Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Basilica of San Camillio de Lellis : Missione


Catholics at the Basilica of St.Camillio de Lellis, Roma will not say that all non Catholics need to enter the Catholic Church with faith and baptism to avoid Hell (Ad Gentes 7, Catechism of the Catholic Church 846) and there are no practical exceptions known to us in 2019.
There is a new project at the basilica where they make much of the word Missione but  mean it in a human development, secular sense.They have placed posters outside the Church.
Yesterday evening outside the basilica I spoke to a young lady who was there with a group of priests and religious sisters.I said too a young lady among them who agreed to speak to me, that I too was interested in mission but my theology and doctrines were different as a Catholic.
She saw the title of reports on a pamphlet which said according to Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church most people on earth go to Hell. Also, that all Jews and Muslims and other non Christians, are oriented to Hell since they die with faith and baptism(AG 7, CCC 846).
She said that they do mission according to Pope Francis and the Church.I said even Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church is 'the  Church.'Even what I say is according to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

How can we be Catholic  and do mission with different doctrines and theology?
My views were also those of St.Camillio de Lellis. He believed Lutherans and other Protestants are on the way to Hell.

The priests at this Basilica do not tell the Protestants with whom they have prayer meetings that they need to convert for salvation. This Lent they will again have a joint Stations of the Cross with other Christians.
Last Sunday at the conclusion of Holy Mass in Italian, the lectors, catechists and others who would all proclaim Jesus in this Mission program, could not affirm the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church for salvation.
 Image result for Photo SSPX
However in this basilica, the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) who also proclaim Jesus, are not allowed to offer Holy Mass.
But at this Basilica the Paulist Fathers founded by Isaac Thomas Hecker were permitted to offer Holy Mass in English for a long time. 

They do not affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus or Ad Gentes 7 and assume LG 8, LG 16 etc refer to known non Catholics saved outside the  Church in the Church in the present times.
Unlike the founder of the Paulist Fathers, for St. Camilio de Lellis,mission was saving the soul of a non Catholic  by telling him the truth.Every one needed Catholic faith and the baptism of water to avoid Hell.The Catholic Sacraments are needed for salvation.
The young lady then went to pray for the sick,possibly at one of the hospitals where they are not allowed to tell non Catholics that they need to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.
-Lionel Andrades

Methodists make history, vote against allowing homosexual ‘marriage,’ LGBT clergy

Methodists make history, vote against allowing homosexual ‘marriage,’ LGBT clergy

MISSOURI, March 1, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The United Methodist Church made history this week when it voted against a plan that would have paved the way for gay “marriage” and clergy.  
At their General Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, Methodist delegates from around the world defeated the “One Church Plan” – which had been favored by the majority of Methodist bishops and theological liberals – 438 to 384.   
By voting to uphold the definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman, the Methodist Church, which has over 12 million members, has distinguished itself as the only mainline Protestant church to not go down the path of normalizing homosexuality.   
Choosing instead the “Traditional Plan,” delegates also signalled their support for sanctioning clergy who disobey the same-sex “marriage” and LGBT clergy prohibitions.
While half of the Methodists’ members are Americans, most of the rest live in Africa, where the denomination enjoys impressive growth, adding about 100,000 members annually. It was the African delegates who brought overwhelming support for the Traditional Plan.
Homosexual and other progressive delegates, many of whom stood out because of their rainbow scarves, expressed disappointment with the Traditional Plan. A hundred or so “Open Plan” advocates staged an impromptu protest in the lobby of the hall after the measure was defeated.
Observers on both sides of the contentious vote noted the immense significance of the move.
“History...was made yesterday because the United Methodist Church, the only one of those mainline churches not to normalize homosexuality, voted to uphold biblical standards of sexual morality, the historic teachings of the United Methodist Church consistent with 2,000 years of church history defining marriage exclusively as the union of a man and a woman,” declared Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and one of the most influential voices in Evangelicalism, on Wednesday.    
“In St. Louis, Missouri, a major mainline Protestant denomination in the United States said ‘No’ to the sexual revolution,” said Mohler, adding, “It has never happened before...We had better pay close attention.”
“All the forces of institutional USA United Methodism were arrayed behind the One Church Plan,” observed Mark Tooley, President of the Institute on Religion & Democracy. “But USA evangelical and overseas delegates together were an insurmountable majority. As the USA church declines and continues to lose delegates in favor of Africa, overturning the church’s marriage teaching becomes increasingly unlikely.”  
“Many mainline denominations stateside have exerted tremendous pressure on churches overseas to give up the 2,000-year-old understanding of the Bible and morality for the new sexual heresy,” noted Breakpoint’s John Stonestreet. “In doing so, they’ve been guilty co-conspirators with progressive governmental activists of a kind of ideological colonialism.”
The move to block the normalization of homosexuality is seen as the climax of a tense standoff between liberal and conservative forces within the United Methodist Church (UMC).   
Many are predicting a schism will result from the vote, with the coming divorce between orthodox and left-wing factions seen as inevitable.  
“Baked into the UMC from its inception was a theological divide between liberals who controlled the denomination’s institutions and conservatives who filled most pews and many pulpits,” observed Jacob Lupfer, reporting for Religion News Service. “This mismatch showed up in disagreements over the UMC’s social witness on issues including the war in Vietnam, military ethics and intervention more broadly, abortion, environmentalism, feminism and, finally, questions related to homosexuality.”
The United Methodists have nonetheless gone forward together, even as the unifying trend collapsed and Presbyterians, Lutherans, and Anglicans divided and sorted into different denominations according to their theology.
“The new, LGBT-affirming Methodist group will be small yet mighty, and it will overnight become the most progressive denomination in the United States,” predicts Lupfer, who foresees a realignment of Protestant denominations.  
Lupfer believes the likely schismatic pro-LGBT Methodists will “forge new coalitions and pursue [their] version of social holiness without hindrance by American conservatives or by the African United Methodists whose beliefs it has so long abhorred,” resulting in “fascinating merger possibilities with Lutherans, Episcopalians or others.”
While the expected split may see the dividing line drawn between the wealthy American and the poorer African Methodist churches, the Africans are stalwart in their support of traditional Biblical morality, despite the threat of a loss of financial support.
“Africans are not children in need of western enlightenment when it comes to the church’s sexual ethics,” declared Dr. Jerry Kulah, Dean of Theology at the United Methodist University in Liberia, during a presentation at the UMC convention. “We do not need to hear a progressive U.S. bishop lecture us about our need to ‘grow up.’”
“The vast majority of African United Methodists will never, ever trade Jesus and the truth of the Bible for money,” affirmed Kulah, who also noted that in contrast with the UMC in the U.S., “the Church in Africa is growing in leaps and bounds because we are committed to biblical Christianity.”

Fr.Chad Ripperger prayed for a man with pancreatic cancer. He did a minor excorcism over him.A week later he was cancer-free. A year later they brought the man back with another illness. The Catholic priest prayed over him and that illness too was gone


(Video 19:19) Fr.Chad Ripperger prayed for a man with pancreatic cancer. He did a minor excorcism over him.A week later he was cancer-free. A year later they brought the man back with another illness. The Catholic priest prayed over him and that illness too was gone.
He thought that this man was under some kind of a curse. This was a form of oppression.
He says that we are living not living in a political atmosphere when there are differences of idea but we are living in a political atmosphere where there is good on one side and evil on another.The ideas which they throw out it is just to promote their evil.-Lionel Andrades