Thursday, July 25, 2024

Pope Francis and Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano are Cushingites. Cushingism produces heresy and schism irrespective if the person who uses it is a liberal or schism.


Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano must interpret Vatican Council II, rationally. This must be a priority. It is then that he can appeal to the DDF to interpret the Council rationally. Once the DDF does this, the Church comes back to Tradition. The DDF interpretation of Vatican Council II will then be traditional. Pope Francis also will have to interpret Vatican Council II rationally. There will be no need for sedevacantism when Vatican Council II and Pope Francis are traditional.

Presently both Pope Francis and Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano are Cushingites. Cushingism produces heresy and schism irrespective if the person who uses it is a liberal or schism.

- Lionel Andrades

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