Sunday, July 28, 2024

How can Pope Francis and the local bishop who both interpret Vatican Council II, by using a False Premise, excommunicate a Catholic community or a priest ?


FEBRUARY 21, 2023

How can Pope Francis and the bishop of Frosinone who both interpret Vatican Council II, by using a False Premise, excommunicate a Catholic community, any community, on the issue of doctrine?


How can Pope Francis and the bishop of Frosinone excommunicate, any Catholic community, on the issue of doctrine? They both are choosing a Fake Premise to change traditional Catholic doctrine. This is a mortal sin of faith. They need to end the scandal.

Anyone who interprets Vatican Council II irrationally is changing the Creeds. Since the False Premise and Inference, creates new doctrins.When they are used in the interpretation of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, there is a new doctrine on salvation. The False Premise creates alleged objective exceptions for the Nicene Creed’s, ‘ I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins’. 

With the False Premise the Nicene Creed is changed to, “ I believe in three or more known and visible baptisms, people seen saved without faith and the baptism of water and instead are saved with the baptism of desire, invincible ignorance etc”. One visible baptism, the baptism of water, is changed into three or more known baptisms.This is a new doctrine.

So officially there are exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).It is now : outside the Catholic Church there is known salvationThis is a new doctrine. So the liberals and Masons can have a New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology etc. The Church no more teaches that outside the Church there is no salvation. The Church now is Christocentric and no more ecclesiocentric. Everyone does not need to be a member of the Church for salvation, as it was taught by the missionaries in the 16th century.This is new doctrine.

This big change comes only when LG 8, !4, and 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are confused as visible non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church in the present times (1965-2023). Then there are exceptions for EENS.

But there is no change in doctrine today, if LG 8 etc are simply seen as invisible cases. They are not practical exceptions for the dogma EENS and Tradition. So the Church is still Christocentric and also Ecclesiocentric. Even today (2023) everyone needs to be a member of the Catholic Church with faith and baptism ( Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14, CCC 846 etc) to avoid Hell and go to Heaven. There is no change in doctrine.

There is no change in doctrine, I repeat, when LG 8 etc are seen as being only hypothetical.

This is a discovery.

With one simple step the Catholic Church today returns to the old doctrines.

So when Pope Francis and the bishop of Frosinone choose to interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise it is a mortal sin of faith. This is all public.

The meaning of the Creeds cannot be changed.

On this point there is no denial from the Vatican and the bishop of Frosinone in his interview with journalists, including David Murgia.

According to Canon Law the bishop of Frosinone is expected to be a Catholic and to affirm Catholic teachings in public.

He is expected to affirm the Nicene Creed in its original understanding. He is not allowed to change its meaning with a Fake Premise (invisible people are visible in 2023), for political reasons. It is the same with the dogma EENS and the Athanasius Creed. The bishop and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) must affirm them.

They don’t.

The bishop of Frosinone and the CDF choose the Fake Premise.

The Fake Premise creates new doctrines. This is the stuff of excommunication.

Pope Francis has not lifted the excommunication of the Gallinero community.The CDF has not announced what are the specific doctrinal charges against the La Nuova Gerusalemme (LNG), and what must they do to have the excommunication lifted.The CDF cannot announce it. Since the CDF chooses the False Premise and now it is public.The CDF's doctrines are political-Left.

Meanwhile the Catholic Charismatic Renewal office (CHARIS), which has been officially approved by Pope Francis, allows the LNG Charismatic groups to function in the Catholic churches in Italy.

- Lionel Andrades

Vatican needs to apologise for the excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Is not implying that the dead now in Heaven are explicit exceptions on earth to Tradition, 'defective' for Una Voce ?

Una Voce International Federation: SSPX faithful "excommunications" illegal

International Una Voce Federation: threatened SSPX excommunications may be illegal

LONDON 4 November 2014 – The International Una Voce Federation which seeks to promote the traditions, particularly the liturgical traditions, of the Roman Catholic Church, within the official structures of the Church, today questioned the legality of a “notification” dated 14 October 2014 of the Roman See of Albano, Italy, claiming to ex-communicate those who receive the sacraments from, or attend religious services of, the Society of St Pius X (SSPX).
The Federation questions the legality of a notification in similar terms of Bishop Óscar Sarlinga of Zárate-Campana in Argentina, issued on 3 November 2014.
(The Federation has not mentioned that the SSPX priests in Albano are being forced to accept Vatican Council II interpreted with an irrational inference. Neither is the Bishop of Albano interpreting Vatican Council II without this irrational premise which makes the Council a break with Tradition.This is a first class heresy of a prelate  and it is not being addressed. It is a doctrinal issue.
Doctrine interestingly is the basis for the Bishop of Albano's action).

