Thursday, May 23, 2024

Tom at Medjugorje is interviewed in En Kerem Israel: speaks about his conversion as a tourist in Medugorje

 Wow ! The Experiences of Sandy who came 172 TIMES TO MEDJUGORJE

FEBRUARY 6, 2023

If there is a Catholic who is a slave to Satan through the occult, or drugs and alcohol addiction or pornography addiction, he or she should go to Medugorje for a week. Participate in the evening prayers at St. James' church in Medugorje



If there is a Catholic who is a slave to Satan through the occult, or drugs and alcohol addiction  or pornography addiction,  he or she should go to Medugorje for a week. Participate in the evening prayers of the church of St. James in Medugorje. Contact the Parish Priest and ask for his recommendations.- Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 5, 2023

If there is a Catholic suffering from depression he or she should go to Medugorje for a week. 


For more information on visiting Madare Rosaria's Charismatic community in Medugorje and receiving a personal blessing from her, if she is in Medugorje, contact  Thomas Huth (Tom Medugorje), Roland Pazleiner or Melinda Dumitrescu .
- Lionel Andrades


Miracolo del Sole a Medjugorie Miracle of the Sun at Medugorje

JUNE 8, 2023

Medjugorje | Zoran from Zagreb, Croatia : Mary hugged me and I cried for four days : Tom says he has had the same experience and cried.

THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2024

Tom at Medjugorje is interviewed in En Kerem Israel: speaks about his conversion as a tourist in Medugorje

FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017

Marching on in March -3

March 9, 2017

False theology, doctrine on CMTV PAUSE program
March 8, 2017

English universities tell a lie and no priest objects
March 8, 2017

No denial from Archbishop Kevin Mcdonald, Tom O' Loughlin : there is an objective error in the text of Vatican Council II
March 7, 2017

There is no Christian theology of religious pluralism : Masons, Pope Benedict and Pope Francis are wrong
March 6, 2017

Rome Mayor must ask university professors to avoid deception and not lie : academically unethical.
March 5, 2017

Secular universities in Rome lie on Catholic theology and doctrine - unethical for academics
March 5, 2017

Traditionalists violate the Principle of Non Contradiction on exclusive salvation and actually criticise Our Lady at Medugorje for this
March 4, 2017

English universities present a lie on Catholic theology and doctrine - unethical for academics
March 3, 2017

Gaudium et Specs 22 does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus : English bishop tells a lie
March 3, 2017

Adult Catholic tells lies on Internet
March 2, 2017

Who am I (Lionel) and what do I believe in ?
March 1, 2017

TradCat Knight and Ann Barnhardt interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism, they use an irrational premise.
March 1, 2017

English Bishop interprets Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with irrational Cushingism
March 1, 2017

Non c'e nessun cambiamento nella ecclesioligia della Chiesa Cattolica
March 1, 2017

I affirm Catholic magisterial documents including Vatican Council II with Feeneyism and for the Left this could be 'hate'

March 1, 2017

Two new Benedictine Orders of Tradition have been recognised since they reject the ecclesiology of St. Benedict on extra ecclesiam nulla salus
February 28, 2017

State allows Benedictine monks in Italy to live the Rule of St.Benedict but not his theology
February 27, 2017

For the Evangelicals the Catholic Church was inspired in the past but the same doctrines and Bible is no more inspired by the Holy Spirit
February 27, 2017

The new theology is not really a theology.Yet it is the 'theology' which the traditionalist and conservative Catholics follow
-Lionel Andrades

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