Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Even John Henry Westin has departed from the public profession of the Catholic faith. He could be doing this for monetary reasons and Pope Francis does it to please the Left


Mon Aug 12, 2024 - 11:23 am EDT


Is Francis the pope? The argument from public heresy suggests not


(LifeSiteNews) — Our recent article, which defended Archbishop Viganò from the charge of schism, summarized a number of arguments which point towards Francis not being a true pope.  (Lionel. That report has not commented on simple observations )

That article promised more detailed expositions of these arguments. This is the first of those more detailed explanations and deals with the argument that Francis is not the true pope because he is not a member of the Catholic Church, as a result of his departure from the public profession of the Catholic faith.  

(Lionel. Even John Henry Westin has departed from the public profession of the Catholic faith. He could be doing this for monetary reasons and Pope Francis does it to please the Left )

Who are the members of the Catholic Church? 

The Catholic Church teaches that her members are those who:  

  • have received the sacrament of baptism  
  • publicly profess the Catholic faith (Lionel: Pope Francis and John Henry Westin interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally)
  • submit to the lawful authorities of the Church.  ( Lionel: The lawful authorities are interpreting Magisterial Documents deceptively and so are the correspondents of LifeSite News )

As a consequence, the following can never, under any circumstances, be considered as members of the Catholic Church.  

  • the unbaptized 
  • public heretics (Lionel. Both Pope Francis and John Henry Westin reject the Athanasius Creed with the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II. Alleged exceptions are created when there are none ).
  • public schismatics.(Lionel. Pope Francis and John Henry Westin are in schism with the Magisterium of for example the Middle Ages. They interpreted the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as having no exceptions. They interpreted the baptism of desire as being a physically invisible case.It is not the same today ).

Those whom ecclesiastical authority has excluded by its own act, that is, those subject to a sentence of perfect excommunication, are also not to be regarded as members. (Lionel. But the ecclesiastical authority is in public schism and heresy on the Creeds, the Councils and Catechisms which they interpret dishonestly. Catholics are not obliged to follow.)  

This doctrine of membership has, for many centuries, been clearly proposed to the faithful, in dozens, possibly hundreds of catechetical texts, which have been approved by the Roman Pontiffs or by the Successors of the Apostles who govern the Church in union with him. This doctrine must be regarded as infallible by virtue of being taught by the universal and ordinary magisterium of the Church.   (Lionel: Yes. But the popes like John Henry Westin make an objective error in the interpretation of Magisterial Documents which I avoid. So how can they be considered members of the Catholic Church, according to Canon Law? )

TheCatechism of the Council of Trentexpressed the doctrine in these terms: 

[T]here are but three classes of persons excluded from the Church’s pale: infidels, heretics and schismatics, and excommunicated persons. (Lionel. Pope Francis and John Henry Westin come in this category. I have mentioned this many times . There is no denial or clarification from Life Site News).

Infidels are outside the Church because they never belonged to, and never knew the Church, and were never made partakers of any of her Sacraments. (Lionel. True. But for John Henry Westin Protestants are not outside the Catholic Church )

Heretics and schismatics are excluded from the Church, because they have separated from her and belong to her only as deserters belong to the army from which they have deserted.. (Lionel: Interpreting the Creeds with an irrational premise and inference to produce a non traditional conclusion is the heresy of the Lefebvrists, the popes and LifeSite News.)  


Actually, only those are to be included as members of the Church who have been baptized and profess the true faith, and who have not been so unfortunate as to separate themselves from the unity of the body or been excluded by legitimate authority for grave faults committed.[2] (Lionel. So Pope Francis and the correspondents of Life Site News are outside the Church they both separate themselves from the teaching of the Magisterium over the centuries and they continue to choose an irrational premise and inference to interpret de fide teachings).

 Dr. Ludwig Ott explained:  

According to [Pope Pius XII in the encyclical letterMystici Corporis Christi] three conditions are required for membership of the Church: a) The valid reception of the Sacrament of Baptism. b) The profession of the true faith. c) Participation in the Communion of the Church. By the fulfilment of these three conditions one subjects oneself to the threefold office of the Church, the sacerdotal office (Baptism), the teaching office (Confession of Faith), and the pastoral office (obedience to Church authority).[5] (Lionel. Ludwig Ott interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally. He also accepted the Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston in 1949 which interpreted the baptism of desire irrationally. )

