Sunday, August 11, 2024

New political and religious opening for Sinn Fein

Since Vatican Council II (rational) supports the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) upon which was based the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all political legislation, Sinn Fein can now have a Catholic government supported by the Archdiocese of Dublin and the Catholic Church in general. 

Vatican Council II is no more liberal on Protestantism and other religions  since there is nothing in the Council-text to contradict the dogma EENS and the Syllabus of Errors. LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, in Vatican Council II are always invisible and not visible cases, in our human reality.

Sinn Fehn, which is the largest political party in Ireland, can work towards the non separation of Church and State, to save the maximum souls from going to Hell. Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation (CCC 845,846).

They must oppose the Archdiocese of Dublin when they intentionally interpret Vatican Council II, irrationally,like the Masons. They then claim that the Council is ‘a new revelation ‘and ‘a new revolution’ in the Church. The archbishop deceptively confuses what is invisible as being visible and then supports the nontraditional conclusion. Faith, morals, mission etc are changed with this deception.

 It is a mortal sin for a Catholic to vote for a non Catholic religious party when a Catholic alternative is there in Ireland. Catholics cannot vote for a political party which supports abortion, transgenderism and homosexual unions  which lead a person to Hell-fires. At Fatima Our Lady showed the children Hell with a lake of fire. At Medugorje too, she showed them Hell.

We are back to the traditional moral teachings of the Church of St. Alphonsus Liguori, which are not contradicted by Vatican Council II.

Cardinal Vincent Nichols in England chooses the irrational, Zionist interpretation of Vatican Council II which must be corrected by Sinn Fein.Like the popes Benedict XVI and Francis, Nichols supports a secular Government  and not a Catholic one. 

 There must be a unification of Ireland, with a Catholic State not separated from the Catholic Church, which interprets Vatican Council II only rationally. There cannot be unification with Protestantism, since our theology and doctrines are no more liberal with Vatican Council II rational.

It has to be clear that Judaism and Islamism are not paths to salvation.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church according to Magisterial Documents, including Vatican Council II, interpreted rationally. This is not just a political and ideological view.

So the migrants must know what the Church teaches. The Church is saying non Catholic migrants are going to Hell unless they enter the Catholic Church with ‘faith and baptism’ (AG 7).

Sinn Fehn  rejects Vatican Council II,irrational ( LG 14 refers to physically visible cases in 2024) and not Vatican Council II, rational ( LG 16 refers to an invisible person in 2024).Morally, only Vatican Council II, rational can be chosen by all.

So the Catholic Church in Ireland and Sinn Fehn return to the ecclesiology of the times of the Papal States in Europe and the Irish missionaries in the Middle Ages. Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the times of St. Patrick and St. Isidore.- Lionel Andrades




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