Thursday, July 11, 2024

The cardinals and archbishop’s in France are responsible for the leftist elections victory.


The political Left won the elections in Francis since the Catholic population was not told that the mainstream Church was in heresy and schism, for interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally- the result was a  Church which was liberal and not traditional and so not supporting the right wing political parties.

If the Catholic Church was traditional – based upon Vatican Council II rational, then Catholics could affirm Magisterially, that outside the Church there is no salvation( AG 7, CCC 845,846 etc) and proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in all political activity, with the separation of the Church and the Leftist state and the non separation of the Church and the Catholic State.

Now the people follow Vatican Council II irrational and so are enslaved to leftist teachings, like the separation of Church and State.

The cardinals and archbishop’s in France are responsible for the leftist elections victory.

-       Lionel Andrades

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