Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Why should Brother Andre Marie interpret CCC 846 according to the liberals and heretics and not me ? He is affirming CCC 846 and EENS, CCC 846 and CCC 847-848.He does not have to choose as the CDF Secretaries. Morandi and Di Noia,want him to do.


The issue, however, is that CCC 846 states the dogma and then changes its meaning.

The meaning is only changed if in your mind BOD, BOB and I.I 1 refer to exceptions to EENS.

CCC 846 Changes the dogma's meaning from outside the Church to inside the Church.

CCC 846 does not say that inside the Church there is salvation for me, since BOD, BOB and I.I are always invisible and unknown .
CCC 846 could be saying that inside the Church there is salvation for Cardinal Ratzinger and most Catholics since BOD, BOB and I.I refer to visible and known people saved outside the Church. So they are exceptions to EENS for them.

It depends upon how you look at it.
Why should Brother Andre Marie MICM interpret CCC 846 according to the liberals and heretics and not me ?
Why should he be irrational and assume unknown and invisible people are known and physically visible and then create a theology upon this objective error?

The CCC, by changing the “Outside Church No Salvation” dogma to”Inside Church Is Salvation”, committed an act of heresy.

But you too X, are interpreting CCC 846 like the CDF.For you BOD, BOB and I.I refer to personally known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church.This is why there is salvation for you 'inside ' the Church.Or outside the Church there is salvation with BOD, BOB and I.I. It is a subtle error.
Image result for Photos St.Benedict Center N.H
Brother Andre Marie MICM in his Doctrinal Letter to the CDF has said that there are no personally known cases of being saved in invincible ignorance etc. So CCC 846 does not contradict the dogma EENS, which he also affirms.
He is affirming CCC 846 and EENS, CCC 846 and CCC 847-848.
He does not have to choose as the CDF Secretaries. Morandi and Di Noia,want him to do.

Final: Changing a dogma's meaning is an act of heresy.

Not interpreting and accepting  the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS would also be heresy ?

-Lionel Andrades

BOD(baptism of desire) , BOB(baptism of blood) and I.I (invincible ignorance)

Father Davide Pagliarani supports an ecumenical Christ and a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism and Salvation : SSPX communique

True Fraternity Exists Only in Jesus Christ

Fr.Davide Pagliarani:
An ecumenical Christ would not be the true Christ. For more than fifty years, modern ecumenism and interreligious dialogue have ceaselessly presented to the world a diminished, unrecognizable, and disfigured Christ. 
Lionel: When Fr. Davide Pagliarani, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) refers to Jesus without the necessity of the Church for salvation, it is an ecumenical Christ, he refers to.
He has to support an ecumenical Christ.Since outside the Church there was known salvation for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.The SSPX bishops too rejected exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. For them the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were practical exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.
They had all this wrong for 50 years and still no correction or comment is forthcoming.They misinterpret Vatican Council II like Archbishop of Lefebvre and the traditionalists and liberals of his time.
Since 1965 the Syllabus of Errors is also being contradicted with an ecumenical Christ and a Christian theology of religious pluralism and salvation.The SSPX is  part of the problem.They have changed doctrine and theology like the liberals.. They use the New Theology.Then they also criticize it unaware that its basis is the mixe up over hypothetical cases being non hypothetical.
At the Vatican-SSPX talks Fr. Davide Pagliarani, Superior General of the SSPX, must affirm Church teachings by re-interpreting Vatican Council II rationally and traditionally and asking the Vatican Curia to do the same.
Based on Vatican Council II, he  could affirm an ecumenism of return.Since Ad Gentes 7 says all need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. 1