The Federation, which is a lay movement independent of any priestly or religious community, believes that preservation of doctrine, law and justice, as well as good pastoral practice, within the Church, is important.
(Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) tells us that all need faith and baptism for salvation. It is in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and the Catechism of Pope Pius X. The bishop rejects Ad Gentes 7 when he infers that all Jews, Muslims,Protestants etc do not need to formally enter the Church for salvation ( to avoid Hell).For him LG 16,LG 8 etc refer to visible cases in 2014. So they are explicit exceptions for him to Ad Gentes 7 and Tradition.
He wants the SSPX to accept Vatican Council II with this irrationality of being able to see the dead on earth ( saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16), a ray of the Truth (NA 2), elements of sanctification and truth (LG 8), imperfect communion with the Church(UR 3).He wants the SSPX to assume that these theoretical cases of persons in Heaven, are known exceptions on earth  to Ad Gentes 7, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Nicene Creed etc.
Upon this doctrinal basis, which is irrational,non traditional and heretical, he is placing sanctions on the SSPX and Una Voce is not commenting on this.)

The Federation believes that these “notifications” tend to imply that anyone who has ever attended services of the SSPX is not welcome in parish churches in these dioceses.

(This is the standard political arrogance of  the political Left in the Catholic Church.Now it is seen officially and in public).

This view is clearly in direct contrast with the emphasis of the Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis, upon mercy and forgiveness, as well as the “openness of heart” requested by Pope Benedict XVI as a prelude to a healing of divisions “in the heart of the Church”.
(Those who 'do not believe' are excommunicating those who do believe. For those whom dogmas and doctrines are not important, excommunication is important. Also a Vatican Council (with a premise) which rejects dogmas and doctrines is an important factor for excommunication).

The Bishop of Albano is the Rt Rev Marcello Semeraro, media spokesman of the Italian Bishops’ conference and secretary of the Papal inner Council of 9 advisers.

The Federation is asking the Holy See to advise that these notifications are defective and to require them to be modified so as to comply with the law of the Church and the decisions of the Holy See.
(Is not implying that the dead now in Heaven are  explicit exceptions on earth to Tradition, 'defective' ?)


On 14 October 2014, the Chancery of the Diocese of Albano issued a notification to parish priests claiming that anyone who attends SSPX services, even, apparently, children, thereby “break communion with the Catholic Church” and can only be re-admitted to the Church after “an adequate personal path of reconciliation”. The notification reads:
(The children will be taught that Vatican Council II has to be accepted with an irrational premise. They will be taught to reject Ad Gentes 7 and to interpret LG 16,.LG 8 etc as referring to cases personally known in 2014 in Albano).
“The Catholic faithful cannot participate at Mass, neither request and/or receive sacraments from or in the Society. Acting otherwise would mean to break communion with the Catholic Church.
Therefore, any Catholic faithful who requests and receives sacraments in the Society of Saint Pius X, will place himself de facto in the condition of no longer being in communion with the Catholic Church. A readmission to the Catholic Church must be preceded by an adequate personal path of reconciliation, according to the ecclesiastical discipline established by the Bishop.”
Bishop Óscar Sarlinga of Zárate-Campana in Argentina, in a letter to his diocese dated 3 November 2014, states:
“It is not licit for the Catholic faithful to take part in the celebration of Mass in these conditions, neither to request nor to receive sacraments from the priests of the aforementioned "Society of Saint Pius X", including in private places turned into places of worship, without excluding, in case of obstinacy, also the ferendae sententiae penalties that may apply, according to the ecclesial spirit and that of protection of the faithful.

(Leftist conditions for a Church moving towards a one world religion, an ecumenical church in which the Eucharist will be eliminated or down played, Marian devotion will end, the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass will be phased out with a new liturgy which could accomodate itself to the worship of the 'abomination of desolation,' mentioned in Scripture.) 
In the case of the rupture of ecclesiastical communion by the above-mentioned founded motives, in order to be later readmitted to the Catholic Church, a personal path of reconciliation (and eventually of removal of the canonical censure) will be required, according to the discipline advised by the Holy See and the [diocese's] own, established by the diocesan bishop.”

