Tuesday, August 27, 2019

SSPX wrongly interprets the Second Vatican Council with irrational Cushingism instead of Feeneyism : SPX FAQ Videos

The speaker above interprets extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) with hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance as being personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church.The SSPX bishops, priests and seminarians do the same. Also the writers of the books they recommend do the same.
Similarly the SSPX interprets LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as exceptions to Feeneyite EENS, the past ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return. So LG 8 etc refer to personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church. They were visible people. Since invisible people could not be examples of salvation outside the Church. Invisible people cannot be exceptions to the EENS, the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.
Bishop Bernard Fellay the past Superior General of the SSPX has an online report interpreting Vatican Coucil II with the Cushingite irrationality and then blaming the Council for the expected non traditional conclusion.
-Lionel Andrades

Pope Paul VI and the popes upto Francis have interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism. Pope Paul VI had a choice.He chose the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition : New York Times on Vatican Council II

VATICAN II, which has been rightly
described as the most important religious
 event of the 20th century, began 50 years
ago today in St. Peter’s Basilica. Over three
years, from 1962 to 1965, some 2,800
 bishops from 116 countries produced
16 documents that set the Roman Catholic
 Church’s course for the future. Its proceedings
 were closely followed in the media, bringing
the church into the homes of hundreds of
 millions of ordinary Catholics on nearly a
 daily basis.
An increasingly popular view, at least among
critics, is that the Second Vatican Council failed
to put the church’s house in order. Its most radical
inward move was not to democratize the church
 (though it has often been described that way)
 but to reinstate an older, more collegial style
in church governance. Under the council’s version
 of this teaching, known as collegiality, the papacy
 had the final word, but others in the church, from
the bishops to the priests and the laity, had a
 voice, too.
The bishops at Vatican II felt that more than
 a century of centralization needed to be
tempered. But in their euphoria, they failed to
 reckon sufficiently with the resistance of
entrenched bureaucracies — jealous of their
 authority and fearful of disorder — to change.
 A more participatory mode of church life took
hold for 15 years or so after the council, but
from on high it began to be more and more
 restricted, to the point that central control is
now tighter than ever.
This has led to widespread disillusionment
 and anger. Priests and parishioners feel that
their voices are not heard. Some critics argue,
 not unreasonably, that a more collegial style
 of governance, or at least of consultation, would 
have addressed the clerical sex-abuse problem 
earlier and more effectively. The fact that 
collegiality now seems little more than an 
ideal resting quietly in the council’s documents
 — with little relevance for the real life of the
 church — stands as a major failure to carry 
out what the council intended.
What has been less appreciated about Vatican II,
though it is as significant as the halting steps on
governance, is that it took account of the world
 outside the church. The church validated for the
 first time the principle of religious freedom and
rejected all forms of civil discrimination based
on religious grounds. Thus ended an era of
cozy church-state relations that began in
the fourth century with Emperor Constantine. 
Lionel : It was interpreted 
with a simple false premise, 
which replaced extra
 ecclesiam nulla salus
(Feeneyite) with  extra 
ecclesiam nulla salus (Cushingite).
 So there was only one unknown 
interpretation of 
Vatican Council II(Cushingite)
.Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) 
was unknown and still is unknown. 
So there was a break with the 
theology, Scripture and Tradition
 of the popes on EENS.There was 
a rupture with the popes before 
Pius XII, who were all Feeneyite
 on EENS. Exclusive salvation was
 always taught in the  Church 
including the time of Emperor
 Constantine the Great.
Before the council, Catholics were not only
forbidden to pray with those of other faiths
but also indoctrinated into a disdain or even
contempt for them. (This was, of course, a
