Thursday, July 1, 2021

Illinois bishop urges faithful to pray that bishops will stop giving Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians


'It has been the constant teaching of the Catholic Church for the past two thousand years that those persons conscious of grave sin must first repent, confess their sins to a priest, and receive sacramental absolution before receiving Holy Communion. This teaching is reflected in the Church’s canon law and sacramental discipline.'

SPRINGFIELD, Illinois, June 29, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, has written a public letter urging the Catholic community to pray for his fellow bishops to have the courage to obey their solemn oath and reject giving Holy Communion to those in grave sin.  

“We must pray for all bishops to have the courage to fulfill their solemn oath,” Paprocki concluded his letter published this past Sunday, June 27.

In a letter published by the diocesan paper the Catholic Times, Paprocki wrote:

It has been the constant teaching of the Catholic Church for the past two thousand years that those persons conscious of grave sin must first repent, confess their sins to a priest, and receive sacramental absolution before receiving Holy Communion. This teaching is reflected in the Church’s canon law and sacramental discipline.
Paprocki further explained that before a bishop is ordained he takes an oath of office, and with his hand placed upon the Gospels, pledges to “hold fast to the deposit of faith in its entirety” and to “maintain the observance of all ecclesiastical laws, especially those contained in the Code of Canon Law.”

His letter comes on the heels of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s (USCCB) Plenary Assembly that took place virtually between June 16-18, 2021. The Assembly discussed the topic of distributing Holy Communion to those public figures, like President Joe Biden, that openly support abortion, euthanasia and other grave sins. 

Paprocki said that it was a “hopeful sign” that the USCCB voted in favor of drafting of a document on the meaning of the Eucharist in the life of the Church, but lamented the fact that “the minority of bishops who are opposed to drafting this document were very vocal in their opposition,” which he said means that “the path ahead to final approval of a clear statement of the Church’s teaching and discipline in this important matter will not be easy.”

Paprocki said that the some of the bishops and cardinals have voiced a “misleading argument” by saying that such a document would be “divisive and would harm the unity of the bishop’s conference.”

Rather Paprocki insisted that unity should always be pursued, but that it must be pursued in truth. The unity that the bishops need, he said, “should be based on the truths of our faith as found in Sacred Scripture and the constant Tradition of the Church.”

“No one should want to be united on the path to perdition,” Paprocki continued. “There should be no unity with iniquity.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1385) teaches, “To respond to this invitation [to receive Holy Communion] we must prepare ourselves for so great and so holy a moment.”

St. Paul, the Catechism notes, admonishes us to examine our conscience as he states in I Corinthians 11:27-29, "Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself." 

Hence, the Church makes clear here that “Anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before coming to Communion.”

The Catholic Code of Canon Law (915) states:

Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.


Bishop Minnerath takes advantage of the laity's lack of knowledge of theology


Hearing remarks of this nature from the crowd, as well as remarks about canon law, Minnerath asked, “Have you studied theology of any kind? Do you know more about this than I do? So please, do stop … Canon law, I know what that is. If you want to use petty arguments, if you want to continue to be led by the discourse of the fraternity that has a problem … ” -Bishop Roland Minnerath


Bishop Minnerath was taking advantage of the laity in Dijon's lack of knowledge of theology and his theological errors. 

The laity in France must note that Bishop Roland Minneraths books on Vatican Council II, ecclesiology, Concordats etc are obsolete since he used a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents, to create a fake rupture with Tradition, especially the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, on ecumenism, liberalism, other religions, non separation of Church and State etc.


He has interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and non traditional conclusion instead of the rational premise, inference and traditional conclusion of the approach by Lionel Andrades.

Vatican Council II is dogmatic for me, it is in harmony with the exclusivist interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) but the Council is a rupture with EENS for the bishop.This should be expected,  since he uses the common false premise,to create the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition. This is not known to the laity and also the FSSP.

The laity and the FSSP must know that there are two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one is rational and the other is irrationalone is interpreted with the false premise and the other without it. One is Magisterial and the other, the common one, is non Magisterial.


