Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Only the Catholic Church community, group or organization will be a teaching community. It's charism will be education. Catechesis. It will teach the basics of the Catholic faith while interpreting Vatican Council II and the Catechism rationally and so honestly. There will be a continuity and not a rupture with Tradition.


The Only the Catholic Church community, group or organization will be a teaching community. It's charism will be education. Catechesis. It will teach the basics of the Catholic faith while interpreting Vatican Council II and the Catechism rationally and so honestly. There will be a continuity and not a rupture with Tradition.

It will be missionary affirming traditional Church Documents, the Syllabus of Errors, Athanasius Creed and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which are not contradicted by Vatican Council II.

Part of mission will be inter-religious dialogue and organizing Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Centers.

The badge makes it clear up front in what we believe as Catholics. - Lionel Andrades

MAY 16, 2023

AUGUST 17, 2024

Can we form a missionary organization or group? - Only the Catholic Church ( Solamente la Chiesa Cattolica)



Can we form a missionary organization or group?

The emphasis will be on proclamation, joint evangelization, door to door canvassing even entering into politics as a group.

Its name will be in English- Only the Catholic Church and in Italian- Solamente la Chiesa Cattolica.

It will have a bank account. It will be a Eucharistic community, contemplative, with the aim of setting up Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Centers at home and abroad.

It will use the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II i.e. LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to only hypothetical cases. So Vatican Council II has a continuity with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed.

Existing religious communities can be missionary simply by adding the L.A interpretation of Vatican Council II, to their community activities.

We proclaim the traditional Catholic Faith in harmony with Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church interpreted rationally.

We will not deny Jesus and the Church, the Catholic teachings and our membership in the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation (Ad Gentes 7, Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846) even amidst threats of death.

We know there are always risks when we proclaim the Gospel ‘in spirit and truth’.

This is a community for those who are willing to die for Christ and His Mystical Body, the Catholic Church. We are a non violent group. 

We will assist in the founding of Only the Catholic Church groups throughout the world. We will coordinate with them.

We will help other Catholic groups and the Vatican to make the transition to interpreting Vatican Council II rationally. They will then automatically become missionary. - Lionel Andrades

 AUGUST 17, 2024

An Only the Catholic Church religious community, a society or association or just an informal missionary and outreach group could use these three approaches.They would be affirming Tradition and also Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church irrespective of which liturgy they choose.

 Hi Lionel,

Interesting! I was raised catholic and had always assumed being part of the church was necessary for salvation. I didn't realize there were exceptions. But does that have an impact on missionary work? If you preach the gospel to people and they then decide to be baptized and join the church, is that not a success? At the clerical level theologians and priests may argue over the nuances of doctrine, but when you evangelize in the streets you are preaching the word of Jesus to people, and the requirements for salvation and membership in the church are simple: faith, baptism and eucharist. That doesn't change, does it? So do the affairs of church councils and theological disputes really matter for missionary work? I would think most lay catholics don't understand or are concerned that much about higher doctrinal matters.

Do you have plans to start an "Only the Catholic Church" community in Rome?

In Christ,

Yes. I agree with what you say above.

I have been living the Only Catholic Church- experience in Rome. But I have been doing it alone.

I ‘wear’ a large colorful 'badge' on my coat lapel and pin another on the back of my back pack. I mostly walk in Rome. Rarely do I use the public transport. The ‘badge’ says outside the Church there is no salvation. There is a picture of Jesus and St.Peter’s Basilica. Then there are brief references to  John 3:5, Mark 16, Vatican Council II ( AG 7, LG 14), the Catechism of the Catholic Church ( 845,846) and  the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Council of Florence 1441 etc).There is a note. It says LG 8,14,15,16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to hypothetical cases. They are invisible people in 2024. So they do not contradict the dogma EENS, or AG 7 or CCC 845,846 etc.Then there is a reference to this blog and my e-mail contact number.

When there is time I walk to the Vatican and other parts of the city. I am always walking alone and silently, in my long over coat. When  someone asks me a question, I then start speaking.I prefer to remain in silence and pray my rosary.

2. The second part of being Only the Catholic Church for me, is standing in front of a side door of a church in Rome.I have the permission of the Rector. I have my badge pinned and passersby see it. I do not say anything. Often I pray the rosary. Sometimes I hold small signs with the same message on the badge, for emphasis. At other times the messages refer to Our Lady’s teachings at Fatima and Medugorje.

3. Then I go to the churches sometimes on Sundays and display my ‘cards’.I meet the rector and parish priest and others and tell them, there is a new discovery in the Catholic Church. I show them how LG 16 etc refer to invisible cases. So Vatican Council II does not have a rupture with Tradition (EENS) etc. Instead Ad Gentes 7 supports EENS. So the Catholic Church is saying officially that other religions are not paths to salvation and all need to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church for salvation ( to avoid Hell).This is the message of Magisterial-texts. So we are back to the traditional missionary approach of the Jesuits in the 16th century.Since today EENS has the same interpretation.