 two-way street.) 
Lionel : Since the theology of 
the Catholic Church was Feeneyite
 on EENS  over the centuries non
 Catholics were seen as going to Hell
 with no known exception unless they 
enter the only Church Jesus founded 
and which the Bible refers to 
as Jesus' Mystical Body. There
 was no known salvation outside the
 Church in other faiths. All non 
Catholics were on the way to Hell 
without faith and baptism in the 
Catholic Church, which was the
 narrow gate to Heaven.
With EENS ( Cushingite) there 
is alleged known salvation outside
 the Church. Speculative possibilities 
of salvation outside the Church are
 assumed to be real and personally
 known cases of non Catholics saved
 without faith and baptism. It is
 as if we can physically see who is in 
Heaven without faith and baptism. 
So members of other faiths, 
with Cushingite philosophy and 
theology, were also being saved
 outside the Church in their 
religion.This was the new reasoning
 based upon a false premise.
Now, for the first time, Catholics were
encouraged to foster friendly relations
with Orthodox and Protestant Christians,
as well as Jews and Muslims, and even
to pray with them. The council condemned
 all forms of anti-Semitism and insisted
on respect for Judaism and Islam as
Abrahamic faiths, like Christianity.
Lionel: However when Vatican
 Council II is interpreted without 
the false premise which makes 
it Cushingite, the Council is 
saying in Ad Gentes 7 that
 all need faith and baptism for
 salvation.So AG 7 supports 
Feeneyite EENS and the past 
exclusive ecclesiology of the
 Church.Also without the 
irrational premise of Cushingism,
 LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, 
GS 22 etc refer to only hypothetical
 cases. They are not objective
 exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 or 
EENS ( Feeneyite). This means
 the Council is saying all 
non Catholics and non Christians
 are oriented to Hell without 
Catholic faith and the baptism
 of water in the Catholic 
Church.The Council is saying 
that all non Catholics need to
 accept Jesus in the Church;
 they need to be members of 
the Catholic Church to avoid 
Hell (AG 7).So with Vatican 
Council II ( Feeneyite) there is 
no rupture with the old 
ecclesiology and and ecumenism
 of return.
These epochal decisions have been carried out
 imperfectly, not surprising for an institution
 as large, lumbering and complex as the 
Catholic Church. While more recently the 
Vatican has seemed to drag its feet, the 
very fact that it is engaged in the process 
at all is a sign of progress.
The change is also felt at the grass roots.
 Two years ago, I taught a doctoral seminar
on Vatican II to six students: one Catholic,
one Jew, two Protestants and two Muslims.
I have officiated at weddings alongside
rabbis and Methodist pastors. Catholic
colleges and universities now as a matter
of course have rabbis, imams and Protestant
 ministers on their campus ministry staff.
Lionel: This has become 
common because of the 
leftist laws. Even in Italy,
 Catholic professors and 
priests are not allowed to
 interpret Vatican Council
 II and EENS with Feeneyism
 instead of irrational 
Cushingism.The irrational 
premise which creates a 
traditional conclusion is
 obligatory to avoid Anti 
Semitism and other leftist 
forms of fascism today.
What prompted such a turn? The life
experiences of Pope John XXIII, which
were unlike those of any previous pope,
 hold important clues. As a young priest,
 he had served in the Italian Army in
World War I; later he spent nearly two
 decades as a Vatican diplomat in
Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece, and was
papal nuncio to Paris at the end of
World War II. He knew diversity, turmoil,
sin and evil firsthand, but he also knew
goodness as he found it in people of
other faiths and no faith. As far as
 I know, he never used the word
“reconciliation,” but it captures, I
believe, what inspired him.
The council, in its decree on the liturgy,
 also opened the Mass to symbols and
traditions of non-Western cultures,
permitting the displacement of Latin
 with vernacular languages. This reconciliatory
move has played a part in the remarkable
growth of the church in Africa and parts of Asia...
Lionel: The turn was big since 
Pope Paul VI and the popes
 upto Francis have interpreted
 Vatican Council II with 
Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.
 Pope Paul VI had a 
choice.He chose the hermeneutic
 of rupture with Tradition. 
This is appreciated by the 
Jewish Left.-Lionel Andrades

Wikipedia interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism and contributes to the confusion.

