Monday, December 14, 2020

Our Lady showed Sister Lucia a sea of fire in Hell. The same was seen by Sister Faustina Kowalska. The visionaries Vicka and Jacob at Medugorje were also shown Hell fire by Our Lady. Hell is the First Secret of Fatima


 DECEMBER 5, 2020

Our Lady showed Sister Lucia a sea of fire in Hell. The same was seen by Sister Faustina Kowalska. The visionaries Vicka and Jacob at Medugorje were also shown Hell fire by Our Lady. Hell is the First Secret of Fatima

Mirjana the Medugorje visionary says that she was not shown Hell by Our Lady. She heard about Hell from the other two visionaries, Vicka and Jacob whom Our Lady took to Hell and showed them the suffering there with fire


 DECEMBER 5, 2020

Mirjana the Medugorje visionary says that she was not shown Hell by Our Lady. She heard about Hell from the other two visionaries, Vicka and Jacob whom Our Lady took to Hell and showed them the suffering there with fire


DECEMBER 2, 2020

Piangevamo, e la Madonna ci fece vedere il volto di Gesù: "Guardate chi ha dato tutto per Dio" .

With the knowledge of these FIVE POINTS we can undo Cardinal Ratzinger's influence at Vatican Council II and when he did not choose to interpret the Council after 1965, in continuity with Tradition

 December 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A new authoritative biography of Pope Benedict XVI written by Peter Seewald describes in detail the important role then-Professor Joseph Ratzinger played before and during the Second Vatican Council. His influence helped to bring about a revolutionary change of the Council's direction, tone, and topics.- Maike Hickson, New biography describes great influence of Joseph Ratzinger in the revolutionary upheaval of Vatican II

With the knowledge of these FIVE POINTS 1 we can undo Cardinal Ratzinger's influence at Vatican Council II, and when he did not choose to interpret the Council after 1965, in continuity with Tradition. -Lionel Andrades


DECEMBER 14, 2020

Five points that change our interpretation of Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents


 DECEMBER 13, 2020

If the Lefebvrists continue to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise, and not without it, the Council will continue to be a break with Tradition and this will not be the fault of Pope Benedict

Five points that change our interpretation of Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents



We  have new information.

1.The hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition depends upon the false premise and not Vatican Council II itself. This must be understood by all. It is  a common mistake.If you refer to the New Theology you also have to refer to the irrational premise.For example when Lumen Gentium 16 refers to a visible case it is a false premise.We know that LG 16 is really always hypothetical and invisible for all at all times.So when LG 16 refers to someone saved outside the Church( a false premise) it is made an objective exception to EENS and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. But LG 16 is never objective for us human beings.It is objective only for God.

2.Irrespective if you are a conservative or liberal Catholic, if you use the false premise there is a rupture with Tradition. So the hermeneutic of rupture is not created by the liberals.This is  important to nore. It does not depend upon a person's philosophical or theological view. Cardinal Ratzinger interpreted LG 16 as an exception to the strict interpretation of EENS, but so did Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Cardinal Walter Kasper.

3.If you are a liberal Catholic and do not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, you emerge  a conservative or traditionalist Catholic. Since Vatican Council II emerges in harmony with the stict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).It is the false premise which creates the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.It decides if Vatican Council II is traditional or non traditional.

4. If you are an SSPX  traditionalist and you do not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, you emerge a Feeneyite and not a Cushingite. Presently the SSPX and other traditionalists interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and so are Cushingites.

For Fr. Leonard Feeney, extra ecclesiam nulla salus had no exceptions. For Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) were exceptions to EENS.It was only with the false premise that BOD, BOB and I.I became exceptions to EENS for them.

5. So irrespective of the Rite of the Mass, Latin, Novus Ordo or Byzantine, if you interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise you are Traditional. The Council does not contradict the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, the Catechism of the Pope Pius X ( 24 Q, 27Q), the dogma EENS according to St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine and the Athanasius Creed.-Lionel Andrades

Palavra Viva Brazilian community's departure : a bad precedent for Catholic religious communties from abroad

The Palavra Viva Brazilian community return home before Christmas, as part of the Leftist 'down sizing' of the Catholic Church in Italy  could be a bad precedent for other religious communities which have members from the USA, Canada, Spain and Brazil.
 The young lay, religious community which had spread fast, with no shortage of vocations,  opened new religious centers for men and women, in Italy during the short time they have been here. Now they leave, all together within a week.
"This was a community decision", said a member of  Palavra Viva, " because of the COVID restrictions".
Covid ? There are numerous Catholic religious from Brazil who still live in Italy. They are not moving.