It is the same for the Creeds and Catechisms.There can be two interpretations.

So why should the Catholics in Dijon, choose an irrational version which is heretical, non traditional and schismatic, when a rational option is there which is traditional ?


This is the theology that the laity must know and then talk to the bishop about it.

Ask him not to cite Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise, to justify his liberalism.

Ask him to affirm the Athanasius Creed in public.It says all need Catholic faith for salvation. It is not contradicted by Vatican Council II interpreted rationally, without the false premise.So he can affirm Vatican Council II and the Athanasius Creed in public.-Lionel Andrades

French bishop tells faithful protesting departure of FSSP from their diocese that their priests must concelebrate the Novus Ordo


JUNE 26, 2021

The diocesan priests in Dijon, France who will replace the FSSP priests and offer Holy Mass in Latin must be asked by the laity to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise, inference and conclusion and instead with the rational, premise and traditional conclusion- - Lionel Andrades

UNE 11, 2021

Vatican Council II is dogmatic





1.What's so special about the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II ?

It does not use the common fake premise.It's a simple, rational and different way to read Vatican Council II.


2.What's so special about the Lionel Andrades interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)?

It does not use the common false premise to interpret the baptism of desire(BOD), invincible ignorance(I.I) and the baptism of blood(BOB).So there are no practical exceptions for EENS.EENS is traditonal and BOD, BOB and I.I are interpreted rationally.It's not EENS or BOB,BOB and I.I. Since the latter are not exceptions for the former.


3.Is the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Magisterial documents copy writed or trademarked? 

No. Any one can use it. There is no charge.It is simply going back to the traditiional interpretation of Church documents, without the false premise. The false premise came into the Church in a big way, with the Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney(1949).


4.How did the Lionel Andrades interpretation of VC 2 emerge?

He kept writing on his blog on EENS and then discovered that Vatican Council II does not really contradict EENS if the false premise is avoided.


5.Is the LA interpretation of VC2 a new theology?

No. It is going back to the old, traditional theology of the Catholic Church by avoiding the false premise.It is the false premise which has created the New Theology.Without the false premise there cannot be the New Ecumenism, New Evangelisation, New Ecclesiology etc.The New Theology is Cristocentric without the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church.Since exceptions were created to EENS, the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors etc, by projecting a false premise.The error was overlooked by the popes.


6.What about traditional, 16th century Mission doctrine?

With the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II we return to traditional Mission doctrine. It is no more 'only they need to enter the Church who know about it', who are not in invincible ignorance(LG 14) Instead, it is all need to enter the Catholic Church with no known exception.Invincible ignorance is not an exception to all needing to enter the Church with faith and the baptism(LG 14).So we evangelize since all non Catholics are oriented to Hell without faith and the baptism of water( Ad Gentes 7/Lumen Gentium 14, Vatican Council II. The norm for salvation is faith and baptism and not invincible ignorance.When I meet a non Catholic, I cannot assume or pretend to know, that he or she is an exception to the norm. If there is an exception it could be known only to God.I know that the non Catholic before me, is oriented to Hell( Athanasius Creed, Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14),Catechism of the Catholic Church(845,846,1257),Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, etc).


7.What about the hermeneutic of continuity or rupture with Tradition ?

With the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II there is no rupture with past Magisterium documents and neither do they contradict each other.We have to re-interpret past Magisterial documents though, which mention the baptism of desire(BOD) and invincible ignorance(I.I), as being hypothetical and invisible always.Being saved with BOD and I.I are always physically invisible, when they are mentioned in the Catechisms( Trent, Pius X etc) and encyclicals and documents of the popes(Mystici Corporis etc).They always refer to hypothetical cases only and are not objectively known non Catholics.If someone is saved outside the Church he or she could only be known to God.This has to be clear when reading also the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston.There is also no confusion when reading the text of Vatican Council II.LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3,NA 2,GS 22 etc, refer always to only hypothetical cases and so they do not contradict the Athanasius Creed.


