Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Cushingism is the only theology used by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement and the Neo Catechumenal Way : this is not the work of the Holy Spirit.

Image result for Photo Kiko Arguello and Pope Francis

Image result for Photo Kiko Arguello and Pope Francis
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal and the Neo Cathechumenal Way of Kiko Arguello must change their catechesis, by changing to the Feeneyism and leaving Cushingism, the present 'new theology'.
They must get rid of the Rahner-Ratzinger New Theology.It is foreign and not part of the Deposit of the Faith.

The ecclesiology and salvation theology programs International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services(ICCRS), Rome uses an officially approved irrationality.With this irrationality, a false premise, they change de fide teachings of the Catholic Church.It is approved by the two popes.
Image result for Photos Catholic Charismatic Renewal
At the Leadership and Orientation Programs of ICCRS participants are taught to interpret Vatican Council II , the Nicene Creed,the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994), the Council of Trent and other magisterial documents with the philosophy and theology of Cushingism, even though there is a rational choice available.
Image result for Photos Catholic Charismatic Renewal
At the Schools of Evangelisation of ICCRS,  leaders needs to say all non Catholics are oriented to Hell and unless they  convert into the Catholic Church with 'faith and baptism'(Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II) in the present times.This would be interpreting Vatican Council II and magisterial documents with Feeneyism, without the irrational premise.There can only be an ecumenism of return and a return to the past ecclesiology .This happens with the theology of Feeneyism.
The Road to Pentecost: The Call to Intercession ยท Assisi, Italy
Instead at the Schools of Evangelisation they proclaim the necessity of belief in Jesus,  without the necessity of being a member of the Catholic Church, with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).These Catholics cannot return to the past ecclesiology of the Church, since Cushingism says there is known salvation outside the Church.
So there may be no need for mission as Pope Benedict mentioned in March 2016 (Avvenire) nor the need for an ecumenism of return.So Pope Benedict approved joint mission with the Protestants and this had the approval of the Jewish Left rabbis too.
Image result for Photos Catholic Charismatic Renewal
So now the new ecclesiology teaches that Protestants are saved in their religion.The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) has been eliminated.Since outside the Church there is salvation.Even though no one knows of any one saved outside the Church in real life.There are no known cases of invisible for us baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance being visible examples in 2018.
Vatican Council II has many Cushingite passages(LG 16, LG 8, UR 3,NA 2, GS 22 etc).Cushingism is the only theology used by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and the Neo Catehumenal Way's Redemptoris Mater seminaries world wide.There are some 1500 seminarians of the Neo Catechumenal Way under formation.More than 1200 seminarians of the Redemptoris Mater seminaries have been ordained to the priesthood in their country of incardination.
They had their formation with Cushingite theology and so are liberals.
Image result for Photo Neocatechumenal Way Mass
They conduct their New Evangelisation with irrational and heretical Cushingite theology approved by Pope Benedict.
Image result for Photo Kiko Arguello and Pope Francis

Image result for Photo Kiko Arguello and Pope Francis
The Cushingite interpretation of Vatican Council II is part of the 'adult faith' of Kiko Arguello, the founder of this community.
This theology does not come from the Holy Spirit.
-Lionel Andrades

Gathering of the Neocatechumenal Way. Courtesy photo.




FEBRUARY 5, 2018

Image result for Photos Catholic Charismatic Renewal Leaders

This would be a new way for the Charismatic Renewal Movement to read Vatican Council II : Feeneyism is Catholic. Alpha is not


FEBRUARY 5, 2018

Would ICRS, the Focolares, Neo Cathecumenal Way and other religious movements also approve Feeneyite philosophy and theology in the interpretation of magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II?


JANUARY 21, 2018

Catholic Charismatic Renewal can affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus like the Jesuits in the Middle Ages



The Bloody 14 and the question of excommunication

The Bloody 14 and the question of excommunication

The repeated, though for now misguided, calls for excommunication in these cases, and the repeated, but worth-considering, calls for withholding holy Communion in these cases share this: they spring almost completely from Catholic laity and are almost completely ignored by ecclesiastical leadership.