No date has been fixed for the return of all the community members, some of whom, staffed the San Giuseppe a Capo le Case church, in central Rome.The Auxiliary bishop of central Rome , has to look for another community to replace them. This is the church visited by about five saints including St. Teresa of the Child Jesus. The Rector here is  Mons. Natale Loda, professor of Canon Law.The church is near the Basilica of Sant Andrea della Fratte, near Pizza Spagna,  where Our Lady appeared to Jewish financier Alphonse Ratisbonne. He  became a Catholic priest and founded  missionary organisations. St. Maximillian Kolbe offered his first Mass at Sant Andrea della Fratte.
The young Brazilian community, abruptly leave religious homes,students stop studies at pontifical universities with a week's notice and their pastoral work with the poor ends.-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 13, 2020

Palavra Viva thriving Brazilian community to leave Italy en masse before Christmas : Official down sizing of the Church

With the New Information only on this blog, Eucharist and Mission, the Society of St.Pius X can ask for canonical recognition

With the New Information 1 which is here only on this blog, Eucharist and Mission, the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) can ask for canonical recognition since Vatican Council II would no more be an issue for them.

They can accept the Council-text, interpreted rationally with these five points and also affirm the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, the Catechism of Pope Pius X( 24Q, 27Q), the Athanasius Creed which says all need to be Catholic for salvation and the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as affirmed by the SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012.2    -Lionel Andrades



We  have new information and it is here only on this blog.

1.The hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition depends upon the false premise and not Vatican Council II itself.

2.Irrespective if you are a conservative or liberal Catholic, if you use the false premise there is a rupture with Tradition.

3.If you are a liberal Catholic and do not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, you become a traditionalist who can affirm the stict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).

4. If you are a traditionalist and you do not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, you can easily become a Feeneyite.

5. So irrespective of the Rite of the Mass, Latin or Novus Ordo, if you interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise you can easily become a traditionalist or conservative Catholic, affirming exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church with Traditional Catholic Mission. -Lionel Andrades


SSPX General Chapter statement


At the conclusion of the General Chapter of the Society of St. Pius X, gathered together at the tomb of its venerated founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and united with its Superior General, the participants, bishops, superiors, and most senior members of the Society elevate to Heaven our heartfelt thanksgiving, grateful for the 42 years of marvelous Divine protection over our work, amidst a Church in crisis and a world which distances itself farther from God and His law with each passing day.

We wish to express our gratitude to each and every member of our Society: priests, brothers, sisters, third order members; to the religious communities close to us and also to our dear faithful, for their constant dedication and for their fervent prayers on the occasion of this Chapter, marked by frank exchanges of views and by a very fruitful common work. Every sacrifice and pain accepted with generosity has contributed to overcome the difficulties which the Society has encountered in recent times. We have recovered our profound unity in its essential mission: to preserve and defend the Catholic Faith, to form good priests, and to strive towards the restoration of Christendom. We have determined and approved the necessary conditions for an eventual canonical normalization. We have decided that, in that case, an extraordinary Chapter with deliberative vote will be convened beforehand.

We must never forget that the sanctification of the souls always starts within ourselves. It is the fruit of a faith which becomes vivifying and operating by the work of charity, according to the words of St. Paul: “For we can do nothing against the truth: but for the truth” (cf. II Cor., XIII, 8), and “as Christ also loved the church and delivered himself up for it... that it should be holy and without blemish” (cf. Eph. V, 25 s.).

The Chapter believes that the paramount duty of the Society, in the service which it intends to offer to the Church, is to continue, with God’s help, to profess the Catholic Faith in all its purity and integrity, with a determination matching the intensity of the constant attacks to which this very Faith is subjected nowadays.

For this reason it seems opportune that we reaffirm our faith in the Roman Catholic Church, the unique Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, outside of which there is no salvation nor possibility to find the means leading to salvation; our faith in its monarchical constitution, desired by Our Lord himself, by which the supreme power of government over the universal Church belongs only to the Pope, Vicar of Christ on earth; our faith in the universal Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Creator of both the natural and the supernatural orders, to Whom every man and every society must submit. 

The Society continues to uphold the declarations and the teachings of the constant Magisterium of the Church in regard to all the novelties of the Second Vatican Council which remain tainted with errors, and also in regard to the reforms issued from it. We find our sure guide in this uninterrupted Magisterium which, by its teaching authority, transmits the revealed Deposit of Faith in perfect harmony with the truths that the entire Church has professed, always and everywhere.