The Word of God, the only Son of the Father, uncreated Eternal Wisdom took flesh and became man; faced with this historical fact no one can remain indifferent: “He that is not with Me is against Me: and He that gathereth not with Me scattereth” (Mt 12:30).
Lionel: It is a historical fact that Christ also founded a Church, the Catholic Church in which all need to enter with faith and baptism.With extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and Vatican Council II interpreted rationally, Fr.Davide Pagliarani  would be support the past exclusìvist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church based on Ad Gentes 7.He needs to affirm this Feeneyite Vatican Council II.References to hypothetical cases would only be hypothetical. LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical and invisible cases only. So they do not contradict Ad Gentes 7.They do not contradict  EENS as it was interpreted by the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.
Similarly the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) refer to hypothetical cases only. They are not visible people in 2019 saved outside the Catholic Church. So BOD, BOB and I.I never ever were exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.
The SSPX needs to affirm a Feeneyite Vatican Council II and EENS and reject their present Cushingite intepretation of Vatican Council II and EENS.

 By the fact of the Incarnation, Christ became the High Priest of the unique New Covenant and the Teacher who proclaims the truth to us; He became the King of hearts and of societies and “the firstborn amongst many brethren” (Rom 8:29). Thus true fraternity exists only in Jesus Christ and in Him alone: “For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). 
It is a truth of the faith that Christ is King of all men and that He wants to unite them in His Church, His unique Bride, His only Mystical Body.
Lionel: His Church, His unique Bride, His only Mystical Body.Outside of which there is no salvation and 1) BOD, BOB and I.I are not practical exceptions.2) Neither are LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc practical exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. This is EENS as it was interpreted by the missionaries in the 16th  century.
 The kingdom that He establishes is a reign of truth and grace, of holiness, justice, and charity, and consequently peaceful. There can be no true peace apart from Our Lord. It is therefore impossible to find peace outside the reign of Christ and of the religion that He founded. To forget this truth is to build on sand, and Christ Himself warns us that such an undertaking is doomed to fail (cf.Mt 7:26-27). 
Lionel: It is also impossible to find salvation outside the religion Christ founded.
The Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar is nothing but a house built on sand. It is furthermore an impious gesture that scorns the First Commandment of God and attributes to the Divine Wisdom, incarnate in Jesus Christ who died for us on the Cross, the statement that “the pluralism and the diversity of religions” is “willed by God in His wisdom” 
Such talk is opposed to the dogma that declares that the Catholic religion is the one true religion (cf.Syllabus of Errors, proposition 21). When something is a dogma, anything opposed to it is called heresy. God cannot contradict Himself. 
Following Saint Paul and our revered founder, Abp. Marcel Lefebvre, under the protection of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, we will continue to hand on the Catholic faith that we have received (cf.1 Cor 11:23), working with all our might for the salvation of souls and of nations, by preaching the true faith and the true religion. 
Lionel: The Catholic faith of Abp. Lefebvre is not the traditional Catholic Faith since it misinterprets BOD, BOB and I.I. It mixes up hypothetical cases as being defacto and known. Then it makes the same mistake in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. The SSPX mixed up hypothetical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as being practical exceptions to traditional EENS. So Vatican Council II(Cushingite and SSPX) becomes a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors on ecumenism. It also contradicts the Syllabus on outside the Church there is no salvation.So the SSPX theologically supports the ecumenical Christ.
 “Going therefore, teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost” (Mt 28:19-20). “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned” (Mk 16:16). 
Lionel: "Why baptise?", someone could ask, when the SSPX assumes there is known salvation outside the Church.For the SSPX there are exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma EENS.
The Catechism of Pope Pius X which is used at SSPX chapels says all need to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation. The SSPX cannot state this.Where is the comment on all Muslims with no known exceptions on earth needing to enter the Catholic Church with faith and baptism for salvation( to avoid Hell) ? None.
This Catechism refers to those saved in invincible ignorance. So for the SSPX this Catechism contradicts itself since a hypothetical case(invincible ignorance)  is mistaken to be an objective exception to all needing faith and baptism as members of the Catholic Church.For the SSPX invincible ignorance is an exception to EENS.
So they are denying the dogma extra eclesiam nulla salus and cannot say that all Muslims need to enter the Church as members for salvation and there are no known exceptions.

