Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican (DDF) must accept the Creeds. This is obligatory : For Cardinal Fernandez the Athanasius Creed has exceptions. For me it has no exceptions.


The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican (DDF) must accept the Creeds. This is obligatory. Presently they do not accept the Athanasius Creed, they reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), which is a de fide teaching. This is first class heresy according to the hierarchy of truths. It is schism with the Magisterium before 1949.

I accept Vatican Council II (rational) so I can affirm all the Creeds without their being any exception  for the Athanasius Creed.

Since I interpret the baptism of desire (BOD), rationally, i.e. it refers to a physically invisible case in 2024, the BOD is not an exception for the dogma EENS.

For Cardinal Fernandez the Athanasius Creed has exceptions. For me it has no exceptions.

For the DDF, the baptism of desire is an exception for EENS. For me it is not an exception.


In the same way we have two interpretations for the Nicene and Apostles Creed i.e. with and without exceptions.

Before 1949 the Creeds were interpreted without exceptions. After 1949 exceptions were brought into the Catholic Church.

Before 1949 the dogma EENS had no exceptions. With the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (CDF/DDF) to the Archbishop of Boston, invisible cases of the BOD were projected as visible exceptions for Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus.


So we have the orthodox, traditionalist Catholic Church and a schismatic one. The DDF is schismatic. They cannot even deny it in public since it would expose them.

They cannot announce that they accept the Creeds without exceptions.

They cannot say in public that EENS has no exceptions. The BOD is not an exception for Feeneyite EENS.The 1949 LOHO made a factual and objective error.

So the Athanasius Creed for Pope Francis and the DDF says outside the Catholic Church there is known salvation.So not all people need to enter the Catholic Church to be saved from Hell.

The Nicene Creed for Pope Francis is: I believe in three or more baptisms for the forgiveness of sin. There is the baptism of desire, baptism of blood, being saved in invincible ignorance etc, all without the baptism of water.

The Apostles Creed is interpreted as saying that the Holy Spirit teaches the Catholic Church today that outside the Church there is known salvation. In the past it was outside the Church there is no known salvation, there was no salvation. So the Magisterium has changed. Today’s Magisterium contradicts that of the past.

Traditionalists like those at the St. Benedict Centers in the USA,  follow the past Magisterium.The DDF follows the conclusion of Vatican Council II, interpreted irrationally. This cannot be Magisterial.

Since 1949 we have a different Church. The past orthodoxy is heresy and schism and the present heterodoxy and liberalism are not heresy and schism, since it is being in communion with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally.

The DDF is so bold, it can excommunicate Catholics, who go for the Novus Ordo Mass and who accept Vatican Council II (rational). They accept Vatican Council II, interpreted rationally only, so there is a communion with the popes over the centuries, but no communion with Pope Francis. They do not reject Tradition and go for the Novus Ordo Mass.

The DDF can excommunicate those who go for the Latin Mass and who reject Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally.They of course, would not be in communion with Pope Francis who interprets  Vatican Council II, irrationally and accepts the non traditional conclusison.

- Lionel Andrades

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