The Society finds its guide as well in the constant Tradition of the Church, which transmits and will transmit until the end of times the teachings required to preserve the Faith and the salvation of souls, while waiting for the day when an open and serious debate will be possible which may allow the return to Tradition of the ecclesiastical authorities.

We wish to unite ourselves to the other Christians persecuted in different countries of the world who are now suffering for the Catholic Faith, some even to the extent of martyrdom. Their blood, shed in union with the Victim of our altars, is the pledge for a true renewal of the Church in capite et membris [head and members], according to the old saying sanguis martyrum semen christianorum [the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christianity].

Finally, we turn our eyes to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is also jealous of the privileges of her Divine Son, jealous of His glory, of His Kingdom on earth as in Heaven. How often has she intervened for the defense, even the armed defense, of Christendom against the enemies of the Kingdom of Our Lord! We entreat her to intervene today to chase the enemies out from inside the Church who are trying to destroy it more radically than its enemies from outside. May she deign to keep in the integrity of the Faith, in the love of the Church, in devotion to the Successor of Peter, all the members of the Society of St. Pius X and all the priests and faithful who labor alongside the Society, in order that she may both keep us from schism and preserve us from heresy.


May St. Michael the Archangel inspire us with his zeal for the glory of God and with his strength to fight the devil.


May St. Pius X share with us a part of his wisdom, of his learning, of his sanctity, to discern the true from the false and the good from the evil in these times of confusion and lies. (Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre; Albano, October 19, 1983).

Given at Econe, on the 14th of July of the Year of the Lord 2012. (Emphasis Added )


Repost : This New Information on how the false premise decides the hermeneutic of rupture or discontinuity with Tradition, is being given out my me. This is the job of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

 DECEMBER 12, 2020

This New Information on how the false premise decides the hermeneutic of rupture or discontinuity with Tradition, is being given out my me. This is the job of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith


SEPTEMBER 27, 2020

If a Protestant or evangelical is in Heaven, he is there as a Catholic, a Christian, with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water in the Catholic Church

 If a Protestant or evangelical is in Heaven, he is there as a Catholic, a Christian, with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. - Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 15, 2020

It is the Catholic Church, in magisterial documents interpreted rationally, including Vatican Council II, which says outside the Church there is no salvation. I am simply repeating the pre and post Vatican Council II teaching of the Catholic Church.

When I say that in Heaven there are only Catholics my references are as follows.
1.Vatican Council II ( Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.All. ( Note: LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 , UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer speculative, theoretical and hypothetical cases in the present times 1965-2020).
2.Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24 Q, 27 Q).(Note: Invincible ignorance is not an exception to 24 Q and 27 Q which supports the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and says all need to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation).
3.The Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation. The Creed does not mention any exceptions.
4.The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus( Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441).The dogma is defined by three Church Councils and does not mention the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance as being practical exceptions to the traditional interpretation of EENS.
There is nothing in Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church to contradict the Catechism of Pope Pius X(24 Q, 27Q), the Athanasius Creed(outside the Church no salvation with no exceptions) and traditional EENS as it was interpreted in the Patristic period or by the Jesuits in the Middle Ages.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church cites Ad Gentes 7 ( CCC 846-Outside the Chruch no salvation) and we know that there can be no practical exceptions for us human beings .We cannot meet or see someone saved outside the Church in 2020. We cannot judge and say that a particular person will be saved without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).We cannot pretend to know how Jesus will judge and then say  or that the norm in any community is invincible ignorance and not Catholic faith with the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
We know that all the natives in the Americas were oriented to Hell before the missionaries went there since the norm for salvation after the Resurrection of Jesus, was faith and baptism and not invincible ignorance.We know that all non Catholics today are oriented to Hell since they die outside the Catholic Church without faith and baptism.There can be no exceptions known to us.
So in Heaven there are only Catholics . This is the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church with there being no practical exceptions in 2020 and none mentioned in Vatican Council II.
 So it is the Catholic Church, in magisterial documents interpreted rationally, including Vatican Council II, which says outside the Church there is no salvatiom. I am simply repeating the pre and post Vatican Council II teaching of the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades


MARCH 1, 2019

Catechism of the Catholic Church supports Fr. Leonard Feeney on EENS: Magisterial texts including Vatican Council II say there are only Catholics in Heaven

