Friday, July 19, 2019

Repost : The issue of Cushingism as a theology, which is irrational, popular, heretical, based on a fantasy-but magisterial needs to be discussed by the Latin Mass Society

 NOVEMBER 30, 2015

The issue of Cushingism as a theology, which is irrational, popular, heretical, based on a fantasy-but magisterial needs to be discussed by the Latin Mass Society


Here is an article I have stumbled upon on his blog.I appreciate the work of the Latin Mass Society and I wish them well. I think they are fortunate to have Joseph Shaw with them.

SEPTEMBER 15, 2013

What does the Latin Mass Society do? 3: Research and Campaigning


In my last two posts, I discussed the devotional activities the Latin Mass Society organises, and our training and educational initiatives. These represent a whirlwind of events: there is always something happening, or about to happen, over and above the more routine matter of supporting the celebration of the Traditional Mass week by week in parishes, which is of course a ball we can never allow to drop.
The programs are impressive. If I was there I too would have  participated in them.

But there is another aspect of our work which is also necessary: research and campaigning. The liturgical restoration will not take place without the right side winning a number of arguments, and not without drawing facts and arguments, including the facts of the Church's law, to the attention of the Catholic public and, on occasion, of the hierarchy.


Agreed !

 If you like what we do, then show your support bybecoming a members of the LMS.
1954 ordinations detail

If seminarians are all taught and accept that Latin is a barrier to participation in the liturgy, that the priest celebrating with his 'back to the people' symbolises contempt for them, and that Chant should be rejected because it is too difficult for congregational singing, things are, quite simply, never going to improve.
 One of the reasons the liberals also do not like the 
Latin Mass is because it reminds them of the old 
ecclesiology, the Fr. Leonard Feeney's extra 
ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). EENS is prohibited
 by the Jewish Left. It is a stumbling block
in their creation of a one world religion, in 
which all  Christian communities will be equal
 and there will be false worship of Jesus
 in a false church.

 In point of fact seminarians are today increasingly not being taught these old orthodoxies, and they are increasingly rejecting them, because the liberals have lost the argument on these issues.
 The 'old orthodoxies' have also been theologically
 removed with Cushingism. There is the new 
theology based on their being explicit 
exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla 
Even the Latin Mass Society while liturgically 
and devotionally is orthodox, theologically they
 are very liberal.
 The work of Pope Benedict, as a private theologian as well as his teaching as Pope, and that of a large number of young scholars, have made the old arguments untenable. 
I have shown in the previous two blog posts that Pope Benedict was using Cushingism as a theology.He rejected Feeneyism which was the theology of the Church for centuries.St.Ignatius 
of Loyola and St. Francis Xavier for instance were Feeneyites. 
They affirmed the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.
This was rejected by the Jesuits after 1949 with the approval of Rome (Holy Office).
The old Jesuit missionaries knew that all the pagans were on the way to Hell. All.Cushingism says not all, but only those who know about Jesus and the Church and do not enter.
 This new doctrine based on an irrationality was approved by Pope Pius XII in 1949. For St. Francis Xavier all the natives in Goa, India, for example, needed to convert to avoid Hell. Cushingism says not all, since there could be known cases of the baptism of desire or pagans  living in invincible ignorance.So now the Jesuits say that the natives in Goa 
were saved or would be saved even if Xavier did not go there, since they were in invincible ignorance.
The Latin Mass societies, though they have the Mass of St. Francis Xavier, have the theology of Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits in Boston in 1949.

The old orthodoxies retain their grip on those who have not caught up with the latest thinking, however, and continue to damage the prospects of restoration.
The 'latest thinking' is Cushingism. It is the new theology which has come into the Church since the pontificate of Pope Pius XII.Prof. Joseph Shaw teaches it at Oxford University.If he interpreted Vatican Council II with Feeneyism (LG 16 etc are not exceptions to EENS), he would be banned by the liberal university. Cardinal Vincent Nichols 
at Westminister would asked Joseph Shaw to disassociate himself from the Latin Mass Society.

 When a priest suggests celebrating ad orientem, for example, he is likely to be met with opposition from the Faithful based on just those old arguments. Those ideas need to be exposed, held up to the light, and refuted, again and again and again, until the message gets through.