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Second Vatican Council

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church produced by the Council is entitled Lumen gentium.
In its first chapter, titled "The Mystery of the Church," is the statement that:
… the sole Church of Christ which in the Creed we profess to be one, holy, catholic and apostolic, which our Saviour, after His Resurrection, commissioned Peter to shepherd, and him and the other apostles to extend and direct with authority, which He erected for all ages as 'the pillar and mainstay of the truth.' This Church, constituted and organized as a society in the present world, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the bishops in communion with him (Lumen gentium, 8).
The document adds, "Nevertheless, many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside its visible confines" (Lumen gentium, 8).(Lionel: This is Cushingism. Since BOD,BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS ( Feeneyites) for Cushingites it is wrongly assumed there is known salvation outside the Catholic Church.
But for Feeneyites, LG 8 refers to a hypothetical and theoretical case only. We cannot know of someone saved outside the Church with elements of sanctification and truth or where the true Church subsists ) The other characteristics of that period were described by Belgian Bishop Émile-Joseph De Smedt [fr] as "legalism" and "clericalism", in what has been described as "one of the most dramatic moments of Vatican II".[47]
According to Pope Paul VI, "the most characteristic and ultimate purpose of the teachings of the Council" is the universal call to holiness:[3] John Paul II calls this "an intrinsic and essential aspect of [the Council Fathers'] teaching on the Church".
all the faithful of Christ of whatever rank or status, are called to the fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity; by this holiness as such a more human manner of living is promoted in this earthly society. (Lumen gentium, 40)
In his plan for the new millennium, Novo millennio ineunte, John Paul II said that "all pastoral initiatives must be set in relation to holiness" as the first priority of the Church.
So Vatican Council II can be interpreted with
 Lumen Gentium 8 not being an exception to
 EENS ( Feeneyite).
This would make the Council not a rupture 
with Tradition (EENS, Syllabus of Errors). 
The Council would have a continuity with 
the old ecclesiology of the Church. 
There would be no change in ecclesiology.
Wikipedia interprets Vatican Council II 
with Cushingism and contributes to the
confusion.-Lionel Andrades

With Vatican Council II (Cushingite) there is a 'new revelation' in the Catholic Church.This liberal reading causes the hermeneutic of rupture with the past. It is obsolete since it is based upon an irrationality. A rational Feeneyite version is available

Wicks' book explains how the Second Vatican Council achieved renewal

by  Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter
On Friday, I began my review of Jesuit Fr. Jared Wicks' critically important book Investigating Vatican II: Its Theologians, Ecumenical Turn and Biblical Commitment, and I examined the part of the book that dealt with the role of theologians before the council began and in its early days. Today I shall conclude the review. 

AUGUST 27, 2019

The liberal reading of Vatican Council II is finished but Michael Sean Winters persists