Since the Catechism of the Catholic Church(CCC) supports Fr. Leonard Feeney on extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) we have magisterial documents including Vatican Council II saying there are only Catholics in Heaven and outside the Catholic Church there is no personally known salvation.So we are back to traditional Mission and salvation as it was known to St.Robert Bellarmine, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and  St. Peter Faber.This was how it was with St.Francis of Assisi, St.Bonaventure and St. Athony of Padua.The Carmelites Saints Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross also supported exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
There are only Catholics in Heaven is the teaching of the Catholic Church ( CCC 846, 1257 etc) when we look at being saved in invincible ignorance, 'through no fault of one's own', as referring to only a theoretical case in 2019,for us humans on earth.
It is Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church which tell us that there are only Catholics in Heaven.It is not only the saints.
This would not be acceptable for Bishop Peter Libasci, the bishop of Manchester, USA and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, Prefect of the CDF.They look at being saved in invincible ignorance as referring to known non Catholics saved outside the Church ; practical exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.If they were not know there would not be exceptions to EENS.
With political pressure from the Left who often represents Satan, the cardinal and bishop sustains division in the Catholic Church.
We now have identified their theology which divides and can correct it.To use a false premise to create a non traditional, heretical and irrational conclusion, would not be the work of the Holy Spirit.So in this sense they are not magisterial.We simply avoid the false premise when we interpret magisterial documents.The Church would then still say that there are only Catholics in Heaven.-Lionel Andrades 


MARCH 14, 2019

In Heaven there are only Catholics is the teaching of the Catholic Church today in its magisterial documents including Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

In Heaven there are only Catholics is the teaching of the Catholic Church today in its magisterial documents including Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
In a previous blog post I had mentioned that  I am not a traditionalist who simply cites the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and rejects Vatican Council II.Instead I affirm exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church based on Vatican Council II which does not contradict the dogma EENS for me. 
Unlike Pope Benedict and Cardinal Malcolm Ranjit I affirm the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. Since LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to only hypothetical cases for me. They can only be speculative possibilities in 2019. They are not personally known people saved outside the Church.
So I affirm the Catechism of the Catholic Church( 846-Outside the Church No Salvation) which cites Ad Gentes 7( all need faith and baptism for salvation) and I know that the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) are not exceptions.This is obvious for all. It is common knowledge.
Similarly for me the saints Augustine and Aquinas, affirmed the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS and BOD, BOB and I.I were not exceptions.They were hypothetical and invisible cases for them too.-Lionel Andrades

On Being Saved.( The Vortex—On Being Saved )
Image result for Photo Michael Voris
It is important to be a Catholic according to Michael Voris since in general all non- Catholics are on the way to Hell and if there is a non Catholic saved in another religion it is because 'he is in the faith',as a mystic would put it.
Jesus would have sent a preacher  to baptism him  (St. Thomas Aquinas) or he would return from the dead only to be baptised ( St. Francis Xavier).So in Heaven there are only Catholics.
Michael often cautions about the billions of people who die outside the Church and who will never see Heaven.

They will not die 'in the faith' to use a phrase of Maria Simma, however there can non Catholics saved in another religion and they would be saved 'in the faith'.
So when Michael Voris says every one who is in Heaven is a Catholic he means there are no baptism of desire cases in Heaven without the baptism of water.In Heaven there are only Catholics with faith and baptism.Catholic Faith which includes the baptism of water and the other Sacraments and the faith and moral teachings of the Church.
So proclaim the Faith saying there are only Catholics in Heaven and outside the Church there is no salvation ( Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14), Catechism of the Catholic Church(1257,846),Dominus Iesus 20, CDF Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.J(2001), Redemptoris Missio 55,  dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441) etc).
So all the non-Catholics in Michigan, Texas and other parts of the USA according to Michael Voris, are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church.
Like Our Lady at Medugorje he is saying all religions are not equal. God loves all and all people in potential can go to Heaven. At Medugorge Our Lady chose the Catholic Church in which to appear.It is only in the Catholic Church that there is salvation.
Many of her children, however, within the Catholic Church , who have 'the faith', will not be saved.Since they die in mortal sin without Absolution in the Sacrament of Confession.
Then many of her children within the Catholic Church, are in innocent heresy, due to ignorance.Since the New Catechemunal Way, the Focolares, Catholic Charismatic Renewal, religious communities,traditionalists and sedevacantists,all interpret salvation with the new theology which violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.So the conclusion is non traditional and heretical and it is approved by the contemporary magisterium.

