Friday, August 9, 2024

In Ireland at Catholic schools, during religion classes and for Confirmation and First Holy Communion classes children must be taught to interpret Church Documents rationally and honestly : Norma Foley is the Minister for Education in Ireland


Norma Foley is the Minister for Education in Ireland and she must know that there is a controversy on Vatican Council II. There are two versions of the Council. The  Ministry of Education uses the irrational and dishonest one. It is the same with the Archdiocese of Dublin. Even the Archbishop-elect from Dublin, John Joseph Kennedy at the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican, makes the same objective mistake.

In religious education in Ireland, students must be taught to interpret Vatican Council II only rationally i.e LG 8, 14,15,16,UR 3,NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical cases only .They refer to physically invisible cases in Ireland in 2024. We cannot see or meet someone saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire. If any one was saved outside the Church as such, it could only be known to God.

So LG 8,14,15,16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are not practical exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX ( ecumenism of return to the Catholic Church) and the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24Q,27Q-outside the Church there is no salvation). An exception must exist. It must be visible in our human reality. Invisible people cannot be visible exceptions for Catholic Tradition.

So the Catholic Church would be saying today, as it did for centuries, that Mohammad died without 'faith and baptism'( Ad Gentes 7), outside the Church there is no salvation (CCC 845,846) and all need to be members of the Church to avoid Hell ( Council of Florence 1442) and that in Heaven there are only Catholics ( Ag 7, CCC 845,846, CDF, Notification of Fr. Jacques Dupuis sj, 2001 etc).

This is the official position of the Catholic Church in Dublin according to Magisterial Documetns ( Creeds, Councils, Catechisms, only when they are interpreted rationally i.e by not confusing what is invisible as being visble).

The Archbishop of Dublin confused what is invisible as being visble. So LG 8,14,15,16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are objective examples of salvation in 1965-2024, visible cases of non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church. So not everyone needs to enter the Catholic Church for the Archbishop and Pope Francis. This was the error of the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston with reference to Fr. Leonard Feeney (LOHO). The 1949 LOHO issued during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII, confused invisible cases of the baptism of desire as being visible exceptions for Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney was lifted by Pope Paul VI. The priest chose to recite the Athanasius Creed which says all need to enter the Catholc Church Church for eternal salvation from Hell.He died a faithful member of the Catholic Church with a bishop present for his funeral Mass.

The Archdiocese offices in Dublin have been contacted via e-mail but they refuse to comment. It is the same with the Vatican.

The Ministry of Education in Dublin, must ask the Archdiocese to be ethical on Vatican Council II and the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms and to stop interpreting them irrationally.

Also at Catholic schools, during religion classes and for Confirmation and First Holy Communion classes children must be taught to interpret Church Documents rationally and honestly. - Lionel Andrades

JULY 31, 2024

The Catholic Church returns to Tradition,Rome comes back to the Faith.

There will be people at St. James’ church (Medugorje) in front of the Eucharist and they will have unexplainable exorcisms, for no particular reason, there is no priest trying to do it, but it is the Eucharist which takes all these demons if you receive the Sacraments your doing O.K ( Time 13:50 on the video)

There will be people at St. James’ church (Medugorje) in front of the Eucharist and they will have unexplainable exorcisms, for no particular reason, there is no priest trying to do it, but it is the Eucharist which takes all these demons if you receive the Sacraments your doing O.K- Colette from Ireland ( Time 13:50 on the video)