Canonical brief

The attitude of the Holy See has always been that lay faithful who receive the sacraments from priests of the SSPX are not excommunicated. Examples are as follows.
a. In 1991 Bishop Joseph Ferrario of Honolulu declared six lay Catholics excommunicated on grounds of schism for having procured the services of an SSPX bishop to administer confirmation. These appealed to the Holy See which, through Cardinal Ratzinger as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, declared the decree invalid because their action, though considered blameworthy, did not constitute schism.
b. On 5 September 2005, the Holy See, through the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, affirmed that “the faithful who attend the masses of the aforesaid Fraternity are not excommunicate, and the priests who celebrate them are not, either—the latter are, in fact, suspended.” (Protocol n.55/2005, signed by the then Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, Mgr Camille Perl).
c. On 27 September 2002, quoted and reaffirmed on 18 January 2003, the Holy See, through the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, stated that “In the strict sense you may fulfil your Sunday obligation by attending a mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. Pius X.” (Letters signed by Mgr Camille Perl).
“To break communion with the Catholic Church”, i.e. excommunication, can only be incurred where there is both an “external violation of a law or precept” and it is “gravely imputable by reason of malice or culpability” (canon 1321) and only if the proper penalty is excommunication.
(The rejection of Vatican Council II (without the irrational premise), even after being informed, is a violation of Canon Law by the two bishops).
Excommunication is not the proper penalty for “participating at mass” or “requesting or receiving the Sacraments” from SSPX priests or in SSPX-administered places of worship. Thus:
a. It is accordingly not correct that excommunication is thereby incurred.
(Is it incurred automatically by the two bishops who do not accept Vatican Council II without the dead-man-walking-and-visible premise? The premise is important for them to break with the past.) 
b. In any event, those under the age of sixteen cannot incur a penalty (canon 1323.1); this would apply to those under this age who received baptism or confirmation.
Even when basing a canonical argument on the assumption that the SSPX has no canonical status in the Church and that its priests are suspended, following ordination without dimissorial letters, it does not follow that to seek the sacraments at their hands is an illegal act on the part of the lay faithful.
To say otherwise also conflicts with the provision in canon law (canon 1335) for the suspension of any prohibition of the celebration of the Sacraments or sacramental, or the exercise of a power of governance, when one of the faithful requests it for “any just reason”.

Furthermore, the notifications appear to challenge the Decree of the Congregation of Bishops dated 21 January 2009 lifting the excommunications of the SSPX bishops and instead seem to wish to re-impose those excommunications, within each diocese, contrary to this decree of a Congregation of the Holy See.

Moreover, it would be incongruous for the legislator to lift the excommunication of the bishops while imposing or maintaining it on the lay faithful to whom they minister.


The Federation is thus obliged to question the notifications since they appear to undermine papal legislation and canon law.
Fr Relyea 1
(The basis of the notifications is doctrine. The bishops want the SSPX to accept Vatican Council II. There can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II. One with the irrational premise and the other without it.The bishops are referring to the irrational one. They are referring to the  premise of being able to see the dead now in Heaven, who are allegedly visible on earth, to be explicit exceptions to all needing the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. Invisible for us cases are supposed to be visible. Hypothethical cases are supposed to be examples of salvation outside the visible limits of the Church in the present times.Theoretical cases, are examples for the bishops, of being saved  without the baptism of water and Catholic Faith in 2014.We cannot name any one saved this year without the baptism of water yet these persons  are real for the bishops in their interpretation of Vatican Council II.They are trying to force this on Catholics in general.False doctrine is being extended to Holy Mass).
- Lionel Andrades


Popes and cardinalds like the traditionalists misinterpret magisterial documents like the Catechism of Pope Pius X, Vatican Council II, Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994) etc



New magisterium could excommunicate SSPX for denying Vatican Council II when they say Jews need to convert and Catholics are the Chosen People of God.

The pope was forced to say that Bishop Richard Williamson had to accept the six million Holocaust figure, even though initially the Vatican spokesman said the bishop was free to have an opinion. Probably this was the initial view of Pope Benedict.

Then after worldwide political pressure he had to announce that the Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews was not for their conversion. Then he said that Jews do not have to convert in the present time.

Now he is being forced to excommunicate the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX).

Years back he did away with the defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Neither did he correct the error of the Archbishop of Boston on invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.

Vatican Council II unlike the ADL- magisterium for the Catholic Church says Catholics are ‘the new people of God’(Nostra Aetate 4) and that Jews and other non Catholics need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water to avoid Hell(for salvation).(Ad Gentes 7).

The ADL magisterium wants the SSPX excommunicated and the Vatican has issued a statement indicating just that.

What an age we live in! The pope says that Jews do not have to convert in the present times, a Catholic bishop cannot say that 5,999,999 or less people died in the terrible holocaust and the SSPX can be excommunicated for saying Jews need to convert and that Catholics are the Chosen People of God, according to Vatican Council II.

The new magisterium could excommunicate the SSPX for denying Vatican Council II when they say Jews need to convert for salvation and Catholics are the new people of God.

The SSPX has to state in public that they accept a Vatican Council II which says Jews do not have to convert and that Jews are the Chosen People of God even though there is no text in Vatican Council II which makes this claim.

Unless the SSPX accepts this Jewish Left version of Vatican Council II they are likely to be excommunicated by the magisterium this month, with the approval of the ADL and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.-Lionel Andrades

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