Michael Voris is saying that in general, defacto, every one needs to enter the Church with faith and baptism in 2016 to be saved from Hell.When I meet a non Catholic, I know he is oriented to Hell, since he does not have Catholic Faith which includes the baptism of water.I cannot know of any one in 2016 who will be saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.Nor can I know of anyone in 2016 who has been saved with the baptism of desire or blood, or in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.No one in the past could have known of someone who is in Heaven and who contradicted the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
So like Fr. Leonard Feeney and the 16th century missionaries, Michael Voris is saying all need to formally enter the Church to avoid Hell and there are no 'developments' for him; there are no known exceptions for him in  Detroit.All non Catholics who are participated in inter-religious dialogue, educated persons, in the Archdiocese of Diocese, are oriented to the fires of Hell unless before they die they enter the Catholic Church, the only Ark of Noah that saved in the flood.-Lionel Andrades

July 13, 2016
The Vortex On Being Saved can be used as a program for evangelising.It avoids getting into the new theology which creates confusion


'He that believeth in him is not judged. But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God.'

For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. For God sent not his Son into the world, to judge the world, but that the world may be saved by him. He that believeth in him is not judged. But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God.  And this is the judgment: because the light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the light: for their works were evil.  For every one that doth evil hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, that his works may not be reproved.-John 3:16-20

DECEMBER 29, 2017

Only the Catholic Church - 1 -12

 DECEMBER 28, 2017

Only The Catholic Church - 1

Go out and meet people. Tell them about the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation.Only the Catholic Church.There are only Catholics in Heaven.

Only the Catholic Church -2

It is important that Catholics go on Mission to proclaim the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church outside of which there is no salvation and every one needs to be a member in order to go to Heaven and avoid the fires of Hell.
So meet people and tell them they must be Catholics since this is the teaching of Jesus in the Bible.
This was the teachings of the popes and and saints and this is also the teaching of Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1257,845,846 etc).

Only the Catholic Church - 3

Tell your friends and relatives to read Vatican Council II in harmony  with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as it has been known to the missionaries and magisterium of the 16th century.
Do not interpret Vatican Council II like those Catholics now working for Satan.
Vatican Council II really says all need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7). All.
Everyone. All need to be members of the Church by living the faith and moral teachings and being baptized with water.

Only the Catholic Church - 4

Go out on Mission from door to door, do Street Evangelisation,proclaim the Faith, follow the Great Commission,Jesus gave you.
Tell people they must repent, ask Jesus for forgiveness and go for Confession if they are Catholics.Tell them to repent and change their life style of sin and get baptized in the Catholic Church if they are not Catholics.Tell them to accept the popes and follow their teachings if they are in harmony with Tradition and the other popes.
Tell them even if a pope is a heretic or a bad example as a heretical pope , outside the Church there is no salvation and Jesus is present in the Eucharist as a person in his true Divinity.Tell them that the Mass is the Supreme Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, re-enacted in an un-bloody way.
Tel them to get baptized with water immediately and to follow Jesus by reading the Bible daily. Tell them to attend Mass daily and go for Confession if they have committed mortal sins.

Only the Catholic Church -5

Tell them Our Lady is stronger than Satan and she is bringing millions of people, including many Catholics too, back to Jesus. She is presently speaking to people through locutions or appearing to them in visions or dreams.Since she does not want any of her children going to Hell where there is fire and the presence of demons and other entities, for all eternity.

Only the Catholic Church - 6

Wear an Only the Catholic Church or Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus badge on your coat lapel so that people can identify you and ask you for information about the Catholic Church.Tell them it is important to be a Catholic to go to Heaven and in Heaven there are only Catholics (Ad Gentes 7,Vatican Council II).Tell them most people go to Hell since they die without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).Tell them Catholics are the new people of God, the new Chosen People(Nostra Aetate 4,Vatican Council II) and all must follow the Jewish Messiah,foretold by the Jewish prophets.The Catholic Church is the continuation of the Jewish religion.

Only the Catholic Church - 7

Tell them that if someone does not know Jesus in the Catholic Church and believes in Him, repents and changes his life style, even if he is not a Catholic he can be saved.But if he continues to live then he must join the Catholic Church and live its traditional teachings.Since in only the Catholic Church is there salvation.
Jesus founded only one Church. Jews, Muslims,Protestants,Orthodox Christians, among others, are on the way to Hell unless they join the Catholic Church.John 3:5, Mark 16:16, Matthew 7:13.