Nearly 14,500 adult conversions in 1960. It's about of third of that now.

This needs to be done not with angry polemic, nor with sloppy arguments from dodgy websites, but with charity, care, and scholarship. This is the thinking behind a major project of the International Federation Una Voce which has been taking up a great deal of my time over the last 18 months, as the official coordinator: the Position Papers. We now have 16 published, and I will soon be making public numbers 17 and 18. They are highly compressed, heavily footnoted, executive summaries of the arguments needed by those engaged in any kind of serious debate. No one on the internet can any more have any excuse to wheel out the old liberal canards, the discredited scholarship of 60 years ago which once seemed so daring and so unanswerable.

That, of course, is exactly what people in the Catholic press like Mgr Basil Loftus do: week after week, he recycles his old notes from 1963 as if he were delivering to his readers the latest research. There must be someone equally relentless to show it up for the nonsense it is. Because most Catholics are not liturgical scholars, and if they hear it from a Monsignor with a big column in a Catholic newspaper, they will give it the benefit of the doubt.
They have to be shown how Mgr Loftus is using Cushingism as a theology in his understanding of Vatican Council II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Council of Trent.Without the irrationality of Cushingism he would be forced to be traditional and Feeneyite.

Bishop McMahon at the LMS Priest Training Conference in Leicester

So this blog itself has some role to play. But to take the battle, not so much to the enemy as to the unconverted, I and other Latin Mass Society people regularly get letters and articles, as well as news reports, into the press. If we didn't exist, if we weren't supported by our network, if we didn't have expertise to call on and volunteers to help with research, and if we weren't given some standing by the fact of our representing a large organisation, this would be impossible, and the traditional and conservative point of view would be vastly less well represented and less well argued in the UK.
However the issue of Cushingism as a theology, which is irrational, popular, heretical, based on a fantasy-but magisterial needs to be discussed.

In the year or so after the Motu Proprio, letters to the Catholic Herald pointing out the bleedin' obvious seemed to be necessary practically every week. It has been quieter since then. In the last twelve months I've had only five letters published in the Catholic Herald, and a feature article; I've had two letters each in the Universe, the Catholic Times, and the Tablet, and done a guest post on the Tablet blog. I have spoken to four different sets of journalists on various stories, and contributed a short story to Oremus, the Westminster Cathedral magazine, and pieces for Te Deum Laudamus, andThe Latin Mass Magazine. I have also been interviewed for the on-line Regina Magazineand (bizarrely) a Polish radio station.
 But it is a projection of the Latin Mass with the new ecclesiology and a rejection of the old ecclesiology, with which this Mass is associated.

Bishop Mark Davis at the LMS Walsingham Pilgrimage in 2012

To repeat: it is the Latin Mass Society which makes this possible. A good illustration is the research we did on the number of ordinations over the decades. Having seen some dubious claims being made in public, we are able to put a team of volunteers (including me) into one of the very few places in the country with the entire set of Catholic Directories, and get the necessary research done in a couple of weeks. The work we did took many, many man-hours, a bit of money, some good friends and some zealous supporters. The Latin Mass Society had the will and the means to do it: if we hadn't it wouldn't have happened. And the idea that more priests were ordained this year than in the 1950s would probably still be out there in public.

A different kind of campaigning goes on behind closed doors. We enjoy good relations with the hierarchy, at the human level, and we always have, despite our disagreements. 
 The hierarchy in England and Wales interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism. The priest has to use an irrationality( the dead-saved in Heaven are visible on earth and they are saved without the baptism of water in the  Catholic  Church). The priest then has to infer that this ghost  which he allegedly sees is an exception to the old ecclesiology  associated with the Traditional Latin Mass. It is only then  that the bishops will allow him to offer the old Mass.
Similarly the hierarchy will only permit Joseph Shaw and Thomas Pink to teach theology as Catholics if they affirm  Cushingism ( there are exceptions to the dogma EENS) and reject Feeneyism ( there are no known exceptions to the
 dogma EENS).
If you ask any one in England, 'Where are these exceptions?', 'Who are they?','Where do they live?' the answer will draw a blank. Yet every member of the Latin Mass Society has to  say there  are exceptions to the dogma EENS, to remain in good 

