Monday, February 8, 2021

If the CDF is honest the sanctions should also apply to the Judicial Vicar and Chancellor of the Diocese of Manchester, who are faking it,with the false premise and inference. It should also apply to cardinals and bishops and ecclesiastics at the Vatican




On that basis, and that the Slaves had persisted in their obstinacy and that scandal had continued, the Manchester diocese placed the prohibitions on the group which were to take effect in January 2019. The decree of prohibitions bears the signatures of Fr. de Laire and of Diane Quinlan, the diocesan chancellor.

The decree stated that only the Anointing of the Sick for a person in danger of physical death by an approved priest would be allowed at the group’s property, and that no priest would validly hear Confession and impart Absolution at the property except for a penitent in imminent danger of physical death.

It added that documents signed by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart in April and July 2009, after which the then-bishop had provided for a priest to say Mass at their property, were null and void.- Catholic News Agency, Vatican upholds prohibitions placed on Feeneyite group by diocese in New Hampshire

The prohibitions are being imposed upon Brother Andre Marie MICM and the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Benedict Center, N.H, since they interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) without the false premise.If Fr.Georges de Laire, Judicial Vicar and Diane Quinlan,diocesan chancellor, in the Diocese of Manchester, USA, did not use the fake premise to deceptively reject EENS, the sanctions, decree of precepts and prohibitions could also apply to them.

Similarly if Archbishops Giacomo Morandi and Augustine Di Noia, Secretaries at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican, and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, Prefect of the CDF, did not use the fake premise, to interpret Vatican Council II, then the Council would not contradict 16th century EENS.It would not contradict EENS according to the Church Fathers and Medieval Fathers.There would b no split with the past Magisterium and popes.Since there would be no new revelation in Vatican Council II and no development of doctrine.

It would then mean that the CDF ecclesiastics are affirming the strict interpretation of EENS. The same interpretation of the St. Benedict Center.

So if the CDF is honest the sanctions should also apply to the Judicial Vicar and Chancellor of the Diocese of Manchester, who are faking it,with the false premise and inference. It should also apply to cardinals and bishops and ecclesiastics at the Vatican. -Lionel Andrades


FEBRUARY 7, 2021

CNA report deceptive : there are no objective exceptions to Feeneyite EENS

 FEBRUARY 8, 2021

Michael Voris has not mentioned that Fr. Georges de Laire interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus with a false premise. Since the CMTV Staff make the same error

FEBRUARY 8, 2021

Simcha Fischer and her husband are interpreting Vatican Council II with a fake premise otherwise they would be affirming EENS like 'the radical sect', 'right wing extremists' and 'traditionalists'

FEBRUARY 8, 2021

Fr. Georges de Laire, Judicial Vicar in the Diocese of Manchester's objective reality is not the same as mine

Once it is clear that the baptism of desire refers always to a hypothetical case then the Catechism of the Council of Trent is not controversial when it refers to ' the desire thereof '

 Once it is clear that the baptism of desire refers always to a hypothetical case then the Catechism of the Council of Trent is not controversial when it refers to ' the desire thereof '.It does not contradict that Catechism's strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.

Similarly when the Catechism of Pope Pius X mentions invincible ignorance. It refers to a hypothetical case. So it does not contradict that Catechism when it affirms the strict interpretation of EENS (24Q,27Q). - Lionel Andrades

We can affirm the first part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 (LOHO) which supports traditional EENS and reject the second part of LOHO which contradicts the first part, with the use of a false premise to interpret the baptism of desire(BOD) and invincible ignorance(I.I) .LOHO assumes wrongly that BOD and I.I are objective exceptions to EENS

 We can affirm the first part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 (LOHO) which supports traditional EENS and reject the second part of LOHO which contradicts the first part, with the use of a false premise to interpret the baptism of desire(BOD) and invincible ignorance(I.I).LOHO assumes that BOD and I.I are objective exceptions to EENS. -Lionel Andrades

If some one has had the Gospel preached to him or her and still did not enter the Church and is lost forever it would only be known to God. So it would not be an exception to AG 7

 Ad Gentes 7 refers to those who have had the Gospel preached to them and so who have an obligation to enter the Church to avoid Hell. However we do not know any one  in particular who is saved or not saved in 1965-2021  and who had the Gospel preached or not preached to them. This is something only God can know. For us it is only speculation, things hoped for with good will.

So there are no exceptions mentioned in Ad Gentes when it states in Ad Gentes 7 that all need faith and baptism for salvation. All need faith and baptism and if any one is saved in invincible ignorance through no fault of his own it would only be known to God. It would not be a practical exceptions to AG 7 or EENS.

