Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This is the NEW DISCOVERY today. Invisible cases of LG 16 etc do not contradict Tradition. It is new for the main line Church and the traditionalists.


All this is a New Discovery in the Catholic Church even though I really am not saying anything new. It is new, since it was unknown in 1965. But the reasoning existed before 1965.

Before 1949 they did not project the baptism of desire as being a physically visible case. This was common sense. It always referred to an invisible person. So when the popes over history mention the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and also the baptism of desire, there is no contradiction.

But this is the NEW DISCOVERY today. Invisible cases of LG 16 etc do not contradict Tradition. It is new for the main line Church and the traditionalists. –Lionel Andrades

Archbishop Vigano has to ask Pope Francis to accept Vatican Council II and then he too will accept the pope. Ethically, the pope has only one choice, the rational option, which is traditional.


When LG 8 etc refer to invisible cases in 1965-2024 there are no exceptions in the Council-text for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).So Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 support the traditional teaching on outside the Church there is no salvation, in in harmony with the Catechism of the Catholic Church(845,846).So the Council is traditional.

Morally, this rational interpretation is the only option all Catholics have. 

When Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez mentions schism and excommunication for not accepting Vatican Council II ( irrational)  and Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano sedevacantism ( since he cannot accept Vatican Council II, irrational), they both are in ignorance. They interpret the Council irrationally and are unaware of it.

Archbishop Vigano has to ask Pope Francis to accept Vatican Council II and then he too will accept the pope. Ethically, the pope has only one choice, the rational option, which is traditional.  - Lionel Andrades

When we have Vatican Council II affirming traditional extra ecclesiam nulla sallus (EENS) then the ecclesiology of the Catholic Church has not changed. There is no change in faith, morals and mission.


When we have Vatican Council II affirming traditional extra ecclesiam nulla sallus (EENS) then the ecclesiology of the Catholic Church has not changed. There is no change in faith, morals and mission. Mission is ecclesiocentric and not only Christocentric and ecumenical. We are back to the EENS of the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century. The Council has changed before our very eyes. We are back to the moral theology of St. Alfonso Liguori.   - Lionel Andrades

Who cares what Rahner-Ratzinger-Bea and the others did – we simply see LG 8 etc as being hypothetical cases and the Council is traditional today.


The troubles of the bad interpretation of Vatican Council II is a thing of the past. We simply interpret LG 8, 14,15,16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II as being invisible cases in 2024 and we return to the past ecclesiocentrism and the rest of Tradition. Who cares what Rahner-Ratzinger-Bea and the others did – we simply see LG 8 etc as being hypothetical cases and the Council is traditional today.- Lionel Andrades

John Henry Westen and Fr. Jeff Fasching have not mentioned Vatican Council II when they refer to the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation. It is Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) which says outside the Church there is no salvation, while hypothetical cases of LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc do not contradict AG 7 and LG 14.


John Henry Westen and Fr. Jeff Fasching have not mentioned Vatican Council II when they refer to the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation. It is Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) which says outside the Church there is no salvation, while hypothetical cases of LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc do not contradict AG 7 and LG 14.

It is the Catechism of the Catholic Church (845,846) which states outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.

Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation. All. In other words all need Catholic faith and the baptism of water to avoid Hell. In other words in Heaven there are only Catholics. They are there with Catholic faith and the baptism of water and without mortal sin on their soul.

Being saved in invincible ignorance (I.I) and the baptism of desire(BOD) are invisible cases in 2024. So I.I and BOD must not be projected as exceptions for the dogma EENS. The 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston made an objective mistake. It projected invisble cases of BOD and I.I as being exceptions for traditional EENS.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church 847-848 (invincible ignorance) does not contradict CCC 845-846 (outside the Church there is no salvation). 

CCC 1257 (The Necessity of Baptism) says the baptism of water is necessary for salvation. If someone is saved because ‘God is not limited to the Sacraments’ (CCC 1257) it would be a hypothetical case only. So this is not an exceptions for all need the baptism of water for salvation. The baptism of water is given to adults with the Catholic faith.

This is interpreting Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church rationally.

Anyone who interprets Vatican Council II rationally would be saying outside the Church there is no salvation.

This is what the bishops need to know.

Yes, Fr. Fasching is correct that in Heaven there is only one religion. This is what Vatican Council II says (AG 7).

Jesus died for all but to receive this salvation all need to enter the Catholic Church (Dominus Iesus). So all Protestants are outside the Church. In general all Protestants and Orthodox Christians are oriented to Hell unless they enter the Catholic Church (Council of Florence 1441, AG 7, CCC 845,846 etc). If any Protestant is in Heaven he would be a Catholic. Any exception  would only be known to God. So Unitatis Redintigratio 3 is not an exception for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846 and Vatican Council II (AG 7).

So all Protestants and other non Catholics need to enter the Catholic Church, in general, for salvation? Yes. This is the teaching of the Conciliar Church interpreted rationally.

1.The Bible tells us in John 3:5. Mark 16:16 that  outside the Church there is no salvation. This is how it was interpreted over the centuries.

2.Vatican Council II says outside the Church there is no salvation (A G 7 etc)

3.The Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846 says outside the Church there is no salvation.

4.The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus has been defined by three Church Councils.

Knowing this is important when there is political pressure to not preach exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. This is when they say that this is a teaching of the past now contradicted by Vatican Council II. They mean Vatican Council II interpreted only irrationally.

Bishop Robert Barron interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and so there are exceptions in the Council-text for the dogma EENS. So he could not tell Ben Shapiro that all Jews in general need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. When invisble cases of LG 16 etc are not confused as being visible examples of salvation outside the Catholic Church, then the Concliar Church today is saying that all Muslims in general ore oriented to Hell without Catholic faith and the baptism of water. This would not be the teaching of a priest only but the Magisterial teaching of the Catholic Church according to Magisterial Documents ( Vatican Council II, Creeds etc) interpreted rationally. This is the official teaching of the Church in harmony with John 6 ( all need the Eucharist for salvation) and in harmony with the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.

So Candace Owens is also probably interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and so she did not say that the Council says outside the Church there is no salvation. It is because it is necessry to be a Catholic to avoid Hell the Church and State must not be separated and the Social Reign of Christ the King in all political legislation must be proclaimed.This was the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church, now no more contradicted by Vatican Council II, irrational.

-Lionel Andrades

THIS holy priest was canceled for doing exactly what priests MUST do

If Archbishop Vigano is excommunicated it will be due to ignorance. Instead he should affirm Vatican Council II (rational) and Tradition and ask Pope Francis to do the same for him to be accepted as a valid pope. Pope Francis must accept Vatican Council II. The responsibility lies him


Archbishop Vigano is building a new seminary. The seminarians must be taught to interpret Vatican Council II only rationally. They do not have to ‘scrap’ the Council. Only Vatican Council II irrational has to be rejected.

Those who continue to interpret the Council irrationally will be in schism. They no more can support their liberalism in faith and morals, in the name of Vatican Council I (rational).

People over time will learn the truth.

If Archbishop Vigano is excommunicated it will be due to ignorance. Instead he should affirm Vatican Council II (rational) and Tradition and ask Pope Francis to do the same for him to be accepted as a valid pope. Pope Francis must accept Vatican Council II. The responsibility lies him- Lionel Andrades

Archbishop Vigano has accused Pope Francis of schism and heresy. But Pope Francis could say the same and he would be correct


                                                        -Lionel Andrades