8.Should the popes use the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II ?

YES! Since presently the two popes are schismatic, heretical, non Magisterial and non traditional on Vatican Council II.It has to be this way since they use the false premise.It is only with the false premise, inference and conclusion that they interpret Magisterial documents. This can be avoided with a rational premise, inference and traditional conclusion.The result is a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition.


9.What other advantage is there in knowing the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II ?

We read the text of Vatican Council II in general differently with the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II.

’The red is not an exception to the blue’.The hypothetical passages( marked in red on the blog Eucharist and Mission, are not practical exceptions to the orthodox passages in Vatican Council II which support EENS, and are marked in blue.

For the present two popes and the traditionalists the red is an exception to the blue. This is irrational.


10.What bearing does it have on the liturgy ?

Without the false premise the Council is traditional. Vatican Council II is in harmony with extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the missionaries in the 16th century.So we are back to the past ecclesiocentric ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. When the Council is traditional there is no 'development of doctrine' or 'sprit of Vatican Council II'. Collegiality, Religious Freedom and ecumenism are no more an issue. So receiving Holy Communion on the hand can no more be justified with Vatican Council II.Neither can the Eucharist be given to the divorced and re-married, in the name of the Council.

Neither can the German Synod be justified by citing Vatican Council II.There is no theological basis in the Council, any more, for given the Eucharist to Protestants during Holy Mass.


11.What is the essence of this interpretation?

It is the listing of the rational and irrational premise, inference and conclusion. It identifies  two different premises with two different conclusions. So the rational premise produces a traditional conclusion and the Vatican Council II is in harmony with Tradition. It has a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition even though Rahner, Congar, Rarzinger and Cushing were present at the Council in 1965.

Collegiality, ecumenism and religious liberty are no more an issue for the conservatives , when Vatican Council II is traditional.  

 Lumen Gentium 8, Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16 ecc. oin Vatican Council II refer to only physically invisible cases in 1965-2021.

12.Vatican Council II is dogmatic ?

Yes. Pope Paul VI and the liberals call Vatican Council II "pastoral" and not dogmatic. Since they do not want to affirm the rigorous interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). 

 Ad Gentes 7 (all need faith and baptism for salvation) supports the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) while the hypothetical cases mentioned in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NS 2, GS 22 etc.  cannot be objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 in 1965-2021. So there is nothing in the text of the Council that contradicts 16th century EENS or the Athanasius Creed or the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX on there being exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

The Second Vatican Council affirms the dogma EENS with Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 .While the Council does not contradict EENS or Ad Gentes  7 and Lumen Gentium 14, with LG 8, LG 16, UR 3, GS 22 etc. Since if someone was saved outside the Church, he would be known only to God. They are not part of our reality. They are invisible in 1965-2021.

When Pope Francis says that the Second Vatican Council is the Magisterium of the Church he must refer to a pro-EENS dogmatic Council with the hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition.

Without their false premise the Council is dogmatic. It supports the rigorous interpretation of EENS.This was EENS according to the missionaries and the Magisterium of the sixteenth century. LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NS 2, GS 22 etc., in the Second Vatican Council, if interpreted rationally, cannot be practical exceptions to EENS. Invisible cases in our reality cannot be objective exceptions to EENS. For example, to get on the bus you have to be present at the bus station. If you are not physically at the bus stop it is not possible to get on the bus.

Another example is, if there is an apple in a box of oranges, the apple is an exception since it is there in the box. If it was not there in that box it would not be an exception. Similarly LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3 etc.,refer only to hypothetical cases. We cannot meet or see anyone saved outside the Church, without faith and the baptism of water. So the Council is not referring to real people, known people in the present times.

Unknown and invisible cases of the baptism of desire (LG 14) and of being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) cannot be objective exceptions for EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.There is no conflict.

So when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally it is dogmatic. -Lionel Andrades

Fake premise

Lumen Gentium 8,Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16 etc in Vatican Council II refer to physically visible cases in 1965-2021.


