Saturday, November 28, 2020

Thomas Williams at Breitbart News like Ralph Martin, Scott Hahn, Matt Fradd,Bishop Robert Barron and the apologists at Catholic Answers, has to use a false premise to interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II.

 Thomas Williams at Breitbart News  like Ralph Martin, Scott Hahn, Matt Fradd,Bishop Robert Barron and the apologists at Catholic Answers,  has to use a false premise to interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II. 

Otherwise Breitbart may not employ him.

Now he does not quote St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine on EENS. He is a liberal like Steve Bannon. -Lionel Andrades

L' Europa ha bisogno di Gesù. La Madonna desidera rialzare questa umanità

George Weigel interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with a false premise as does Ralph Martin and Scott Hahn. If he avoids the false premise, Vatican Council II would be in harmony with St. Thomas Aquinas on the strict interpretation of EENS. Weigel would then have to resign from the Left think- thank in Washington, where he is employed

 George Weigel interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with a false premise as does Ralph Martin and Scott Hahn. If he avoids the false premise, Vatican Council II would be in harmony with St. Thomas Aquinas on the strict interpretation of EENS.

Weigel would then have to resign from the Left think- thank in Washington, where he is employed. -Lionel Andrades

John Henry Weston like Ralph Martin and Taylor Marshall keeps up his Youutbe ratings by 1) not affirming EENS like St. Thomas Aquinas 2) projects Lumen Gentium 16 as a practical exception to EENS according to St. Thomas Aquinas 3) and creates a New Theology, approved by the Left, which says outside the Church there is known salvation. So there are new doctrines on salvation which have the hermeneutic of rupture with the past Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX etc,for him. What's important for the both of them are their Youtube ratings and their earnings. The truths of the Faith are secondary

 John Henry Weston like Ralph Martin and Taylor Marshall keeps up his Youutbe ratings by 1) not affirming EENS like St. Thomas Aquinas 2) projects  Lumen Gentium 16  as a practical exception to EENS according to St. Thomas Aquinas  3) and creates a New Theology, approved by the Left, which says outside the Church there is known salvation. So there are new doctrines on salvation which have the hermeneutic of rupture with the past Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX etc,for him. What's important for the both of them are their Youtube ratings and their earnings. The truths of the Faith are secondary.. -Lionel Andrades

The day Ralph Martin interprets Vatican Council II without the false premise, he returns to the Old Evangelisation and traditional EENS. Probably he would have to give up the income he receives for the needs of his family

 Ralph Martin earns a salary as a professor of theology, he has a program on EWTN, has sponsors for his Renewal Ministries and is a member of a Vatican Congregation. All this is possible since 1) he rejects EENS according to St. Thomas Aquinas 2) projects  hypothetical cases as being objective exceptions to EENS and 3) this is the New Theology which says outside the Church there is salvation, there is known salvation, which he affirms and so remains employed.

The day he interprets Vatican Council II without the false premise, he returns to the Old Evangelisation and traditional EENS. Probably he would have to give up the income he receives for the needs of his family. -Lionel Andrades

Taylor Marshall has lost his interest in Vatican Council II and is not producing any new programs on this subject.He did not discuss how the Council could be interpreted without the false premise and it would be in harmony with St. Thomas Aquinas' strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This though would affect badly his ratings on Youutbe. So he does not mention the subject and continued to interpret Vatican Council II like Bishop Michael Olsen

 Taylor Marshall has lost his interest in Vatican Council II and is not producing any new programs on this subject.He did not discuss how the Council could be interpreted without the false premise and it would be in harmony with St. Thomas Aquinas' strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This though would affect badly his ratings on Youutbe. So he does not mention the subject and continues to interpret Vatican Council II like Bishop Michael Olsen.-Lionel Andrades 

La Madonna apparendo a Kibeho invita tutti ad amare senza distinzione

Ralph Martin's New Evangelisation is based on the New Theology. He has to use the false premise, like Pope Benedict and Cardinal Ladaria, to reject the strict interpretation of EENS upon which was based the Old Evangelisatioin, traditional Mission


Ralph Martin's New Evangelisation is based on the New Theology. He has to use the false premise, like Pope Benedict  and Cardinal Ladaria, to reject the strict interpretation of EENS upon which was based  the Old Evangelisatioin, traditional Mission. -Lionel Andrades

Roberto dei Mattei interprets Vatican Council II like the liberals, he uses the false premise and does not affirm the strict interpretation of EEBS according to St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine.Instead of correcting himself and finally writing the truth , he is writing on Rorate Caeili about the Miraculous Medal. We all could do with a miracle in his life

 Roberto dei Mattei interprets Vatican Council II like the liberals, he uses the false premise and does not affirm the strict interpretation of EEBS according to St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine.Instead of correcting himself and finally writing the truth , he is writing on Rorate Caeili about the Miraculous Medal.

