Thursday, July 11, 2024

It is in the interest of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano to inform the French Catholics about Vatican Council II rational and irrational. Since he can use this information for his defense in the trial. During the appeal-time, he can also present this information on social media in his defense.


It is in the interest of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano to inform the French Catholics about Vatican Council II rational and irrational. Since he can use this information for his defense in the trial. During the appeal-time, he can also present this information on social media in his defense.

1. It is obligatory for all popes, cardinals and bishops to interpret Vatican Council II only rationally and not irrationally. Presently Pope Francis and Cardinal Fernandez interpret the Council irrationally, to produce a break with Tradition. This is dishonest. The irrational premise and inference produce the first class heresy and schism, which has spread through the whole Church.

2. The pope is only Magisterial when he interprets Vatican Council II and the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms rationally. How can the Holy Spirit teach Catholics to interpret rationally and so as a break with the Magisterium of the past? With Vatican Council II, rational, he would be in harmony with the popes over the centuries who interpreted the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms only rationally.

3. Pope Francis as the pope is obliged to interpret Vatican Council II rationally only and so pull down Amoris Laetitia, Traditionis Custode, Fiducia Supplicans etc. Since he issued these papal documents based upon Vatican Council II irrational and so liberal. He needs to return to traditional faith, morals and mission. Since this is the only option he has with Vatican Council II, rational.

Archbishop Vigano can make all this known on his website. The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith can appoint a lawyer as before. He will complete the formalities. The lawyer must discuss Vatican Council II rationally and not irrationally. The rational interpretation is a discovery over some 15 years. This was not known in 1965 by even Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.  – Lionel Andrades

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