Only the Catholic Church - 8

Please make this message on Only the Catholic Church known to others, since it is in agreement with the authentic Magisterium of the Church, over the centuries, and is in harmony with Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994).
They are in harmony with the past magisterial teachings of the Catholic Church.
Understand this. Learn this and then proclaim it to others as your Catholic Faith.This is not the property or originality of any particular person.There is no ownership or leadership for Only the Catholic Church. Since nothing new is being taught here.

Only the Catholic Church -9

Begin your Only the Catholic Church group or chapter wherever you are and make sure that all Catholics know precisely, the Church's teaching on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church only.
There is no change in the Church's teachings today as compared to the time of the Jesuits of the Middle Ages.Put advertisements in the your local Church and secular newspapers.Invite people  to learn more about the Catholic Faith,not necessarily in harmony with the present pope but always faithful to the magisterial documents (Vatican Council II, Catechism of the Catholic Church etc).

Only the Catholic Church -10
We are a lay Movement which draws its strength from the never-ever changing teachings of the Catholic Church.Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow(Heb.13:8).We do not ask for an Imprimatur or permission from the local bishop. Since he may not want to affirm the Catholic Faith as directly as we do, and put his Office in an hostile political environment.If he supports us we accept this support.We work for the good of Catholics and non-Catholics,  in charity  and social projects done for the love of Jesus, but always proclaiming the necessity of faithfulness to the teachings of the Catholic Church which is the only Church Jesus founded outside of which there is no salvation.

Only the Catholic Church -11

Our Mission is Eucharistic as Catholics.I am reminded of St.Maria Raffaella , and her religious community,Ancelle di Sacro Cuor di Gesu whose church I frequent in Rome. Then there is also the new saint Manuel Gonzalez Garcia,founder of the Eucharistic Missionaries of Nazareth 
The Eucharist is central to this mission.This is how it was also with St.Peter Julian Eymard the saint of the Eucharist.
These saints were aware of Jesus' Presence in the Eucharist and they lived their life. So it was a natural Eucharistic Evangelisation for them.
In the future the Church may not be in the present form we see it but we will still have the Eucharistic Jesus with us in private and underground and mission will continue, we will show our love  for the Eucharist, Jesus present in our midst.

Only the Catholic Church -12

We are not traditionalists who only attend the Traditional Latin Mass, we are present at all Catholic rites and liturgies.Even at Mass in the vernacular,in our own language, we can proclaim outside the Church there is no known salvation and there are no known exceptions in the present times.
So we support the Traditionalists and the lay Movements like the Focolares, Neo-Catechumenale Way,Communion and Liberation and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.All of us can follow the magisterial teachings of the Church in harmony with the authentic magisterial interpretation of the centuries, which were guided by the Holy Spirit.So the understanding of Church, what makes Church, what is Church, is the same before and after Vatican Council II.Outside the Church there is no salvation.Everyone needs to have his name on the Parish Baptismal Register to go to Heaven, there are only Catholics in Heaven who are there with Catholic faith and the baptism of water. Since this is our priority for saving souls from Hell, we proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation and the non separation of Church and State.Our Catholic Movement is Eucharistic.-L.A

DECEMBER 21, 2017
It does not have to be either the baptism of desire or extra ecclesiam nulla salus : Just one Religious Superior is needed to understand and affirm this and we will have changed the Church

DECEMBER 31, 2017

Visiting Rome, interested in Street Evangelisation ? : Let's walk together, only in the Catholic Church


In Heaven there are only Catholics for Diane Montagna and Fr. John Zuhlsdorf ?

Diane Montagna says Islam and other religions are not paths to salvation (Dominus Iesus) and I agree with her but is she willing to say that in Heaven there are only Catholics and outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation ?
Not likely.
Since she would be confused by Ad Gentes 7 ( invincible ignorance) which she has quoted. 1.
It is the same with Fr. John Zuhlsdorf  cited in her report on LifeSitesNews.
They both look at invincible ignorance in isolation as if it is a known person saved outside the Church.She calls it ' a possibility' but for her it would be someone concrete, real and known this year or over the last years.This is her mistake.
There is no one as such known this year, last year or over the last 100 years.
So why mention invincible ignorance with reference to all needing to enter the Church for salvation(Dominus Iesus).
This is a zero case. It does not exist.There is no such person saved in invincible ignorance whom we can know. Zero. Nada. Zilch.
So all need faith and baptism for salvation (AG 7, LG 14) and in Heaven there are only Catholics.
-Lionel Andrades


FEBRUARY 6, 2019

Diane Montagna does not qualify if invincible ignorance is an exception to Ad Gentes 7 saying all need faith and baptism for salvation


FEBRUARY 5, 2019

Pope Francis and Sheik Ahmad el-Tayeb, grand imam of Egypt's al-Azhar mosque

Catholic media does not say that Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus


FEBRUARY 1, 2019

Pope John Paul rejected a Christian theology of religious pluralism and salvation and now Pope Francis has promoted it at the CDF-FABC conference with Asian Bishops held in Thailand last month.