Over the last year or so Mass has been celebrated for us by Bishop Hopes, the new Bishop of East Anglia, Bishop John Arnold, an auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, and Bishop McMahon in his own diocese of Northampton.
All of them offer Mass with Cushingism which contradicts the Nicene Creed ( I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sin and not three known baptisms )and  rejects the dogma EENS. 
They  interpret  Vatican Council II with an irrationality and then conclude that that the Council is a a break with Tradition. They
reject the dogmatic teaching on the infallibility of the popes ex cathedra ( in defining EENS). 
This heresy is an impediment to offering the Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo Mass.
 Bishop Drainey of Middlesbrough and Bishop Davis of Shrewsbury have been present at our Masses, a couple of years ago Archbishop Longley of Birmingham was.
They approve the Latin Mass Society since it is a part  of the liberal establishment. They have a common theology in  evangelisation, soteriology, ecclesiologyand worship.
 We talk to and exchange letters with bishops both in relation to matters in their dioceses and in relation to their responsibilities in the Bishops' Conference.
This is good but they are never told to affirm traditional Feeneyism and reject irrational and heretical Cushingism since this would be the end of the dialogue.
I know, since I was a seminarian at the Beda Pontifical College  in Rome, the Catholic seminary for late vocations under the bishops of England and Wales.Msgr. Roderick Strange the  Rector, when I was there, is still there.
 He is a liberal, as the  other English bishops educated at Oxford. He is a  Cushingite as is Cardinal Vincet Nichols.
 They would never support Feeneyism and oppose the Left.
So they should be pleased with the theology of the Latin Mass Society.

 We are also in touch with a good many different persons and departments in Rome. This kind of thing is only possible if you represent some organisation with some kind of standing, if there is continuity over many years, and if you have some kind of office support. 
...and if you accept the contemporary magisterium's heretical
 position and do not call it heresy.
No lay person, no priest, could keep this kind of dialogue up consistently. We can do it, not because we are heroes, but because there is a structure to keep it going.
Lionel :
The structure supports the old Mass with the 
new irrational and heretical theology supported by the contemporary magisterium.

Bishop Terence Drainey at the LMS York Pilgrimage 2012

Something else we have is a database: of priests who say the Extraordinary Form, and of laity who want it. 
In the database there is no known priest, I am sure,
 who supports Feeneyism as a theology and offers the traditional  Latin Mass.
On several occasions in the last year or so we have had non-public campaigns which have involved getting in touch with large numbers of priests or, in a particular part of the country, with our lay supporters, to seek their views or support for a specific initiative. 
They have never been asked if Cushingism is heresy and should be rejected as non Catholic, even though it is supported by the contemporary magisterium.
These tasks used up enormous amounts of office and volunteer time, and they would  have been simply impossible without our network of supporters, our database, and the administrative support the Office gives us. We are probably never going to get any public credit for these things, but if you'll take my word for it they were important and successful. If the Latin Mass Society hadn't existed, these things would not have happened.
Does the Latin Mass Society do anything useful? Yes, we do. If you are at all interested in dealing in a positive way with the aftermath of the 'collapse of the liturgy' which Pope Benedict spoke about as Cardinal Ratzinger, then it must be pretty difficult to say that we don't have a positive role to play. We can't do this without support. Forget your prejudices about not wanting to join things, or about what happened twenty years ago, or whatever it is which stops you joining, and join the Latin Mass Society!
The Latin Mass Society like the those associated
 with the Novus Ordo Mass,  unintentionally promotes liberalism, irrationality, heresy, non traditional and innovative doctrines.Also when this charge is 
made no one denies it. -Lionel Andrades


Joseph Shaw removes comment : maintains 

Cushingite image

Questions for Dr.Joseph Shaw : answers from me

Dr.Joseph Shaw  has posted a comment on his blog for me.
I am so bored by your irrelevant comments on my posts
 that I am going to delete them systematically from now on.