If some one has had the Gospel preached to him or her and still did not enter the Church and is lost forever it would only be known to God. So it would not be an exception to AG 7.-Lionel Andrades

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (n.846) says all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church. This does not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS

 The Catechism of the Catholic Church (n.846) says all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church. This does not contradict the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Since one does not known of any case of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance, for them to be exceptions. - Lionel Andrades

Fr. Georges de Laire, Judicial Vicar in the Diocese of Manchester's objective reality is not the same as mine

When Fr. Georges de Laire, Judicial Vicar in the Diocese of Manchester and great exponent for the Left, says hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance  and theoretical cases of LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are objective exceptions to the traditional 'rigorist' interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, it indicates that his objective reality is not the same as other people. It is not the same as mine. Since LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 , UR 3, GS 22 , NA 2 etc in Vatican Council II commonly do not refer to known people, saved outside the Catholic Church. -Lionel Andrades

John Salza and Robert Siscoe will not comment if the present two popes who interpret dogmas and de fide teachings with a 'loaded' premise and inference and so reject Tradition in general- can still be a pope ? Can a pope in public mortal sin ( rejecting the Athanasius Creed, changing the Nicene Creed, rejecting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with alleged known exceptions, making the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX obsolete with the same error, interpreting Vatican Council II and all Catechisms irrationally, by confusing what is invisible as being visible) still be a pope ?

 John Salza and Robert Siscoe will not comment if the present two popes who interpret dogmas and de fide teachings with a 'loaded' premise and inference and so reject Tradition in general- can still be a pope ? Can a pope in public mortal sin ( rejecting the Athanasius Creed, changing the Nicene Creed, rejecting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with alleged known exceptions, making the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX obsolete with the same error, interpreting Vatican Council II and all Catechisms irrationally, by confusing what is invisible as being visible) still be a pope ? - Lionel Andrades

The precise issue is the fake premise and not Vatican Council II

 Pope Francis says Vatican Council II is Magisterial only because he is using the false premise and getting away with it. What if a cardinal responds and says that he accepts Vatican Council II without the false premise ? Will Vatican Council II still be Magisterial ? No. It will be unacceptable for Pope Francis.

The precise issue is the fake premise and not Vatican Council II.  -Lionel Andrades

They made a mistake at Vatican Council II but the Council can still be interpreted in harmony with Tradition and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church since the hypothetical cases, which are still hypothetical today in 2021, must not be confused as being objective.

 They made a mistake at Vatican Council II but the Council can still be interpreted in harmony with Tradition and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church since the hypothetical cases, which are still hypothetical today in 2021, must not be confused as being objective. So they are not practical exceptions to EENS and the Athanasius Creed. We also know that in real life we cannot meet or see someone saved outside the Catholic Church. So all need faith and baptism for salvation (AG 7) and there are  no practical exceptions to EENS mentioned in the Council-text.- Lionel Andrades

An appeal must be made to Pope Francis and to Pope Benedict to interpret the Council rationally, without the false premise

 An appeal must be made to Pope Francis and to Pope Benedict to interpret the Council rationally, without the false premise. -Lionel Andrades

Can a pope who interprets the Catechisms, Creeds, Vatican Council II and EENS with a false premise to create doctrinal chaos be a pope ? The popes from Paul VI to Francis are in this category.

 Can a pope who interprets the Catechisms, Creeds, Vatican Council II and EENS with a false premise to create doctrinal chaos be a pope ? The popes from Paul VI to Francis are in this category. -Lionel Andrades

Simcha Fischer and her husband are interpreting Vatican Council II with a fake premise otherwise they would be affirming EENS like 'the radical sect', 'right wing extremists' and 'traditionalists'

 Simcha Fischer and her husband are interpreting Vatican Council II with a fake premise otherwise they would be affirming EENS like 'the radical sect', 'right wing extremists' and 'traditionalists'. -Lionel Andrades

Michael Voris has not mentioned that Fr. Georges de Laire interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus with a false premise. Since the CMTV Staff make the same error

 Michael Voris has not mentioned that Fr. Georges de Laire interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus with a false premise. Since the CMTV Staff make the same error.Voris like Bishop Peter Libasci, the bishop of Manchester, USA does not want to affirm Feeneyite EENS. So CMTV continues to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with the false premise. This pleases the Vatican, the USCB and the Left who also project unknown case of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance as objective exceptions to 16th century EENS.-Lionel Andrades


In the churches of Italy this month, Catechesis is being done by interpreting Vatican Council II with the fake premise and inference, interpreting the Catechism of the Catholic Chuch with the same irrationality, rejecting extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Athanasius Creed with the same false premise,re interpreting all the past Catechisms with a fake premise... this is not the Catholic Church

 In the churches of Italy this month, Catechesis is being done by interpreting Vatican Council II with the fake premise and inference, interpreting the Catechism of the Catholic Chuch with the same irrationality, rejecting extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Athanasius Creed with the same false premise,re interpreting all the past Catechisms with a fake premise... this is not the Catholic Church. 

Though within this Church we still have Holy Mass, the Eucharist and Marian devotion. They have not taken all this from us.The theology is new and false but the sprituality is still there.