The conciliar debate on the issue of revelation also demonstrated that the curial position was the minority position. The draft decree on revelation, as seen from its title —
 De Fontibus Revelationis — posited the existence of two sources of revelation, Scripture and tradition. 
Lionel: Both were rejected. Since Scrupture and Tradition support the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).
But, the "ressourcement" theologians had demonstrated that there was only one source of revelation, Jesus Christ, who speaks to the church in both the Scriptures and in the tradition. This was no mere semantic change. The differences in perspective indicated by the differing approaches would prove profound, especially in terms of ecumenical outreach.Wicks writes that "by the end of 1962 the council had defined itself as an organ of broad renewal of the Catholic church," and the book essentially explains what that renewal was about and how it was achieved.
Lionel: Renewal for the Jesuits at that time meant the rejection of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus by assuming unknown cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were known exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. So there emerged another version of EENS, I call it EENS(Cushingite).It is different from EENS ( Feeneyite) in which BOD, BOB and I.I are not objective exceptions to traditional EENS(Feeneyite).
Today we can avoid EENS( Cushingite) and Vatican Council II(Cushingite) and replace it with EENS ( Feeneyite) and Vatican Council II(Feeneyite).
If you ever studied a history of the Second Vatican Council, you know that it was fortuitous the first document considered by the council fathers, the draft text on the decree on the liturgy, had been entrusted to scholars and bishops who had been deeply engaged in liturgical renewal in the middle of the 20th century. The text, after some debate, received an overwhelming vote in favor of its adoption in the early weeks of the council.
And, we know, too, that in assessing the council as a whole, most historians and theologians have begun with either Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, or with Gaudium et spes, the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. But Wicks' book makes a convincing case that it is Dei Verbum, the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, that really is the lens or filter through which we can best grasp the significance of the other documents promulgated before the council finished its work in 1965. It was this renewed approach to Scripture, and the perceived need to ground the conciliar texts in biblical theology, that informed all of the other decrees.
Lionel: The 'renewed approach to Scripture' was really a rejection of Scripture.There are so many Cushingite passages in Vatican Council II. These passages come from the Cushngite error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO).LOHO  was a rupture with Scripture and Tradition on EENS. It states that it is not always necessary to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation. The dogma EENS(Feeneyite) says the opposite. LOHO also suggests unknown cases of BOD and I.I are known exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. This is irrational and heretical.
This new version of EENS, EENS(Cushingite) was accepted at Vatican Council II.A superficial reading of the Council text would indicate that EENS( Feeneyite) has been contradicted. But the Cushingite passages are 'zero cases'. They are only hypothetical.
People usually say that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are exceptions to the dogmaextra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) when they really should be saying that they are not exceptions.
People have been conditioned to see LG 8 etc as exceptions.
They have been conditioned to see LG 8 etc as objective people, known and visible. But there are no such cases.
The conditioning has come from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO). The liberal theologians assumed the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance (I.I) were exceptions to EENS when they really should have said that they are not exceptions to EENS.
People have been conditioned to see BOD, BOB and I.I as exceptions. 

They have been conditioned to see BOD,BOB and I.I as objective people, known and visible, but there are no such cases
So when Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation it was an error to mention being saved in invincible ignorance. However the Council Fathers assumed invincible ignorance was an objective example of salvation outside the Church and an exception to EENS( Feeneyite). This was the false reasoning in LOHO.They came to Vatican Council II as Cushingites.
So with Vatican Council II( Cushingite) invincible ignorance is an objective exception to all needing to enter the Church with faith and baptism for salvation.
With Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) invincible ignorance is only a hypothetical case and so it is not a practical exception to EENS ( Feeneyite). It is the same for UR 3, LG 16, GS 22 etc which are all hyothetical and do not contradict the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.
When the draft texts, or schemas, were sent to the council fathers six weeks before the council was set to open, the already blind Cardinal Josef Frings of Cologne turned to his theological advisor, Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, to assist him in assessing the drafts and responding to them.
 Lionel: Fr. Ratzinger like Fr.Karl Rahner was a Cushingite. They both rejected exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. They also rejected the Syllabus of Errors etc.
Image result for International Theological Commission photos
In two papers of the International Theological Commission, Cardinal Ratzinger and the then Fr. Luiz Ladaria sj, interpreted LG 16 and GS 22 as being exceptions to EENS. This is irrational Cushingism.
In March 2016(Avvenire ) again Pope Benedict rejected Feeneyite EENS and replaced it with EENS(Cushingite). He interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism. So the Council was a rupture with EENS( Feeneyite), the past ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.

