Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Catholic Church returns to unity in doctrine and theology


We now have unity in faith, doctrine and theology. The liberal-traditionalist division has ended with Vatican Council II interpreted only rationally. It was Vatican Council II (irrational) which was producing ‘the development of doctrine’ and ‘the reforms’.

The Council, no more has exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), which is supported by Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II.

Vatican Council II supports the Athanasius Creed and there is a continuity with the pre-1949 popes and Magisterium. Those who continue to interpret the Council irrationally are not Magisterial.

Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church interpreted rationally indicates that Mohammad is in Hell and Jews and other non Catholics are oriented to the Catholic Church to avoid the fires of Hell (CDF, Notification, Fr. Jacques Dupuis sj, 2001).This is the official teaching of the Catholic Church according to Magisterial Documents (Creeds, Councils, Catechisms etc) interpreted only rationally.

The traditionalist and liberal cardinals now have no choice but to accept Vatican Council II. However this is a reference to only Vatican Council II (rational).

Cardinal Raymond Burke, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez are united on Vatican Council II. For all of them, the Council says, Mohammad is lost forever and so are the Jewish Left rabbis, the Zionists who are outside the Catholic Church, Jesus’ Mystical Body.

Vatican Council II (rational) has taken the Church’s salvation-theology back to that of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, whose feast we celebrate tomorrow.

We are back to the ecclesiology of St. Alfonso Liguori and the Redemptorists whose feast day follows that of the great Jesuit missionary of the Middle Ages.


This is all new information. So Pope Francis and Cardinal Fernandez must review the excommunication of Archbishop Vigano since Vatican Council II (rational-Feeneyite) supports Archbishop Vigano and Tradition and not Cardinal Fernandez and liberalism.

So when Card. Fernandez continues to reject the Athanasius Creed and the dogma EENS in the name of Vatican Council II (irrational), schism-charges should be filed against him.

Fernandez must acknowledge that ‘the great religions’ are not paths to Heaven and only the Catholic Church has ‘the fullness of truth’.

Pope Francis must inform the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, the Grand Mufti in Egypt that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.This is the non-schismatic teaching now, of Vatican Council II ( rational-Feeneyite).

Catholics are ‘the new people of God’ (Nostra Aetate 4, Vatican Council II), the new Chosen People. The Catholic Church is the continuation of the Jewish religion, we have the Jewish Messiah promised by the Jewish prophets of the Old Testament of the Bible.The First Commandment refers to true worship, in only the Catholic Church.

We do not support Israel or Hamas in the religious conflict, since the social, religious and political reign belongs only to Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews (Quas Primas).

Poland, Hungary, Slovakia must reject the divisive secular politics of Pope Benedict who was restricted by Vatican Council II (liberal-irrational).

The Catholic Church once again has the same theology of the Austro-Hungarian Catholic Empire and the Papal States in Europe.

This is not just a personal view.I am following the text of the Council.-Lionel Andrades

MARCH 7, 2020

OCTOBER 5, 2019

Temi di ecclesiologia

Prof.Giovanni Tangorra teaches an Ecclesiology course at St.John Lateran University, Rome : He interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism to create a hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition - 2


 DECEMBER 31, 2019

Image result for photos angelicum university rome

Evidence of the deception at the Angelicum Universityhttps://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/12/evidence-of-deception-at-angelicum.html


 FEBRUARY 26, 2020

No denial from PISAI : they use the irrational premise, inference and conclusion to interpret Vatican Council II, the Catechisms and Creeds the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and other magisterial teachings


 MARCH 5, 2020

Image result for Photo La Sapienza university

All the books and articles on Vatican Council II in Italy were written with a false premise, inference and conclusion.Lionel's Blog is an exception.Salvini's Lega political party could take up this issue in the Italian Senate



MARCH 5, 2020

Image result for photo book The Documents of Vatican Council II by Walter Abbott sj Photo

There is a subtle error in Vatican Council II and it is there in all the books on the Council. This error I call Cushingism.It is an irratonal way of looking at the Council.Even the book, The Documents of Vatican Council II by Walter Abbot sj carries the virus

MARCH 4, 2020

The political party Lega Salvini needs to take up the issue in the Italian Senate of the Italian priests Fathers Riccardo Petroni, Matteo Riboli, Lorenzo Mazzetti di Pietralata, Emanuele Lonardi and Enrico D'Urso deprived of the status of being a priest and made lay men, by Archbishop Peregro in Ferrara, who rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, supported by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican 



MARCH 2, 2020

Image result for Ann Barnhardt photo

Now the issue is not just EENS of the past centuries. Its Vatican Council II. The Council can be re-interpreted in harmony with the EENS of the centuries.


