Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Novus Ordo priests who accept Vatican Council II and interpret it rationally and not irrationally, could also be considered schismatic by Pope Francis and Cardinal Fernandez. In the past schism was teaching something new, now schism is not accepting what is new. It is not accepting the liberalism which comes from Vatican Council II interpreted dishonestly.


Novus Ordo priests who accept Vatican Council II and interpret it rationally and not irrationally, could also be considered schismatic by Pope Francis and Cardinal Fernandez. In the past schism was teaching something new, now schism is not accepting  what is new. It is not accepting the liberalism which comes from Vatican Council II interpreted dishonestly. So if you do not accept the ‘reforms’ of Vatican Council II then you have not accepted Vatican Council II, irrational. You could belong to a sect but not the Catholic Church.

So the priests who offer the Novus Ordo Mass could be in schism like the SSPX priests if they accepted Vatican Council II interpreted rationally and so in harmony with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

For Archbishop Vigano, Pope Francis is in schism since he does not support the past popes and the past Magisterium on the Athanasius Creed etc.Pope Francis does not deny this. He says that Vatican Council II (interpreted irrationally) is a break with Tradition. So he rejects the dogma EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors. For him the baptism of desire, refers to physically visible cases in 1949-2024.

So the schism charge is specific .It is only for those who do not accept Vatican Council II (irrational).Even those who accept Vatican Council II rational could be in schism. Their interpretation of Vatican Council II would not be magisterial for Pope Francis.

So one’s concept of schism- which is now something new in the Church- must not be restricted to those who go for the Latin Mass.

Since even those Catholics who are not in communion with the pope, who  support the popes over the centuries would be in schism. For Pope Francis the popes over centuries are made obsolete with Vatican Council II irrational.

If a Catholic accepts the teachings of the popes, over the centuries in specific cases, then he or she is  schismatic since they have rejected Vatican Council II, irrational.

- Lionel Andrades

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