An Only the Catholic Church religious community, a society or association or just an informal missionary and outreach group could use these three approaches.They would be affirming Tradition and also Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church irrespective of which liturgy they choose.My resources are limited. Others could use the media and other approaches.

In Christ



AUGUST 15, 2024

Only the Catholic Church could be composed of people meeting informally in a group. Anyone can start this group in any country. For instance a group in Rome could also go out on the streets of Venice, Italy or in France etc, teaching the Catholic Faith to those who are interested.

 Hi Lionel,

I read some of your blog and you have a very interesting story. Coming to Rome from Karachi. Why, may I ask, did you decide to stay in Rome after all these years? I see you've written blogposts in more than one language – how many languages do you know? What is your goal in Rome and with the blog? Do you pursue missionary work?


Yes Sophia I pursue missionary work.

I just know English and Italian.

Yes, what I write is important for the Catholic Church but most people in the Church do not know about it.

There are many who know but they do not want to die for Christ, they do not want to me martyrs.

I came here to be a priest but was not allowed to continue, since I believe that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and that is the teaching of 

Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, interpreted rationally and so honestly. The popes, cardinals and bishops interpret the Council 

irrationally for political reasons and the people do not know about this. The newspapers and media are not reporting on this for political- left reasons. Even the Catholic blogs and websites, conservatives and liberals, are intentionally avoiding this subject. They are comfortable with interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally like the popes, cardinals and bishops.

So we do not have traditional mission in the Catholic Church.

I would like that there be small communities of Catholics all over the world who are willing to say that other religions are not paths to salvation (AG 7) and that

all need Catholic faith and the baptism of water for salvation (to avoid Hell).This is the teaching not only of the past but also Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This was once a dogma of the Catholic Church defined by three Church Councils (Council of Florence 1442 etc) 

I would like them to have a basic and common format. The name could be Only the Catholic Church or Solamente La Chiesa Cattolica. It would be a missionary community/ communities doing street evangelization aside from being like the other Catholic religious communities all over the world, in other aspects.

Presently there is no Catholic community which affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Since the Vatican does not encourage it, there could be societies or associations formed which will continue this traditional mission. They do not have to be officially recognized communities. They could informally maintain the charism of other communities in prayer, liturgy, community work etc.

Members of this community: Only the Catholic Church would also go out and pray for people on the streets and not just give them food.

Only the Catholic Church could be composed of people meeting informally in a group. Anyone can start this group in any country. For instance a group in Rome could also go out on the streets of Venice, Italy or in France etc, teaching the Catholic Faith to those who are interested.

In Christ


AUGUST 15, 2024

Only the Catholic Church could be composed of people meeting informally in a group. Anyone can start this group in any country. For instance a group in Rome could also go out on the streets of Venice, Italy or in France etc, teaching the Catholic Faith to those who are interested.

 Hi Lionel,

I read some of your blog and you have a very interesting story. Coming to Rome from Karachi. Why, may I ask, did you decide to stay in Rome after all these years? I see you've written blogposts in more than one language – how many languages do you know? What is your goal in Rome and with the blog? Do you pursue missionary work?


Yes Sophia I pursue missionary work.

I just know English and Italian.

Yes, what I write is important for the Catholic Church but most people in the Church do not know about it.

There are many who know but they do not want to die for Christ, they do not want to me martyrs.

I came here to be a priest but was not allowed to continue, since I believe that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and that is the teaching of 

Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, interpreted rationally and so honestly. The popes, cardinals and bishops interpret the Council 

irrationally for political reasons and the people do not know about this. The newspapers and media are not reporting on this for political- left reasons. Even the Catholic blogs and websites, conservatives and liberals, are intentionally avoiding this subject. They are comfortable with interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally like the popes, cardinals and bishops.

So we do not have traditional mission in the Catholic Church.

I would like that there be small communities of Catholics all over the world who are willing to say that other religions are not paths to salvation (AG 7) and that

all need Catholic faith and the baptism of water for salvation (to avoid Hell).This is the teaching not only of the past but also Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This was once a dogma of the Catholic Church defined by three Church Councils (Council of Florence 1442 etc) 

I would like them to have a basic and common format. The name could be Only the Catholic Church or Solamente La Chiesa Cattolica. It would be a missionary community/ communities doing street evangelization aside from being like the other Catholic religious communities all over the world, in other aspects.

Presently there is no Catholic community which affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Since the Vatican does not encourage it, there could be societies or associations formed which will continue this traditional mission. They do not have to be officially recognized communities. They could informally maintain the charism of other communities in prayer, liturgy, community work etc.

Members of this community: Only the Catholic Church would also go out and pray for people on the streets and not just give them food.

Only the Catholic Church could be composed of people meeting informally in a group. Anyone can start this group in any country. For instance a group in Rome could also go out on the streets of Venice, Italy or in France etc, teaching the Catholic Faith to those who are interested.

In Christ


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