Saturday, May 8, 2021

In Italy the National Catechetical Center's interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church is non Magisterial. There is no denial from them. It's the same with Pope Francis. They use a false premise

 In Italy the National Catechetical Center's interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church is non Magisterial. There is no denial from them. It's the same with Pope Francis. They use a false premise, inference and conclusion to interpret Vatican Council II and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.They use the irrational red passages instead of the blue ones.

So they understand that Catholics are not obliged to follow their officially flawed version of the Council, the Creeds and Catechisms, even though the Catechists are obliged to teach it. - Lionel Andrades

 Catechism of the Catholic Church 846-848 
 "Outside the Church there is no salvation"  846 How are we to understand this affirmation, often repeated by the Church Fathers? Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body:  

Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation: the one Christ is the mediator and the way of salvation; he is present to us in his body which is the Church. He himself explicitly asserted the necessity of faith and Baptism, and thereby affirmed at the same time the necessity of the Church which men enter through Baptism as through a door. Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.-Ad Gentes 7

For the National Catechectical Center and Pope Francis
The passages in red are practical exceptions to the passage in blue

For me:
The passage in red refers to a hypothetical case only and so it is not a practical exception to the orthodox passage in blue . It does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus , the Athanasius Creed or the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.


847 This affirmation is not aimed at those who, through no fault of their own, do not know Christ and his Church: 
Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation.
848 "Although in ways known to himself God can lead those who, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of the Gospel, to that faith without which it is impossible to please him, the Church still has the obligation and also the sacred right to evangelize all men."
-Catechism of the Catholic Church 846-848

For the National Catechetcal Center, Italy and Pope Francis:
The passages in red contradict the passage in blue from Ad Gentes 7 which is cited in the Catechism of the Catholic Church n.846(above).

For me:
The passages in red refer to hypothetical cases and so are not objective exceptions to the orthodox passage in blue.So the Catechism of the Catholic Church does not contradict the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS, for me.



Fake premise

Lumen Gentium 8,Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16 etc in Vatican Council II refer to physically visible cases in 1965-2021.

Fake inference
They are objective examples of salvation outside the Church.

Fake conclusion
Vatican Council II contradicts the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).The Athanasius Creed(outside the Church there is no salvation) and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX ( ecumenism of return) were made obsolete.


Rational Premise

The Baptism of Desire, Baptism of Blood and Invincible Ignorance refer to physically invisible cases in 1949-2021
They are only hypothetical and theoretical. They exist only in our mind and are not solid bodies at Newton's level of time, space and matter.

Rational Inference
They are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church for us human beings.They are not examples of known non Catholics saved without Catholic faith and the baptism of water.

Rational Conclusion
They do not contradict EENS as it was interpreted by the Jesuits in the Middle Ages.They do not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS of St. Thomas Aquinas( saved in invincible ignorance is invisible), St. Augustine and Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.
The Letter of the Holy Office(Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) 1949 made an objective mistake.



Fake premise

Unitatis Redintigratio 3, Lumen Gentium 14(Baptism of Desire), Lumen Gentium 16 (Invincible ignorance) etc in Vatican Council II refer to physically visible cases in 1965-2021.

Fake inference
They are objective examples of salvation outside the Church.

Fake conclusion
Vatican Council II contradicts the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).The Athanasius Creed(outside the Church there is no salvation) and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX ( ecumenism of return) were made obsolete.
Pope Paul VI and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican, made an objective error.



Rational Premise
 Unitatis Redintigratio 3, Lumen Gentium  14 and Lumen Gentium 16  in Vatican Council II refer to physically invisible cases in 1965-2021.They are only hypothetical and theoretical. They exist only in our mind and are not solid bodies at Newton's level of time, space and matter.

Rational Inference
They are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church for us human beings.

Rational Conclusion
Vatican Council II does not contradict EENS as it was interpreted by the Jesuits in the Middle Ages.It does not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS of St. Thomas Aquinas( saved in invincible ignorance is invisible), St. Augustine and Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.
The Letter of the Holy Office(Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) 1949 made an objective mistake.-L.A


 APRIL 19, 2021

The National Catechetical Office, Italy interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise, a false inference and a non traditional conclusion.This cannot be Magisterial.How could the Holy Spirit make such an objective mistake and not choose the rational option?