Really, the old theology too is still there in private for those who want it at Mass in Italian.Without the false premise we return to the old Catechesis irrespective of the liturgy or Rite of the Mass. - Lionel Andrades

What is the Aquinas Institute? : Dominicans in the United Kingdom are politically correct with the Left but they reject traditional Dominican theology and that of St. Thomas Aquinas

It is important to know that St.Thomas Aquinas affirmed the strict  interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which is denied by these liberal Dominicans at Blackfriars, Oxford University.
The Dominicans in the U.K interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise to create a rupture with Aquinas' understanding of their being exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
The traditional ecclesiology of the Catholic Church is not held by the 20 Friars who live here and who claim they support the truth according to St. Thomas Aquinas. 
The Dominican professors here are authors of books on Vatican Council II which are written by interpreting the Council II with a fake premise. This is politically correct with the Left - but it is not St. Thomas Aquinas. -Lionel Andrades

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Welcome to the Aquinas Institute, promoting the thought of Thomas Aquinas, and research into his ideas and their contemporary value. Located in the University of Oxford, we help introduce Aquinas to new scholars in various disciplines.

Another politically Left discussion is held by CMTV on Vatican Council II : there are no references to the interpreting of the Council II without the false premise

 For both leftist Catholics and those who hold to the fullness of the Church's teachings, the Second Vatican Council is a line of demarcation in both Western culture and the Church.

To leftist Catholics, the council brought the Church out of the dark ages of medieval thinking and stands as the final word in what it means to be a Catholic in the modern world. At the same time, those who adhere to the fullness of the Church's teachings, referred to as "traditionalists," see an apparent break with the past and the Church in decline and crisis.

The council was inaugurated by Pope John XXIII in 1962 and completed by Pope Paul VI in 1965. It was a time of expectation and excitement because many Catholics were told the doors and windows of the Church would be thrown open. The dust would be blown out of theological and philosophical corners and the Church would modernize.

The results of the overindulgence following the council — including the loss of millions of souls from the Church — are evident.-Church Militant TV, The Download

The Download


Implementing confusion and apostasy.

This is their stereotype angle on Vatican Council II. Of course we know that Vatican Council II with the false premise has caused confusion but CMTV can still interpret the Council without the false premise. They can do it today or discuss it. But they do not.Since if they affirmed the Council without the false premise it would mean that they would be affirming Feeneyite EENS and they do not want to do this.

Paul Murano, D.Min. is a staff writer/producer for Church Militant. He has two master's degrees (in Philosophy and Theology) and a doctorate, and is certified in Medical Ethics. His background is in teaching colleges and universities, hosting radio and television programs, and writing monthly columns for a regional newspaper. He is unable to comment on the Council interpreted with or without the false premise.

The panel is interpreting the Council like the liberals, they use the false premise.The Download panel is still implementing confusion and apostasy.-Lionel Andrades

We know outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation in personal cases. We cannot meet or see someone saved outside the Church without faith and the baptism of water.Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation.So when the present two popes affirm the Creeds with a false premise to create a fake rupture with Tradition are they outside the Church ?

 We know outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation in personal cases. We cannot meet or see someone saved outside the Church without faith and the baptism of water.Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation.So when the present two popes affirm the Creeds with a false premise to create a fake rupture with Tradition are they outside the Church ?

1. They are not affirming 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus,because of the false premise in the interpretation of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance.

2.They are not affirming the past centuries understanding of the Nicene Creed.It is now I believe in three more known baptisms which exclude the baptism of water and are exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.

3.They have rejected the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.

4. With the same false premise which creates objective errors they have made the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24 Q, 27 Q) obsolete.

They have used a false premise to reject the past Magisterium and past popes. -Lionel Andrades

The President of Italy Sergio Mattarella unethically interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise like the Sant Egidio community and the Focolares of Chiara Lubich whom he admires.In a country with such a high level of average education and literacy, no one corrects him

 The President of Italy Sergio Mattarella unethically interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise  like the Sant Egidio community and the Focolares of Chiara Lubich whom he admires.In a country with such a high level of average education and literacy, no one corrects him.  - Lionel Andrades

None of the Lefebvrists are defending the traditionalists at the St. Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire, USA in the Diocese of Manchester, whose chapel is without the Blessed Sacrament. Since the Lefebvrists, like the liberals, at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican and the Diocese of Manchester, interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus with the false premise to create a rupture with 16th century EENS

 None of the Lefebvrists are defending the traditionalists at the St. Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire, USA  in the Diocese of Manchester, whose chapel is without the Blessed Sacrament. Since the Lefebvrists, like the liberals, at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican and the Diocese of Manchester, interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus with the false  premise to create a rupture with 16th  century EENS. They project unknown and speculative cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance in 1965-2021 as known and objective examples of salvation outside the Church. So EENS according to the Apostles and Church Fathers is made obsolete by both groups. -Lionel Andrades

The Lega Nord, Forza Nuova and other Catholic political parties need a Department of Religious Affairs. To begin with : they could issue a Press Release asking the two popes and all the cardinals and bishops in Italy to interpret Vatican Council II without the common false premise and inference.It is unethical and deceptive and it confuses the people of Italy

 The Lega Nord, Forza Nuova and other Catholic political parties need a Department of Religious Affairs. To begin with : they could issue a Press Release asking the two popes and all the cardinals and bishops in Italy to interpret Vatican Council II without the common false premise and inference.It is unethical and deceptive and it confuses the people of Italy. -Lionel Andrades