Friday, August 7, 2020

The petition which was signed by '50 scholars and priests' thanked Archbishop Vigano and Bishop Schneider for their 'debate', was a lot of nonsense.They interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise and then produced the familiar propaganda.

 The petition which was  signed by '50 scholars and priests' thanked Archbishop Vigano and Bishop Schneider  for their 'debate', was a lot of nonsense.They interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise and then produced the familiar propaganda.-Lionel Andrades

The Congregation for Divine Worship, Vatican interprets Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms with a false premise.

 The image Cardinal Robert Sarah cuts in Africa

The Congregation for Divine Worship, Vatican interprets Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms with a false premise.If they avoided the error they would be affirming Feeneyite EENS at every liturgy and rite.

Even if there is a new Amazon Rite.Vatican Council II without the false premise is not a rupture with 16th century EENS. There would be no rupture with the Latin Mass of the missionaries of that time.

The Latin Mass today is not the Mass of the Ages.Pope Francis encourages it. The old Mass is offered with the New Ecclesiology created with the false premise.-Lionel Andrades

Romano Amerio and Paulo Pasqualucci's books on Vatican Council II are as obsolete as those of Cardinal Walter Kasper and Fr. Hans Kung sj.

 Iota unum. romano amerio. criterio libros. igle - Venduto in ...Chiesa e post concilio: E.M. Radaelli su Romano Amerio e ...

Romano Amerio and Paulo Pasqualucci's books on Vatican Council II are as obsolete as those of Cardinal Walter Kasper and Fr. Hans Kung sj.-Lionel Andrades

It is deception for the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome to maintain books on Vatican Council II interpeted with a false premise

 It is deception to maintain books on Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise. It would also be a reflection of the values of the faculty including the Rector at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.-Lionel Andrades

The Legion of Christ disciminates against seminarians and students who do not intepret Vatican Council II irrationally

 For the Legion of Christ to continue to maintain the present books on Vatican Council II in their library is deception.

They also discriminate against seminarians who do not interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.-Lionel Andrades

Fr.Serafino Lanzetta and the Family of Mary Immaculate and St. Francis , England interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise to remain in the diocese.

 Marriage and the Family in the Light of Fatima: Fr Serafino ...

Fr.Serafino Lanzetta and his new community the Family of Mary Immaculate and St.Francis in the diocese of Portsmouth, England are interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise to remain in the diocese.With the public error they are approved by the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales.

If this religious community, of former members of the  Franciscans of the Immaculate, did not use the false premise ( invisible cases of LG 8, LG 16 etc are visible examples of salvation outside the Church) they would not be politically correct with the Left, like the liberal bishsops and cardinals in Britain.

Fr.Lanzetta and other members of the  Lefebvrist group 

( Mattei, Marshall, Weston, Shaw, Kwasniewski,Ferrara, Schneider, Vigano, Matt etc ) use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II. So they are accepted by the liberals in Britain and the pro-left Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican.

Then there are also conservative Catholics influenced by the Lefbvrist group, past and present, who also interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise . They include Fr. John Zuhlsdorf,Fr.Neto Rey at Gloria TV and Michael Voris at Church Militant TV.-Lionel Andrades

Ask the Dominicans to make a public announcement on this issue

The University of St. Thomas Aquinas ( Angelicum ) Rome is inviting students to enroll for the new academic year (2020-2021). However the faculty will not give the students a traditional Catholic education. It is the same at other pontifical universities and traditionalist seminaries.The students enrolled will have to interpret 1) Vatican Council II 2) Creeds 3) Catechisms 4) Encylicals etc, with a false premise to create a rupture with EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc.This is not Catholic. Students could object. They could clarify this issue with the Rector and Dean of Theology. Ask the Dominicans to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and to make a public announcement. Otherwise they should resign. This is unethical.-Lionel Andrades

Archbishop Giancarlo Perego, archbishop of Ferrara must be asked to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise. If he cannot do so he has no right to be an archbishop and transfer those priests.

 Mons.Libanori, Auxiliary bishop in Rome  had the  priests at Ferrara-Commacchio  transferred since they did not accept the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II. Mayor Rajji in Rome and Mayor Fabri in Ferrara could have these priests brought back to Ferrara.

Archbishop Giancarlo Perego, archbishop of Ferrara must be asked to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.

If he cannot do so he has no right to be an archbishop and transfer those priests. -Lionel Andrades

Archbishop Lefebvre's books are obsolete like those of Cardinal Walter Kasper and Fr. Hans Kung sj.