APRIL 15, 2021

Pope Francis and Pope Benedict's interpretation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church ( CCC 846, 1257) are non magisterial since they use a false premise to interpret CCC 846 (Outside the Church No Salvation) and CCC 1257 ( The Necessity of Baptism ).They have a rational and traditional choice which they avoid

 APRIL 26, 2021

Catholics are not obliged to follow the interpretation of the National Cathechetical Centers all over the world in their interpretation of Vatican Council II since they use a false premise


MARCH 12, 2021

There are two interpretations of the Nicene Creed too. Most Catholics hold the irrational version

 There are two interpretations of the Nicene Creed.

We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins - Nicene Creed

1. There is one baptism for the forgiveness of sins, it is the baptism of water. It is physically visible and repeatable.


2.There are more than three baptisms for the forgiveness of sins, they are known baptismspersonally visible. They are the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance. They exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church and so are practical exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) as explained in the Letter of the Holy Office(CDF) 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston. It was referenced also in Vatican Council II(Lumen Gentium 16).-Lionel Andrades

We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered, died, and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in fulfillment of the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

The Vatican Curia interprets the Nicene Creed with irrational Cushingism : 'I believe in three known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins.'
-Lionel Andrades
-Lionel Andrades


 MARCH 10, 2021

My interpretation of the Nicene and Apostles Creed is different from yours

 My interpretation of the Nicene and Apostles Creed is different from yours.  - Lionel Andrades

MARCH 9, 2021

The Creeds are no more a sign of unity in the Catholic Church since there can be two interpretations.


Someone placed copies of the Apostles Creed on the table at the entrance of the church where I went for Holy Mass today in Italian.

The Creeds are no  more a sign of unity in the Church since there can be two interpretations. The line marked in red is now controversial.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints..- Apostles Creed

The confusion came into the Church during the Fr. Leonard Feeney case when unknown cases of the baptism of desire(BOD) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were considered objective exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

So the New Theology said there is salvation outside the Church; known salvation, while the past Magisterium would state over the centuries that outside the Church there is no salvation.

So for me,the the Holy Spirit teaches the Catholic Church today ( Ad Gentes 7, Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 etc) that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and all must accept Jesus and his teachings in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell and go to Heaven.

While for other Catholics in church the new teaching is that the Holy Spirit teaches the Church today that outside the Church there is salvation and all do not need to be members of the Church ,to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

For me being in communion with the saints means affirming the past interpretation of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance which was rational. It did not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS.

Those who recite the Apostles Creed in the Church today are in a rupture theologically and doctrinally with the Apostles, the Church Fathers, the saints of the Middle Ages and the saints before the 1940s like St. Maximillian Kolbe who held the strict interpretation of EENS and affirmed the Athanasius Creed too.

Most Catholics are in a break with the saints, since today they interpret BOD and I.I as practical exceptions to EENS. Catholics have to choose to believe in BOD and I.I or EENS. So they contradict the past saints.

I can accept both-BOD and I.I and EENS- and I do not have to choose. The BOD and I.I are invisible cases for me in 2021 but the rest of the Church implies that they are visible. So they become practical exceptions to Feeneyite EENS for them.

For me the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) made an objective mistake which was overlooked at Vatican Council II. The present two popes and many traditionalists, accept the LOHO with the mistake and do not correct it.

The Nicene Creed affirms the necessity of the baptism of water for the forgiveness of sins and the Athanasius Creed says outside the Church there is no salvation.-Lionel Andrades


FEBRUARY 2, 2020

Cardinal Ratzinger is a Cushingite and has interpreted the Nicene Creed with a false premise and inference which was not the understanding of the past centuries.Ignatius Press has published Credo for Today addressed to Christians and not Catholics. The Nicene Creed can be interpreted with Feeneyism or Cushingism and the conclusion would be different.

Credo for Today
Cardinal Ratzinger is a Cushingite and has interpreted the Nicene Creed with a false premise and inference which was not the understanding of the past centuries.Ignatius Press has published Credo for Today addressed to Christians and not Catholics.
The Nicene Creed can be interpreted with Feeneyism or Cushingism and the conclusion would be different.1

The Vatican Curia interprets the Nicene Creed with irrational Cushingism : 'I believe in three known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins.' 2

When the Creed is interpreted with Cushingism the result is first class heresy in the hierarchy of truth of Pope John Paul II.  3

So there are two interpretations of the Nicene Creed and Pope Benedict and the traditionalists are following the irrational one.4
So now we have two interpretations of the Nicene Creed-mine and that of the Pope Benedict, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the SSPX, F.I, FSSP etc.5

The Ignatius Press, Description of the book Credo for Today indicates the Creed is re-interpreted with the false premise, inference and conclusion.This is a mortal sin of faith. 6