He continued…  

Public heretics, without exception, are severed from the Catholic Church 

We have seen above that public heresy is fundamentally incompatible with membership of the Catholic Church. No Catholic is a public heretic. No public heretic is a Catholic. There are no exceptions to this rule. This a consequence of the fact that the Church is by its very nature, a “society of men” who are united in “profession of the same faith.” A body which was not united in the same faith would not be the Catholic Church.  (Lionel: We have seen from above that both Pope Francis and John Henry Westin interpret the Creeds , Councils and Catechisms irrationally and so dishonestly)

Our Lord Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church for the salvation of mankind. He commanded that everyone enter into Her. In order to make it easy for all souls to find identify the true Church and enter into her, Our Lord has given her four marks which she can never lose, and which will always be clearly evident. These are the marks of (i) unity, (ii) sanctity, (iii) catholicity, and (iv) apostolicity. Thus, we refer to the true Church of Christ, as the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. (Lionel. For the Apostles there were no exceptions for the teaching on outside the Church there is no salvation but for Pope Francis and John Henry Westin and the SSPX there are exceptions. This is not apostolic. It is not the doctrine of the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church).  

Francis is a public heretic 

Francis is a public heretic. That is, he publicly refuses submission to the rule of faith proposed by the magisterium of the Catholic Church. Further, he persists in this refusal to submit to the magisterium, in the face of public corrections.(Lionel : Even John Henry Westin and the signers of petitions do the same )   

Since his purported election he has publicly departed from the profession of the Catholic faith dozens, perhaps hundreds, of times in his documents, his sermons, and his interviews. It is absolutely evident that he does not submit to the rule of faith proposed by the magisterium of the Catholic Church.  (Lionel. The same can be said of Life Site News. There never has been a specific discussion on this issue. So they then will have to admit that they are heretics and schismatics like the popes of today ). 

And, as we have seen, the denial or doubt of just one revealed doctrine is sufficient to sever a man from the body of the Church. (Lionel. Pope Francis and John Henry Westin interpret the Nicene  and Apostles Creed irrationally. They reject the original text of the Athanasius Creed confusing what is invisible as being visible exceptions. I am citing specific examples. This is proof.).

It would be impossible here to catalogue the dozens of heresies – or more – of which Francis is guilty. But here are seven, which the authors of 2017 Filial Correction found present in the document Amoris Laetitia and which they formulated as follows:  (Lionel. The autors of the Filial Correction interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally.They  interpret all the Catechisms irrationally. They reject the Athanasius Creed as do the bishops of the SSPX, with their alleged exceptions…) 

Francis is therefore, most certainly, a public heretic.  (Lionel: It is the same with John Henry westin and the college of cardinals and bishops.A. I have provided the proof here.I have mentioned specific documents which are rejected and I have mentioned B.the specific false premise used to interpret these documents).

The only question that remains is whether this public heresy is something for which he is morally guilty, which would make him a formal public heretic, or something for which he is morally innocent, which would make him a material public heretic. (Lionel. Pope Francis and John Henry Westin reject the Athanasius Creed with  alleged exceptions. It is the same for the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. This is formal and public.) 

Is Francis the pope? 

We have seen that Francis, in his public statements, does not publicly profess the Catholic faith.  

He does not submit to the rule of faith proposed by the magisterium of the Catholic Church, but rather substitutes another rule in its place. Francis is certainly a public heretic.  (Lionel. But so is John Henry Westin and the Lefebvrists in general ).

We have further seen that a formal public heretic is certainly not a member of the Catholic Church.  

Therefore, if Francis is a formal public heretic, that is if he “openly and guiltily refuses submission to the rule of faith proposed by the magisterium” then he is certainly not a member of the Catholic Church. And if he is not a member of the Catholic Church, then he is not the pope.  (Lionel: The same could be said of John Henry Westin he is not a practicing Catholic. He will not respond to what I have written here since it will expose him ).


Indeed, it would be rash to obey such a man who had not proved his title in law.[38]

Therefore, we may conclude:  

  • Francis is a public heretic (Lionel: Like John Henry Westin).
  • If Francis is morally culpable for being a public heretic, then it is certain that he not the pope (Lionel: Westin is not a Catholic ?)
  • If Francis is not morally culpable for being a public heretic, then is it probable that he is not the pope.  
  • If it is probable that he is not the pope, then his claim to the papacy is doubtful 
  • If his claim to the papacy is doubtful, then he cannot be regarded as “the proper head of the visible Church instituted by Christ.” (Lionel: Says someone who interprets the Creeds irrationally…)

Therefore, as a result of his public heresy, we ought to hold that Francis is not the pope. (Lionel. And the Lefebvrists, cardinals and bishops are not Catholic…?)  - Lionel Andrades


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