Pope John Paul rejected a Christian theology of religious pluralism and salvation and now Pope Francis has promoted it at the CDF-FABC conference with Asian Bishops held in Thailand last month.
The CDF Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis s, (2001) said 7. According to Catholic doctrine, the followers of other religions are oriented to the Church and are all called to become part of her'.Now the CDF is saying that they do not need to do so.
 Myanmar - Cardinal Bo, SDB, new President of Federation of Asia Episcopal Conferences
Pope John Paul II in November 1999 visited New Delhi,promulgated"Ecclesia in Asia" and called on non Christians to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.But now the message is that they do not have to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.
The norm for salvation was faith and baptism ( Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II) but now for the CDF it seems, invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire (CCC 847-848) are exceptions to the dogmaextra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and Ad Gentes 7. This was the message of Archbishop Augustine di Noia, Ad junct Secretary, CDF in correspondence with Brother Andre Marie MICM, Prior of the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, USA.
This is magisterial heresy, official heresy and it is supported by the present two popes and the CDF.They have changed the Catholic faith.
The same was done with morals through Amoris Laetitia and Pope Benedict's New Moral Theology taught at pontifical universities and seminaries.
The Vatican is following the Left and Satan and we have to live with it or not legally be called Catholics.
The present magisterium, as in the case of the St.Benedict Center, legally threatens you if you are not following Satan and the same irrationality and new doctrines and theology are to be spread in Asia.
-Lionel Andrades


How can we legally not be Catholic ( for the leftist CDF) and still support traditional Catholic mission?

 How can we legally not be Catholic( for the leftist CDF) and still support traditional Catholic mission?

It would be simple.Since the teachings of the Church on faith and morals have not changed.They cannot change.
Even if the present two popes are politically influenced(threathened) by the Left, Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church support the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla  salus(EENS).The red passages are not exceptions to the blue. 1 
So there is no change in magisterial documents.There is no new revelation in Vatican Council II when the red is not  an exception to theblue.
So we still invite people into the Catholic Church and tell them that membership in the Church is necessary; all need Catholic faith and the baptism of water.
But when they are in the Catholic Church they must interpret magisterial documents with thered not being an exception to the blue, even though the two popes do the opposite.
We are still Catholic and we support the hierarchical Church, the institution,  but avoid heresy and sacrilege.Even with the errors, the change in salvation theology and the new moral theology, this still is Jesus' Church.The Eucharist is valid, the Sacraments are valid, the Holy Mass is still the un-bloody Sacrifice of Jesus , re-enacted.
Tomorrow the Church may be forced to accept gay marriages in church and also abortion.We do not accept it , but we still stay in the Church.
Even when there is a schism, we still stay and support the Church, and personally affirm the traditional teachings on faith and morals, always interpreted with the red not being an excepton to the blue.
We know that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow and so the teachings of the Catholic Church do not change.So even when there is a schism there is no change in our traditional beliefs, supported by Vatican Council II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Sacred Tradition.
So even when we are excommunicated for really being a Catholic, in our heart and actions, we still choose to remanin Catholic.
Since if we are legally not Catholics, for the CDF, then neither were the majority of the past popes and saints.Then neither were the Council Fathers, Catholic at Vatican Council II, when the Council is interpreted with the red not being an exception to the blue.
We know that the popes and saints are part of the Church Triumphant, even if they are not Catholic for the CDF. In Heaven there are only Catholics, who are there with faith and baptism(Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II).
Today the CDF has approved mission assuming there is known salvation outside the Church.
Those Catholics who say that there is no known salvation outside the Church, which is something obvious-it is common sense since we cannot see people in Heaven - will be legally told by the CDF, not to call themselves Catholic.
They will be called traditionalists even though many of them affirm Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church which also say that all need faith and baptism for salvation and so there are only Catholics in Heaven.
-Lionel Andrades


JANUARY 28, 2019

In Magisterial documents the red is not an exception to the blue, thered does not contradict the blue : with the blue there is a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition (16th - century extra ecclesium nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors, ecumenism of return, past exclusivist ecclesiology etc)



Pope Francis' ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, like that of popes Benedict, John Paul II and Paul VI, is based on 'the red being an exception to the blue'.This is the new theology also used by the CMRI in the Diocese of Manchester

Pope Francis' ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, like that of popes Benedict, John Paul II and Paul VI, is based on 'the red being an exception to the blue'.This is the new theology.
The St. Benedict Center's ecumenism of return and inter-religious dialogue, to create new members in the Catholic Church, is based on 'thered  is  not being an exception to the blue'.