Fundamentals of Catholicism, Vol. 1 The Faith for Beginners
This error would also be there in other books on the Creed like Fundamentals of Catholicism by Fr.Kennet Baker sj(Ignatius Press).There is the book Faith for Beginners, Understanding the Creeds by Rev.Dennis K.Walters, Stephen K.Ray).7
-Lionel Andrades






What do Christians believe? What gives meaning to our life? What is the purpose of life? The Christian answer to these questions is found in the Creed, in the profession of faith. But what do the articles of this confession actually mean? And how to they affect our lives?
Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, takes a fresh look at these timeless questions. This work is a reflection of the profound, personal insights of Benedict XVI, but also of the great foundations of Christianity: faith, hope, and charity.
Ratzinger writes eloquently and persuasively about the importance for followers of Christ to understand well what they believe so one can live as a serious Christian in today's secular world. He talks in depth about the true meaning of faith, hope, and love?the love of God and the love of neighbor. He also discusses the crucial importance of a lived faith, for the believer himself as well as being a witness for our age, and striving to bring faith in line with the present age that has veered off into rampant secularism and materialism.




FEBRUARY 2, 2020

Church Fathers and Teachers Gospel, Catechesis, Catechism

Literal and objective errors mark Pope Benedict's books published by Ignatius Press.He has interpreted the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II irrationally

FEBRUARY 2, 2020

Living the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Vol. 1

Living the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Cardinal Schonborn (Ignatius) is inadequate. It has interpreted the Catechism irrationally with the Cushingite premise, inference and conclusion. The Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II can be interpreted without the Ratzinger theology.

FEBRUARY 2, 2020

Image result for e Fr.Aidan Nichols o.p photo Image result for e Fr.Aidan Nichols o.p photo" Image result for e Fr.Aidan Nichols o.p photo"

Fr.Aidan Nicols Dominican Master of Sacred Theology has authored The Theology of Joseph Ratzinger (1988) and like the pope interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion. This is a fault line in the books of Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict pubished by Ignatius Press.Pope Benedict and Fr. Nicols need to stop promoting their books with the misinformation

 FEBRUARY 1, 2020

Conciliar Octet Figuring out the Church

Ignatius Press needs to acknowledge that Pope Benedict, Aidan Nicols and so many of their authors have made an objective mistake

JANUARY 3, 2020
   Michael Patrick Barber Another  book on salvation being promoted by Ignatius Press and EWTN

JANUARY 14, 2020

Called to CommunionChurch, Ecumenism and Politics

Ignatius Press needs to pull back Pope Benedict's book on ecclesiology since it was written with a false interpretation of Vatican Council II.

JANUARY 21, 2020

Ignatius Press needs to stop publishing books on Vatican Council II by authors who interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA, 2, GS 22 etc as being exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Books written by Pope Benedict also carry this error

Their false premise is:-
1. Invisible people are visible.
2.Unknown case of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are personally known.
3.The unknown case of the catechumen who desired the baptism of water but dies before he received it and is saved, is a personally known person.
4.There is known salvation outside the Catholic Church for us human beings.
5.We can see people in Heaven saved without the baptism of water.
6.We can physically see non Catholics in Heaven and on earth who are saved without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).
7.There are non Catholics who are dead- men visible and walking  who are saved outside the Church.
8.There are known people in invincible ignorance through no fault of their own, who are saved.
9.There are some Anglicans and Protestants whom we know who are going to Heaven even though they are outside the Catholic Church.
10.There are some non Catholics whom we know, who are dead, and now are in Heaven, even though they were not Catholic.

 With the false premise there are 'objective exceptions' to EENS. There are visible exceptions to the Athanasius Creed, the Nicene Creed is changed, there is a new understanding of the Nicene Creed etc :-
1. The Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation is contradicted.
2. The Nicene Creed in which we say, 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins' over the centuries referred  to only one known baptism, the baptism of water.The baptism of desire etc cannot be given to someone like the baptism of water.But now the understanding is ' I believe in three or more known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins ( desire,blood and ignorance) and they exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church'.
3. The Apostles Creed says ' we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church'. Over the centuries it was understood that the Holy Spirit guided the Catholic Church and taught that there was no salvation outside the Church.Now  unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance, and LG 8, UR 3, NA2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II, are assumd to be objective examples of salvation outside the Church.