In the past Joseph Shaw has said I am 'rude' and now he
is saying he is 'bored' but  the professor of theology
 will not comment theology-wise on what I write.- Lionel

Repost : Gavin D'Costa and Joseph Shaw liberal professors of theology in the U.K misrepresent Vatican Council II

DECEMBER 4, 2015

Gavin D'Costa and Joseph Shaw liberal professors of theology in the U.K misrepresent Vatican Council II

Gavin D'Costa and Joseph Shaw continue to interpret Vatican Council II with  Cushingism rejecting the traditional Catholic ecclesiology by using a false premise and inference.
Both Catholic teachers of theology in the U.K are presenting a politically correct version of the Catholic Faith. If they would interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism ; by avoiding the false premise, inference and conclusion, Vatican Council II would be in agreement with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
They cannot do this without losing their jobs at the U.K universities,where they do not tolerate Catholic orthodoxy.
Joseph Shaw a traditionalist, is ironically using the same theology as D'Costa a liberal.
Joseph Shaw also refuses to comment or correct Gavin D'Costa's promotional video on the University of Bristol's website in which he  refers to  ' a ray of that Truth' (NA 2) which can be found in other religions.He then says on the video that we should learn from other religions.He does not mention that the Catholic Church teaches that the members of the other religions need 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14) for salvation.They are all going to Hell without it. He probably does not believe in this teaching of Vatican Council II.It contradicts much of his work at the University of Bristol.
He may not like to quote the orthodox passages in Vatican Council II or affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus but the university should at least be honest and tell people what the Catholic Church really teaches in Vatican Council II.
The university of Bristol video is misleading and its department on religion and theology is academically unethical and clearly political.
D'Costa is to speak on Christian doctrine next April  as if there is a common Christian doctrine, a common Christian religion. The doctrines are different and the title of his silly talk is on a  'development and error' of this vague term Christian doctrine.1
Possibly Joseph Shaw too at the University of Oxford has to give a talk on the new ecumenism as if it is a new religion and he goes ahead and does it since it would be expected of him as a liberal theologian.He cannot project himself saying the Catholic Church teaches that all non Catholics are on the way to Hell.
He attends the old Mass but without the old ecclesiology. He is a liberal on the issue of salvation,since he uses the  new theology based on 'an innovation' in philosophical thinking.
Gavin D'Costa on the video (7:07)  says mission is important and for him it means sharing the faith. He means of course it is sharing - without Catholic doctrine which tells us that all non Catholics are on the part to Hell.
For both Shaw and D'Costa Vatican Council II is a slogan, a political position.
-Lionel Andrades
The perfection of Christian doctrine: Development and error — can one always tell the difference?26 April 2016, Gavin D’Costa (University of Bristol)

Repost : Federation International Una Voce (FIUV) has issued a statement proclaiming the necessity of believing in Jesus only for salvation without formal membership in the Catholic Church