They are also denying the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus when they can not say that all Christians need to enter the Catholic Church as members for salvation and there are no known exceptions.

They deny the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.For them there are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They are not Feeneyite. They do not say that literally we do not know of any case of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood or invincible ignorance in the present times. 
They are denying the Nicene Creed when it says that I believe in a baptism for the forgiveness of sins. It refers to a known baptism, a visible baptism, the baptism of water.
For SSPX there are three or more known baptisms, baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance and exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. Only in this way for the SSPX, they become exceptions for extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
They reject Athanasius's Creed which says that there is no salvation outside the Church. Salvation is for the SSPX outside the Church. There is BDD, BDS, I.I and also LG 8, UR 3, GS 22 etc. This is all a heresy.
The Catechism of Pope Pius X contradicts the syllabus of the errors of Pope Pius IX.

The Second Vatican Council does not contradict for me the extra ecclesiam nulla salus but for them it is a break. So they are rejecting the Second Vatican Council. This is a heresy
Is not a Lefbvrist traditionalist a heretic ? This has been reported many times before and no one at the SSPX denies it.
They cannot. Since if they say that BOD, BOB and I.I and also LG 8, LG 16 etc refer to only hypothetical cases and so are not exceptions to the strict Feeneyite interpretation of EENS they would be contradicting the mistake made by Pope Pius XII, Archbishop Lefebvre and the cardinals of that time.
Image result for Photo of SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012
This contradiction came about from the SSPX in 2012.It  was issued in the SSPX General Chapter Statement on Doctrine (2012).The statement affirmed Feeneyite EENS and was rejected by Pope Benedict and the Left.
-Lionel Andrades
February 24, 2019
Father Davide Pagliarani, Superior General




Archbishop Lefebvre on “Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus”-Mundabor

First, the late Archbishop sets the main points of the question:
The Church is the one ark of salvation, and we must not be afraid to affirm it.  You have often heard it said, “Outside the Church there is no salvation”–a dictum which offends contemporary minds. It is easy to believe that this doctrine is no longer in effect, that it has been dropped. It seems excessively severe.
Yet nothing, in fact, has changed;  nothing can be changed in this area. Our Lord did not found a number of churches: He founded only One.  There is only one Cross by which we can be saved, and that Cross has been given to the Catholic Church. It has not been given to others.  To His Church, His mystical bride, Christ has given all graces.  No grace in the world, no grace in the history of humanity is distributed except through her.
(The Archbishop assumes that the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in 
invincible ignorance refer to visible and personally known people, non Catholics, saved 
outside the Church. They are saved without faith and the baptism of water.
They are saved in another religion and since they are known cases they become exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) for him.
Since there are known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church there are exceptions to EENS for him.Invisible people cannot be exceptions.
Then, he proceeds to explain how proper Catholic doctrine is rightly interpreted:
Does that mean that no Protestant, no Muslim, no Buddhist or animist will be saved? No, it would be a second error to think that.( It as if he knows of an exception. He knows of a practical exception to EENS.) Those who cry for intolerance in interpreting St. Cyprian’s formula, “Outside the Church there is no salvation,” also reject the Creed, “I confess one baptism for the remission of sins,” and are insufficiently instructed as to what baptism is.( He is aware of non Catholics being saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water and Catholic Faith. It is as if he could name particular cases.)  There are three ways of receiving it: the baptism of water; the baptism of blood (that of the martyrs who confessed the faith while still catechumens) and baptism of desire.(The baptism of water can be received visibly and repeatedly. The baptism of desire and baptism of blood, without the baptism of water, would only be known to God. The person saved as such would not be visible or known to us humans on earth. So in reality there is only known baptism, the baptism of water. Unknown cases of other baptisms cannot be exceptions to EENS. Yet they are exceptions still for the SSPX bishops and the present Superior General.So he supports an ecumenical Christ and a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism since he does not want to be 'Feeneyite')