4.In the past three Church Councils defined the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) in the extraordinary Magisterium .It was an 'infallible teaching' for Pope Pius X( Letter of the Holy Offie 1949).Now it is obsolete with their being alleged known salvation outside the Church.
5.Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church are interpreted with the false premise so they become a rupture with EENS( Feeneyite), the Syllabus of Errors, Athanasius Creed etc.
6.With the false premise the Catechism of Pope Pius X contradict itself. It affirms the strict interpretation of EENS while invincible invincible ignorance is intepreted as referring to personally known non Catholics saved outside the Chuch.Invincible ignorance is not seen as a hypothetical case only.
7.Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus, Ecclesia in Asia, Balamand Declaration  etc were all written upholding the false premise. They did not support exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. So in a subtle way they contradicted EENS(Feeneyite), the Athanasius Creed etc. They did not support the past ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.They are Christological without the traditional ecclesiocentric ecclesiology. It's Christ without the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church for salvation.
8. Traditional mission based upon exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church is rejected. Since with the false premise, there is salvation outside the Church.
9.Inter faith marriages which are not Sacraments are common held.It is no more adultery. Since the non Catholic spouse could be saved outside the Church it is assumed. A posibility which could only be known to God is assumed to be a practical exception to EENS and a literally known case of salvation outside the Church in a personal case.
10. There is a new heretical ecclesiology at Holy Mass in all the rites and liturgies. The Latin Mass today does not have the same exclusivist ecclesiology of the Tridentine Rite Mass of the missionaries in the 16th century.

OCTOBER 18, 2018

We have two interpretations of the Nicene Creed-mine and that of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the SSPX, F.I, FSSP etc.

We have two interpretations of the Nicene Creed. There is my interpretation and that of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the SSPX, F.I, FSSP etc.
The Nicene Creed. says ' I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins'.For me it refers to one  known baptism, the baptism of water.

Pope Francis welcomes members of Italy’s National  Catechetical Office, inviting them to pray and think creatively about catechesis.
By Christopher Wells

This is magisterium: the Council is the magisterium of the Church. Either you are with the Church and therefore you follow the Council, and if you do not follow the Council or you interpret it in your own way, as you wish, you are not with the Church. We must be demanding and strict on this point. The Council should not be negotiated in order to have more of these... No, the Council is as it is. And this problem that we are experiencing, of selectivity with respect to the Council, has been repeated throughout history with other Councils. It makes me think of a group of bishops who, after Vatican I, left, a group of lay people, groups, to continue the “true doctrine” that was not that of Vatican I: “We are the true Catholics”. Today they ordain women. The strictest attitude, to guard the faith without the Magisterium of the Church, leads you to ruin. Please, no concessions to those who try to present a catechesis that does not agree with the Magisterium of the Church.-Pope Francis, Audience with participants in the meeting promoted by the National Catechetical Office of the Italian Episcopal Conference, 30.01.2021

Pope Francis wants the Italian National Catechetical Office,  of the Italian Bishops Conference, to use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and so reject the Athanasius Creed and change the meaning of the Nicene Creed.

He considers this Magisterial even though this is manifest public heresy and a rupture with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church over the centuries. -Lionel Andrades 

 OCTOBER 18, 2018

We have two interpretations of the Nicene Creed-mine and that of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the SSPX, F.I, FSSP etc.

We have two interpretations of the Nicene Creed. There is my interpretation and that of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the SSPX, F.I, FSSP etc.
The Nicene Creed. says ' I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins'.For me it refers to one  known baptism, the baptism of water.
For the others it is  ' I believe in three or more known baptisms and they are the baptism of desire, baptism of blood etc, all without the baptism of water'. This is why the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are EXCEPTIONS to the dogma extra  ecclesiam nulla salus. There are exceptions since for them there are known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church.If there were no personally known cases how could there be exceptions?
In the Nicene Creed we refer to the Holy Spirit.For me the Holy Spirit guides the Catholic Church to teach outside the Church there is no salvation. For others, the Holy Spirit guides the Church to teach that outside the Church there is known salvation.
In the Nicene Creed we refer to the one Holy , Catholic and Apostolic Church which for me says outside the Church there is no salvation. For  the traditionalists, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church teaches that  outside the Church there is no salvation except for the cases of the baptism of desire etc.So outside the Church there is salvation. There are known people saved outside the Church. In other words the baptism of desire etc refer to known people saved outside the Church. If they were invisible cases they could not be exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So they were visible cases for Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Lefebvre. So until today for the SSPX, F.I, FSSP and sedevacantists there are visible exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 
I interpret the Nicene Creed traditionally.Practically we cannot see a BOD, BOB and I.I. case. Literally there is no baptism of desire for us human beings.   1

DECEMBER 15, 2017

Pledge of Fidelity Signatories and I interpret the Nicene Creed differently

JULY 3, 2017

The bottom line is that we are all reciting the Nicene Creed but there are two different interpretations

SEPTEMBER 10, 2016

The Vatican Curia interprets the Nicene Creed with irrational Cushingism : 'I believe in three known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins.'

