Monday, May 6, 2019

Jimmy Akins and Massimo Faggioli now need to defend themselves or admit they were wrong and I am correct. They cannot continue to say that there was no theology mentioned, which shows that Pope Francis is in heresy

Pope Francis is the pope for me and even if he and another pope would teach heresy, the teachings of the Catholic Church would not change for me. Even when the present two popes are forced to follow the Left,  and so Satan, the fundamental teachings of the Church on faith and morals do not change for me.
Fr.Joseph Ratzinger tried to change doctrine on faith (salvation) at Vatican Council II(1965) but we see after some 50 years that the doctrine has corrected itself, like an unsteady, sinking ship has buoyed  and balanced itself and is steady on the water once again.
He would know now that he could not say that unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are personally known exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).He could not simply get rid of the dogma EENS which points to an existing reality at another level, the supernatural level.
He made a mistake. He tried to change reality and reality has corrected itself.
So much of his theological writings is now worthless straw.Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus carried his theological infection.The infection is there in Vatican Council II  which he did not identify or cure.The germ was already present in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(1949) made an error on a faith-issue.The Boston Heresy now refers to the cardinals and not Fr. Leonard Feeney.
Jimmy Akins and Massimo Faggioli are unable to say that the popes have made a theological mistake. I have shown precisely where they were wrong.
We Catholics can now interpret Vatican Council II with invisible cases of LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc not being known and real exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. This is the theology of the Catholic Church today, without the mistake.Nothing in Vatican Council II contradicts EENS according to the missionaries and Magisterium in the 16th century.
This is the theology the popes have to choose to avoid the new ecumenism, new ecclesiology, new inter faith marriage doctrines etc.The errors in doctrine were only possible with the new theology, which creates heresy and which Akins and Faggiolli still defend.
Is Jimmy Akins and Massimo Faggioli willing to say invisible cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc never ever were exceptions to traditional EENS and so the popes have made a mistake, which they can correct ?
For me the Magisterium cannot make a mistake on faith and morals since the teachings of the Church cannot change.They point out to a fixed, objective reality at the supernatural  level, where exists Heaven, Hell and Purgatory.
Akins and Faggioli, like the present two popes, are using a theology based upon a false premise and inference.This theology has been exposed.
They now need to defend themselves or admit there were wrong and I am correct. They cannot continue to say that there was no theology mentioned, which shows that Pope Francis is in heresy.
They cannot continue to maintain that there are literal cases in 2019 of non Catholics saved outside the Church with LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc.Since there cannot be practical exceptions to EENS there can be no theological basis for an ecumenism of return and the new  ecclesiology.
I would invite the signatories of the Open Letter to the Bishops  to comment on what I have in 'We have heresy in theology and doctrine and it is manifest'. 1 Or  re-present  it, express it as they understand it. Let us read it on their blogs and view it on their media.Faggioli and Akins demands have been met.We now know the exact theology which creates heresy.We have found the missing link.
It is possible, over time that Pope Francis and Pope Benedict will correct the mistake. They will affirm Vatican Council II without the mistakes and then end the theological confusion in the Catholic Church.-Lionel Andrades


MAY 5, 2019

Image result for Jimmy Akin photo

We have heresy in theology and doctrine and it is manifest


MAY 5, 2019

Image result for Recent photo of Pope Francis and Benedict together

The Jesuit Fr.Leonard Feeney is supported by Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) on EENS. Pope Francis can confirm this.He can also clarify that Vatican Council II (Cushingite) has a mistake

MAY 4, 2019

Vatican Council II(Cushingite) creates a rupture with the Nicene Creed. This should be sufficient reason for Pope Francis to change ship and desert the old crew

MAY 4, 2019

Pope Francis in good conscience could affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and reject Vatican Council II( Cushingite)

 MAY 4, 2019

What if Pope Francis accepts Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) ?

 MAY 3, 2019

Fr.Leonard Feeney's interpretation of EENS is supported by Vatican Council II( Feeneyite), a frightful spectre for the liberals.This is something that has come from out of the blues. No one planned it or even conceived it.The Council is Feeneyite

MAY 3, 2019

Michael Sean Winters is probably aware of Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and is afraid and and so mentions it often

MAY 3, 2019

Dorothy Cummings McLean

LifeSite News like the traditionalists and conservatives accept Vatican Council II ( Cushingite ) which is irrational and heretical : they are not aware of Vatican Council II (Feeneyite)

 MAY 3, 2019

Image result for Photo Massimo Faggioli

The approach which should have been used by the 19 signatories of the Open Letter to the Bishops on Pope Francis' heresies would be to identify Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite). Then interpret the Council in harmony with all Magisterial documents, also interpreted with Feeneyism. Once this orthodoxy is established they would then present what they have written

MAY 2, 2019

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Cushingite signatories unaware of Vatican Council II (Cushingite) ploy : repeat same mistake

APRIL 30, 2019

Ms. Mary Ellen Mahon

Mary Ellen Mahon and Kelly Goodreau, curia members and catechists in the Diocese of Manchester, USA agree with the St. Benedict Center on doctrine. There is no denial or contradiction on the following four points

 APRIL 30, 2019

Bishop Peter Libasci's pastoral programs are based upon a non Catholic irrationality which creates false philosophy and theology

APRIL 30, 2019
Petition the popes:1) Are there really exceptions to EENS ? 2) Did the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and Vatican Council II make an objective error?

APRIL 29, 2019

Catholics who attend Holy Mass in English in the diocese of Manchester, USA are not told that they can interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism instead of irrational Cushingism

APRIL 28, 2019

This pontificate has shown us that a pope can make a doctrinal error on faith ( exclusive salvation negated with Cushingism) and morals ( Amoris Laetitia- Eucharist can be given to the divorced and remarried)

APRIL 28, 2019

Image result for Michael voris at st. Benedict Center N.H Photos

Important points were left out in Michael Voris' interview of Brother Andre Marie MICM

 APRIL 27, 2019

Church Militant TV in its promo video shouts "Faithful to the Magisterium" - this is like a joke.Since 'the magisterium' is no more faithful to the past Magisterium on faith and morals and especially on salvation theology

APRIL 26, 2019

The St.Benedict Center can affirm all Magisterial documents including EENS ( extra ecclesiam nulla salus) with ' the red not being an exception to the blue'



JANUARY 28, 2019

In Magisterial documents the red is not an exception to the blue, there red does not contradict the blue : with the blue there is a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition (16th - century extra ecclesium nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors, ecumenism of return, past exclusivist ecclesiology etc)

 APRIL 24, 2019

Ten examples of Cushingism


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