Baptism of desire can be explicit. Many times in Africa I heard one of our catechumens say to me, “Father, baptize me straightaway because if I die before you come again, I shall go to hell.” I told him “No, if you have no mortal sin on your conscience and if you desire baptism, then you already have the grace in you.”(True but if he commits a mortal sin and dies that evening then he is on the way to Hell. This was also the teaching of the missionaries in Africa.Also we can be tempted to judge,especially an adult as going to Heaven.This is misleading. We cannot tell how Jesus will judge.The norm for salvation is faith and baptism in the Catholic Church. It is not the baptism of desire. We cannot say for sure that any particular person will be saved with the baptism of desire.)
The doctrine of the Church also recognizes implicit baptism of desire.  This consists in doing the will of God. God knows all men and He knows that amongst Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists and in the whole of humanity there are men of good will. They receive the grace of baptism without knowing it, but in an effective way. In this way they become part of the Church.(They receive the grace of baptism without knowing it.Yes hypothetically. In theory for us human beings on earth there is no particular case. However there is no particular person who can be be an objective exception to EENS.The norm for salvation is faith and baptism. Speculative cases are not objective exceptions to the norm.So they are not examples of salvation outside the Catholic Church.)
The error consists in thinking that they are saved by their religion.  They are saved in their religion but not by it.(We do not know who they are either-way!)  There is no Buddhist church in heaven, no Protestant church. This is perhaps hard to accept, but it is the truth. I did not found the Church, but rather Our Lord the Son of God.  As priests we must state theTruth.
(So Archbishop Lefebvre made a mistake on EENS and Vatican Council II because of this irrational reasoning. He was really supporting heresy.
He never affirmed EENS with BOD, BOB and I.I not being exceptions.
He never affirmed Vatican Council II with LG 8, LG 16 etc not being an exception to EENS as it was known to the Magisterium and missionaries in the 16th century.) 
Finally, in case you should think there is a rather easy way to salvation outside the Church, he takes all illusions away from you:
But at the cost of what difficulties do people in those countries  where Christianity has not penetrated come to receive baptism by desire! Error is an obstacle to the Holy Ghost.  This explains why the Church has always sent missionaries into all countries of the world, why thousands of them have suffered martyrdom. If salvation can be found in any religion, why cross the seas, why subject oneself to unhealthy climates, to a harsh life, to sickness and an early death? From the martyrdom of St. Stephen onwards (the first to give his life for Christ, and for this reason his feast is the day after Christmas), the Apostles set out to spread the Good News throughout the Mediterranean countries.
Would they have done this if one could be saved by worshipping Cybele or by the mysteries of Eleusis?  Why did Our Lord say to them, “Go and preach the Gospel to all nations?”
Finally, a concrete example of how the post V II Church could be terribly wrong, and suffer the Truth to be substituted with heresy or worse by the work of the bishops themselves:
It is amazing that nowadays certain people want to let everyone find his own way to God according to the beliefs prevailing in his own “cultural milieu.” A bishop once told a priest who wanted to convert the little Muslims, “No, teach them to be good Muslims;  that will be much better than making Catholics of them.”
Lionel: This priest could be reasoning like Archbishop Lefebvre. Since BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS, and so also LG 8, LG 16 etc, there is salvation outside the Church. So why have mission ? Why do they need to convert ?
This was how Pope Benedict interpreted extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II in March 2016 (Avvenire). Since there is salvation outside the Church for Pope Benedict there is no need for mission. So he questioned the need for mission according to his irrational interpretation of Vatican Councl II.He mixes up hypothetical cases as being non hypothetical and known exceptions to EENS. The same mistake was made by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.-L.A 


According to Vatican Council II and the Catechism Martin Luther is in Hell outside the Church

 Image result for Photo of Martin Luther and Pope Francis
According to Vatican Council II (AG 7) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(846-Outside the Church there is no salvation) Martin Luther is in Hell.He was outside the Church - aside from his other mortal sins on morals.
So it is the Catholic Church, through its magisterial documents which says that Martin Luther is in Hell.These are magisterial documents interpreted rationally.They are interpreted without assuming unknown and invisible people are objective examples of salvation outside the Church. 
The Catholic Church does refer to some categories of people who are outside the Church and are on the way to Hell. We can say that we know that they are in Hell.

