Saturday, November 19, 2022

Michael Lofton on Church Militant TV supports heresy and schism. It is with the False Premise that he gets his politically-correct liberalism



Analyzing the Magisterium.

In this week's Mic'd Up, David Gordon interviews Michael Lofton, host of Reason and Theology. Michael's also a candidate for a theology doctorate, and the topic of his forthcoming dissertation is the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

.It supports the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS in Ad Gentes 7.There are no exceptions mentioned in the Council-text for Ad Gentes 7. There are also no practical exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II for the Athanasius Creed and  the Syllabus of Errors. The Council supports Tradition.It is Feeneyite.

So Vatican Council II should now be of concern for the liberals and the Left. They can no more cite the Council to support their progressivism.

Vatican Council II can be interpreted with a Rational Premise and Inference and the Conclusion is dogmatic.The Council supports the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with no known exceptions.

But Michael Lofton, like Jimmy Akin, Trent Horn and Patrick Coffin, interpret Vatican Council II with the Irrational Premise and Inference and create a Non Traditional Conclusion which is and heretical.They were not corrected by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican.

The CDF too interprets the Council with the same irrational premise to intentionally produce a break with Tradition.The result is politically-correct heresy and schism. This cannot be Magisterial.


The Council for me is a continuation with the past Magisterium of the Church on extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors. There is a continuity for me. This is my interpretation of Vatican Council II, in harmony with the past Magisterium. So for me Vatican Council II is traditional, with the old ecclesiocentric ecclesiology.It is not heretical. It is Magisterial and inspired by the Holy Spirit.It is the Magisterium according to the principles, the theology and doctrines, of the pre-1949 Magisterium.The present two popes are not inspired by the Holy Spirit when they interpret the Council irrationally and un-ethically. The use of the Rational Premise must be obligatory for all Catholics, including the popes, cardinals and bishops.


I reject the interpretation of Vatican Council II by Michael Lofton, interviewed for Church Militant TV's program Micd'up. He repeats the official heresy and schism created with an Irrational Premise. This cannot be Magisterial for me. How can the Holy Spirit contradict the past Magisterium and that too with an irrational premise and inference? This is human error. This is political. It is supported by the political Left.


Pope Paul VI had a choice. He could have interpreted Vatican Council II rationally.Even Pope Pius XII could have interpreted the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance rationally.He could have corrected the mistake in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.He did not do it.


Fr. Leonard Feeney was saying that there are no visible cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance. This is common sense. This was known to the saints.They did not project invisible cases of the BOD and I.I as being visible exceptions for traditional EENS.But the popes from Pius XII made this mistake.

The error can be corrected but CMTV, like the two popes and the liberals consider what is unethical and irrational as being magisterial.They are liberals and so over look this mistake in the apologists at Catholic Answers and EWTN.-Lionel Andrades

MEET JAMES - A soul damned to Hell.

The realities of Hell and our inability or unwillingness to conceptualize it come to the forefront in this episode of The One True Faith. Using a fictional "average Joe" character to help illustrate the concepts, in this episode, host Michael Voris paints a vivid and horrific picture of the afterlife.

Purchase this season on DVD
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Purchase the complete One True Faith on DVD
Purchase the complete One True Faith on CD


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      We would well remember the children of Fatima's, "forever and forever."
      November, the month of souls is a very good time to "Memento mori", remember you will die.
      Busyness and noise, never allows for silence and without silence there is no time for Memento mori.
      In Robert Cardinal Sarah's book, "The Power of Silence", he writes," In silence, man can tell how limited earthly time is..."
      Incredible to me it seems, "the noisier one's soul the more likely that soul has not one clue that "it" has an "expiration date". Ah yes, a human has a "shelf life" as it were...but humans don't want to hear the reality of death. Humans race on and defy the Creator because the creature will simply defy his Creator and death and live here on earth forever.
      With little silence in one's day, it is increasingly difficult to escape the endless noise that deafens us to our own mortality.
      Remember man that thou art dust and to dust thou shalt return... and silent as the grave our ultimate end on this side of the veil... but a soul lost is lost forever and forever and forever.

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          Thank you MV, inspiring, enlightening and a jarring reality in this "Matrix".

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              O my God, relying on 1-Your almighty power 2-Your infinite mercy 3- and promises, I hope to obtain 1-pardon of my sins, 2- the help of Your grace and 3-life everlasting through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeener. Amen.

            Vatican Council II should now be of concern for the liberals and the Left. They can no more cite the Council to support their progressivism

             Vatican Council II is traditional. It is ecclesiocentric and dogmatic.It supports the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).EENS is in hamony with Ad Gentes 7 which says all need Catholic faith and the baptism of water for salvation. There are no exceptions mentioned in the Council-text for Ad Gentes 7. There are also no practical exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II,  for the Athanasius Creed and  the Syllabus of Errors. The Council supports Tradition. The Council is Feeneyite on EENS.

            So Vatican Council II should now be of concern for the liberals and the Left. They can no more cite the Council to support their progressivism. - Lionel Andrades