Fake inference

They are objective examples of salvation outside the Church.


Fake conclusion

Vatican Council II contradicts the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).The Athanasius Creed(outside the Church there is no salvation) and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX ( ecumenism of return) were made obsolete.



Here is my interpretation of Vatican Council II in blue.


Rational Premise

LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc in Vatican Council II refer to physically invisible cases in 1965-2021.They are only hypothetical and theoretical. They exist only in our mind and are not solid bodies at Newton's level of time, space and matter.


Rational Inference

They are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church for us human beings.


Rational Conclusion

Vatican Council II does not contradict EENS as it was interpreted by the Jesuits in the Middle Ages.It does not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS of St. Thomas Aquinas( saved in invincible ignorance is invisible), St. Augustine and Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.

The Letter of the Holy Office(Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) 1949 made an objective mistake.-Lionel Andrades   

Lionel Andrades

Promoter of the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II.Vatican Council II is dogmatic and not only pastoral.

Catholic lay man in Rome,

Writer on the discovery of the two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one is rational and the other is irrational, one is interpreted with the false premise and the other without it. One is Magisterial and the other, the common one, is non Magisterial.

It is the same for the Creeds and Catechisms.There can be two interpretations.

Why should Catholics choose an irrational version which is heretical, non traditional and schismatic, when a rational option is there which is traditional ?

Blog: Eucharist and Mission (eucharistandmission )



Papa Francesco e il Vescovo Roland Minnerath creano divisione a Digione, Francia con la Nuova Teologia che la FSSP deve accettare per offrire la Messa in Francesce



Papa Francesco vuole che quei sacerdoti che offrono la Messa in latino, come la FSSP, offrano anche la Messa del Novus Ordo con “la teologia delle religioni” e non con la vecchia ecclesiologia della Chiesa, che non usava la comune falsa premessa.
Il vescovo Roland Minnerath, che ha scritto un libro sulla teologia delle religioni, vuole che anche i sacerdoti della FSSP concelebrino alla Messa del Novus Ordo e offrano la Messa in Latino con questa teologia, che è una rottura con il passato.
Questo non è davvero un problema se la FSSP decide di interpretare il Concilio Vaticano II con la premessa, l'inferenza e la conclusione razionali. Sarà la fine della teologia delle religioni poiché il Concilio Vaticano II sarà dogmatico. Sosterrà l'interpretazione rigorosa del dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) con ipotetici casi di LG 8,LG 14,LG16,UR 3,NA2, GS 22 ecc, non essendo eccezioni pratiche all'EENS nel 2021. Quindi Ad Gentes 7, che dice che tutti hanno bisogno di fede e battesimo per la salvezza, non sarà contraddetto da LG 14 (battesimo di desiderio) e LG 16 (ignoranza invincibile). La norma per la salvezza sarà AG 7 e non NA 2 o LG 8 ecc.
I sacerdoti ei laici della FSSP possono quindi affermare il Credo di Atanasio che dice che tutti hanno bisogno della fede Cattolica per la salvezza e chiedere al vescovo Roland Minnerath e ai sacerdoti diocesani di fare lo stesso.
Con la teologia delle religioni, Papa Francesco, Papa Benedetto e il Vescovo Minnerath, stanno portando la divisione nella Chiesa a Digione. Non possiamo buttare via la vecchia ecclesiologia della Chiesa, reinterpretando i documenti della Chiesa, in modo irrazionale.

I laici devono notare che i libri del Vescovo Minnerath sul Concilio Vaticano II, sull'ecclesiologia, sui concordati ecc. sono osoleti. Poiché li ha scritti interpretando il Concilio e altri documenti magisteriali, con la comune falsa premessa che crea una falsa rottura con la Tradizione, che essi sostengono.
Senza la falsa premessa, i Cristiani Ortodossi, con i quali il vescovo dialoga per la Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede (CDF), sarebbero fuori dalla Chiesa senza la fede Cattolica (AG 7). Il Concilio non contraddirebbe nemmeno il dogma EENS.
Anche se ci sono cose buone e sante in altre religioni (NA 2) le religioni non sono vie di salvezza (AG 7) e tutte hanno bisogno della fede e del battesimo (AG 7) per evitare l'Inferno (per la salvezza).

