaven

Every one needs to be a Catholic : Those who are taught or not taught, those who know or do not know about the Church, will be decided by Jesushttp://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2015/02/every-one-needs-to-be-catholic-those.html

It is the magisterium which has contradicted itself  http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/11/it-is-magisterium-which-has.html

The Holy Office 1949 made a mistake. Cardinal Marchetti-Selvaggiani assumed there are known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus - Cantarella, CathInfo forum http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/08/the-holy-office-1949-made-mistake.html

At one of the two times, the magisterium has to be wrong http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/06/at-one-of-two-times-magisterium-has-to.html

Magisterium: it all depends on how you look at It!  


Padre Pio Prayer Groups, Neo Catechumenal Way, Charismatic Renewal, all the religious communities, Diocesan priests... the SSPX, Archbishop Gerhard Muller,Archbishop Augustine Di Noia ,Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J, Monsignor Guido Pozzo and the Vatican Council for the Clergy...http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/01/padre-pio-prayer-groups-neo_31.html#links

Archbishop Gerhard Muller was using the false premise : here is the proof! http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2013/06/archbishop-gerhard-muller-was-using.html#links

THE CATHOLIC CHURCH SAYS THAT THE NON CATHOLIC IS GOING TO HELL http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2013/08/the-catholic-church-says-that-non.html

'This is the teaching of the Church'http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2013/07/this-is-teaching-of-church.html 



DECEMBER 23, 2019

The Roman Rota and members of Canonists and theological associations in Italy interpret Vatican Council II by confusing invisible cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as referring to visible non Catholics saved outside the Church. Even judges of the secular courts in Italy, have had a religious formation at pontifical universities.


 DECEMBER 21, 2019

The judiciary in Italy use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II like Abp. Lefebvre and the SSPX bishops.


DECEMBER 21, 2019

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This is a political issue in Italy, which Salvini and Meloni must bring up before their political opponents, their political parties, the judiciary, ecclesiastics and Italians in general

 DECEMBER 18, 2019


La Sapienza University Rome has a Faculty of Law(Jurisprudenza) which interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise

DECEMBER 13, 2019

Campobasso don Nicola Pacetta accanto al suo arcivescovo Bregantini durante una recente celebrazione

Catholics are discriminated in Rome because of their religion : seventeen years in Rome and I am still waiting to be a priest.

DECEMBER 12, 2019

Directors of Periodica de re canonica,the journal of the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical Gregorian University interpret Vatican Council II irrationally : so they would discriminate against conservative students


DECEMBER 12, 2019


Canonists and speakers at the Archisodalitium, Curiae Romanae conferences overlook deception in the interpretation of Magisterial documents


DECEMBER 13, 2019

To reject a conservative Catholic student, who affirms EENS, Vatican Council II, all the Catechisms and the Syllabus of Errors is unfair. It is unfair to tell him that Vatican Council II, interpreted irrationally, contradicts Tradition


DECEMBER 11, 2019

Image result for Photo Angelium University   RomeImage result for Photo Gregorian  Rome

Irrationality would also be part of the religious formation of Catholic members of the judiciary in Italy


DECEMBER 11, 2019

At the Angelicum and Gregorian University,Rome, they approve a doctoral thesis only of students who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.This is unethical and dishonest


DECEMBER 10, 2019

Image result for Ut Unum Sint  corso ecumenismo Roma Angelicum photo

There is a formation course at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas, on the new ecumenism, titled Ut Unum Sint which interprets Unitatis Reintigratio in Vatican Council II has having exceptions to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.


 DECEMBER 6, 2019

Correspondents of the National Catholic Reporter, Crux,the Tablet, Commonweal, Catholic Herald, U.K,National Catholic Register and EWTN interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.


DECEMBER 5, 2019

Cardinal Ratzinger's theology is the cause of the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.The interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church is heretical and it is now common throughout the Church. He did not correct Pope Paul VI when he interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.Instead he produced Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus, based upon the irrational philosophy and theology and then projected it as the Deposit of the Faith


OCTOBER 1, 2018
Polish Government must not use Pope Benedict's writings as a reference : does not affirm Social Reign of Christ the King and non separation of Church and State, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.or Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) which is the basis for the past ecclesiology of the Church

 SEPTEMBER 27, 2018

Vatican Council II can be interpreted without the error and this could be the official interpretation of the Council by the CDF

 OCTOBER 2, 2018

When the Catholic Church in Hungary and Poland affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) then the Church's doctrine and theology would be the same as during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

Image result for Thought police photo

SEPTEMBER 18, 2018

Thought police to control Catholic catechesis from Sept.23 in the parishes

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