Wicks tells the tale:
Ratzinger, realizing that time was short, composed and typed a Latin letter evaluating the seven schemas. When Cardinal Frings received Ratzinger's letter, he found the contents helpful and he simply added the date, the proper salutation to the cardinal secretary of state, and his signature and sent the letter on to the Vatican. The letter judged that only two of the seven schemas were fit for conciliar deliberation, namely, the schema on the liturgy and another on ecumenical openings to the Orthodox churches.
A conciliar star was born. Interestingly, Ratzinger faulted the de Fontibus schema, arguing it had "to be revised so as to avoid speaking authoritatively on issues of dispute among Catholic theologians in good standing." One wishes he had brought forth that concern during the drafting of Veritatis Splendor! More generally, Ratzinger argued the documents should not speak in the neo-Scholastic style of the Roman curia, but should "instead speak the language of Holy Scripture and the holy fathers of the Church." 
Lionel: Today Vatican documents are known for their ambiguity and Vaticanese.Since they have to hide the Cushingite theology upon which it is based.Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus etc were all written with Cushingism.It was a Christology without an ecclesiocentric ecclesiology; believing in Jesus without the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church for salvation.
And the texts should be written so that they "attract separated Christians and will give fresh witness to Jesus Christ in a world in which many people find Christian faith an alien reality." Soon Ratzinger and Karl Rahner were collaborating on an alternate schema on revelation.
Lionel: With Vatican Council II(Cushingite) there is a 'new revelation' in the Catholic Church. The Athanasius Creed is made obsolete when it says outside the Church there is no salvation. Vatican Council II(Cushingite) is interpreted as a rupture with the dogma EENS defined by three Church Councils in the Extraordary Magisterium. The Creeds and Catechisms have a new meaning with Cushingite new theology.There is no more traditional mission based upon exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church supported by Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) and EENS (Feeneyite).
Let me jump ahead. At the end of the book, Wicks sums up the significance of Vatican II, and specifically of Dei Verbum, and points the church in a direction that might help overcome some of the post-conciliar divisions that have emerged, though not all. He writes:
Many interpreters of Vatican II feature the outward movements urged by the council to move Catholics towards rapprochement with others in ecumenical efforts, interreligious dialogue, and respectful exchanges over salient features of the contemporary world's culture, economics, politics, and struggle for world peace. But the concluding passages of Dei Verbumpoint Catholics toward another movement, that is, inward and downward toward personal ressourcement as one cultivates spiritual self-care by daily nourishment of heart and soul, along with direction and guidance, from lectio divina of scripture. This is a movement going deeply into one's life of faith, where God addresses Christian believers in words of personal grace and rescue, while imparting the very gifts that that empower rejuvenated disciples for their reconciling service of God in the world.
This is a beautiful, and balancing, vision. I think the note that is missing here, and which is equally characteristic of the vision of Vatican II, is the communal element, the sense, rooted in Scripture, that we belong to a people, the people of God, the church. This is seen not only in the ecclesiology of Lumen Gentium for example, but also in the fact that in the decree on the priesthood, Presbyterorum Ordinis, the word "priest" in the singular was consciously never used. The document speaks of the renewal of the presbyterate. This is no mere quibble. At least in the U.S. there has developed a very non-Catholic spirituality of the "me and Jesus" variety that I find at odds with the tradition of the church. But Wicks is undoubtedly correct that Dei Verbum calls all Christians to spiritual renewal by prayerful reading of the Bible.
This was also quite new, or so it seemed at the time. In the years before Vatican II, and indeed in the draft de Fontibus, the tone was one of admonition and danger about lay Catholics reading Scripture. Here, we rub up against the key, and contested, issue of hermeneutics. Pope Benedict XVI, in his 2005 address to the curia, insisted that it was wrong to interpret Vatican II through a hermeneutic of rupture.