 Archbishop Lefebvre's books are obsolete like those of Cardinal Walter Kasper and Fr. Hans Kung sj.- Lionel Andrades

In exchange for prosperity Pope Benedict hid the truth about Vatican Council II ? The Council never contradicted the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.

 In exchange for prosperity Pope Benedict hid the truth about Vatican Council II ? The Council never contradicted the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. -Lionel Andrades

The Dominican University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum, Rome must not discriminate against students who interpret Vatican Council II rationaly i.e without the false premise. Presently I am not allowed to study there

 The Dominican University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum, Rome must not discriminate against students who interpret Vatican Council II rationaly i.e without the false premise. Presently I am not allowed to study there.-Lionel Andrades



Are the Germans ready for a schism on Vatican Council II ? English too ?

 Are the Germans ready for a schism on Vatican Council II ? English too ? -Lionel Andrades

Adorazione Eucaristica - Medjugorje 6 agosto 2020

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Amazon Books, Ignatius Press, Angelus Press and the numerous other publisher's books on Vatican Council II are now obsolete.They are like old technology. These books are now 'past tense '.Throw them out.

 Amazon Books, Ignatius Press, Angelus Press and the numerous other publisher's books on Vatican Council II are now obsolete.They are like old technology. These books are now 'past tense '.Throw them out..-Lionel Andrades

"Cari giovani vi hanno detto la bugia più grande: si può vivere senza soffrire" MEDJUGORJE 5.08.2020

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La Madonna a Medjugorje ha rivelato la sua data di nascita - 5 agosto

 <iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Vigano and Schneider's interpretation of Vatican Council II is obsolete. Someone please explain it to them.

 Vigano and Schneider's interpretation of Vatican Council II is obsolete. Someone please explain it to them. -Lionel Andrades

The Legion of Christ has placed Fr. Hans Kung's books in the library of the University Pontifical Regina Apostolorum(UPRA), Rome.The whole set was there. Like Kung the faculty interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise.This creates schism with the popes before Pius XII on the dogma EENS and the dogma on the infallibility of the pope ex cathedra. If they did not use the false premise there would be no rupture with Tradition. Since there would be no exceptions to EENS mentioned in the text of Vatican Council II.

 The Legion of Christ has placed Fr. Hans Kung's books in the library of the University Pontifical Regina Apostolorum(UPRA), Rome.The whole set was there.

Like Kung the faculty interpret Vatican Council II with a false  premise.This creates schism with the popes before Pius XII on the dogma EENS and the dogma on the infallibility of the pope ex cathedra. If they did not use the false premise there would be no rupture with Tradition. Since there would be no exceptions to EENS mentioned in the text of Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

We can take the Catholic Church back to the 1930's by re-interpreting Vatican Council II without the false premise.There would be no rupture with Tradition(EENS etc) in the Council text.'The red will not be an exception to the blue '

 We can take the Catholic Church back to the 1930's by re-interpreting Vatican Council II without the false premise.There would be no rupture with Tradition(EENS etc) in the Council text.'The red will not be an exception to the blue '. -Lionel Andrades

Pope Paul VI could have interpreted Vatican Council II without the false premise.Cardinal Wojtyla did not correct him

 Pope Paul VI could have interpreted Vatican Council II without the false premise.Cardinal Wojtyla did not correct him -Lionel Andrades

Lefebvrists circling the wagons


Circling the Wagons | Nicholas Hoffman & Co.


Lefebvrists are circling the wagons.There is a report by Peter Kwasniewski on Life Sites News not addressing the issue of the false premise.He only quotes other Lefebvrist sources.

He is saying nothing new outside the familiar propaganda which keeps him accepted by the liberals and trads.

Similarly Fr.Dwignt Longnecker has a report praising Bishop Robert Barron and criticizing Life Sites and Dr. Taylor Marshall. Again, not mentioning that without the false premise there is no rupture with Feeneyite EENS, the Syllabus of Errors, the Athanasius Creed and the Catechisms interpreted rationally.

The Lefebvrists need to remove their books and also Fr. Hans Kungs's books on Vatican Council II, from the book shelves.Archbishop Lefebvre, Roberto dei Mattei, Christopher Ferrara and Fr. Gruner made the same error.


So today they are on the defensive. Circling the wagons. 

There books on Vatican Council II are written with a false premise and so their conclusion is objectively wrong.It is a break with Catholic Tradition.-Lionel Andrades

Peter Kwasniewski