Thursday, June 7, 2018

Cardinal Raymond Burke must encourage Catholics to vote for political parties who seek the non separation of the Catholic Church and State and the separation of Satanic secularism and State.

Cardinal Raymond Burke in his address on May 18, 2018 said that he does not intend forming a political party.But he must support the present political parties which affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King.He also needs to encourage Catholics to vote for political parties who seek the non separation of the Catholic Church and State and the separation of Satanic secularism and State.-Lionel Andrades

 JUNE 6, 2018

If Michael Voris supports Cardinal Raymond Burke's statement on the Social Reign of Christ the King and the dogma EENS he may not be able to receive the Sacraments in Detroit

JUNE 5, 2018

Cardinal Burke not reported by liberal media -and also Michael Voris and CMTV

JUNE 2, 2018

Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma - Hardcover (Dark Navy Leather)

Ludwig Ott is in a rupture with the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century and Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441

JUNE 2, 2018

We tell people that if they do not have their names on the Parish Baptismal Register if they do not go for RCIA they are going to Hell. Yes. This is precisely what we tell them

JUNE 2, 2018

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Jesus is the King of the Universe and this must be expressed at all levels of society

JUNE 2, 2018

Baronius Press and Dr.Robert Fastiggi have brought out a new edition of Ludwig Otts Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma since it supports the present liberalism in the Catholic Church, with its Cushingite theology

JUNE 4, 2018

Catholic theocracy- Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (Feeneyite) essential

JUNE 4, 2018

Vatican Council II is Feeneyite -Apologetics

JUNE 4, 2018

Cardinal Burke on May 18 interpreted Lumen Gentium 8 with Feeneyism and Cardinal Ladaria on March 1 interpreted Lumen Gentium 8 with Cushingism : other religions are false paths to salvation for the cardinal but not for the two popes

JUNE 4, 2018

Cardinal Burke and Pope Francis show us that there can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II : one is a continuity with EENS and the other is a rupture

JUNE 4, 2018

Rupture and continuity with the past - Pope Francis and Cardinal Raymond Burke

JUNE 5, 2018

Michael Voris hides the truth about Catholic salvation on the CMTV website(FAQ) : Peter and Michael Dimond who are honest are criticized

JUNE 1, 2018

So the teaching on the Social Reign of Christ the King is very much alive today when Vatican Council II is interpreted with Feeneyism as a philosophy and theology

JUNE 1, 2018

Vatican Council II says outside the Church no salvation ( Graphics)

JUNE 1, 2018

Ludwig Ott's Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma is Cushingite, it overlooks an irrationality in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Prof Robert Fastiggi also use the false premise to interpret BOD, BOB and I.I and Magisterial documents to create a schism with the past popes

 JUNE 1, 2018

Canon Lawyer Marc Balestrieri does not consider the rejection of Tradition with the use of an irrational premise by Pope Benedict as 'an attenuating factor' for the SSPX to reject Vatican Council II(Cushingite) or for married couples to choose the SSPX chapel to get married

JUNE 1, 2018

Canon Lawyer Marc Balestrieri does not see how avoiding official heresy and schism is an attenuating factor for the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX)

MAY 31, 2018

Canon Law does not permit rejectioin of a dogma and holding an office like CDF Prefect

MAY 31, 2018

Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II  Feeneyite and Cushingite

Vatican Council II can be interpreted without the error and this would be the official interpretation of the Council (Graphics)

MAY 31, 2018

Image result for Photos Vatican Council II a rupture with Tradition or continuity

There can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one with the hermeneutic of continuity and the other without it. One with Feeneyite theology and the other with Cushingite theology. One without the irrational premise and the other with it. There is a choice

MAY 30, 2018

Who really is in schism?

MAY 30, 2018

Michael Voris and the two popes remain heretical and schismatic, but politically correct with the Left and so are non controversial

MAY 30, 2018

Cardinal Raymond Burke had said the SSPX is in schism and referred to the SSPX not accepting Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) : He now affirms EENS and Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) : Michael Voris' Resistance Webinar on the SSPX is schismatic like the present magisterium

MAY 30, 2018

Two mistakes of Cardinal Luiz Ladaria s.j which all Catholics have to follow

MAY 29, 2018


MAY 29, 2018

Rational and traditional Catholic catechism after Vatican Council II

MAY 28, 2018

Image result for Photo of Cardinal Raymond Burke at the march for life 2018

Cardinal Raymond Burke endorses Tradition and Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).If the SSPX follow him, this is a simple way to canonical recognition

MAY 28, 2018

Cardinal Raymond Burke's statement at the Voice of the Family Conference is sound orthodoxy in harmony with Vatican Council II

MAY 27, 2018

Cardinal Burke has set a new theological and doctrinal model for sedevacantists and traditionalists.They can affirm tradition and Vatican Council II(Feeneyite). He indicates liberals can no more cite Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition, by using a false premise

MAY 27, 2018

Things couldn't be better for Cardinal Raymond Burke

MAY 27, 2018

Liberals cannot criticize Cardinal Raymond Burke since he accepts Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite),in harmony with EENS ( Feeneyite),the Syllabus of Errors,an ecumenism and the Social Reign of Christ the King : traditionalists at conf. next month support the New Theology

According to St. Thomas Aquinas whom he admires Bishop Barron would be in first class heresy

On May 10,2018 Bishops Barron posted a video on Youtube titled 'Bishop Barron on Who Can be Saved?' in which his theology is clearly Cushingite.He uses an irrational premise, to interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition. If he did not imagine hypothetical cases as being hypothetical, then Vatican Council II would be Feeneyite and not Cushingite.It would not be a rupture with 'the strict interpretation' of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.So he uses a lie, a deception.