Cantwell (WA); Collins (ME); Durbin (IL); Gilibrand (NY); Heitkamp (ND); Kaine (VA); Leahy (VT); Markey (MA); Cortez Masto (NV); McCaskill (MO); Menendez (NJ); Murkowski (AK); Murray (WA); and Reed (RI).
Fr. Dwight Longenecker is right  that the fourteen Catholic senators named above who voted to prevent the government from protecting pre-born babies from the savagery of abortion have, by just this one vote (and not counting the long string of similar steps that most of these fourteen have taken before), committed a grievous moral offense. By any objective measure they have each placed their souls in mortal jeopardy.
Longenecker’s call for the fourteen to be named and held accountable by earthly means (if only to lessen the accounting they will surely owe at Judgment) is an exercise of his canonical right and probably even the duty as a member of the Christian faithful to make known his views on matters that pertain to the good of the Church—and the scandal given by prominent Catholics acting as they did here surely impacts the good of the Church (CCC 2284)—and to communicate his views to others in the Church (Canon 212 § 3).

Except to explicitate what Longenecker the priest takes for granted (but we laity need to be reminded of), that we should pray for each senator by name, we should pursue what steps the legal, political, and ecclesiastical system provides for such sad scenarios.
But, about that ecclesiastical redress, two qualifications to Longenecker’s call need to be offered.
First, as has been explained many times, the hideous deed committed by the Bloody 14 is not, standing alone, a crime under canon law and, even if combined with other such acts as many of the Bloody 14 have taken, is not a crime for which excommunication is the penalty (Canon 1369). Specifically, voting pro-abortion is not ‘procuring an abortion’ for purposes of Canon 1398 and so no excommunication for procuring abortion applies in response to voting for it. Catholics contacting chanceries and demanding excommunications, therefore, will be noted on the “Uninformed Critics” list and comfortably ignored—this time, with some reason.
Second, a single act, again, no matter how objectively gravely sinful it is, does not trigger the duty of Catholic ministers to withhold holy Communion under Canon 915 which canon operates in the face of obstinate perseverance in manifest grave sin. Catholics contacting chanceries and demanding the withholding of holy Communion, therefore, will be noted on the “They Are on to Something but have Jumped the Gun” list and un-comfortably ignored—though again with some reason.
So, what to do?
Well, do exactly what Longenecker recommends in the legal and political sphere (for that matter, in the social sphere as well), lovingly shame the Bloody 14 into realizing what they have done and, please God, into personal and public repentance of it.
About excommunication, one may of course petition Rome (or local bishops) to designate political acts such as these as canonical crimes punishable by excommunication. I think there are major obstacles to such legislation but I (and other experts, I am sure) would certainly be willing to weigh in on the possibility.
About the withholding of holy Communion, this, I have said many times, urgently needs to implemented, but not in response to a single act (for that theory is canonically doomed to failure), but rather in response to a demonstrable string of such acts taken by most of the Bloody 14 (and several others, Nancy Pelosi leaping to mind). Here, unlike the excommunication idea above, the law is already in place (Canon 915), it just needs to be applied—correctly of course, but that is not a problem in many of these cases.
The Bloody 14 case might just trigger the long-overdue application of the law.

FEBRUARY 6, 2018

Bloody 14 : Catholics call for excommunication of 14 Catholic senators who voted against late-term abortion ban


Pope Francis chooses pro-LGBT priest to guide Lent retreat who holds Jesus didn’t ‘establish rules’

