Monday, July 8, 2024

An appeal must be made to the Hungarian, Polish, Philippine and other governments to ask the Vatican State to stop the repression of Archbishop Vigano and other Catholics. Catholics have to interpret Vatican Council II dishonestly, supporting heresy and schism.The appeal must be made to also the provincial governments and city Mayors in Argentine and Brazil.


An appeal must be made to the Hungarian, Polish, Philippine and other governments to ask the Vatican State to stop the repression of Archbishop Vigano and other Catholics. Catholics  have to interpret Vatican Council II dishonestly, supporting heresy and schism.The appeal must be made to also the provincial governments and city Mayors in Argentine and Brazil.

 Catholics have to be dishonest to be in communion with Pope Francis who is not in communion with the popes over the centuries on the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Catechism of Pope Pius X etc.

If Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church rationally he would be affirming Tradition. Then there would no more be the need for Archbishop Vigano, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Bishop Mark Pivarunas, to remain in schism, because of Vatican Council II (irrational).

Vatican Council II (rational) supports Tradition. They would accept a traditional Vatican Council II and a traditional pope. It would be the same for Catholics all over the world

- Lionel Andrades

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