Sunday, June 28, 2020

Testimony – I repented after visiting heaven and hell


3 Kinds of Hell (The Devil Never Wanted Christians To Watch This Video)

At least 92 people killed by lightning in India

At least 92 people killed by lightning in India

by Nirmala Carvalho
For Archbishop William D’souza, the tragedy compounds “burdens, problems, difficulties and sufferings” people have had to face in recent months because of the pandemic.

10,000 Reasons Matt Redman Spanish Version by Samaritan Revival Christia...

Bishop-members of the USCCB Committee on Doctrine interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and have penalised clergy(Fr.Vaughn Treco) and lay Catholics(Fischer More College faculty) for not doing the same.They now have approved the new Directory on Catechesis.

USCCB Resources & Documents – South Dakota Catholic Conference
Bishop-members of the USCCB Committee on Doctrine  interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and have penalised clergy(Fr.Vaughn Treco) and lay Catholics(Fischer More College faculty) for not doing the same.They now have approved the new Directory on Catechesis.
Bishop Kevin Rhaodes interpreted Vatican Council II with a false premise and expected the former apologist Robert Sungenis to do the same.
Bishop Steven J. Lopes, Bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter also would not interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise and inference. He excommunicated Fr. Vaughn Treco for not accepting his interpretation of Vatican Council II which creates a false rupture with Tradition.
Bishop Robert J. McManus, Bishop of Worcester granted full canonical status to the traditionalists Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Benedict Center, Still River,MA.They condone Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise.It creates a rupture with Feeneyite EENS. They will not interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.Since then they could lose their full communion status in the diocese.

Bishop Michael Olson,Bishop of Fort Worth let the Catholic college Fischer More collapse. He wanted the faculty to accept Vatican Council II with the false premise and inference to create a rupture with 16th century EENS.Dr.Taylor Marshall was on the faculty.He accepted Vatican Council II with the false premise as did the bishop.The FSSP priests also interpreted the Council with the false premise and so were allowed to offer Mass in Latin, with the new ecclesiology.This was approved by the bishop and the Congregation for the Doctrine for the Faith, Vatican.
Cardinal Donald Wuerl was the former Chairman of the Doctrine Committe. He did not ask Fr. Peter C.Phan to affirm exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.This would be possible if Fr. Phan interpreted Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents rationally. He also did not make this a condition for the Fordham university teacher whose book he criticized.
Neither did he ask the Jesuit and other universities in Washington to affirm the Council without creating an artifical  hermeneutic of rupture with the traditional Catholic doctrine and the traditional theology of the faith.-Lionel Andrades

Who We Are

Committee on Doctrine


Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend


Most Reverend Michael C. Barber, SJ, Bishop of Oakland
Most Reverend John F. Doerfler, Bishop of Marquette
Most Reverend Daniel E. Flores, Bishop of Brownsville
Most Reverend Richard G. Henning, Auxiliary Bishop of Diocese of Rockville Centre
Most Reverend Steven J. Lopes, Bishop of The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter
Most Reverend James Massa, Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn
Most Reverend Robert J. McManus, Bishop of Worcester
Most Reverend Michael F. Olson, Bishop of Fort Worth

Bishop Consultants

Most Reverend William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore


Dr. John C. Cavadini, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame
Msgr. Michael Heintz, Ph.D., Mount St. Mary's University
Dr. Margaret Harper McCarthy, Ph.D., Pontifical John Paul II Institute For Studies on Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America


Image result for s Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Prof. Robert Fastiggi along with Ludwig Ott's Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma.

Bishop Michael Olson has faculties to offer Holy Mass while denying the Catholic Faith in public

 MARCH 12, 2014

From school to university Catholic children are taught the false premise : Fort Worth Diocese

Ave Maria University of Tom Monaghan is making the same objective mistake as Fort Worth diocese

JULY 15, 2019

Bishop Steven Lopes does not interpret Vatican Council II without the irrationality and has excommunicated Fr. Vaughn Treco.

 JULY 14, 2019

Image result for Photo of Bishop Steven J. Lopes

Catholics in the parish closed down by Bishop Steven J.Lopes must note that he interprets unknown cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) as being known exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus, or EENS, as it was known to the missionaries and Magisterium in the 16th century. He will not recant.

JULY 13, 2019
Bishop Steven J.Lopes interprets unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance as being known exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus, or EENS, as it was known to the missionaries and Magisterium in the 16th century. He will not recant.He expects Fr. Vaughn Treco to interpret Vatican Council II in the same irrational way, to create a rupture with de fide teachings of the Church.  
JULY 11, 2019
Bishop Steven J.Lopes does not deny that he interprets Vatican Council II irrationally to create heresy and a rupture with Tradition.He chooses to interpret the Council with the irrational,'the red being an exception to the blue'.  

JULY 10, 2019
Fr. Vaughn Treco was going back to Tradition, and side stepping a Vatican Council II , interpreted irrationally,and so he was excommunicated by the CDF.  

 JULY 10, 2019 Bishop Steven J.Lopes like the Conciliar popes from Paul VI to Benedict XVI interprets Vatican Council II with the red passages being exceptions to the blue passages in the Council-text. This is irrational and he expects Fr. Vaughn Treco to accept this

 JULY 10, 2019
The popes from Paul VI to Benedict XVI interpreted the red passages in Vatican Council II as being exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This was irrational

JULY 9, 2019
Priest hit with Leftist excommunication : Bishop Lopes' interpretation of Vatican Council II is deceptive, unethical and immoral
November 10, 2017
No clarification or response from Bishop Robert J.McManus or Brother Thomas Augustine MICM on Catholic doctrine : how did they interpret Vatican Council II and EENS?

Vatican needs to apologise for the excommunication of Fr. Leonard Feeney and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

NOVEMBER 5, 2017
Worcester traditionalists have compromised on theology and doctrine for canonical recognition?

DECEMBER 18, 2017
Brother Thomas Augustine MICM, Prior at the St. Benedict Center, Still River,MA, USA,a traditionalist, has compromised

DECEMBER 19, 2017
Priors at the St.Benedict Centers will not affirm Feeneyite Vatican Council II opposed by their bishops.They continue to support Vatican Council II(Cushingite) which is a rupture with EENS(Feeneyite)

SEPTEMBER 24, 2018
   Bishop Kevin Rhoades, the new Chairman of the USCCB Doctrinal Committe has made a doctrinal mistake (Graphics)

SEPTEMBER 23, 2018
Things are so bad on doctrine and theology in the Catholic Church that the new Chairman of the Unites States Catholic Conference of Bishops(USCCB) cannot deny what I have written.

SEPTEMBER 22, 2018 

SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 Bishop Kevin Rhoades, the new Chairman of the USCCB Doctrinal Committee in his radio program makes the same doctrinal error as Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj at the Placuet Deo Press Conference

SEPTEMBER 21, 2018

domazxrw4aa2faeWhen Bishop Kevin Rhoades infers that Lumen Gentium and Nostra Aetate say we know of non Catholics saved outside the Church it is irrational and heretical: Vatican Council II does not contradict traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Bishop who interprets Vatican Council II and outside the Church with no salvation with irrational Cushingism instead of traditional Feeneyism is the new Chairman of the USCCB Doctrinal Committee
SEPTEMBER 16, 2018
Cardinal Donald Wuerl and the USCCB Doctrinal Committee, chaired by Archbishop William E.Lori, made an objective error in the Notification on Fr. Peter C.Phan

 JANUARY 18, 2020
An appeal must be made to Pope Francis to make an announcement on this issue : explain to Catholics the difference between Cushingism and Feeneyism as a theology 

La Direttorio Catechesi è una rottura con l'insegnamento della Chiesa del passato poiché utilizza una premessa e un'inferenza falsa per interpretare il Concilio Vaticano II, i Catechismi, il battesimo del desiderio (BOD), il battesimo del sangue (BOB) e l'ignoranza invincibile (II ) e i Credo.

Archbishop Rino Fisichella presents the new Directory for Catechesis at the Vatican, June 25, 2020. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/CNA.

Vatican releases Catholic directory for catechesis in ‘dynamic continuity’ with Church teaching

.- The Vatican Thursday published a new directory for catechesis, emphasizing both its continuity with two previous directories and its new content on contemporary issues such as sex and gender and medical advancements...

Lionel: La Direttorio Catechesi è una rottura con l'insegnamento della Chiesa del passato poiché utilizza una premessa e un'inferenza falsa per interpretare il Concilio Vaticano II, i Catechismi, il battesimo del desiderio (BOD), il battesimo del sangue (BOB) e l'ignoranza invincibile (II ) e i Credo.
Ecco un piccolo esempio:
Gli oratori interpretano BOD, BOB e I.I come riferiti a eccezioni a EENS. La Sinistra vuole eccezioni. Ma in passato i papi non consideravano BOD, BOB e I.I come eccezioni.Sono sempre casi ipotetici. Quindi come possono essere diremo che loro sono esempi di salvezza conosciuta al di fuori della Chiesa Cattolica ? Ma praticalmente, gli attuali, per i due papi e la Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede (CDF) ci sono eccezione di BOD, BOB e I.I per EENS.
Quindi durante la catechesi gli oratori saprebbero solo di una extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)  che ha delle eccezioni. In passato non c'erano eccezioni. Hanno affermato la rigida interpretazione dell'EENS durante la catechesi insieme a ipotetici casi di BOD, BOB e I.I.
Quindi c'è una differenza tra BOD, BOB e I.I oggi e in passato.
Perchè BOD, BOB e I.I contraddicono EENS cosi Lumen Gentium 8, Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16, Unitatis Redintigratio 3, Nostra Aetate 2, Gaudium et Specs 22 ecc.anche contraddicono EENS.Il Concilio Vaticano II non ha una continuità con l'ecclesiologia e teologia del passato. Esistono nuove dottrine su EENS e BOD, BOB e I.I.
Poiché BOD, BOB e I.I contraddicono l'EENS, ci sono eccezioni ai Credo. Il Credo di Nicea e degli Apostoli è stato cambiato e il Simbolo di Atanasio è stato reso obsoleto oggi durante la catechesi. Un catechista oggi non insegnerà ai giovani che al di fuori della Chiesa non c'è salvezza e che tutti devono accettare Gesù nella Chiesa Cattolica per evitare l'inferno. Questo è impensabile per molti catechisti oggi.
La loro comprensione dei Credi e la loro Professione di Fede è dottrinalmente e teologicamente diversa da quella del periodo Scolastico. È una Chiesa diversa. Una Chiesa Parallela.
Allo stesso modo i Catechismi hanno oggi un significato diverso per la Chiesa a causa della lettura- parallela di BOD, BOB e I.I.Il Catechismo di Papa Pio X afferma la rigorosa interpretazione del dogma EENS (24 Q, 27Q) e questo sarebbe espresso nella catechesi. Tuttavia, quando questo catechismo menziona le persone salvate nell'ignoranza invincibile, i teologi e i catechisti liberali di oggi, interpreterebbero l'ignoranza invincibile come un'eccezione a 24 Q e 27 D. Ma non era un'eccezione a 24Q e 27Q durante la catechesi per Papa Pio X e Papa Pio IX (nel suo Sillabo degli Errori).
Quindi non c'è continuità con il passato poiché dogmi e dottrine sono stati cambiati con la premessa errata.
Esistono due modi per interpretare i documenti magisteriali, in armonia o in una rottura con la Tradizione. Il Direttorio per la Catechesi sceglie l'approccio irrazionale: non ha continuità con la Chiesa Cattolica del passato e il Magistero di quel tempo; se avesse una continuità affermerebbero EENS Feeneyite e la salvezza esclusiva solo nella Chiesa Cattolica come la base per la catechesi e la missione.-Lionel Andrades


Lionel: The Catholic directory has to be a rupture with the past Church teaching since it uses a false premise and inference to interpret Vatican Council II,Catechisms, the baptism of desire(BOD),baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) and the Creeds.
Here is a small sample:
The speakers interpret the BOD,BOB and I.I as referring to exceptions to EENS.The Left wants exceptions. But in the past the popes did not consider BOD, BOB and I.I as exceptions.They are hypothetical cases always. So how can they be examples of known salvation outside the Catholic Church for the present two popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) ?
So the speakers would only know of an extra ecclesiam nulla salus which has exceptions during catechesis. In the past there were no exceptions. They affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS during  catechesis along with hypothetical cases of BOD, BOB and I.I.
So there is a difference between BOD,BOB and I.I today and in the past.
Since BOD, BOB and I.I contradict EENS, Lumen Gentium 8, Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16, Unitatis Redintigratio 3, Nostra Aetate 2, Gaudium et Specs 22 etc ,also contradict EENS.Vatican Council II does not have a continuity with the ecclesiology and theology of the past. There are new doctrines on EENS and BOD, BOB and I.I.
Since BOD,BOB and I.I contradict EENS there are exceptions to the Creeds. The Nicene and Apostles Creed has been changed and the Athanasius Creed has been made obsolete today during catechesis.A Catechist today will not teach young people that outside the Church there is no salvation and that all must accept Jesus in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell. This is unthinkable for many catechists today.
Their understanding of the Creeds and their Profession of Faith is doctrinally and theologically different from that of the Scholastic period.It is a different Church.A parallel Church.
Similarly the Catechisms have a different meaning for the Church today because of the parallel reading of BOD, BOB and I.I.The Catechism of Pope Pius X affirms the strict intepretation of the dogma EENS ( 24 Q, 27Q)and this would be expressed in catechesis. However  when this Catechism mentions people being saved in invincible ignorance, liberal theologians and catechists today would intepret invincible ignorance as an exception to 24 Q and 27 Q. But it was not an exception to 24Q and 27Q during catechesis for Pope Pius X and Pope Pius IX (in his Syllabus of Errors).
So there is no continuity with the past since dogmas and doctrines have been changed with the false premise. 
There are two ways to interpret magisterial documents, in harmony or in a rupture wih Tradition. The Directory for Catechesis chooses the irrational approach.It does not have a continuity with the Catholic Church of the past and the Magisterium of that time.If it did have a continuity they would be affirming Feeneyite EENS and exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church as the basis for catechesis and mission.-Lionel Andrades