Nei suoi libri sui Concordati, il Vescovo Minnerath non ha affermato che poiché fuori dalla Chiesa non c'è salvezza, secondo il Concilio Vaticano II e i precedenti documenti Magistrali (Sillabo di Papo Pio IX ecc.,) lo Stato dovrebbe essere Cattolico senza separazione tra Chiesa e Stato. Concordati non deve sostenere uno stato laico e Satanico.

Il Vescovo Minnerath e i sacerdoti diocesani che offrono la Messa del Novus Ordo devono affermare il dogma EENS poiché non ci sono eccezioni all'EENS nel Concilio Vaticano II ma anche perché la Lettera del Sant'Uffizio (CDF) 1949, ha commesso un errore oggettivo, non è un documento magisteriale.Non e magisteriale anche se è citato nel Concilio Vaticano II e inserito nel Denzinger. Lo Spirito Santo non può sbagliare oggettivamente.Cosi quando Papa Francesco interpreta Concilio Vaticano II con la falsa premessa non e magisteriale.
I laici cattolici di Digione devono poter affermare il tradizionale ecclesiocentismo senza proiettare erroneamente il Concilio Vaticano II come in conflitto con esso.

Devono il Concilio Vaticano II secondo Lionel Andrades, e non ci sarebbe più una divisione teologica nella Chiesa, ora espressa dalla Messa. Tutta la Chiesa dovrà tornare alla Tradizione. Poiché ci sarebbe una sola opzione nell'interpretazione della Documenti magisteriali, quelli razionali. La tradizionale/liberale divisione non ci sarà perché il Concilio sarà dogmatico e tradizionale. Questo però potrebbe deludere i progressisti, che dipendono dall'irrazionalità per creare un'ermeneutica di rottura con la Tradizione. I cardinali Kasper e Koch non potranno più citare il Concilio Vaticano II.
Quando il Concilio è tradizionale - e afferma il Sillabo degli Errori di Papa Pio IX e dell'EENS - allora la collegialità, la libertà religiosa e l'ecumenismo non sono più un problema per i Cattolici conservatori.

Se il nuovo vescovo di Digione continua a sostenere il Nuovo Ecumenismo e la Nuova Teologia allora, sta creando divisione. Poiché il Nuovo Ecumenismo e la Nuova Teologia possono essere creati solo con la falsa premessa. Questo è eretico. È anche scisma con il passato Magistero.

Il vescovo seguirà l'errore oggettivo della Lettera del Sant'Uffizio del 1949 che dice che non è necessario che ciascuno sia un membro formale della Chiesa Cattolica. Perché per il cardinale che ha scritto qualle, ha detto implicitamente che ci sono casi visibili di persone salvate con la battesimo del desiderio (BOD) e ignoranza invincibile (II).E loro sono eccezioni pratiche a Feeneyite EENS. Questo è un ragionamento capzioso.
Secondo la Lettera, la necessità del battesimo dell'acqua non è sempre assoluta. Poiché vi sono eccezioni pratiche del BOD e I.I che rendono relativo il battesimo dell'acqua. La presunta "necessità di mezzi" dipende da una possibilità che esiste solo nel nostro mente e in realtà è un "caso zero" ma è proiettato come casi oggettivi e conosciuti personalmente al livello della materia di Newton. Le persone che sono invisibili vengono proiettate come visibili e quindi viene creata una nuova teologia.

Questo è il falso ragionamento della LOHO che il Cardinale Ratzinger come Prefetto della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede,CDF, ha usato per creare una Nuova Teologia nella Chiesa Cattolica e che è seguito oggi da Papa Francesco, dalla CDF e dal Vescovo Minnerath.-Lionel Andrades