Lionel: Cushingism causes the hermeneutic of rupture. Without Cushingism Vatican Council II has a hermeneutic of continuity with the Syllabus of Errors, Feeneyite EENS, traditional ecumenism etc, which are the basis for the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation and the non separation of Church and State.
 Instead, he commended a hermeneutic of reform, which includes elements of both continuity and discontinuity. Some of our conservative friends mistakenly say the pope called for a hermeneutic of continuity but he did no such thing.
Lionel: Agreed. There cannot be a hermeneutic of continuity with Cushingism.Neither can there be a Restoration with Cushingism.
 Wicks' connects this larger issue of hermeneutics to the specific point about the differing approach to revelation in the pre-conciliar draft and the final text:
A first impression of such changes in content and tone might lead one to see Vatican II as breaking with or even rejecting previous church tradition and teaching. But such a conclusion takes no account of how De Fontibus was prepared in isolation from, and even suspicious opposition to, important developments in Catholic theology in the years before Vatican II. Dei Verbum was clearly discontinuous with De Fontibus, prepared three years earlier, but the constitution of 1965 shows notable continuities with central and strong movements of biblical, theological and pastoral renewal among Catholics before Vatican II. There was rupture, but on the small scale of contrast between the council's official preparation and the directions taken [by the council fathers] from late 1962 onwards.
I will note in passing one other instance Wicks cites in which the council created a kind of "rupture" with what went immediately before, but did so by reaching back further in the tradition to find the correctives to the 19th-century hostility to modernity that so distorted Catholic theology and which found its fullest expression in Pope Pius IX's "Syllabus of Errors."
Lionel : Catholic theology was de railed with Cushingism.The Syllabus of Errors was made obsolete.The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 is Cushingite.
 Cardinal Augustine Bea's work leading the newly created Secretariat for Christian Unity shaped all the conciliar documents, but especially three eventual key texts: the decree on ecumenism, Unitatis redintegratio; the decree on non-Christian religions, Nostra Aetate; and the decree on religious liberty, Dignitatis Humanae. Fr. Ratzinger at the time noted the discontinuity here, calling the three documents "a kind of counter-syllabus."
Lionel: They are only a kind of counter-syllabus when they are interpreted with Cushingism. With Feeneyism, they do not contradict EENS ( Feeneyite). Vatican Council II is then Feeneyite.Nostra Aetate does not contradict EENS ( Feeneyite) and neither Ad Gentes 7 ( all need faith and baptism for salvation).
This ecumenical turn receives a large and thoughtful treatment in the book, the way Pope John XXIII's consideration for ecumenical affairs shaped the council and the central role of Bea, longtime rector of the Biblical Institute. Indeed, this ecumenical turn is one of the key filters through which Vatican II should be understood according to Wicks.
Lionel : There is no 'ecumenical turn' when the Council is interpreted with Feeneyite philosophy and theology.
There is so much else in this book that I have not even touched on, and I have scarcely done justice to the issues I did consider. But I hope I have imparted enough of a sense of Wicks' book to encourage readers to buy it and read it. It was not so long ago that people thought Vatican II had been received and its only authoritative interpretation was complete. This scholarly work shows the degree to which we are all of us still receiving the council and points to the singular fact that the only medicine for the divisions within the church today must be found in continued attention to the documents and history of the Second Vatican Council.
Lionel: The only medicine is accepting Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) since then there is no hermeneutic of rupture with other magisterial documents.Even some of the Council Fathers were Cushingites, the Council can still be interpreted with Feeneyism. It is important for Pope Francis and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to make the change.-Lionel Andrades

The liberal reading of Vatican Council II is finished but Michael Sean Winters persists

Book looks deep into Vatican II, at the minute level

Michael Sean Winters, National Catholic Reporter

Some Catholics act as if we are still living in the long, dark shadow cast by the Second Vatican Council. Others think we are still living in the light cast by the four-year long ecumenical council that sat from 1962 through 1965. Most Catholics have only known the post-conciliar church and, regrettably, few Catholics have really taken the time to study the council or the documents it issued. It should not surprise that interpretations of the council vary and that those variances are sources of intra-ecclesial dispute.

Into the arena comes a new book that is hugely enlightening. Jesuit Fr. Jared Wicks' Investigating Vatican II: Its Theologians, Ecumenical Turn and Biblical Commitment adds hugely to our awareness of what actually transpired at the council, why its significance is so great – and so complicated – and why none should be surprised that we, as a church, are still in the process of receiving its teachings.
Wicks begins by looking at the what he calls the "Tridentine motivations" of Pope John XXIII in calling the council. Anyone who has read a good biography of Papa Roncalli will be familiar with much of this. As a young priest, Roncalli edited the records of St. Charles Borromeo's visitation of Roncalli's home diocese of Bergamo. Borromeo was "a colossus of pastoral sanctity," according to Roncalli, who demonstrated the degree to which Trent was not only a reforming council but a pastoral one as well. Then, as a diplomat, Roncalli worked in Bulgaria and Turkey where he encountered other religions, sparking his ecumenical and interreligious interests that became such a key theme of Vatican II. What I had not known until Wicks' book is that in the future pope's early years, the first time Roncalli invoked a theme that would characterize his Petrine ministry, that of "ecclesial youthfulness," he did so by borrowing from a lecture given by John Lancaster Spalding, the bishop of Peoria, Illinois.
Wicks moves on to consider the role of theologians at Vatican II, and the tale fascinates. Again, we know the general outlines, how the preparatory documents were largely written by the Vatican curia, who thought the job of the council was to confirm recent papal teachings and go home. Bishops outside of Rome, however, were not afraid to consult theologians who were more forward thinking because they were also more backward thinking. That is to say, they were unsatisfied with the neo-Scholastic syllogisms of the Roman school and had turned to the church fathers, and to the Scriptures themselves, to look for sources of renewal. This ressourcement theology was viewed with suspicion in Rome: French theologian Henri de Lubac, for example, had essentially been silenced in the years before Vatican II.
Lionel: So what ? Vatican Council II when interpreted without the false premise is Traditional. It supports the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.

Silenced, too, was American theologian Jesuit Fr. John Courtney Murray, although he was not a ressourcement theologian. His crime in the eyes of the Holy Office was his attempt to legitimize the American constitutional framework of separation of church and state by questioning the then-regnant "thesis-hypothesis" framework that only tolerated separation, but preferred union of church and state when Catholics were in the majority.
Wicks takes a detailed look at the time between John XXIII's 1959 announcement of the council and its official opening three years later. French Dominican Yves Congar published a survey of the role of councils in the life of the church within a month of the announcement, and he included some of his hopes for the coming one. Congar, arguably the leading ecclesiologist of the day, would have a profound impact on the council from start to finish and, lucky for us, he kept a diary, one of the sources Wicks explores to such advantage. Karl Rahner would be called upon to help the preparatory commission working on the liturgy, specifically on the issue of restoring the diaconate. It was a thin assignment at this early stage, but it was also a foot in the door. De Lubac and Congar would both be consultors to theological commission, although its head, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, also the secretary of the Holy Office, was not seeking any innovation, not then, not ever. His cardinalatial motto summed up his theological outlook: Semper idem.
Lionel: So what ? Vatican Council II when interpreted without the invisible-visible, objective-subjective confusion is traditional. It supports the Athanasius Creed on outside the Church there is no salvation.
Another German theologian at Bonn gave a widely noticed lecture on theme of "the council as expressing the collegial nature of the church's pastoral leadership on the model of the twelve apostles." The 19th-century First Vatican Council had ended abruptly, issuing the decrees on papal primacy and infallibility, but never addressing the episcopate: There was a need to balance this ultramontane ecclesiology. That theologian would become the peritus, or principal theological adviser, to Cardinal Joseph Frings of Cologne, one of the most important council fathers. The theologian's name was Joseph Ratzinger.

Lionel: He should now know by now that we can interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism, instead of his Cushingism and the conclusion is different. The Council is not a rupture with EENS as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century.His work was in vain.