 MARCH 29, 2016

The Nicene Creed was changed with the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 mistake : it was approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
 JULY 4, 2017
FSSP priests need to interpret the Nicene Creed with Feeneyism instead of Feeneyism.Their bishops must be informed about this.
Feeneyism: It is the old theology and philosophical reasoning which says there are no known exceptions past or present, to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).There are no explicit cases to contradict the traditional interpretation of EENS.It is practical. There obviously are  no known cases of the baptism of desire (BOD),baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) in 2017.So there are no practical exceptions to EENS.Neither was BOD,BOB and I.I an exception to Feeneyite EENS in 1949 when the Letter of the Holy Office was issued to the Archbishop of Boston. The cardinals made an objective mistake.Similarly mentioning BOD and I.I in Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14) relative to the traditional teaching on salvation was superflous.
Cushingism: It is the new theology and philosophical reasoning.It assumes there are known exceptions, past and present, to the dogma EENS, on the need for all to formally enter the Church.It assumes that the baptism of desire etc are not hypothetical but objectively known.In principle hypothetical cases are objective in the present times.
Image result for Photos Letter of the Holy Office 1949Image result for Photos Letter of the Holy Office 1949
-Lionel Andrades
JULY 3, 2017
The bottom line is that we are all reciting the Nicene Creed but there are two different interpretations
JULY 3, 2017
Laity could ask the bishop to provide them with FSSP priests who do not make irrational inferences and change the meaning of the Nicene Creed
JULY 3, 2017
FSSP church Santissima Trinita dei Pelligrini : new understanding of Nicene Creed
JULY 1, 2017
Solemn Tridentine Rite Mass tomorrow with manifest sacrilege
JUNE 30, 2017
Tridentine Rite Mass in Rome is a sacrilege : needs to be challenged canonically
JUNE 29, 2017
Rome must be canonically asked to come back to the Faith : feast of St. Peter and St. Paul 2017
 NOVEMBER 1, 2016
NOVEMBER 1, 2016
Mons.Guido Pozzo, Secretary,Ecclesia Dei will not say it : with Feeneyism Vatican Council II affirms an Ecumenism of Return, Social Reign of Christ the King and no known salvation outside the Church

 OCTOBER 29, 2016
Feeneyism is the missing link

OCTOBER 10, 2016
October 9, 2016
The Catechism of Pope Pius X is Feeneyite.It supports Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston and contradicts Pope Pius XII and the Archbishop of Boston. See numbers 24Q and 27Q.Confusion today comes with 29Q. It can be interpreted as being visible or invisible

MARCH 26, 2016

Vatican Council II also becomes traditional with the Feeneyite theology. Since LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc refer to invisible cases and so they do not contradict the Athanasian Creed.

    Still searching for his hermeneutic-- pray for Pope Benedict

  • Christopher A. Ferrara

  • Comment from the Remnant Newspaper

    • Avatar

      Infallible Athanasian Creed: "
      1. Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary
      that he hold the catholic faith;
      2. Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled,
      without doubt he shall perish everlastingly.
      3. And the catholic faith is this: That we worship one God in
      Trinity, and Trinity in Unity;
      29. Furthermore it is necessary to everlasting salvation that he also
      believe rightly the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
      44. This is the catholic faith, which except a man believe
      faithfully he cannot be saved."
      So was the infallible creed in error?


        • Avatar

          Either the infallible CREED, the Athanasian Creed,
        •  ratified by 2 Councils, either made an error or it didn't. 
        • If it made an error, then the Catholic Church is not 
        • THE Church of Christ.
        • Lionel:
        • There was no error in the Athanasian Creed. The error was there in the Rahner-Ratzinger new theology which assumes there is known salvation outside the Church. This is the innovation. It is interpreting the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Cushingism ( there are known exceptions to EENS) and rejecting traditional Feeneyism as a theology( there are no known exceptions to EENS).
        • We simply have to use Feeneyism as a theology once again, as did the 16th century missionaries. Then the Athanasius Creed is not contradicted.
        • There is no change in the Nicene Creed too ( I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins ( and not three).
        • Vatican Council II also becomes  traditional with the Feeneyite theology. Since LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc refer to invisible cases and so they do not contradict the Athanasian Creed.
        • -Lionel Andrades

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