Saturday, July 20, 2024

Is the DDF competent to judge ?


The Creeds were Feeneyite before 1949 but today are Cushingite for the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), Vatican. So is the DDF competent to conduct trials for schism? Vatican Council II interpreted rationally does not contradict Tradition. It is not a  break with Tradition.

First Holy Communion and Confirmation Preparation Classes were Feeneyite before 1949 but today are Cushingite. They were Cushingite for Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict. They are Cushingite today for Pope Francis and Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez.Is the DDF competent to judge ?.

 Can they judge the theology of apparitions like those of Gisella Cardia at Trevignon, Italy ? The DDF’s Cushingite theology is a rupture with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. It is irrational and deceptive and cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit. Gisella Cardia follows Tradition which is Feeneyite.

The sun was spinning at Trevignon and a statue was weeping blood and this was not supernatural for the DDF. What is the DDF's definition of 'supernatural' ?

The bishop of Trevignon interprets the Creeds etc irrtationally and then creates a false break with Tradition. He must be a Feeneyite on Magisterial Documents to be able to judge. The Apostles and Church Fathers were Feeneyite i.e invisible people were invisible.This issue is not being touched by the leftist media in Italy which is critical of Gisella Cardia and supports Cushingism i.e invisible cases are visible, so Lumen Gentium 16 refers to a physically case of a non Catholic saved outside the Catholic Church in 1965-2024.

They do not report that the bishop at Trevignon, like Cardinal Fernandez  interprets Vatican Council II, politically. 

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s schism -trial and excommunication for not accepting the liberalism of the pope, created with Vatican Council II, irrational, is political.

Tradition was and is  Feeneyite.

Cardinal Fernandez Prefect of the DDF, and Msgr. Kennedy, Secretary, are Cushingite and do not deny this public.

How can they put traditionalists on trial for not accepting the liberalism of Vatican Council II, interpreted only irrationally? They must first accept the Council interpreted rationally and so magisterially and then claim competence to judge on doctrine and theology.

A traditionalist, Sister Maria Philomena micm, is the Director of the St. Augustine Institute of Wisdom, St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire. She interprets Vatican Council II and the baptism of desire rationally. She is a Feeneyite on EENS and Vatican Council II and so would also  interpret the Creeds and Catechisms rationally. She accepts the Athanasius Creed, Feeneyite-only.

She could canonically appeal against the Cushingite bishop of Manchester, NH, Bishop Peter Libasci who is a Cushingite on the Creeds etc. The diocese of Manchester is a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Boston. Cardinal Sean O’Malley, the Archbishop of Boston is a Cushingite. He interprets the Athanasius Creed with Cushingism. So he too is heretical and schismatic on Church Documents, like Bishop Libasci. Cushingism creates heresy and schism irrespective of who uses it, a liberal or conservative Catholic.

If she does not appeal now and correct the situation and clarify her position as a traditional who goes for the Latin Mass and accepts Vatican Council II,  tomorrow Cardinal Fernandez and Msgr. Kennedy could accuse her religious community, the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, of being schismatic and worthy of excommunication.

- Lionel Andrades

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