Bishops around the world were asked to send in their thoughts about the topics the council should address, and that invitation was also extended to theology faculties. Some of these latter, like the submission from the Lateran University, wanted the council to condemn some of the theologians who would actually play a pivotal role in drafting the conciliar texts! The theology faculty of Louvain was more profound in its approach and, just as important, it had a powerful patron in Cardinal Leon Joseph Suenens of Malines-Brussels. The faculty at the Pontifical Biblical Institute also made consequential contributions, including the proposal to condemn all forms of anti-Semitism. Two cardinals were alumni of the institute, Bernard Alfrink of Utrecht and Albert Meyer of Chicago, and another, Jesuit Fr. Augustine Bea, had long been on the faculty.
Lionel : The Council interpreted without the false premise is traditional.This was not how the Jesuits interpreted it.

Bea's role as head of the newly formed Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity gave him a seat at the table throughout much of the preparatory period, and he may have been the most influential cardinal on the shifting, eventual direction of the council away from the curia's crimped theological and pastoral vision toward both a more robust embrace of theological sources and a more engaged, even optimistic, opening to the modern world. Wicks' book is the first I know of in English to profit from Mauro Velati's publication of the minutes of meetings and other texts from the early years of the secretariat from late 1960 through early 1962.
Lionel: Unitatitis Redintigratio 3 refers to hypothetical cases.They are not objective exceptions in 1965-2019 to the ecumenism of return, the old exclusivist ecclesiology and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). So there is no rational basis for the New Ecumenism in Vatican Council II.Since there is no known salvation outside the Church for us human beings and none mentioned in Vatican Council II, there is no theological basis for the New Ecclesiology and New Theology.
This is bad news for Michael Sean Winters and the liberals.There is no room for the 'spirit of Vatican Council II' when the ecclesiology of the Church is not changed with Vatican Council II.

Wicks continues the narrative, describing the work of theologians once the council finally opened on October 11, 1962. No one knew exactly what was going to happen, whether the curial forces would have their way or whether a majority of council fathers would coalesce to push the boundaries. I will let the reader be sure to buy this book to follow the details that fill in the picture we all knew broadly.

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(Catholic University of America Press)
But I will note two things up front. This chapter on the work of theologians at Vatican II is especially pertinent today because Pope Francis had made the Synods of Bishops a more regular and more significant part of his exercise of the Petrine ministry.
Lionel: They are all interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally,' the red is an exception to the blue' for them.This is the liberal reading of the Council mixing up what is invisible as being visible. 

 And, yet, no one has figured out, so far as I know, how to involve theological experts in the synod's work. I know one attendee who brought a theological adviser with him, but that was the exception to prove the rule. Nor is it clear how the dicastery that prepares the synods chooses theologians for collaboration. At a time when the theological community is often divided (and like our Western politics, centrifugal forces seem to be more powerful than centripetal ones), the choice of theological experts would be a challenge, but it seems to be one of the glaring deficiencies of the revamped synods so far.
Lionel : A theologian who interprets Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents without the irrational premise would be saying all need faith and baptism for salvation( Ad Gentes7). So all the natives in the Amazon are oriented to Hell without faith and baptism and there will be no known exception for us human beings.It would mean all the non Catholics in the Amazon would need to accept Jesus in only the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.Would this traditional theology, supported by Vatican Council II, be acceptable for Pope Francis?
The second point to be made before moving on to subsequent chapters is this: Wicks writes of the theologians' work as the council began: "It was no time for the theologians to offer brilliant personal insights, but instead texts with potential to find wide acceptance among the council members because of what they could contribute to renewing Catholic doctrine, catechesis and preaching." My marginal note reads: "When is it NOT such a time?" And with that, I will pick up the rest of this review on Monday.
Lionel: The liberal theologians faked it. They eliminated the past ecclesiology with a false premise. So the Church today for the popes is Christological only and not ecclesiocentric.-Lionel Andrades
