Sunday, December 13, 2020

Papa Francesco Messa Solennita della Beata Vergine di Guadalupe

If the Lefebvrists continue to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise, and not without it, the Council will continue to be a break with Tradition and this will not be the fault of Pope Benedict

 In Maike Hickson's report on Seawalds new biography of Pope Benedict, Rorate Caeili  still uses the Archbishop Lefebvre-Pope Benedict New Theology .Cardinal Ratzinger  followed the New Theology  of Pope Paul VI(1965) and Pope Pius XII( 1949) which is not mentioned by Seewald or Hickson.

Irrespective of Pope Benedict's personal view on different subjects the Council had to be a radical break with Tradition  since a false premise and inference was used to discard exclusive salvation. This is Pope Benedict's  Achilles' heel. This was a small but important point that he and his group over looked.It was a small give away.

They needed an actual theology, something real to make the break. So they could have thought, "Lets confuse the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance as being exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). This would make EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors obsolete."

 With all their complicated reasoning they did not realize that there could not be objective exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Physically it is not possible.

Sometimes the reality of life can be embarassing.

 The baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance could not be exceptions to EENS. Yet upon this error they created a New false Theology.

In spite of Pope Benedict's personal views on different subjects, the Council had to be radical break with Tradition, at the level of theology, since a false premise and inference would expectedly discard exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

Cardinal Ratzinger has in public rejected exclusive salvation in the Church and cited Pope Pius XII and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949, in two papers of the International Theological Commission.He has also interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise in those ITC reports, to reject Feeneyite EENS.

This is where he actually uses theology to make the break. It is concrete.

The world religions  were now not paths to salvation  for him. Cardinal Ladaria, Cardinal Muller and Archbiships Di Noia and Pozzo, and others whom he employed at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, followed his New Theology. 

The same Christocentric, and not ecclesiocentric interpretation of Vatican Council II,  is the model for the Lefebvrists, present day liberals and Peter Sewald and Maike Hickson.This is the new politically correct understanding of the Church, from Paul VI to Francis,which is a rupture with the Magisterium of the 1930's and the previous centuries.So they are looking at Vatican Council II with the same vision as Pope Benedict.

Until Rorate Caeili, the Lefebvrists and Maike Hickson are willing to see Vatican Council II without the false premise; without Pope Benedict's false New Theology, they will be stuck in the Masonic understanding of the Catholic Church.

If the Lefebvrists continue to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise, and not without it, the Council will continue to be a break with Tradition and this will not be the fault of Pope Benedict. -Lionel Andrades

Siamo Noi, 10 dicembre 2020 – Madonna di Loreto: fede e devozione nella Santa Casa

Palavra Viva thriving Brazilian community to leave Italy en masse before Christmas : Official down sizing of the Church

The Parlavra Viva Brazilian community return home before Christmas. It seems part of the Leftist 'down sizing' of the Catholic Church in Italy. The young lay, religious community had spread fast. They opened new religious centers for men and women, during the short time they have been here. Now they leave en masse. All together.
"This was a community decision", said a member of  Palavra Viva, " because of the COVID restrictions".
Covid ? There are numerous Catholic religious from Brazil who still live in Italy.They are not moving.
The Palavra Viva staffed the San Giuseppe a Capo le Case church, in central Rome. Now the bishop has to look for another community.They suddenly leave religious homes in Grotta Ferrata and Rome. Students stop studies at pontifical universities with a week's notice.They do not know if they will return within a year.
It may be mentioned that the political Left in Italy has for many years criticized foreign Catholic religious coming here. Though the main line newspapers, welcome migrants from non Christian countries.Pope Francis has supported this liberal policy for migrants but not Catholic religious.The media cartel also want Italian youth to migrate to the USA  and stay abroad.It is Italy for the non Italians.
There is a general ' de-Catholicization' in Italy and an organised population replacement plan.Everyone has to follow Satan in different ways.
The plan is initiated also within  Church structures.Ecclesiastical Masonry restricts missionaries.The Combonis seem a target.The annual Corpus Christi procession in central Rome has been finished. This was much before the Covid restrictions.There are many such examples.One of them is the Gesu al Centro Italian youth program.It was stopped by the Rome secular authorities.The youth were not allowed to play their guitars and speak about Jesus.This annual event was approved by the Rome Vicariate, which cooperates with the Left.They have 'good relations' with the Jewish Left.
When a Palavra Viva community member says that their decision to leave Italy, with no fixed date of return, is theirs, it seems like an D'Ercole problem.
Mons. Giovanni D'Ercole, the bishop emeritus of Ascoli Piceno, Italy, said it was his personal decision to go and live in a monastery in Africa. This was after he slammed Conte's lockdown and met Pope Francis who welcomed his resignation. The bishop when asked said that it was his personal decision.With rapid de-Catholization little things make you suspicious.
Pope Francis knows that the churches in Italy have been taken over by the Italian government. A government appointed lay committee overlooks them.
Holy Mass in some Catholic churches in Rome are monitored by the police, mostly non Christian recruits.Most of the recruits in the police are non Christians.Only they are seen on the streets of Rome. They oppose Catholic religious beliefs on mission and exclusive salvation. This is 'in accordance with their religion'.Their 'religous work',is  supported by Leftist laws.
At pontifical universities, Vatican offices and Catholic convents they have to hire non Christians. The Superior cannot contest it. Since the pope approves it.
The general official policy in Italy seems 'first the non Catholic',as opposed to Salvini's slogan, 'first the Italian'. This seems part of the European Unions Anti Christ approach. It discriminates against Jesus and the Christians.
The Palavra Viva community which shared their faith in Jesus  now have to leave within a week. They leave Rome, where Catholic religious are not allowed to quote the Bible (John 3:5, Mark 16:16).Threats are common from non Christians, who oppose Catholic beliefs and want to impose their false religion upon Catholics. They do this  even within the church premises.
Churches have been closed in central Rome to maintain the peace. -Lionel Andrades

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Adorazione Eucaristica - Međugorje - Sabato 12 Dicembre 2020

"Cari figli, voi siete la mia forza... Non abbiate paura"

"Oggi non mi sento più una modella, la vera modella è la Vergine"