 DECEMBER 5, 2015

FIUV clarification needed

FIUV International Federation Una VoceFormer President of the Federation, Colonel James Bogle, with Archbishop Pozzo
Federation International Una Voce (FIUV) clarification needed
When we proclaim the Good News we say Jesus Died and is Risen to save all who believe in Him and live the teachings of the Gospel in the Catholic Church, the only Church Jesus founded outside of which there is no salvation.Salvation is open to all in potential but to receive this salvation all need to formally enter the Church (Dominus Iesus 20), 'all' need 'faith and baptism'(AG7 , LG 14).
This was the original proclamation of the Church.Catholics attended the Greek and Latin Mass with this proclamation. It was the proclamation of the Early Church, the Early Catholics, the first Christian communities.
Now the Federation International Una Voce (FIUV) has issued a statement proclaiming the necessity of believing in Jesus only for salvation.1 They imply that for salvation it is necessary to believe in Jesus with or without formal membership in the Catholic Church which He founded.It is Jesus with also the Lutheran, Anglican, Baptist, Pentecostal, Orthodox Christian and other Christian communities.It is Jesus without the Catholic Church.
This is heresy.
In a previous blog post 2  I have cited the Church documents it violates. This is a false ecumenism.
A liberal professor of philosophy with academic degrees in theology at Oxford University Joseph Shaw, has accepted the new theology of Pope Pius XII.So for the FIUV Shaw will not affirm that there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church and this was the original theology of the traditional Latin Mass.
Former presidents meet Cardinal RatzingerThe popes since Pius XII, by default, ignorance, or lack of courage have chosen the new theology, Cushingism. They have rejected traditional Feeneyism since the Jewish Left objects.The average Catholic does not know theology and is not aware that he or she is accepting theology, when they use Cushingism, which comes to us officially from Pope Pius XII's silence in the Boston Case.
Feeneyism says there are no known exceptions to the dogma EENS. There cannot be any known exception for us human beings, since exceptions are not visible and known.All need to formally enter the Church for salvation and the baptism of desire and blood , have no connection with the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church, since they are invisible cases; zero cases in our reality, as the apologist John Martignoni puts it.Image result for Archbishop Thomas E. GullicksonHe is supported by Archbishop Thomas E. Gullickson, the U.S Nuncio to the Ukraine  and  Fr. S. Visintin, the present Dean of Theology at the Benedictine University of San Anselm, in Rome.
Now we have the FIUV defending the traditional Latin Mass only as a rite, a ritual, and without the old theology.This is acceptable to Pope Francis and the modernist bishops in England- but it is also acceptable to Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider.
Joseph Shaw for the Latin Mass Society in England has posted on his blog LMS Chairman photographs of the English bishops offering the Latin Mass.It is offering Holy Mass with a heretical theology.
Similarly when Cardinal Raymond Burke offers the pontifical Latin Mass it is with  Cushingism.This is the non traditional theology based on a false premise ( dead-saved in Heaven are visible and known on earth) and inference ( these visible-dead in Heaven are explicit exceptions to traditional EENS, so all do not need to convert into the Church in the present times).This is the stuff of fantasy. This theology is based on fantasy.
Similarly when Bishop Athanasius Schneider offers the Traditional Latin Mass, it is with this same fantasy theology. He uses the same irrational premise and inference to discard the old ecclesiology and accept the modernist one.
I know this is an oversight on their part. It is an innocent mistake. Of course there is no ill will intended.May be in vague ways they know something was wrong but could not pin it down precisely to the cause i.e the irrational premise and inference.(This was written in 2015 and they are still continue with their nonsense)
The FIUV needs to clarify these points:-
1. They need to explain the two theologies, Cushingism and Feeneyism and clear up for us  which of the two they support and which they reject.
2.  If hopefully , they choose Feeneyism, they will have to re-interpret Vatican Council II.  Their position on LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc with reference to the dogma EENS changes. Since with Feeneyism LG 16 etc refer to invisible cases and not visible persons.They have to make the explicit-implicit ,objective-hypothetical distinction.
3. They could clarify their position on the Revised Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews, if they have chosen Feeneyism and have rejected Cushingism.
4. Also the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 has to be considered irrational and only the first part is acceptable.
5. With Feeneyism there would be no change in the Catholic Church's old ecclesiology on ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue.They must say this in a statement.3
-Lionel Andrades


The Prayer for the Jews used in the Extraordinary Form Good Friday Liturgy continues to be a source of comment and misunderstanding, and the FIUV wishes to respond as follows.

Statement by the President of the FIUV, Felipe Alanís Suárez

It was to avoid misunderstandings of the Prayer for the Jews that Pope Benedict XVI composed the 2008 version of the prayer, which is clearly based on what is essential to Christianity: the acceptance of Christ as the saviour of the whole world, and the desire that all persons be saved. Jews are mentioned because of their special role in the history of salvation, and the special concern we must have for our ‘elder brothers’ (as Pope St John Paul II called them). The prayer looks forward to the incorporation of the Jewish people, of which Our Lord Jesus Christ and His first disciples were all members, in the salvation won for the human race by Christ on the Cross, a reconciliation which, as St Paul teaches, will be fulfilled only towards the end of history.

The FIUV is convinced that any possible continuing misunderstanding regarding the Good Friday Prayer for the Jews can be resolved in the context of the Magisterium of the Church, without veiling the treasures of our Faith.

We, as faithful attached to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, acknowledge that to ask of our Lord for the grace of sharing with all our brothers the joy of salvation in Jesus Christ, is an act of humility and selfless love, and a spiritual work of mercy.

The FIUV entirely rejects all hatred and hostility towards the Jewish people, and all forms of unjust discrimination.

Rorate Caeili/Federation International Una Voce statement is heretical for what it does not say : there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church
President: Colonel James Bogle, Email:

Secretary: Mr. Thomas Murphy, Email:

Treasurer: Dr. Joseph Shaw, Email: