Friday, August 9, 2019

2019 Medjugorje Youth Festival

Vatican confirms Medjugorje approval by joining youth festival

The Vortex — Bishop Barron & Fatima

All the trad blogs remain politically correct with the Left and avoid the Anti Semitic charge.They interpret Magisterial documents with irrational Cushingism instead of rational Feeneyism.So they create a rupture with Tradition( Syllabus of Errors, EENS( Feeneyite) etc).They will not affirm Vatican Councl II(Feeneyite) or EENS( Feeneyite).Since this will get them into trouble.

All the trad blogs remain politically correct with the Left and avoid the Anti Semitic charge.They interpret Magisterial documents with irrational Cushingism instead of rational Feeneyism.So they create a rupture with Tradition( Syllabus of Errors, EENS( Feeneyite) etc).They will not affirm Vatican Councl II(Feeneyite) or EENS( Feeneyite).Since this will get them into trouble.
 Image result for Photo David Domet
David Domet( Vox Cantoris) after the horrible New Zealand massacre rejected Feeneyite EENS and Vatican Council II( Feeneyite). He mentioned a non Catholic colleague of his who will go to Heaven. He also believed all those killed at Christchurch would go to Heaven with last minute repentance. For him Catholic faith and the baptism of water was not the norm for salvation. There were known exceptions. He also removed all comments of mine which supported EENS and Vatican Council II, Feeneyite. He received a warning of course.Tancred at the blog The Eponymous Flower blog spoke to him but he would not issue a clarification.I was banned for affirming the faith without using his Cushingite, politically correct premise.He forgot all about the Traditional Latin Mass and his correction of Pope Francis for heresy.He did not want to be Anti Semitic, racist etc and lose his job and blog.The persecution came and he was found wanting.
I have also been banned on traditionalist websites and blogs which project Archbishop Lefebvre, who was a Cushingite on EENS and Vatican Council II.
Michael Matt's Remnant News will dare not interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with Feeneyism.So no comments are possible there for the last few years.
Michael and Peter Dimond can only interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism.Then they reject the conclusion and blame the Council.No comments can be posted on their website.They possibly still do not understand the difference between a Vatican Council II Feeneyite and Cushingite.Unlike the other traditionalists they do not seem afraid of the Zionists.
Louie Verrecchio chooses to interpet EENS and Vatican Council II with Cushingism. Feeneyism would be a threat to his blog. No comments are possible there too.
Brother Andre Marie MICM, in his Doctrinal Letter to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith interprets Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.They have always been Feeneyite on EENS.Nor comments are possible there too .Nor are there any articles on Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) on their website Catholicism. org.There seem restrictions placed upon them by the Left.
All the traditionalists forums accept the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) which is based on Cushingism.So my comments are prohibited.
Steve Skojec has had a Cushingite theological formation at the University of Steuvenville. Christine Niles and the rest of the CMTV Staff also received their theological degrees from Cushingite professors approved by the Cushingite CDF ecclesiastics.
Michael Voris affirms EENS(Cushingite) and not EENS( Feeneyite).Jim Farrell's article criticizing Fr. Leonard Feeney on doctrine,was interpreted with Cushingism and was posted on CMTV.
All these conservative and traditionalists then blame Vatican Council II( Cushingite) correctly, without mentioning Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) which supports Tradition. The fault does not lie with the Council but with their way of looking at Vatican Council II and interpreting it ideologically.The Left appreciates it when Vatican Council II is criticized and the distinction between Feeneyism and Cushingism is not made.
But the fault is not there with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite). The mistake lies with the Cushingite philosophy and theology, which when used, will prevent accusations of Anti Semitism from within and outside the Church.
A few years back when I explained to Patrick Madrid that Vatican Council II was Feeneyite he soon quit as an apologist.The same happened more or less with Robert Sungenis.Those who do not quit now like John Salza, remain prudently Cushingite and politically correct with the liberals and Masons.-Lionel Andrades

Traditionalists correctly reject Vatican Council II (Cushingite) but do not know about Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) which supports Tradition.

Catholic Traditionalism: The Most Dangerous Movement In Our Time


From the blog Catholic in Brooklyn 
Is it just coincidence that every sedevacantist group is traditional?  All of these groups reject Vatian II, the "Novus Ordo" Mass, all post conciliar popes, and any changes made in the Church since Vatican II.  (Lionel: They correctly reject Vatican Council II(Cushingite) but do not know about Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) which supports Tradition. This liberal writer supports Vatican Council II (Cushingite) which is heretical. He uses a false premise to interpret the Council )  There is nothing to distinguish self proclaimed sedevancantists from those who write blogs such as  They can kid themselves all they want, but they have completely separated themselves from Christ and His Church. (Lionel: Those who affirm Vatican Council II(Cushingite) like the writer and Bishop Barron have separated themselves from the past Magisterium of the Catholic Church).

We either serve Jesus Christ or we serve Satan.(Lionel : When the writer interprets all magisterial documents with a false premise the result is a mortal sin of faith. He serves Satan).  When someone starts telling you that you must discern for yourself whether you should submit to the Church founded by Jesus Christ, you should run as far away as you can because to separate yourself from the Mystical Body of Christ is to separate yourself from Christ and eternal salvation. (Lionel: To interpret the Creeds, Catechisms and Vatican Council II with  a false premise to create an artifical rupture with Tradition is heresy. We should run from this.)

The title of my post says Traditionalism is the most dangerous movement of our time.  Yes, I think it is more dangerous than anything else in this world, more dangerous than satanic groups, more dangerous than any atheist group.(Lionel: Jesus, the Apostles, the Church Fathers, the medieval popes and saints are all part of Catholic Tradition. They affirmed the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS. The writer rejects all this. He rejects EENS( Feeneyite) and affirms EENS(Cushingite).He rejects Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) and affirms Vatican Council II( Cushingite).

The reason I say this is because the traditionalists look very spiritual.  They say and do all the right things.  They worship reverently at their traditional latin masses (never the "Novus Ordo" if they can avoid it!), pray the Rosary, they go to confession on a regular basis, they pray novenas and spend time in adoration.  They do all the "spiritual" things  They quote the saints, they know the history of the Church.  They can quote some obscure pope that you never even heard of. (Lionel. True.God Bless them for this).

But none of it counts for anything unless they are doing all these things for love for God.(Lionel: They are doing this for love of God)   From what I see on the Internet, their motives are self righteousness, arrogance, pride.  They look down on all those who do not agree with them or whom they do not consider "holy".  They have even rejected the Magesterium of the Church, and think they do God a service. (Lionel. They have rejected a 'magisterium' which interprets Vatican Council II and other Church documents with Cushingism.) They trust only in themselves.  (Lionel: How can you trust ecclesiastics who interpret Church documents with irrational Cushingism and then accept the conclusion ?) They live in their own fantasy world of spirituality which has little to nothing to do with true worship of God.(Lionel: They worship God like the Catholics over the centuries but without accepting Vatican Council II (Cushingite) like this liberal writer).
-Lionel Andrades