FEBRUARY 13, 2020

Clarification from Associated Press, Reuters, Catholic News Service, Catholic News Agency, Vatican News Service and Press Office and other media is still awaited : Vatican Council II can be interpreted without the irrational premise, inference and conclusion and the Council will support the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and 16th century EENS


JANUARY 29, 2020

Salz der Erde: Christentum und katholische Kirche im 21. Jahrhundert. - Ein Gespräch mit Peter SeewaldImage result for ò Kirche, Ökumene und Politik: Neue Bestrebungen in der Ekklesiologie Papa Benedetto

Pope Benedict needs to apologize for projecting LG 16, GS 22 etc as being practical exceptions to the past ecclesiology of the Church.He has made this error in his articles and books and two theological papers of the International Theological Commission, Vatican, which he approved as the cardinal-prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.


JANUARY 28, 2020

Die Freiheit befreien: Glaube und Politik im dritten JahrtausendCredo: Meditationen zum Glaubensbekenntnis

The publishers of Pope Benedict's books in German must note that he used a false premise and inference to interpret Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition and this is not only bad philosophy and bad theology it is unethical and dishonest. 



JANUARY 27, 2020

 Image result for ignatius pressImage result for ignatius press


The former Archbishop of Munich's books published by Ignatius Press have an in- principle error.The German Joseph Ratzinger's books were written with an irrational premise to create an artificial rupture with Tradition on Vatican Council II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Nicene Creed and other magisterial documents.There should be an apology from Pope Benedict and Ignatius Press. 


JANUARY 28, 2020

 Logo Trägerverein des Deutschen Presserats e.V.

Deutsche Presserat needs to inform newspapers and publishers that there is a rational and honest interpretation of Vatican Council II it is ethical.It does not create an artificial and calculated rupture with Catholic Tradition,pleasing to one lobby 



JANUARY 25, 2020

What is being taught by the Faculty of Religious Education and the Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt in Bavaria, is really deception and politically Left subterfuge.This is not Catholic- teaching.

JANUARY 23, 2020

Seminarians from the Eichstadt seminary study theology at the Catholic University of Eichstadt-Ingolstadt,Bavaria and they are taught to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.Students from the seminary of St. Willibrand have to interpret Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) with a false premise and inference to study to become a priest.

 FEBRUARY 12, 2020

Cardinal Ratzinger's Professio Fidei is based upon the use of the irrational premise,inference and conclusion in the interpretation of magisterial documents including Vatican Council  https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/cardinal-ratzingers-professio-fidei-is.html      

FEBRUARY 12, 2020

Michael Sean Winters, Massimo Faggioli, John Allen jr and Joshua McElwee agree that even though Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, Richard Cushing and Joseph Ratzinger were there at Vatican Council II. the Council can be interpreted with the rational premise, inference and conclusion. Then it will be in harmony with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church, an ecumenism of return and 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), with no known exceptions. None of them are disputing this.  

 FEBRUARY 8, 2020

Cardinal Pietro Parolin must ask the Governments of Poland and Hungary to choose the rational interpretation of Vatican Council II


 FEBRUARY 8, 2020

President Sergio Mattarella and the Foclaries of Chiara Lubich could choose the rational model and discard the irrational one

FEBRUARY 8, 2020 Archbishop Corrado Lorefice, Bishop of Palermo, Italy and Fr. Alessandro M.Minutella former Parish Priest in Palermo both could interpret Vatican Council II rationally https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/archbishop-corrado-lorefice-bishop-of.html     https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/bishop-stephen-jlopes-and-frvaughn.html    
FEBRUARY 8, 2020 The Sant Egido community of Andrea Riccardi,the Bose community of Enzo Bianchi and the Bologna School of Alberto Melloni could choose the rational model of Vatican Council II and reject the irrational one https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-sant-egido-communitythe-bose.html   
FEBRUARY 8, 2020I affirm Vatican Council II with the rational interpretation and reject the irrational one (Graphics). https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/i-affirm-vatican-council-ii-with.html 
 FEBRUARY 6, 2020Pope Francis' books also follow this model : They interpret the Council with the false premise, inference and conclusion. https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/pope-francis-books-also-follow-this.html 

FEBRUARY 6, 2020St.John Lateran University library for research on Vatican Council II follows this model : all the books on Vatican Council II are written with a false premise  https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/stjohn-lateran-university-library-for.html 

FEBRUARY 6, 2020 Angelus Press-approved books also follow this model  https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/angelus-press-approved-books-also.html 

FEBRUARY 6, 2020 Ignatius Press- approved books follow this model   https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/ignatius-press-approved-books-follow.html  

FEBRUARY 6, 2020 All the USCCB-approved books on Vatican Council II are based upon this model  https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/all-usccb-approved-books-on-vatican.html  
FEBRUARY 22, 2020 Andrea Torneilli and the Vatican Press Office by now know that they interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational model and not the rational one.Pope Francis is probably informed and he must be saying that that we cannot go back to Tradition and the past and yet we cannot interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. We cannot irrationally interpret the Creeds and Catechism. There cannot be a false profession of faith( Professio Fidei).https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/andrea-torneillli-and-vatican-press.html

FEBRUARY 5, 2020 Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II with a false, premise and conclusion and this shows up in his encyclicals, exhortations and bulls published in books,which violate the Principle of Non Contradiction.Also Pope Benedict does not use a rational premise and inference to interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with Tradition(Syllabus of Errors,past ecclesiology, 16th century ecumenism and Feeneyite EENS) : two papers of the International Theological Commission, Vatican should be withdrawn  https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/pope-francis-interprets-vatican-council.html   

FEBRUARY 4, 2020 Pope Francis' future encyclicals will also be based upon Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents interpreted irrationally. He will use Cushingism instead of Feeneyism as a philosophy and theology as did Pope Benedict in all his books. https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/pope-franciss-future-enyclicals-will.html 
FEBRUARY 4, 2020 Pope Francis' encyclicals, bulls and exhortations refer to Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise, inference and conclusion. It was the same for Pope Benedict in all his books.It is time to simplify the Church.They could issue a statement and agree with me.https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/pope-francis-encyclicals-bulls-and.html 
FEBRUARY 2, 2020
Credo for TodayCardinal Ratzinger is a Cushingite and has interpreted the Nicene Creed with a false premise and inference which was not the understanding of the past centuries.Ignatius Press has published Credo for Today addressed to Christians and not Catholics. The Nicene Creed can be interpreted with Feeneyism or Cushingism and the conclusion would be different.https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/cardinal-ratzinger-is-cushingite-and-so.html 
FEBRUARY 2, 2020Literal and objective errors mark Pope Benedict's books published by Ignatius Press.He has interpreted the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II irrationally https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/literal-and-objective-errors-mark-pope.html 
JANUARY 21, 2020Ignatius Press needs to stop publishing books on Vatican Council II by authors who interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA, 2, GS 22 etc as being exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Books written by Pope Benedict also carry this error https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/01/ignatius-press-needs-to-stop-publishing.html
 FEBRUARY 2, 2020Fr.Aidan Nicols Dominican Master of Sacred Theology has authored The Theology of Joseph Ratzinger (1988) and like the pope interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion. This is a fault line in the books of Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict pubished by Ignatius Press.Pope Benedict and Fr. Nicols need to stop promoting their books with the misinformation.  https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/fraidan-nicols-dominican-master-of.html
FEBRUARY 1, 2020
Conciliar OctetFiguring out the ChurchIgnatius Press needs to acknowledge that Pope Benedict, Aidan Nicols and so many of their authors have made an objective mistakehttps://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/ignatius-press-needs-to-acknowledge.html 
JANUARY 7, 2020
JANUARY 21, 2020Ignatius Press needs to stop publishing books on Vatican Council II by authors who interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA, 2, GS 22 etc as being exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Books written by Pope Benedict also carry this error https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/01/ignatius-press-needs-to-stop-publishing.html
JANUARY 14, 2020
 Attention Jesuits : Before you write new books on Vatican Council II please do not make this mistake ( Graphics ) https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/01/attention-jesuits-before-you-write-new.html
Image result for Photo of Paul Lakeland Ohio  
NOVEMBER 12, 2019
NOVEMBER 11, 2019
 Cover for 9780199593255Cover for 9780198709763Cover for 9780199659272Cover for 9780198717522Cover for 9780195332674The Oxford University Press has produced many books on Vatican Council II based upon a false premise. A deceptive rupture is created with Catholic Tradition    https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/11/the-oxford-university-press-has.html  
OCTOBER 27, 2019
Books on Vatican Council II should not receive the Imprimatur: authors interpret the Council with a false premise to create an artificial rupture with Tradition https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/10/books-on-vatican-council-ii-should-not.html
OCTOBER 11, 2019
Image result for Photo  vatican council II and unwritten storyImage result for Photo  vatican council II and unwritten storyImage result for Photo  Iota UnumImage result for Dietrich  von hildebrand and Vatican COuncil II books photos Image result for Photo  vatican council II and unwritten storyLinverno_della_Chiesa1VaticanoII un dibattito apertoDo not read these books : their new theololgy is the same as that of the Amazon Synod   https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/10/do-not-read-these-books-their-new.html 
JANUARY 18, 2020Cushingism is an irrationality, it is modernism and yet the Cushingite Lefebvrists consider themselves traditionalists who follow sound doctrine unlike the Cushingite liberals. https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/01/cushingism-is-irrationality-it-is.html 
 NOVEMBER 16, 2019 Most of the books on Vatican Council II should not be there in the public and pontifical libraries . They should be sent back to the publishers if it is possible.They use a false premise and inference and then conclude with various new theories.Fr. Hans Kung sj is an example. So is Cardinal Walter Kasper.Their books should be removed from the libraries for being deceptive or the writers innocently being in ignorance.https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/11/most-of-books-on-vatican-council-ii.html
 NOVEMBER 16, 2019
Clearer Vatican II vision by Paul Lakeland uses an outdated theology : the Catholic Church has moved forwardhttps://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/11/clearer-vatican-ii-vision-by-paul.html
 NOVEMBER 14, 2019
Fr.Hans Kung's books, which unethically use a false premise, to create a non traditional conclusion, are available at the Legion of Christ university, in Rome(UPRA)
NOVEMBER 12, 2019
Image result for Photo  Gavin D'Costa

Gavin D'Costa's book published by the Oxford University Press has a philosophical and theological flaw
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
Before the Jesuits write new books on Vatican Council II someone has to inform them that LG 8, LG 14,LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical cases only in 2019 and they are not real and known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So Lumen Gentium does not contradict the past ecclesiology, LG 16 and GS 22 are not practical exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and there is nothing in Unitatis Redintigratio to contradict an ecumenism of return.https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/11/before-jesuits-write-new-books-on.html

OCTOBER 29, 2019
Theological Highlights of Vatican II by Joseph Ratzinger (2009-09-01)Such a staggering thought.All those thousands of books, numerous, written on Vatican Council II have a major theological error. They should be thrown into the dustbin- O'Malley, Kasper, Faggioli,Gherardini,Mattei, Ferrara.They violate Newton's laws of physics and Aristotle's Principle of Non Contradiction.https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/10/such-staggering-thoughtall-those.html
OCTOBER 28, 2019Image result for Photo Fr.Thomas Hardon  booksImage result for Photo joseph clifford fenton's books
Repost : Books to avoid - Fenton and Hardon's theology is off the rails  https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/10/repost-books-to-avoid-fenton-and.html
AUGUST 25, 2019
Many Catholic books on salvation and Vatican Council II are written with irrational Cushingite philosophy and theologyhttps://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/08/many-catholic-books-on-salvation-and.html
OCTOBER 28, 2019
 Image result for Photo banned booksAll the books on Vatican Council II that have been published could probably have an error in the interpretation of the Council, in its 16 basic documents.Lumen Gentium, Nostra Aetate,Ad Gentes, Unitatitis Redintigratio, Gaudium et Specs etc were are all interpreted with a false premise to create an artificial rupture with Tradition. Hypotheticals were assumed to be objective people saved outside the Church.  https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/10/all-books-on-vatican-council-ii-that.html
OCTOBER 27, 2019
Books on Vatican Council II should not receive the Imprimatur: authors interpret the Council with a false premise to create an artificial rupture with Traditionhttps://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/10/books-on-vatican-council-ii-should-not.html

MARCH 4, 2020La Scuola di Bologna sul Concilio Vaticano II dello storico Alberto Melloni è finanziata ogni anno dal governo di sinistra italiano quando interpreta il Concilio con una irrazionale premessa, inferenza e conclusione per respingere il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus se è stato interpretato di papi Italiani nel corso dei secoli https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/03/la-scuola-di-bologna-sul-concilio.html
FEBRUARY 3, 2020
Il Southern Poverty Law Center, Associated Press, Reuters e il resto della sinistra accusano i tradizionalisti di non accettare "le riforme del Concilio Vaticano II". Intendono il Concilio Vaticano II interpretato con la premessa, l'inferenza e la conclusione falsa. Non si riferiscono al Concilio Vaticano II interpretato con una premessa razionale e inferenza che crea una conclusione tradizionale. Quindi queste sono false informazioni sul Concilio da parte loro. Sono necessarie una correzione e un chiarimento.https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/02/il-southern-poverty-law-center.html


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