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ROME, February 5, 2018 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Pope Francis has selected a Portuguese “priest-poet” to preach at his 2018 Lenten retreat who is an open promoter of the “critical theology” of a Spanish nun who defends the legalization of abortion and government recognition of homosexual “marriage” and adoptions.
Father Josรฉ Tolentino Calaรงa de Mendonรงa, vice rector of the Catholic University of Lisbon, wrote the introduction to the Portuguese translation of “Feminist Theology in History,” by Teresa Forcades, whom the BBC calls “Europe’s most radical nun.”
In the introduction to Forcades’ work, Tolentino de Mendonรงa tells the reader that Jesus didn’t leave any rules or laws to mankind, an idea that he approvingly applies to Forcades’ “critical theology.”
“Teresa Forcades i Vila reminds of that which is essential: that Jesus of Nazareth did not codify, nor did he establish rules,” writes Tolentino de Mendonรงa. “Jesus lived. That is, he constructed an ethos of relation, somatized the poetry of his message in the visibility of his flesh, expressed his own body as a premise.”
When the Portuguese translation of the book was published in 2013 with Tolentino de Mendonรงa’s introduction, Forcades had well-established herself as an advocate for legalized abortion and the creation of homosexual “marriage.” In the same year she issued a video tribute to the Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who was then dying of cancer.
Tolentino de Mendonรงa  compares Forcades to Hildegard of Bingham, and says her theology is expressed in “a form that is symbolic, open, and sensitive about addressing the real” as opposed to the Church’s traditional way of speaking in clear, non-metaphorical terms, which he calls “the triumphal univocal grammars that we know.”
“It’s necessary that the doctrinal narrative understands itself to be more of a reading than a writing, more like a voyage than a place, because the memory that transports is not reducible to a legal code, a vision, something automatic,” the priest writes.
Such theology is given to us by Forcades, says Tolentino de Mendonรงa: “It is precisely here that the frightening [provoking] work of Teresa Forcades i Vila, Feminist Theology in History, which the reader has in his hands, comes to our aid.”
In a 2016 interview with the Lisbon radio station Renascenรงa, Tolentino de Mendonรงa blasted Catholics and particularly cardinals who have raised their voices in criticism of Pope Francis, dismissing their views as “traditionalism,” which he contrasted with authentic “tradition.”
“Today, we see Pope Francis being contradicted by a more conservative wing of the Church and by some important names, even cardinals, which in a certain way are willing to place traditionalism above the tradition,” he said.
Regarding Pope Francis “welcoming” attitude towards those who are stubbornly living in gravely sinful situations of homosexuality and adultery, Tolentino de Mendonรงa told the interviewer, “No one can be excluded from the love and mercy of Christ. And that experience of mercy has to be taken to everyone, whether they be Christians who are remarried, wounded by disastrous matrimonial experiences, whether it be the reality of new families, whether it be homosexual persons, who in the Church must find a space to be heard, a place of welcome and mercy.”
Tolentino de Mendonca will preach and give spiritual guidance to Pope Francis and high curial officials during their retreat from February 18 to February 23 of this year.


Bloody 14 : Catholics call for excommunication of 14 Catholic senators who voted against late-term abortion ban