We all could do with a miracle in his life. -Lionel Andrades

Il trionfo del Cuore Immacolato di Maria è una promessa che la Vergine ci ha fatta

Michael Matt, Peter Kwasniewski and Taylor Marshall like Ralph Martin, Scott Hahn and Matt Fradd will 1) not affirm the strict interpretation of EENS according to St.Thomas Aquinas. 2)Instead they put forward hypothetical cases, theoretical possibilities as being practical exceptions to EENS, example LG 16, LG 8 etc 3) and then conclude that St. Thomas Aquinas on EENS is obsolete and Tradition ( Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX) has to be rejected, since there are 'obvious exceptions'. They, trads and liberals, are Cushingites and not Feeneyites. So they are approved by the Left

 Michael Matt, Peter Kwasniewski and Taylor Marshall like Ralph Martin, Scott Hahn and Matt Fradd will 1) not affirm the strict interpretation of EENS according to St.Thomas Aquinas. 2)Instead they put forward hypothetical cases, theoretical possibilities as being practical exceptions to EENS, example LG 16, LG 8 etc 3) and then conclude that St. Thomas Aquinas on EENS is obsolete and Tradition ( Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX) has to be rejected, since there are 'obvious exceptions'. 

They, trads and liberals,  are Cushingites and not Feeneyites. So they are approved by the Left.-Lionel Andrades

The great Scott Hahn is not announcing that he will cease to use the false premise in Catholic theology and invite his ex Protestant friends in the Catholic Church, to do the same

 The great Scott Hahn is not announcing that he will cease to use the false premise in Catholic theology and invite his ex Protestant  friends in the Catholic Church, to do the same. -Lionel Andrades

Supplica alla B. V. Maria della Medaglia Miracolosa, da recitare il 27 Novembre

We know that Matt Fradd only interviews Cushingites to meet the agenda of his sponsors and to keep the Youtube numbers rising.If he would interview Brother Andre Marie MICM, many of Fradd's misconceptions would be shelved.The tone and content of his interviews would have to be altered.Matt Fradd would not be able to cite Lumen Gentium 16 as an exception to Feeneyite EENS.Brother Andre Marie would point out that LG 16 is a speculative case.So how could it be a practical exception to EENS ?

 We know that Matt Fradd only interviews Cushingites  to meet the agenda of his sponsors and to keep the Youtube numbers rising.If he would interview Brother Andre Marie MICM,  many of Fradd's misconceptions would be shelved.The tone and content of his interviews would have to be altered.

Matt Fradd would not be able to cite Lumen Gentium 16 as an exception to Feeneyite EENS.Brother Andre Marie would point out that LG 16 is a speculative  case.So  how could it be a practical exception  to EENS ? LG 16 does not contradict St. Thomas Aquinas on EENS.An invisible person cannot be a visible exception.

Similarly he will knock off CCC 1257' God is not limited to the Sacraments', Romans 1 and 2 as cited by Ralph Martin, 'all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church' which is Pope Benedict's New Theology ( CCC 846), 'elements of sanctification and truth' in other religions (LG 8), 'people of good will' saved outside the Church (GS 22 ) etc. -Lionel Andrades

Patrick Coffin has interviewed Ralph Martin which will raise bad spectres, more of the same. Cushingism, is also a skeleton in the cupboard ( or coffin) for the both of them.

 Patrick Coffin has interviewed Ralph Martin which will raise bad spectres, more of the same. Cushingism, is also a skeleton in the cupboard ( or coffin) for the both of them. More dead-body theology will be coming to life.Coffin worked at the morgue at Catholic Answers, killing the truth.He will easily place the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church under ground.There will be Ralph Martin's deadly reasoning to contend with like, "possibilities are very practical exceptions to EENS in modern times". They are real as ghosts.The dead man walking theology.😀Invisible cases saved in inculpable ignorance(LG 16 etc) are visible non Catholics in haunted houses. Unknown cases of being saved without the Sacraments in 2020 are personally known : now you see them, now you don't. With  their New Theology both can preside over the funeral of traditional salvation theology.A light in the cave is needed to expose the false premise which keeps these liberals forever in the dark. We have two liberal tombstones with their obsolete theology.😉 -Lionel Andrades

There can be two interpretations of Lumen Gentium 16 and Ralph Martin's chooses the irrational one so he does not have to affirm Feeneyite EENS


NOVEMBER 21, 2020

A Church in Crisis - a talk by Ralph Martin : there can be two interpretations of Lumen Gentium 16 and the conclusion will be different

Ralph Martin does not affirm the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) according to St. Thomas Aquinas and he is giving new interviews to promote his book. He continues to also promote his liberal theology based upon false premise.

 Ralph Martin does not affirm the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) according to St. Thomas Aquinas and he is giving new interviews to promote his book. He continues to also promote his liberal theology based upon false premise. So there are new doctrines on salvation.

To avoid the strict interpretation of EENS he promotes theoretical possibilities and hypothetical cases, from Vatican Council II, as being practical exceptions to EENS.

So he unethically implies that these possibilities (LG 16 etc) which exist only in the mind are objective examples of salvation for him in the present times.So outside the Church there is salvation for him in 2020.

Otherwise ho could they be relevant or be exceptions, to EENS according to St. Thomas Aquinas ?

He is a liberal on EENS and Vatican Council II like the dissenter Charles Curran and those whom he mentions in his book.

Renewal Ministries interprets Vatican Council II with the same fake premise and so does not affirm Feeneyite EENS. -Lionel Andrades

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