Thursday, August 15, 2024

Only the Catholic Church could be composed of people meeting informally in a group. Anyone can start this group in any country. For instance a group in Rome could also go out on the streets of Venice, Italy or in France etc, teaching the Catholic Faith to those who are interested.

 Hi Lionel,

I read some of your blog and you have a very interesting story. Coming to Rome from Karachi. Why, may I ask, did you decide to stay in Rome after all these years? I see you've written blogposts in more than one language – how many languages do you know? What is your goal in Rome and with the blog? Do you pursue missionary work?


Yes Sophia I pursue missionary work.

I just know English and Italian.

Yes, what I write is important for the Catholic Church but most people in the Church do not know about it.

There are many who know but they do not want to die for Christ, they do not want to me martyrs.

I came here to be a priest but was not allowed to continue, since I believe that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and that is the teaching of 

Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, interpreted rationally and so honestly. The popes, cardinals and bishops interpret the Council 

irrationally for political reasons and the people do not know about this. The newspapers and media are not reporting on this for political- left reasons. Even the Catholic blogs and websites, conservatives and liberals, are intentionally avoiding this subject. They are comfortable with interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally like the popes, cardinals and bishops.

So we do not have traditional mission in the Catholic Church.

I would like that there be small communities of Catholics all over the world who are willing to say that other religions are not paths to salvation (AG 7) and that

all need Catholic faith and the baptism of water for salvation (to avoid Hell).This is the teaching not only of the past but also Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This was once a dogma of the Catholic Church defined by three Church Councils (Council of Florence 1442 etc) 

I would like them to have a basic and common format. The name could be Only the Catholic Church or Solamente La Chiesa Cattolica. It would be a missionary community/ communities doing street evangelization aside from being like the other Catholic religious communities all over the world, in other aspects.

Presently there is no Catholic community which affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Since the Vatican does not encourage it, there could be societies or associations formed which will continue this traditional mission. They do not have to be officially recognized communities. They could informally maintain the charism of other communities in prayer, liturgy, community work etc.

Members of this community: Only the Catholic Church would also go out and pray for people on the streets and not just give them food.

Only the Catholic Church could be composed of people meeting informally in a group. Anyone can start this group in any country. For instance a group in Rome could also go out on the streets of Venice, Italy or in France etc, teaching the Catholic Faith to those who are interested.

In Christ


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