St.Teresa of Avila was shown the place in Hell where she was to live for all eternity. Her description of Hell was not that of Hans Urs Balthazar. It was a frightening experience.It changed her life. She could bear intense sufferings on earth.Since she knew that it was nothing like what she saw in Hell.She could call up her image of Hell and the suffering on earth would be bearable.
For St. Teresa of Avila all Lutherans are oriented to Hell.
Those who follow Luther will go there said Padre Pio in one of his not- so- politically- correct comments.

Don Bosco was also shown Hell and it was frightening for him.Don Bosco affirmed the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
I was telling a Franciscan Friar who studies at one of the Leftist pontifical universities in Rome, that he does not know any one who will be saved at the last moment. While the norm for salvation is membership in the Catholic Church. So we know that Luther is Hell.

Similarly he does not know of any one who will be saved in invincible ignorance outside the Church while the norm for salvation is still outside the Church there is no salvation.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (846) cites Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. 
CCC 846 also says:

CCC 846: Outside the Church there is no salvation. How are we to understand this affirmation, often repeated by the Church Fathers? Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body:

Reformulated positively and rationally, it means all salvation comes through Christ the Head through the Church, which is his Body.This includes all people with no known exception on earth.They all have to formally enter the Church with faith and baptism to avoid Hell (for salvation). 
It also means that invincible ignorance(I.I), the baptism of desire(BOD) and the baptism of blood(BOB), is always hypothetical and theoretical for us.


BOD, BOB and I.I cannot be objective exceptions to all needing faith and baptism for salvation. They never were exceptions.
So the the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is not changed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Martin Luther was outside the Church and no one could say that he was saved in invincible ignorance.Physically no one could see him saved in invincible ignorance.
Similarly when the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus says outside the Church there is no salvation there are no  known cases of  non Catholics saved, for example over the last 50 years, outside the Church in invincible ignorance etc.
So practically there are no exceptions to EENS.
This is also how the text in magisterial documents need to be interpreted.
When Mystici Corporis. Quanta Cura and other magisterial documents refer to BOD, BOB and I.I they are not referring to exceptions to EENS. The reference is to hypothetical speculations. Possibililties only for God.
Most Catholics make a mistake here.
So Vatican Council II, with its hypothetical references in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc has not mentioned any exception to Ad Gentes 7 or the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846.
Similarly when the Catechism of the Catholic Church (n.1257) says God knows of no means to eternal beatitude without the baptism of water, this is not contradicted when n.1257 also says, 'God is not limited to the Sacraments'.Since we cannot know of any one saved outside the Catholic Church.'God is not limited to the Sacraments' is theoretical for us. This is a hypothetical appendage to n.1257.
The Franciscan Friar was mixing up hypothetical cases in faith( salvation) and morals as being practical exceptions to the norm on faith and morals, for salvation. Invincible ignorance in faith and morals is not an exception to the norm. This is the mistake upon which the New Theology of Rahner, Ratzinger and Kasper is built upon.
Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church are in harmony with the strict interpretation of EENS, the Syllabus of Errors, the past exclusive ecclesiology of the Catholic Church and an ecumenism of return.-Lionel Andrades 

Image result for Photo of Martin Luther in Hell
Sister Maria Serafini, below right, beatified in May 2011, saw Luther in Hell. One day she went to pray in a church but mistakenly entered a Protestant temple. Her Guardian Angel showed her the error. At that moment she saw Luther in the deepest place in Hell. He was on his knees surrounded by huge number of devils with hammers driving large iron nails into his skull. 

 Image result for Photo of Martin Luther in Hell


February 24, 2019

A good and loving God allowed the fires to burn in California and Greece and he also allows it to burn in Hell ( videos) 




February 24, 2019

The Catholic Church does say today that a person is in Hell and that there are many people there. Most people go to Hell and we can name them specifically