The issue gets complicated when the sedevacantist Bishop Mark Pivarunas of the Congregatio Mariae  Reginae Immaculatae(CMRI), also in the Diocese of Manchester,USA, supports an ecumenism of return and inter-religious dialogue, with the need for non Catholics to enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell- but for them too, like for Bishop Peter Libasci, , ' the red is an exception to the blue'.
Image result for Photo of Bishop Peter LibasciImage result for Photo of Bishop Mark Pivarunas
The CMRI are also traditionalists like the St. Benedict Center(SBC).But for the SBC, 'the red is not an exception to the blue'.So they are called Feeneyites.
To be a Feeneyite is to say that 'the red is not an exception to the blue'.
For the Feeneyite the blue passages in magisterial documents support exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church and the red passages are not exceptions.

But for  the ecclesiastics at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) and the CMRI and the SSPX it is the opposite.These traditionalists use the New Theology, of the liberals.
So the diocese of Madison,on their website, have cautioned Catholics not to attend Holy Mass at the CMRI  chapel,since (even though they accept that 'the red is an exception to the blue' and they are not aware of it) they do not accept Pope Francis as the pope.
The pope affirms the New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology, New Theology. For him there is no ecumenism of return and the need for non Catholics to enter the Catholic Church, for salvation(to avoid Hell).
Like the CMRI, for Pope Francis, 'the red is an exception to the blue'.However the pope accepts the non traditional conclusion and they reject it and so go into sedevacantism.
-Lionel Andrades

What is the status of “The Religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen” and “Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Mission” in Salem?
A group which calls itself “The Religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen” (“CMRI”) has established a church in Salem by the name of “Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Mission.” On its website, this group indicates that it offers the Tridentine Rite Mass (sometimes referred to as the “Traditional” or “Latin” Mass), Catechism classes for children, and Confessions and other sacraments.
This group and this church are not Catholic, and do not have the right to call themselves Catholic. CMRI is not in communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and the sacraments they claim to offer have no validity in the Roman Catholic Church. Catholics are not permitted to receive the sacraments from CMRI ministers under any circumstances, nor should they participate in any activity provided by this group.
The members of CMRI are what are called “sedevacantists,” meaning that they believe that the current pope is not truly the pope and that the See of St. Peter is vacant. They believe that there has not been a pope in the Catholic Church since the death of Saint John XXIII, and therefore do not recognize any subsequent pope, including Pope Francis, as head of the Church.
For those who have a desire to attend a celebration of the Tridentine Rite Mass within the Church in union with the Holy See, visit our online directory for a listing of our Latin Masses.
If you have any questions about the relationship between CMRI and the Roman Catholic Church, please contact your pastor, or the diocese.

The CDF and the Diocese of Manchester's legal notice to the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire is based on theology : are passages marked in red exceptons to those in blue ?

The CDF and the Diocese of Manchester's legal notice to the St. Benedict Center(SBC), New Hampshire is based on theology.The ecclesiastics do not accept that passages in blue in all Magisterial documents affirm traditional, exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church and thered passages are not exceptions.
For the SBC the red passages are not exceptions to the blue passages.It is here where they differ with the CDF.
Since the SBC will not irrationally say that the red passages are practical exceptions to the text in blue, as does the 'present magisterium', they have received a legal notice from the 'magisterium' saying they are not Catholic.They have to inform the Inland Revenue Service about this and make announcements.
Brother Andre Marie MICM has responded by taking this case to St. Joseph and asking all for prayers.
-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 29, 2019

All Magisterial documents with the blue passages, affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and so support Brother Andre Marie MICM : in Heaven there are only Catholics is magisterial

DECEMBER 12, 2020
This New Information on how the false premise decides the hermeneutic of rupture or discontinuity with Tradition, is being given out my me. This is the job of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith