Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Official teaching of the Catholic Church not tolerated

<p>A Christian woman and child walk past a religious poster in Gojra, which has a history of Christian-Muslim clashes (2012 file photo: AFP/Arif Ali) </p>

A Catholic couple is accused of blasphemy in Gojra, Pakistan where Catholics are not free to speak freely about their faith. The laws are biased towards the Islamic  religion.It is difficult. Even the Catholic religious there know freedom of religious expression is limited for Catholics.
According to the official teaching of the Catholic Church non-Catholics, Muslims included, need to convert into the Catholic Church visibly, with faith and baptism(AG7) to go to Heaven and avoid Hell. There are no known exceptions in the present times.Neither does any Catholic recognized  document (magisterial) mention any exceptions.
This means according to the Catholic Faith, before and after Vatican Council II, all Muslims are on the way to Hell unless they accept Jesus as their  Saviour, within the Catholic Church, the only Church founded by Jesus.They need to  live according to the teachings of the Catholic Church for salvation.So according to Scripture, Magisterium and Tradition in the Catholic Church all Muslims are oriented to Hell.They have  Original Sin on their soul, mortal sins committed in this state and no access to the Sacraments of the Church which save. This would also include the Prophet Mohammad. This is the official teaching of the Catholic Church according to magisterial documents.(1)
So the official  teaching of the Church, is considered blasphemy and could result in death.If this Catholic couple said that they believed Mohammad is presently in Hell according to their religion, this would be considered irrelevant and they could still be put to death.
Usually Catholic religious would say that not every Muslim needs to enter the Church for salvation since there could be persons saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.
This is a false argument. Since the Church teaches all need to convert and we do not know a single case in 2013 who can be an exception to this teaching. Also neither does any Catholic Church document mention that these cases saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are visible to us or are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
If there are any Muslims saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire it would be known only to God and unknown to us.So the Church still teaches that every Muslim in the present times needs to convert into the Church to accept God's mercy made available through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and which is obtained and acknowledged by the convert through the baptism of water given to adults with Catholic faith..
God is love and wants all people to be saved but Hell exists. Those who respond to Jesus' Sacrifice will be saved.(Dominus Iesus 20). Those who do not respond will be condemned.(Mk:16:16.John 3.5).According to the Catholic Church every Muslim has an obligation to enter the Church before death, to go to Heaven for all eternity.-Lionel Andrades
Catholic Couple in Custody in Pakistan, Latest Victims of ‘Blasphemy Law’

Millions of Muslims devoted to Our Lady and eager for exorcism

by Samir Khalil Samir

Fatima, Harissa, Damascus, Samalut, Assiut, Zeitun and many other places where the Virgin appeared are the destination of incessant pilgrimages from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iran. Pilgrims in search of physical but also spiritual healing; spontaneous and mystical prayer and not the schematic and formal verses of official Islam. The iconoclast Salafists destroy places of pilgrimage every year. But the devotion to Mary is growing, also fueled by the stories of the Koran. The spiritual dialogue between Christians and Muslims is much more promising than cultural, theological or political dialogue.

Jesuits celebrate feast day Mass of St.Ignatius of Loyola in public heresy

Jesuits today will celebrate the feast of St.Ignatius of Loyola. In Rome as in the past there were will be Mass in the evening at the Chiesa del Gesu where the body of the saint is venerated. The Father General of the Jesuits Adolfo Nicholas will be the main celebrant.The community is in general public heresy and have the support of the Father General and the Vatican Curia.  

 In general they reject the Nicene Creed by affirming that there are three known- to- us- in- the- present- times baptisms, for the forgiveness of sins. They are the baptism of water, blood and desire.The Creed mentions only one. We know that the baptism of desire and baptism of blood are known and visible only to God. If the Church declares someone a martyr we accept it. However these cases of the baptism of blood are not physically visible to us to be an exception to the traditional teaching that all need to convert visibly into the Church for salvation.We cannot see any such case in 2013. So the baptism of blood and baptism of desire not being physically visible to us are irrelevant to the literal interpretation of the dogma.
For the Jesuits these cases are relevant to the dogma. So for them it follows that there is a known and visible baptism of desire and blood.There are three known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins. This changes the Creed.

Then they reject the Athanasius Creed by affirming not outside the church there is no salvation, which is mentioned in this Creed, but outside the church there is known to us salvation and so every one does not have to convert into the Catholic Church visibly in 2013. To reject the Creed or change its meaning is a first class heresy.
Then they indicate , knowingly or unknowingly, that the Holy Office 1949 made a factual error by assuming that the baptism of desire is known to us in personal cases and so was relevant to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney. For the Jesuits, Fr.Leonard Feeney was condemned for heresy since he would not accept the baptism of desire etc as an exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma.

The Jesuits reject the dogma on exclusive salvation, whch was defined by three Councils. They allege there are exceptions to the dogma mentioned in the Letter of the Holy Office. To reject a defined dogma is heresy. 
Since there are also known to them exceptions whom they can name in the present times, they allege there are also exceptions to the traditional teaching on mortal sin.So instead of one condition being needed to identify a mortal sin, grave matter, they believe there are three conditions necessary.As if they can judge and see cases who had 'full knowledge' and who sinned with or without 'deliberate consent'.So they are changing the Catholic teachings on morals having done so already on a faith issue, salvation.
Meanwhile at the Pontifical Gregorian University, the Jesuit Rector and priests have approved a new department in the Missiology Section titled A Theology of Religions Department. They imply that the different religions are equal paths to salvation and so they now have a theology of religions even though the Vatican corrected the priest Fr.Jaques Dupuis S.J for this very error.The Catechism of the Catholic Church says outside the Church there is no salvation (846) and all need to enter the Church as through a door and with faith and baptism. At the Gregorian University they are denying this .
Today evening at Mass Fr.Salvatore Zanda is expected to be present. Last week he conducted the Spiritual Exercises of St.Ignatius of Loyola at a centre outside Rome.He says non Catholics do not have to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation and that there may be no one in Hell.This contradicts Vatican Council II (AG 7) and other magisterial documents.He is also implying that the dogma on the infallibility of the pope ex cathedra is not to be accepted. He is rejecting extra ecclesiam nulla salus defined by three Councils and affirmed in the Council of Trent and in Vatican Council II (AG 7).Pope Pius XII in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 refers to it as an 'infallible statement'.
He denies the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and interprets Vatican Council II and all magisterial texts using the Richard Cushing false premise.In the Spiritual Exercises of St.Ignatius there is a contemplation on Hell and the knowledge of mortal sin.The Jesuits teach the spiritual  exercises without the same beliefs of the founder of their community.
They are rejecting the Creed, an ex cathedra dogma, Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and today they will offer Holy Mass in Italian.
-Lionel Andrades

Until Pope Francis gets new instructions

'New storms are forming on the horizon and these storms are certainly not raised either by the friars, nor by the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate', writes Prof. Roberto dei Mattei.'We appeal especially to Pope Francis, to withdraw the measures against the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Immaculate and against their legitimate use of the ancient Roman Rite.' (1)

Something new has been added to the Magisterium.It is not the same Magisterium as the past. It is a break with the past.Today morning at the basilica where the body of St.Catherine of Siena lies I was reminded of the problems she had with the popes of her time.
Over the last few years there has been an intense attack against the Traditional Latin Mass in the mainstream leftist media in Italy.So there was possible political pressure on the pope, threatening always the very existence of the Vatican.Some time back the Jewish Left broke dialogue with the Vatican over the Revised Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews, which is part of the Traditional Latin Mass.
The ecclesiology (understanding of Church) of the Traditional Latin Mass is outside the church there is no salvation.What the political opponents of this simple and peaceful Holy Mass do not realize ,is that the ecclesiology of Vatican Council II, without a false premise, is also that of the Traditional Latin Mass.
So without the Cushing Error ( the premise of the visible dead on earth) the Novus Ordo Mass and Vatican Council II are as traditional as the Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form.One can be a traditionalist and be hated by the Left and also offer Mass in Italian.

The action of Pope Francis targeted  a good priest. Fr.Stefano Manelli FFI is a holy priest, living his Catholic Faith with sincerity. It was because he was living his Catholic Faith that he was targeted politically by the 'progressives', in and outside the Church.They would like a mute and prudent community like the 'transformed' Legionaries of Christ and Opus Dei. They will be mute and prudent until they all discover the Richard Cushing Error in the interpretation of Magisterial texts.Then they all , left, right and center, will once again be traditional and this will create new problems for the enemies of the Church.
In so many of these blog posts I have shown how the present Magisterium has made a factual mistake.Politically the Vatican Curia is afraid to comment.It is prudent to preted that i don't exist rather then say the Catholic Church teaches after the Council that all non Catholics, Christians included need to convert to avoid Hell and there are no known exceptions.
The discovery of this objective error will take the Catholic Church back to the traditional ecclesiology, irrespective if the liturgy is traditional or vernacular.
One day this truth must come out in the open.Then there will be priests and laity at the Novus Ordo Mass who will be say all need to convert into the Church for salvation with no exceptions in the present times (Vatican Council II, AG 7).Outside the Church there is no salvation, as Fr.Leonard Feeney understood it.(AG 7,CCC 846,Dominus Iesus 20 etc).This is the official and traditional teaching of the Catholic Church before and after Vatican Council II.It implies there can only be an ecumenism of return. There can only be the traditional understanding of other religions in inter religious dialogue (Redemptoris Missio 10,55 etc).Anything else would be irrational.There would be a moral obligation to work for a Catholic political state in which the Kingship of Christ is at the center of all social and political legislation.
Fr.Stefano Manelli and the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, most of them, were unfortunately not yet affirming Vatican Council II without the Richard Cushing Error.
I could never get across to them.They were always so obedient to the magisterium, even though the magisterium was making a factual mistake with the Cushing premise.I was close this community for a long time and attended Mass at their churches, both traditional and in Italian.They were friends.
Fr.Stefano Manelli affirmed the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.For him mortal sin existed. He would speak and write often about Hell.This was not acceptable to the Left.The pope got his instructions
Fr.Manelli personally knew Padre Pio and had an extraordinary love for Our Lady.He was always very faithful to the magisterium.All this was considered by Pope Francis as not being in step with the  Church,  monitored by leftist rabbis associated with the Chief Priest in Tel Aviv.
Now the magisterium is asking the community Fr.Manelli founded, one of the fastest growing if not the fastest one in the Church today, to be in step with the secularisation which has already entered the Church and which is growing.It means gradually accepting evil to keep ones property and privileges. Everything evil will be legalized and all that is good will be suppressed.Finally even the Novus Ordo Mass will come under attack. Satan will not settle for less.
We must continue to remain within the Church, under the new oppression, and affirm, the traditional teaching of the Church which never changes. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Holy Spirit cannot teach a new way to go to Heaven and avoid Hell and suggest that the way He taught for centuries was wrong.
Today morning, there was a group of young police men and women of the Rome Traffic police in their new uniform-short pants up to the knees. The Franciscans can still wear their habit with the prominent Miraculous Medal. Until of course, new instructions come.
-Lionel Andrades

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Manifest injustice against the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate- Roberto de Mattei

 The "case" of the Franciscans of the Immaculate

- Roberto de Mattei
 The "case" of the Franciscans of the Immaculate
looks like an episode of extreme gravity, bound to have consequences within the Church perhaps not foreseen by those who recklessly put them in this  place.

The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life (known as the Congregation for Religious) with its Decree of 11 July 2013, signed by the Cardinal Prefect João Braz de Aviz and Archbishop Secretary José Rodriguez Carballo, OFM, has ousted the top of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, entrusting the government of the institute to an "apostolic commissioner," the father Fidenzio Volpi, cappuccino.
To "secure" the decree, card. João Braz de Aviz, is equipped with an endorsement ex auditu”,  by  Pope Francis,  who takes away any possibility of an appeal to the Apostolic Signatura by the Friars. The reason for this conviction, which  has its origin in a complaint to the Congregation for the Religious by a group of dissident monks, remain mysterious. From the Decree of the Congregation and the letter sent to the Franciscans on July 22 by the new Commissioner, the only accusations seem to be those of little "thinking with the Church" and excessive attachment to the ancient Roman Rite.

In reality we are faced with a manifest injustice against the Franciscans of the Immaculate. This religious institute founded by the Fathers Stefano Maria Manelli and Gabriele Maria Pellettieri, is one of the most flourishing which the Chuirch boasts of for the number of vocations, the authenticity of the spiritual life, fidelity to orthodoxy and to the Roman authorities. In the situation of anarchy liturgical, theological and moral, in which we find ourselves today, the Franciscans of the Immaculate should be taken as a model of religious life. The Pope often refers to the need for a religious life more simple and sober.
The Franciscans of the Immaculate stand out for its austerity and evangelical poverty which, since their founding, they have lived with  their Franciscan charism. It happens however that in the name of the Pope, the Congregation for Religious emoves the governing of the community , to transmit it to a minority of friars. It is to these  rebels, progressives, to which the neo-Commissioner will lean to "normalize" the Institute, or to lead it to disaster in which up to now it had escaped because of its faithfulness to the laws of the Church and the Magisterium.
But now the evil is rewarded and the good punished. Not surprisingly, while  exercising an iron fist against the Franciscans of the Immaculate the same Cardinal hopes that there will be  understandinging  and dialogue with the heretical and schismatic American Sisters. Those religious preach and practice the theories of gender, and therefore, with them there is dialogue. The Franciscans of the Immaculate preach and practice chastity and penance and and with them  therefore there is no possibility of understanding. This is the sad conclusion  inevitably for a dispassionate observer.
One of the charges against them is to be too attached to the traditional Mass, but the accusation is specious, because the Franciscans of the Immaculate are, as they say, "bi-ritualists".They celebrate the New Mass, and the ancient as it is granted to them by the ecclesiastical laws in force. Faced with an unjust order, one can imagine that some of them will not give up celebrating  the traditional Mass, and would do well to resist on this point, because it will be a gesture  not of rebellion but of obedience. Favors and privileges in favor of the traditional Mass have  not been repealed and have a higher legal force then that of the Decree of a Congregation, and even the intentions of the Pope i.e  if you do not express a clear legal act.
Cardinal Braz de Aviz seems to ignore the existence of the motu proprio   Summorum Pontificumotu of 7 July 2007, its implementing decree, the Instruction Universae Ecclesiae of 30 April 2011, and the Ecclesia Dei commission, attached to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.The   Congregation for Religious today invades their  field.
What is the intention of the supreme ecclesiastical authority? Supersede the Ecclesia Dei and to repeal the motu proprio of Benedict XVI? It is explicit, because the consequences can be learned. And if not, why put in place a decree unnecessarily provocative towards the Catholic world which refers to the Tradition of the Church? This world is undergoing great expansion, especially among young people, and this is perhaps the main reason for the hostility to which it is subject today.
Finally, the Decree constitutes an abuse of power that concerns not only the Franciscans of the Immaculate and those who are improperly defined traditionalists, but every Catholic. It is indeed an alarming symptom of the loss of legal certainty that is taking place today within the Church. Indeed, the Church is a visible society, in which there is the "power of the law and the law" (Pius XII, Address Dans notre souhait of 15 July 1950). The law is what defines right and wrong, as explained by the canonists, "The power in the Church must be right, and what is required from the Church itself, which determines the purposes and limits of the Hierarchy. Not every act of the sacred pastors, due to the fact that they come from them, is right "(Carlos J. Errazuriz, Law and Justice in the Church, Giuffre, Milan 2008, p. 157).
When legal certainty is not there, then the will  of the stronger prevails. It often happens in society, it can occur in the Church, when it prevails over the human dimension of the supernatural. But if there is legal certainty, there is no mis conduct . Otherwise everything is left to the whims of the individual or groups of power, and the strength with which these lobbies are able to impose their will. The strength, separated from the law, it becomes arrogance and hubris.
Ordine dei Francescani dell'Immacolata
The Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, is a legal institution, based on a divine law, of which the men of the Church are the custodians, and not the creators or owners. The Church is not a "soviet", but a building founded by Jesus Christ in which the power of the Pope and the bishops must be exercised according to the laws and traditional forms, all rooted in divine revelation. Today we speak of a Church more democratic and egalitarian, but the power is exercised often in a person, in defiance of the laws and customs of thousands of years. When there are universal laws of the Church, as the bull of Pius V Quo primum (1570), and the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI, it is necessary to change them, with a legal equivalent. A law cannot be considered revoked or  a previous law, if it is not explicitly repealed with  an Act of equal capacity.
To defend justice and truth in the Church, we are confident in the voice of Jurists, among which are some of the eminent cardinals,  ordered according to the "Extraordinary" Rite of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and who know the exemplary life and apostolic zeal of this community. We appeal especially to Pope Francis, to withdraw the measures against the Franciscans of the Immaculate and against their legitimate use of the ancient Roman Rite.
Whatever decision is taken, we can not hide the fact that now that the Church lives today is dramatic. New storms are forming on the horizon and these storms are certainly not raised either by the friars, nor by the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate. Love for the Church, the Catholic Apostolic and Roman has always moved and moves us to take up their defense. May the Madonna, Virgo Fidelis, suggest to the conscience of everyone, in these difficult times the right way to go. -Roberto de Mattei
Translation L.A

The complaints of less than 1% of Franciscans of the Immaculate led to the disciplinary action

A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics

The complaints of less than 1% of Franciscans of the Immaculate led to the disciplinary action?
by tantamergo
Eponymous Flower is written by a Tancred I've never met and know nothing about, save that he is apparently proficient in German. As such, he frequently translates and posts articles from the German-Catholic press which are otherwise unavailable in English. Tancred has a blockbuster translation today from the German site Katholisches, which claims that only 6, out of over 800, members of the Franciscans of the Immaculate are at the source of this conflict, and that some of those 6 have already left the order:
Six out of 800 members of the order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI) have made a submission to the Roman Congregation for Religious. A small minority. Thus, they protested against the decision of the Order's leadership, to use the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and to remain bi-ritual for the pastoral care of the faithful. Some of the six dissidents are now no longer in the Order, they were excluded because of disobedience and indiscipline. [We need to understand that there is no English attribution here, so it's not a substantiated claim, and it's not likely it will be] It may be argued that only a pretext was sought for the Congregation of Religious to take action against the exemplary order. The radical intervention erschereckenden [looks like some German slipped through.....] shows a lack of liturgical sensibility. Only such a deficiency may explain a ham fisted methods of this magnitude, which deprives the heart of religious life for four branches with more than 100 monasteries and houses and it seems to be the opinion that the Old Rite being simply replaced by the new is desirable. Upon the disempowerment of the Founder and the imposition of a Commission is expected to prevent a reaction to this by the Order.
If the numbers above are correct, it is amazing - and highly disturbing - that such a tiny minority (less than 1%) could cause such suffering and disruption in their own religious order. Again, the specificity and totality of the injunction made against the FFI's ability to offer the TLM is truly unprecedented. I think Tancred makes another valid point, the FFI, always truly faithful and imminently successful, without the slightest taint of scandal, are being treated much more severely than the Legionaires of Christ, whose founder was an utter disgrace not only to the Church, but to every human virtue! Amazing. The highly distinguished Italian Church historian Roberto dei Matteo points out, in Italian only, unfortunately, that this latest act is something outside the Church's Canon Law and normal operation, and speaks to a mode of operation based not on justice and rights, but on will to power. That might be going a bit far, but Matteo is quite close to Italian FFIs, and so may know of what he speaks.

Certainly, we don't have many details regarding what has occurred to all the FFI's leadership. We know the founder and superior has been removed, but the same occurred to the FSSP and they managed to carry on rather well. In fact, the parallel's to the infamous Protocol 1411 with regard to the FSSP are too obvious to ignore, as Tancred points out in another post (I had to switch the quoted text to italics, I am still having technical problems with this blog):

Secondly, this is the result of a small clique of embittered hostiles who've been given an ear in Rome, which has provoked this shakeup. It brings to mind another shakeup more than a decade ago with Protocal 1411, which many predicted back then, would be the end of the FSSP. Some will remember that a letter was sent from a small number of society members accusing it of being divisive, rigid and so forth, [in point of fact, it was sent by 12 French priests of the Fraternity who felt the Fraternity could better serve souls by offering the Novus Ordo. The Fraternity was, at that time, being denied the ability to operate in many French Dioceses because of their unwillingness to offer the Novus Ordo. These French members thus thought that, by offering the Novus Ordo in direct contravention of the Fraternity's founding orientation and charism, they would win over the reluctant/hostile French bishops and be able to serve more souls. The rest of the Fraternity strongly disagreed and the disaffected priests sought a sympathetic ear in Rome, which they found. Even though the disaffected priests "won" their case in Rome, the Fraternity hasn't been particularly more welcomed in French dioceses, and most all of those 12 who brought this great "division" on the Fraternity - really, a division of their own making - subsequently left the Fraternity.] which provoked a ruling down from Rome that despite the Society's original founding charter, that its priests would only say the Mass of All Ages, that this would be overruled and priests of the Society would therto be permitted to say the Bugninine Liturgy. [At that time, the 12 priests represented about 5% of the Fraternity's ordained priests, but they fired off a letter to Rome and that's about all it took to have the Fraternity's founder, Fr. Josef Bisig, removed, and a technicality added that could, potentially, require Fraternity priests to offer the Novus Ordo. Thankfully, this potentiality has never been much tested, at least outside France. The similarities to the FFI case are eerie, but the details are much worse. Never was there even a threat that the Fraternity would be denied its right to offer the TLM. But, at present, it is unclear when, if ever, the FFI will be able to regularly offer the TLM again, without special permission from possibly hostile superiors.]

At present, Father Stefano Maria Manelli, the 80 year old Franciscans of the Immaculate founder, is currently being replaced along with his board while a Capuchin visitor. [I briefly mentioned yesterday that Capuchins are, by and large, strong supporters of the "spirit of Vatican II" and hostile towards traditional practice of the Faith. I cannot overestimate this point, the one Capuchin I know who loves Tradition and the TLM has been all but hounded out of the order and is treated as an outcast.]

The troublemakers are said by a source known to us as being Americans who've been vocally critical of the "Gheradini line" of loyal criticism engaged upon by Immaculate members. [I should add that in both cases, FFI and FSSP, the mere existence of the TLM and strong adherence to Tradition was claimed by the disaffected members to be "divisive." That is a fascinating claim, which perhaps reveals a subtle (or overt) bias against the TLM and Tradition in general, as if such are incompatible with the "new Church."

This last quote would appear to be a direct reference to Fr. Angelo Geiger. Certainly, he has waged a war of words against the views of Msgr. Gherardini, Roberto Metteo, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, and others who, in a spirit of faithful obedience, question aspects of Vatican II. It appears Fr. Geiger, if he is truly involved, has been successful in his attempts to change the direction of his religious order. Maybe, perhaps, more "successful" than was intended.

FSSP Assassination Attempt on Old Mass : Input by six Members-Pretext ?

Assassination Attempt on Old Mass: Input by 6 Members -- Pretext?
From Eponymous Flower
(Rome) Six out of 800 members of the order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI) have made a submission to the Roman Congregation for Religious. A small minority. Thus, they protested against the decision of the Order's leadership, to use the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and to remain bi-ritual for the pastoral care of the faithful. Some of the six dissidents are now no longer in the Order, they were excluded because of disobedience and indiscipline. It may be argued that only a pretext was sought for the Congregation of Religious to take action against the exemplary order. The radical intervention erschereckenden shows a lack of liturgical sensibility. Only such a deficiency may explain a ham fisted methods of this magnitude, which deprives the heart of religious life for four branches with more than 100 monasteries and houses and it seems to be the opinion that the Old Rite being simply replaced by the new is desirable. Upon the disempowerment of the Founder and the imposition of a Commission is expected to prevent a reaction to this by the Order.
Second Largest Traditional Order in Ecclesia Dei Banned from Saying Immemorial Mass of All Ages
Update: while it does sadden us to see such heavy-handedness on the part of the Curia, which is frankly happening to other traditional orders, like the Good Shepherd, it doesn't necessarily mean an abrogation of Summorum Pontificum as Vox points out.

Edit: Is this a sign of things to come? There are also reports from Mumbai, India that the Traditional Latin Mass will be abolished in that Archdiocese, allegedly because there are no priests proficient in Latin.
As reported by at Sandro Magister and Rorate Caeli, the Mass of All Ages is being forbidden within the tremendously successful Franciscans of the Immaculate. They are the second largest Society under Ecclesia Dei to offer the Mass of All Ages. They don't offer it exclusively, and from now on, it appears they may not be allowed to offer it at all as of August 11th:

"In addition to the above, the Holy Father Francis has directed that every religious of the congregation of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate is required to celebrate the liturgy according to the ordinary rite and that, if the occasion should arise, the use of the extraordinary form (Vetus Ordo) must be explicitly authorized by the competent authorities, for every religious and/or community that makes the request.”

It's not known whether giant puppets, bad folk music or Jesuit dance will be required.
There are a couple of things that come to mind in the face of the recent issue with the Franciscans of the Immaculate. First of all, and most important to our mind, is that, barring any revelations of real wrongdoing on the part of this order, they have had a lot of success and have been growing nearly exponentially in the post-Conciliar age.

It's actually unheard of. They're not like any of the decadent, moribund, withering, archaic, folksy, dinosaur Benedictines or other irrelevant societies who cling to fossilized forms of a bygone era of the 1968 as Pope Francis opined at World Youth Day, from CFN:
"The Pelagian solution. This basically appears as a form of restorationism. In dealing with the Church’s problems, a purely disciplinary solution is sought, through the restoration of outdated manners and forms which, even on the cultural level, are no longer meaningful. In Latin America it is usually to be found in small groups, in some new religious congregations, in (exaggerated) tendencies to doctrinal or disciplinary 'safety'. Basically it is static, although it is capable of inversion, in a process of regression. It seeks to 'recover' the lost past."

In a way, it's a good sign that they are being unjustly persecuted, because in the post-Conciliar Church, a sure sign of success is being treated unjustly by one's superiors. Of course, as one corresponded reports, not even the evil Marciel Maciel's order, the Legionaries of Christ has been dealt with so roughly. The Franciscans of the Immaculate are being assigned a governing board and the past leadership, those who have made the order as successful as it is.

Secondly, this is the result of a small clique of embittered hostiles who've been given an ear in Rome, which has provoked this shakeup. It brings to mind another shakeup more than a decade ago with Protocal 1411, which many predicted back then, would be the end of the FSSP. Some will remember that a letter was sent from a small number of society members accusing it of being divisive, rigid and so forth, which provoked a ruling down from Rome that despite the Society's original founding charter, that its priests would only say the Mass of All Ages, that this would be overruled and priests of the Society would therto be permitted to say the Bugninine Liturgy.

At present, Father Stefano Maria Manelli, the 80 year old Franciscans of the Immaculate founder, is currently being replaced along with his board while a Capuchin visitor.

The troublemakers are said by a source known to us as being Americans who've been vocally critical of the "Gheradini line" of loyal criticism engaged upon by Immaculate members.


There is a comment on the blog post The Official Teaching of the Catholic Church is this .(1)

As posted: "So the official teaching of the Catholic Church on salvation, before and after Vatican Council II has not changed"

True, but all save a few at any level in the Church teach 'official Church teaching' and thus the confusion, babel and crisis of Faith.

Until the hierarchy teach official Church teaching there is very little hope for Baptism of Desire and Invincible Ignorance to be correctly understood and articulated.-GB

I have posted reports which show that the present magisterium(CDF) has made a factual error.
When I refer to the official teaching of the Catholic Church I am doing so with reference to magisterial texts from the past, including Vatican Council II, to Pope John Paul II's Catechism of the Catholic Church and Dominius Iesus.
-Lionel Andrades


SSPX book makes same doctrinal error as Neo Catechumenal Way, Charismatics and Jesuits

The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) has clearly made a doctrinal error  in a book they are selling . It's the same error being made by the Neo Catechumenale Way, Charismatic Renewal  and priests who offer  Mass in the vernacular.
Like the Neo Catechumenal Way the traditionalists  mistake implcit desire  ( baptism of desire) as being visible to us. This not  only leads to error but heresy. It implies there are three known baptisms and not one (contradicting the Nicene Creed) and that outside the Catholic Church there is known salvation (contradicting the Athanasius Creed).
For so many years I have been mentioning this  but no one in the SSPX  can refute what I am saying or correct me . This error is also the political postion of the SSPX (USA) and the Vatican is appreciated by the Jewish Left.
The SSPX (USA) is contradicted privately by priests of the SSPX in Italy who admit there are no known exceptions to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.
If the SSPX (USA) admits that the official position of the Catholic Church is that of Fr.Leonard Feeney they could be accused of being ati-Semitic or racist.They have already expelled so many priests who  have criticicezed the Jewish Left.
-Lionel Andrades


Fr. Francois Laisney indicates that for the SSPX the Church is no more ecclesiocentric since there are explicit exceptions to the dogma on salvation



SSPX(USA): it's an issue of integrity

Angelus Press book still refers to obsolete concepts as the baptism of desire being known to us and being an exception to the traditional teaching on other religions and salvation.
It's a question of integrity and honesty. The Angelus Press, of the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) has published a book with factually incorrect information.When they are asked two questions which will expose their error, they refuse to answer them. The book with doctrinal errors is still being sold by the SSPX (USA).
This controversial book is part of the formation of SSPX priests.
This book written by Fr.Francois Laisney and approved by the SSPX bishops assumes the baptisem of desire is a known visible exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
It also assumes that when Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre  referred to the Hindu in Tibet who can be saved , this person is presently known in the present times, he is personally known to SSPX priests and bishops, to be an exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Fr.Francois Laisney interprets the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and other  magisterial texts, as referring to an explicit for us baptism of desire.
Similarly Fr.Francois Laisney assumes all salvation mentioned in Vatican Council II (invincible ignroance LG 16, elements of sanctification LG 8 etc  are explicit, known to us exceptions to the traditional Catholic teaching on other religions  and Christian communities.With this error they also misundestand Dignitatis Humane, in Vatican Council II on religious liberty.
The SSPX  priests and Communications Office do not have the integrity to say there are no known exceptions to literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney and neither does the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 mention any.
The priest whom they slander was excommunicated of disobedience and when they excommunication was lifted , he was not asked by the Catholic Church to recant.

Pope Francis severely restricts the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate from celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass, imposes the Novus Ordo on all their priests

from Rorate Caeili  

UPDATE: FULL TEXT OF THE DECREE that abrogates Summorum for the FFI
Rorate note: A clear attempt to minimize the importance of this decree is taking place here and there in the blogosphere, as expected. We are being told that this isn't really something to worry about; that this is just a particular situation, limited to a particular religious institution, and has nothing to do with how Pope Francis views Summorum.

Against these manifestations of the spirit of denial that we have come to know so well since February 28 of this year, we raise the following points.

1) First, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are not just a small religious Order or congregation occupying a tiny niche of the Traditional Catholic world; with more than 130 priests, they are the second largest canonically-regular religious congregation or society among those that primarily or de facto exclusively offer the Traditional Latin Mass. (The FSSP is the largest.) The family of female monasteries and convents under the spiritual care of the FFI have no other parallel in the Traditional Catholic world outside the SSPX. Anything that restricts the ability of the FFI to offer the Traditional Latin Mass will of necessity be deeply felt by the Traditional Catholic world.

2) One justification now being raised is that the FFI's application of Summorum Pontificum had caused discord in many communities and that the Traditional Latin Mass was "imposed" brutally on priests who did not want it. On the contrary, we in Rorate, who have been closely observing the FFI since 2008, can affirm that the opposite is the case: Summorum was applied in a very gradual manner by the FFI, the Novus Ordo was never forbidden in their houses and sanctuaries, and in many parts of the world the FFI continued to offer the Novus Ordo predominantly. It ought to be noted as well that the FFI, in their promotion of the "Forma Extraordinaria", have been remarkably free of polemics and public attacks on the Novus Ordo.

3) Yet another justification now being used is that this action is acceptable because the FFI were not founded with the TLM as an essential part of their charism. This excuse is incomprehensible as it completely ignores the rights given by Summorum Pontificum to religious priests. Furthermore, if the dissatisfaction of a few is enough to get a whole religious congregation or Order restricted from making use of Summorum Pontificum, this opens an easy way by which the opponents of the old Mass can eventually expel the TLM from all non-"Ecclesia Dei" institutes.

4) Lastly, and most importantly, the decree -- by specifically restricting the Traditional Latin Mass -- is a clear indication that it is seen as something problematic, something that must be excised from the life of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. If this whole crisis in the FFI is not really about the Traditional Latin Mass, then why is it the target of exclusion and of restrictions, and why does the decree devote so much space to it, and why does the decree take the trouble of noting that this restriction was personally commanded by the Holy Father himself? If the crisis in the FFI is due to the misbehavior of some, then why is the deprivation of the Traditional Latin Mass extended to all?


Sandro Magister's latest column (For the First Time, Francis Contradicts Benedict) has the details. The emphases in the quote below are by Rorate. In our update, the full text of the decree.

The importance of this decree -- exquisitely dated July 11, the feast of St. Benedict in the calendar of the Novus Ordo -- is difficult to overstate. In the aftermath of Summorum Pontificum the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate -- the largest "strict observance" movement to be established in the Franciscan family of religious Orders and congregations after the general relaxation of observance in the post Conciliar era -- became far and away the largest religious congregation to adopt the Traditional Latin Mass as their favored form of the Roman Rite, albeit without completely abandoning the Novus Ordo. The FFI soon came to occupy an important place in the "canonically regular" Traditionalist Catholic world, being involved in numerous important conferences promoting Tradition and playing an important part in organizing many Pontifical Masses especially in Rome.

Many Traditional Latin Mass sites are open only because of the ministry of FFI priests; it remains to be seen how many of these Masses will have to be ended because of this decree. As of today we have already been informed that some of nuns under the spiritual care of the FFI are looking for priests to continue celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass for them after the August 11 ban comes into force.

In addition, the decree virtually ousts from his position the founder and superior of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, Fr. Stefano Manelli FFI, who is in his eighties, whose writings are known for their intense Marian devotion and fidelity to the traditions of Catholic asceticism and mysticism, and who is venerated by not a few as a living model of holiness.

The decree bears the date of July 11, 2013, the protocol number 52741/2012, and the signatures of the prefect of the congregation, Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, a focolarino, and of the secretary of the same congregation, Archbishop José Rodríguez Carballo, a Franciscan.

Braz de Aviz is the only high-ranking official in the curia of Brazilian nationality, and because of this he has accompanied Francis on his voyage to Rio de Janeiro. He has a reputation as a progressive, although that of a scatterbrain fits him better. And he will probably be one of the first to go when the reform of the curia announced by Francis takes shape.

Rodríguez Carballo instead enjoys the pope's complete trust. His promotion as second-in-command of the congregation was backed by Francis himself at the beginning of his pontificate.

It is difficult, therefore, to think that pope Bergoglio was unaware of what he was approving when he was presented with the decree before its publication.

The decree installs an apostolic commissioner - in the person of the Capuchin Fidenzio Volpi - at the head of all the communities of the congregation of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.

And this in itself is cause for astonishment. Because the Franciscans of the Immaculate are one of the most flourishing religious communities born in the Catholic Church in recent decades, with male and female branches, with many young vocations, spread over several continents and with a mission in Argentina as well.

They want to be faithful to tradition, in full respect for the magisterium of the Church. So much so that in their communities they celebrate Masses both in the ancient rite and in the modern rite, as moreover do hundreds of religious communities around the world - the Benedictines of Norcia, to give just one example - applying the spirit and the letter of the motu proprio “Summorum Pontificum" of Benedict XVI.

But precisely this was contested by a core group of internal dissidents, who appealed to the Vatican authorities complaining of the excessive propensity of their congregation to celebrate the Mass in the ancient rite, with the effect of creating exclusion and opposition within the communities, of undermining internal unity and, worse, of weakening the more general "sentire cum Ecclesia."

The Vatican authorities responded by sending an apostolic visitor one year ago. And now comes the appointment of the commissioner.

But what is most astonishing are the last five lines of the decree of July 11:

"In addition to the above, the Holy Father Francis has directed that every religious of the congregation of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate is required to celebrate the liturgy according to the ordinary rite and that, if the occasion should arise, the use of the extraordinary form (Vetus Ordo) must be explicitly authorized by the competent authorities, for every religious and/or community that makes the request.”

The astonishment stems from the fact that what is decreed contradicts the dispositions given by Benedict XVI, which for the celebration of the Mass in the ancient rite “sine populo" demand no previous request for authorization whatsoever:

"Ad talem celebrationem secundum unum alterumve Missale, sacerdos nulla eget licentia, nec Sedis Apostolicae nec Ordinarii sui" (1).

While for Masses "cum populo" they set out a few conditions, but always guaranteeing the freedom to celebrate.

In general, against a decree of a Vatican congregation it is possible to have recourse to the supreme tribunal of the apostolic signatura, today headed by a cardinal, the American Raymond Leo Burke, considered a friend by the traditionalists.

But if the decree is the object of approval in a specific form on the part of the pope, as it seems to be in this case, recourse is not admitted.

The Franciscans of the Immaculate will have to comply with the prohibition on celebrating the Mass in the ancient rite beginning Sunday, August 11.

And now what will happen, not only among them but in the whole Church?

Rorate has learned from its own sources that the "internal dissidents" were led by an American member of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate who was notable for his opposition and hostility to the any criticism of Vatican II, in direct contrast to the Italian friars of the FFI, many of whom adhered to the "Gherardini line" of loyal but unflinching criticism of at least some elements of the Conciliar documents.



The text of the decree in Italian is transcribed below. The last paragraph, with the specific papal order abrogating Summorum Pontificum for the priests of the FFI, is exactly as reported by Magister.

Full text (Italian - source Messa in Latino):


PROT. N. 52741/2012


Monday, July 29, 2013

Remember to ask your bishop, Parish Priest and others three questions

1. We personally do not know anyone saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire ?
2.There is no magisterial document  which says we know these cases?
3.Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church do not state that we know  these cases  saved in invincible ignorance  etc  or that they are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?

-Lionel Andrades


The Official Teaching of the Catholic Church is - all need to enter the Church visibly and there are no known exceptions. Every one, every adult, needs Catholic Faith and the baptism of water (AG 7) for salvation and we do not know any exceptions. No Magisterial document claims there are known exceptions. If there are no known exceptions then in reality there are no unknown exceptions for us in the present time.
Here are the references to Church documents which support the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the traditional, literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.

The text in yellow affirms the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It is the official, traditional teaching of the Catholic Church. The text in orange does not contradict the official teaching of the Church. It does not contradict the literal interpretation of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney. It is not opposed to Tradition since it refers to in principle (de jure) cases, which are hypothetical for us and known only to God.

Above all else, it must be firmly believed that “the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation: the one Christ is the mediator and the way of salvation; he is present to us in his body which is the Church. He himself explicitly asserted the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mk 16:16; Jn 3:5), and thereby affirmed at the same time the necessity of the Church which men enter through baptism as through a door”.77 This doctrine must not be set against the universal salvific will of God (cf. 1 Tim 2:4); “it is necessary to keep these two truths together, namely, the real possibility of salvation in Christ for all mankind and the necessity of the Church for this salvation”.

The Church is the “universal sacrament of salvation”,79 since, united always in a mysterious way to the Saviour Jesus Christ, her Head, and subordinated to him, she has, in God's plan, an indispensable relationship with the salvation of every human being.80 For those who are not formally and visibly members of the Church, “salvation in Christ is accessible by virtue of a grace which, while having a mysterious relationship to the Church, does not make them formally part of the Church, but enlightens them in a way which is accommodated to their spiritual and material situation... -Dominus Iesus 20

"Outside the Church there is no salvation"

846 How are we to understand this affirmation, often repeated by the Church Fathers?335 Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body:

Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation: the one Christ is the mediator and the way of salvation; he is present to us in his body which is the Church. He himself explicitly asserted the necessity of faith and Baptism, and thereby affirmed at the same time the necessity of the Church which men enter through Baptism as through a door. Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.-Catechism of the Catholic Church 846

Therefore, all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching, and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door. Therefore those men cannot be saved, who though aware that God, through Jesus Christ founded the Church as something necessary, still do not wish to enter into it, or to persevere in it."Therefore though God in ways known to Himself can lead those inculpably ignorant of the Gospel to find that faith without which it is impossible to please Him (Heb. 11:6), yet a necessity lies upon the Church (1 Cor. 9:16), and at the same time a sacred duty, to preach the Gospel...-Ad Gentes 7

Now, among those things which the Church has always preached and will never cease to preach is contained also that infallible statement by which we are taught that there is no salvation outside the Church.

However, this dogma must be understood in that sense in which the Church herself understands it...
Now, among the commandments of Christ, that one holds not the least place by which we are commanded to be incorporated by baptism into the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church, and to remain united to Christ and to His Vicar, through whom He Himself in a visible manner governs the Church on earth...

Therefore, no one will be saved who, knowing the Church to have been divinely established by Christ, nevertheless refuses to submit to the Church or withholds obedience from the Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ on earth.

The same in its own degree must be asserted of the Church, in as far as she is the general help to salvation. Therefore, that one may obtain eternal salvation, it is not always required that he be incorporated into the Church actually as a member, but it is necessary that at least he be united to her by desire and longing.
However, this desire need not always be explicit, as it is in catechumens; but when a person is involved in invincible ignorance God accepts also an implicit desire, so called because it is included in that good disposition of soul whereby a person wishes his will to be conformed to the will of God.
-Letter of the Holy Office 1949

22. Actually only those are to be included as members of the Church who have been baptized and profess the true faith, and who have not been so unfortunate as to separate themselves from the unity of the Body, or been excluded by legitimate authority for grave faults committed. "For in one spirit" says the Apostle, "were we all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether bond or free."[17] As therefore in the true Christian community there is only one Body, one Spirit, one Lord, and one Baptism, so there can be only one faith.[18] And therefore, if a man refuse to hear the Church, let him be considered - so the Lord commands - as a heathen and a publican. [19] It follows that those who are divided in faith or government cannot be living in the unity of such a Body, nor can they be living the life of its one Divine Spirit.-Mystici Corporis Christi

7. Here, too, our beloved sons and venerable brothers, it is again necessary to mention and censure a very grave error entrapping some Catholics who believe that it is possible to arrive at eternal salvation although living in error and alienated from the true faith and Catholic unity. Such belief is certainly opposed to Catholic teaching. There are, of course, those who are struggling with invincible ignorance about our most holy religion...
8. Also well known is the Catholic teaching that no one can be saved outside the Catholic Church. Eternal salvation cannot be obtained by those who oppose the authority and statements of the same Church and are stubbornly separated from the unity of the Church and also from the successor of Peter, the Roman Pontiff, to whom "the custody of the vineyard has been committed by the Savior."[4] The words of Christ are clear enough: "If he refuses to listen even to the Church, let him be to you a Gentile and a tax collector;"[5] "He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you, rejects me, and he who rejects me, rejects him who sent me;"[6] "He who does not believe will be condemned;"[7] "He who does not believe is already condemned;"[8] "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."[9] The Apostle Paul says that such persons are "perverted and self-condemned;"[10] the Prince of the Apostles calls them "false teachers . . . who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master. . . bringing upon themselves swift destruction."-Quanto Conficiamur,Pope Pius IX,1863

We see a similar pattern in other magistrial documents.

There can be only one rational interpretation of these magisterial texts. If one assumes that the text in orange is an exception to the text in yellow, it would be implying that we can see the dead saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire who are known exceptions to the text in  yellow.

So the official teaching of the Catholic Church on salvation, before and after Vatican Council II has not changed.-Lionel Andrades

April 19, 2013
Full of deception

Quanto Conficiamus of Pope Pius IX does not say that we know the baptism of desire explicitly
'This is the teaching of the Church'