Saturday, January 4, 2020

Rector needs to clarify this issue for Maronites all over the world.


Cardinal Bechara Boutros Rai, Patriarch of Antioch for Maronites must know that the Maronists seminarians at the Pontifcial Maronite College in Rome, are taught at the Angelicum and other pontifical universities  that being saved in invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire and the baptism of blood, are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as it was known to to the Maronite saints over history. This is false reasoning upon the Lebanese students.
Image result for photo Cardinal Bechara Boutros Rai,
Since accordig to the Vice Rector and chaplain of the Maronite Pontifical College, there are no known cases of non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance etc. If any one was saved as such they would be known only to God.
So there cannot be exceptioins to the strict interpretation of outside the Church there is no salvation as it was known to St. Maron and St. Charbel.
 Image result for Bishop Francois Zeki Eid Photo
The Rector of the Maronite College in Rome Bishop Francois Zeki Eid, needs to clarify this issue for Maronites all over the world.
The Father General of the Dominicans must be asked not to have Maronite seminarians  be taught that unknown cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Also they should not be forced to assume that invisible cases  of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3,NA 2, GS 22 etc are physically visible examples of salvation outside the Church and so exceptions to 18th century Maronite exclusive salvation-theology.
Also Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican must acknoweldge that at the Placquet Deo Press Conference on March 1,2016 in answer to a question, he wrongly projected  Lumen Gentium 8 as an exception to the traditional teaching on the Church having  a superiority and exclusiveness in salvation. He was responding to a question from an Associated Press correspondent.
At the Maronite Holy Mass on Sunday morning at 11 a.m at their church of the Maronite Pontifical College, off the Via Veneto,Rome, if I would speak to seminarians there, they would all  say that they do not know any one saved outside the Church in invincible ignorance.
They would all confirm that there are no cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church, without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).This is something obvious. Even Cardinal Bechara Boutros Rai would agree here.
They do not know any one saved in invincible ignorance or with the baptism of desire.This is common for human beings in general.
So the theology being taught to the Maronite students at the pontifical universities is false and not Catholic and should be rejected by the Maronites all over the world.-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 3, 2020

No courses on mission, evangelisation and street preaching, based on the traditional doctrines since the Dominicans do not have the Faith

JANUARY 3, 2020

Seminarians at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome,have to pretend and insincerely memorize material which is irrational and false

JANUARY 2, 2020

With Cushingism there is public heresy. The understanding of the Creeds are changed.The Athanasius Creed is rejected.This is a scandal. This is common among the professors and students at the Angelicum University. There is no denial or clarification from any of the priests or religous sisters, who are professors.

JANUARY 2, 2020

Image result for photos angelicum university rome
Hundreds of professors were employed annually over the last few years at the Angelicum University after it was confirmed that they interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference

JANUARY 1, 2020


List of professors associated with the Angelicum University, Rome according to their website. Most of them are expected to use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II.

DECEMBER 11, 2019

DECEMBER 10, 2019

Image result for Ut Unum Sint  corso ecumenismo Roma Angelicum photo

There is a formation course at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas, on the new ecumenism, titled Ut Unum Sint which interprets Unitatis Reintigratio in Vatican Council II has having exceptions to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.

DECEMBER 11, 2019

At the Angelicum and Gregorian University,Rome, they approve doctoral thesis only of students who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.This is unethical and dishonest.

DECEMBER 13, 2019

Catholics are discriminated in Rome because of their religion : seventeen years in Rome and I am still waiting to be a priest.

DECEMBER 8, 2019

No ambiguity in Vatican Council II ( Graphics )

JANUARY 2, 2020

The USCCB: The Nicene Creed is professed at all Sunday Masses and Solemnities within the Catholic Church. True but the meaning has been changed after the Fr. Leonard Feeney Case

JANUARY 1, 2020

Image result for PHOTO mICHAEL vORIS  2019

Michael Voris was allowed to study at the Angelicum University, Rome since he interpreted Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) irrationally

DECEMBER 31, 2019

Evidence of the deception at the Angelicum University

 DECEMBER 31, 2019

Liberals, traditionalists and sedevacantists make a mistake. Vatican Council II is a rupture with Tradition for them ( Graphics )

DECEMBER 31, 2019

The Dominicans are unethical academically and yet Propaganda Fide disburses millions of euros, for students from all over the world, to study at Dominican institutions

DECEMBER 31, 2019

Michelt, Stancati, Weimann, Ellul, Rossi, Destivelle, Keramidas, Buckles, Bonino, Sullivan, Blankenhorn, Giordano and other professors at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas Rome, the whole group, are interpreting Lumen Gentium 8 etc as being exceptions to 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)- when they are not.

DECEMBER 30, 2019

Angelicum Dean of Theology un-ethical : no denial or clarification from her

 DECEMBER 30, 2019

Professors would violate the Principle of Non Contradiction of Aristotle and they would be teaching us about Aristotle and Plato

DECEMBER 30, 2019

I am not allowed to study philosophy or theology at the Angelicum University,Rome since I interpret Vatican Council II rationally .But non Catholics who do not accept Vatican Council II, are permitted to enroll, and proclaim my faith honestly.This is discrimination based upon religion

 DECEMBER 29, 2019

Angelicum Dean of Theology will not comment

DECEMBER 11, 2019

Sr.Elisa Ann Nutt will defend her doctoral thesis tomorrow at the Angelicum University and her moderator will be Prof. Wojciech Giertych o.p, the papal theologian : both interpret Vatican Council II irrationally like the rest of the students and faculty

DECEMBER 10, 2019

Image result for Ut Unum Sint  corso ecumenismo Roma Angelicum photo  There is a formation course at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas, on the new ecumenism, titled Ut Unum Sint which interprets Unitatis Reintigratio in Vatican Council II has having exceptions to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.

At the Angelicum and Gregorian University,Rome, they approve doctoral thesis only of students who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.This is unethical and dishonest.

DECEMBER 13, 2019

Catholics are discriminated in Rome because of their religion : seventeen years in Rome and I am still waiting to be a priest.

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