He begins this video with a citation from the Bible which tells us that Jesus is the only Saviour of the world.He does not choose passages which also mention the necessity of membership in the Church for salvation (John 3:5, Matrk 16:16, Matt.7:13 etc).
So he rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus at the onset. He calls it triumphalism.
Then, he is so liberal he even refers to and criticizes   'Christian triumphalism'. So  it is not always necessary to believe in Jesus for salvation for him! So there is no traditional mission motivation.
"So since Jesus is the only way does it mean that no non believer no Jew, no Buddhist can possibily be saved?", he asks.
Note: he will soon assume that 'a possibility' is 'a known case of salvation outside the Church in the present times.This is a subtle error which is common in the Church today and is fed by the liberal.This irrational reasoning marks the video.
He then says that Vatican Council II says that that there are rays of light (4:23) in other religions.
I too could recognise good and holy things in other religions but I cannot say that any one in particular in another religion is saved outside the Church because there is that 'rays of light'. We cannot name any one.Neither can he.

He then goes on to say that 'Vatican Council II goes so far as to say that a non believer,someone who through no fault of his own is a non believer but who is following his conscience sincerely,he can be saved '.
O.K, hypothetically, in theory, speculatively,hopefully. But how does this contradict Jesus saying those who do not believe will be condemned? How does this contradict the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church when there is no real, known person as such?  It is not a contradiction. Since it is a reference only to a hypothetical case, an abstract person.
Bishop Barron then adds that he is not saying that this person will necessarily be saved.He does not know a single real person and he is discussing this case as if there is a known non Catholic saved outside the Church. He then assumes this invisible person is a visible exception to the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation.

Is this not a deception?
This is the familiar Cushingite ploy of the liberals and Masons.Based upon a lie they reject the old ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.

(5:04) He then cites Newman who says that ' the conscience is the aborignal vicar of Christ in the soul. So even a non believer who is in good faith and following his conscience,is in fact following the voice of Christ, though he might fully not realize it.' This is all the New Theology supported by Rahner and Ratzinger. It is a false theology since it is based on possibilties of non Catholics being actual, known people saved outside the Church.There are no such people.We do not and cannot know any one who is saved outside the Church because of a good conscience.
This is false reasoningl.It is based on hypothetical speculation. Then it is assumed that these are concrete examples of salvation outside the Church. They infer that there are practical exceptions to EENS. There are no such people in real life whom we can know.
So with this false reasoning, bad philosophy and theology, Bishop Barron says that there is no clear 'in and out' on salvation for him. Salvation does not mean 'your in and your out' for him. 
So for him there are practical exceptions to his Christological model of salvation too. He says all need to believe in Jesus but....
He would probably say all are welcome to enter the Catholic Church as members for salvation but ....there are known exceptions here too-even when for us human being there cannot be any known exception.
So his Christology and also ecclesiology has exceptions, it is no wonder that he has to evangelize based on beauty, goodness and abstract values. He does not believe all non Catholics are Hell bound and need to be saved.
(6:29) He says there are elements of truth in other religions( Lumen Gentium 8) and he infers that these elements of truth, or good things in other religion, results in salvation outside the Church. So there is salvation outside the Church, the old theology of no salvation outside the Church, the dogma, is rejected, since hypothetical cases are exceptions, possibilities are exceptions, unknown people are known exceptions, abstract cases are concrete exceptions....
(7:25) He refers to first century Christians( and not Catholic) triumphalism) which he admits is supported by St. Thomas Aquinas and St.Augustine and which he rejects and it does not bother him.
He also does not cite Vatican Council II ( AG 7), the Bible (Mk:16-16, John 3:5 etc) which supports this traditional teaching.Since for  him, the present two popes and the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, it is  'triumphalism' and has to be rejected.

With his irrational reasoning he has changed the meaning of the Nicene Creed, the dogma EENS, Vatican Council II( Feeneyite to Cushingite), the Catechisms( Feeneyite changed to Cushingite) and the interpretation of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance.
According to St. Thomas Aquinas whom he admires, Bishop Barron would be in first class heresy.
On May 20,2018 I wrote a blog post 1   and posted to Bishop Robert Barron's diocese and to the organisers of his television apostolate.

I do not expect him to reply since he needs to interpret hypothetical cases as being non hypothetical and only then can he create a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to St.Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.-Lionel Andrades


MAY 20, 2018

For Bishop Robert Barron Lumen Gentium 16( invincible ignorance) refers to objectively seen non Catholics saved outside the Church.So for him and Pope Benedict the dogma EENS is obsolete and they search for substitute reasons to evangelize