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WASHINGTON, D.C., February 5, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A Catholic priest is calling on bishops to excommunicate the 14 Catholic-identifying U.S. senators who voted last week against banning late-term abortions. He is also calling on priests to deny the Catholic pro-abortion senators Holy Communion. 
(Note: On Twitter Fr.Dwight Longenecker has said that he has not called for their excommunication but lay people have done so.)
“Today is the day for their bishops to issue a formal statement acknowledging that these men and women have publicly denied their Catholic faith, and if not formally, then have informally excommunicated themselves,” Father Dwight Longenecker wrote in a recent blog post. 
Many bishops often refuse to publicy correct pro-abortion politicians who say they are Catholic. Of these, a small number prefer to be more "pastoral," handling the matter in private.
But Father Longenecker wasted no time on this premise, pointing out the reality of the infraction committed by public figures identifying themselves as Catholic when they publicly support abortion.
“Since their offense is public, it should be acknowledged publicly and their pastors should publicly rebuke them and deny them access to the sacraments,” he said, adding that if Church hierarchy does not do so, then Catholics should make their concerns known via the most effective channel – the collection basket.
“If the bishops and priests do not do this,” Father Longenecker added, “the faithful in their parishes and dioceses should rise up and blizzard them with letters, emails and the one thing that will really make them sit up and take notice: withholding their contributions.”
Longenecker, pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary parish in Greenville, South Carolina, wrote about the fact that last Monday 46 of 97 members of the U.S. Senate voted against ending debate on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the result of that was the Senate not being allowed to vote on the bill, and the senators in effect voting against the ban.
The bill’s premise is based upon the scientifically established fact an unborn child can feel pain at 20 weeks
One of two proposed bills up for a possible vote to coincide with the annual March for Life, it was not perfect, allowing exceptions for babies conceived in rape or incest. It was regarded by some as feel-good legislation timed for the annual March when pro-life advocates and media would be paying attention. Despite its shortcomings, the bill would have banned most late-term abortions, a brutal and inhumane practice.
“So fourteen Catholic senators voted for this barbaric, inhumane practice to still be legal in the United States and thereby assured its continuation,” Father Longenecker stated.
Father Longenecker called on Catholic media to publish their names and to “publish the horror that they have enabled by their vote.”
He also stated that “every Catholic college, university, institute of learning, newspaper and website should publish the names of the Catholic senators who voted for late term abortion, and circulate their names as widely as possible.”
He included links to the official vote roll call and public record of the senators’ identifying as Catholic, as well as a chart containing their district, diocese and bishop.
Father Longenecker remained vocal on social media throughout the week about his call to name the 14 Catholic pro-abortion voting senators, making numerous posts.
“USCCB website acknowledged Monday's Senate vote in favor of late-term abortion was "appalling,” he tweeted last Thursday, “but fails to name and condemn Catholic senators who voted for dismemberment of unborn babies. That article now gone from website. Essentially-silence from the USCCB. #namethefourteen.”
The USCCB responded that its statement was still available on the Conference website, but did not address the substance of Longenecker’s tweet.
“CRUX, National Catholic Reporter and America Mag -- leading Catholic online journals still all silent about Monday's Senate vote and no comment on the Catholic senators who voted for late-term abortions,” he tweeted that same day. “Does silence indicate consent? #namethefourteen.”
“I expect the bishops of "The Fourteen" will say, "It is better that I have a quiet word with them in private about this matter,” Longenecker tweeted as well. “No. Their vote was a formal, public action in favor of late term abortion. Public crime demands a public condemnation. #namethefourteen.”
He used the #namethefourteen hashtag in his other posts during the week that were related to the defense of human life as well.
“Neonatalogist says, "Babies at 20 weeks gestation do feel pain,” he quoted with a link to an article from The Federalist, “… #namethefourteen.”
Longenecker also shared the Catholic World Report column on the matter by canon lawyer Ed Peters, wherein Peters termed the senators The Bloody 14
One of his posts showed that North Dakota Democrat Senator Heidi Heitkamp – who is among the Catholic pro-abort 14 – was also one who high-fived New York Democrat Chuck Schumer last Monday upon the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act’s defeat.
Bishop David Kagan of Bismarck, North Dakota, took heat in October 2012 after a letter to the diocese’s parishes regarding the forthcoming election was leaked. The letter had discussed the non-negotiable issues of life and marriage, and asked Catholics to consider the Church’s teaching on those issues when voting. Some regarded the letter as telling people not to vote for Heitkamp, who was running for the Senate.
Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, had previously upheld the decision of one of his priests to deny Holy Communion to Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, one of the Catholic pro-abortion 14.
Providence, Rhode Island Bishop Thomas Tobin, who is listed as Democrat Senator Tim Kaine’s bishop, was critical of Kaine during the 2016 election for his support for abortion, gay marriage, same-sex adoption and women’s ordination. Tobin publicly rebuked Democrat Congressman Patrick Kennedy for Kennedy’s support for abortion.
The names of the 14 Catholic senators who voted against the 20-week abortion ban are:
Maria Cantwell – Washington
Susan Collins -Maine
Dick Durbin – Illinois
Kirsten Gillibrand – New York
Heidi Heitkamp – North Dakota
Tim Kaine – Virginia
Patrick Leahy – Vermont
Ed Markey – Massachusetts
Catherine Cortez Masto – Nevada
Claire McCaskill – Missouri
Bob Menendez – New Jersey
Lisa Murkowski – Alaska
Patty Murray – Washington
Jack Reed – Rhode Island
