Monday, September 30, 2013

Another legal victory for the Thomas More Law Centre and Pastor Terry Jones

Ohio Mom Teams-up With TMLC to Remove Islamic Proselytizing Video from 7th Grade History Class

The Olmsted Falls City School District, located in Olmsted Falls, Ohio has agreed to remove the video “30 Days: Muslim and America” from the 7th grade World History Curriculum. The action was taken to avoid a constitutional challenge by the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, which filed a series of requests for public records concerning the video on behalf of Jenny McKeigue, a mother of three children who attend schools within the district.
McKeigue first became concerned about the history curriculum in 2011 when her son, then in 7th grade, was required to memorize the 5 Pillars of Islam (the requirement was later discontinued). After a deeper look into the 7th grade history curriculum, McKeigue became concerned about the content of the “Muslims and America” video to which the school had exposed her son. She asked the School District to remove the video from the curriculum and replace it with an objective video relevant to the history of Islam, not one that taught children how to become a Muslim. Her request was denied. Subsequently, Mrs. McKeigue began the escalation process to the Superintendent and the School Board.
After over a year and a half of denied requests for information, including requests for the class syllabus, from the School District, McKeigue reached out to the Thomas More Law Center for assistance. TMLC agreed to help. Ohio attorney Michael S. Goldstein acted as an affiliated local counsel.
The questionable video features a Christian (Dave) agreeing to embrace the religion of Islam and the Muslim culture by living with a Muslim family for 30 days in Dearborn, Michigan. Dave was required to live, dress and eat as a Muslim, study the Koran daily and participate in Muslim prayer. The video features several instances of Muslim prayer and even a look at a “how to pray in Islam” sheet complete with Dave practicing how to pray and reciting lines such as “I testify that there is no God other than the Almighty” and “I testify that Mohammad is the messenger of God.”
The video is also set up in a manner that portrays non-Muslims as uneducated bigots and Muslims as persecuted victims. At one point in the video, 7th grade students are told that if they hear someone say something wrong about Islam, it is their responsibility to fix it.
The video was being used as a part of the Ohio 7th Grade Social Studies Standards Expectations for Learning which requires students to “describe achievements by the Islamic civilization and how these achievements were introduced into Western Europe in the time period between 750 BC – 1600AD.” As such, “Muslims and America” is clearly irrelevant to Ohio Social Studies Standards.
Mrs. McKeigue felt the video, in addition to being irrelevant, also violated several Board Policies with regard to the promotion of religion in the classroom and the fair representation of all ethnic and religious groups. Additionally, she questioned the accuracy of the video as well as the applied double standard as no other video was shown nor instruction given demonstrating how to perform the religious exercises of other religions.
In response to McKeigue’s criticism, the school district invited Olmsted Falls pastors to review the video. To the school district’s chagrin, several pastors agreed with McKeigue and also questioned the accuracy of the video. Dr. Todd Hoadley, school superintendent at the time, disregarded their concerns. At a March 2013 Board meeting, and in private conversations, he defended the video with the astonishing argument that the inaccuracies of the video proved its value.
Richard Thompson. President and Chief Counsel of the TMLC commented: “Teachers may not constitutionally show video tapes that violate the neutrality they must maintain toward religion or that engages in religious instruction. Showing “Muslims and America” violated those principles and the Establishment Clause of our Constitution. Under the guise of teaching the history of Islam to seventh graders, history teachers were proselytizing students to the Islamic faith. Although I applaud the school district for resolving this issue without litigation, I was disappointed to discover internal communications from one history teacher ridiculing and disparaging Mrs. McKeigue, and even suggesting she should be fired from her part time job as alumni director for the school because of her criticism of the video.”
Thompson continued, “Teachers may provide instruction about a particular religion, but they are not constitutionally permitted to provide religious instruction. The education of our children is too important to be left to teachers and school administrators alone. Parents have a duty to be personally involved as well. Mrs. McKeigue was exercising her constitutional right to free speech in fulfilling her crucial duty and responsibility as a parent.”

Sant Egido pro Freemasonry meeting underway in Rome : pope sends greetings

The inter religious meeting based on the Freemason model and values and organised by the Catholic St. Egidio community (Sant Egido) is underway in Rome. Yesterday (Sept 29) there was Holy Mass at the Basilica of St.Paul Outside the Walls, at which the chief celebrant was Cardinal Augustine Vaillani, Vicar General of Rome. There were representatives at the Mass, from the Christian communities and ecclesial communities, according to the leaflets distributed by the organisers.
The meeting from Sept-29-Oct 1 is titled 'Il Coraggio della Speranza'. Religion and culture in dialogue is the theme.
Sant Egidio promotes the Jewish Left values within the Catholic Church, they are higly recommended by the pro Israeli rabbi in Rome.
Their founder Andrea Riccardi agrees with the ADL and says there must be no Catholic mission as it was traditionally done.They have also discarded the doctrines. They encourage a theology of religions,which is now being taught by the Left in Pontifical universities, including Urbaniana University, which was formerly a Catholic university specializing in Mission.
The meeting underway in many churches and sites in Rome, where discussion is encouraged, uses the popular Cushing interpretation of Vatican Council II.The present gathering, which it is being claimed is being held in the 'spirit of Assisi',  is another event, contributing to a Freemason 'one world religion', which will include pagan worshippers and Catholics comfortable with homosexuality, abortion, atheism, communism etc - and in which people will not know about sin or Hell, until after they die.
The meeting is also one of many, which is a preparation for the coming of a false messiah, Lord Maitreya, as he is known in the Theosophical Society, an old front-organisation for hard core Masonry.
With the use of irrational Cushingism ,they are all able to reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II (AG 7- all need faith and baptism for salvation) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846- all need to enter the Church as through a door).So the liberals from different religions and communities meeting in Rome, will not be presented with the true Catholic teachings.
Based on falsehood and leftist priorities, they will conduct meetings in the name of peace, solidarity, unity and other similar slogans.Rabbi David Rosen is participating and Pope Francis has sent a message.
David Rosen has been intolerant of the SSPX and the traditionalists and along with others has also objected to Catholic mission being part of inter-religious meetings.When one considers the hidden aims of such meetings and the people participating in them and the values which they enforce with political and military threats, such meetings could be the work of Satan.
-Lionel Andrades


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cushingism at conference suggests magisterium has made a mistake

If John Rao, John Vennari and the others would  use  Feeneyism ( no visible to us exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church) then the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 is a polite condemnation of Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston. Since being saved with implicit desire and in invincible ignorance (mentioned in the Letter) is not an exception to 'the dogma', 'the infallible teaching'( also mentioned in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949).
With Feeneyism ( no visible-dead)  the Letter cites 'the dogma' whose text does not mention implicit desire etc. So the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 is in agreement with Fr.Leonard Feeney who was excommunicated for disobedience and was not asked by the Church to recant his traditional interpretation of the dogma on salvation.
John Rao, John Vennari and most of the SSPX members interpret the Letter of the Holy Office using Cushingism.
Also in the last paragraphs of the Letter of the Holy Office  where Fr.Leonard Feeney and the St.Benedict Center are criticized , the SSPX assume it is for heresy and not disobedience. The text of the Letter mentions it was for  disobedience.
So the participants at the 2013 Catholic Identity Conference would really being saying, through Cushingism, that the Letter has made an objective error in assuming that there are known exceptions to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.Pope Pius XII  was assuming we could see the dead-saved.This is the view of the SSPX and their traditionalist supporters.This is a factual mistake of Pope Pius XII according to them, since we canot see the dead on earth.In other words, they are saying that the  magisterium has made a mistake.
With Feeneyism we see that the magisterium has not made a mistake. The error is there in the traditionalist's interpretation of the Council with an irrationality; being able to see the dead who are known exceptions to all needing to convert into the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades

More party-line irrationality from Rao,Vennari and others: another politically correct conference


More party-line irrationality from Rao,Vennari and others: another politically correct conference

James Vogel presented the standard errors at the 2013 Catholic Identity Conference. He was, as expected, supported by Dr.John Rao, who will not answer two questions which  I have asked him in personal correspondence.Neither will the SSPX Communications Office USA answer those two questions since they have to churn out the same message as Vogel, which has now become the political position of SSPX members.
None of them want to upset the cart and acknowledge that there can be two major interpretations of Vatican Council II.There can be two interpretations depending on a particular premise which is used. They are all using a false, irrational premise in the interpretation of the Council.
So the usual nonsense, was repeated, by John Rao, James Vogel, John Vennari,  and others as if they have to maintain the SSPX party-line.This error is also upheld by their Roman Forum colleague in Rome, Mons. Ignacio Barreiro. He will never dare say that Vatican  Council II does not contradict the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Fr.Leonard Feeney.He offers the Traditional Latin Mass in  Rome! It seems like so many of them are looking after their career and comfortable  lifestyle and the truth of the Faith is not their priority.
If Vatican Council II no where contradicts the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus , then the Council has to be traditional on the issue of other religions and Christian communities and churches.
Here are the two dreaded questions.(1) On the basis of these questions we can have two major interpretations of Vatican Council II, Cushingism and Feeneyism.
Presently the SSPX traditionalists and Cardinal Walter Kaspar and the liberal dissidents  are united in choosing the irrational and heretical Cushing interpretation, which was supported by the Freemasons and others in Boston.
The SSPX traditionalists can also be politically corrected with Cushingism.So they deny the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus by using Cushingism  and  protect their property and way of life, from being targeted  under anti Semitism, racist or new laws created by the Left, to restrict the Catholic Church.
Possibly the next conference too will repeat the same  politically accepted position. -Lionel Andrades


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Michael Voris is using the Freemason interpretation of Vatican Council II ?

He may not know it is the interpretation of Freemasonary on whom he has recently done a good informative and critical program.However there are two interpretations of Vatican Council II. The interpretations are not based on theology or an opinion but based on an objective fact.
It may be mentioned  that the apologist and former Mason John Salza has said that the main effort of the Freemasons was against Church doctrine and in particular the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The enemies of the Church were  successful in Boston where the Jewish Left (Masons, kabbalists etc) were growing in strength about the time of the creation of Israel.
They chose to interpret the dogma on exclusive salvation using the premise of us being able to see the dead on earth who are known exceptions to the dogma.
Michael Voris, SSPX and members of the Roman Forum are using this irrational interpretation of the dogma. They have a choice. They could interpret all Magisterial texts including Vatican Council II knowing that there are no exceptions known to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
This would be a radical change in our understanding of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades

More of the same

James Vogel spoke representing the Society of St. Pius X. I do not follow what goes on with the Society, but I thought Mr. Vogel represented them very well. The crux of his talk was this question: The SSPX has been known over the past few decades for their criticisms of some of the documents of Vatican II, which the Society believes are problematic. Mr. Vogel stated perhaps 5% of the teaching of Vatican II was questioned by the Society. However, since more and more people are beginning to look more critically at the documents, even critiquing them for ambiguity or discontinuity (as Athanasius Schneider and Walter Kasper did), why is the Society still in an irregular status for affirming the same things that many people in good standing are beginning to affirm?
It seems easier for the participants at this conference to repeat the same irrationalities and pet theories rather then admit that they were wrong in the past, and that the Council is traditional on the issue of other religions and ecumenism.
-Lionel Andrades

The Conversion of America

Dear Reader,
You are associated with Saint Benedict Center. You heartily desire the conversion of America. I someone asked you what you were doing toward that end (toward a Catholic America), what would you say?
I am sure you are already doing the first and most essential thing to convert our country, which is, of course, learning and living your Faith. It would be futile, indeed, to want our country to be Catholic, and yet to live as a pagan in your own life or to be ignorant of your Faith! Secondarily, you look for opportunities to share your Faith with people with whom you come in contact in whatever tasks you undertake.But, these are things that every good Catholic should be doing, even if he is not associated with Saint Benedict Center.
So,what is the advantage of being a part of Saint BenedictCenter? Why have you associated yourself with the Center? Well, it is certainly encouraging to bond with like-minded persons who will pray and sacrifice with and for you. Also,you could take advantage of the excellent program ofCatholic studies that is available in our Saint Augustine Institute of Studies (SAI) program. And you can receive helpful publications, such as this
Mancipia , to strengthen and encourage your Faith.
Are these benefits unique to belonging to Saint BenedictCenter? No. They are also available through other traditionalCatholic groups around the world, which profess the whole Faith and preserve the liturgical traditions. And, although convenient and excellent, our SAI program consists in studying things that any Catholic could (albeit with much effort)and outside our program.
So, again, is there any unique advantage of belonging to the Center? Think about it.
According to Wikipedia, the population o the United States is currently 316,298,000. The percentage of Catholics is approximately only 25%. This means that, at least 75%% of our countrymen need to be converted. That is the scope ofour task. It is a pretty big task, as many people have remarked to us over the years. Are we working effectively, or should we change our tactics?
Perhaps you have made your Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary (if you are a Third Order member, you have).On a personal level, this is the most powerful way for you to help our country become Catholic — to make yourself an instrument of the Mediatrix of All Graces, the Queen of Apostles, and the Empress of the Americas. You grow daily in its precious strength and grace. But, again, people who have not even heard of the Center have made this Consecration, so it is not unique to the Center.
Ahh! You are united to vowed religious who pray, work and study for the conversion of America. This makes your prayers and sacrifices more valuable. As they teach children and adults, do missionary work, promote their publications,practice hospitality, and perform all of their daily duties,your prayers and sacrifices help them
effectively to bring souls to Jesus through Mary — and their prayers and works help you to become closer to God and a better instrumentfor bringing souls to Him. Beautiful, indeed! Unique to theCenter? No.
Well, let’s look one more time! These religious make the traditional three vows according to the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. That is nothing unique. But, did you know that they make a fourth vow? A few orders make a fourth vow that is special to their order’s charism, and among these few are the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the religious of Saint Benedict Center.Do you know what this vow is? Before I share that fourth vow with you, dear reader, I want you to know that it is the reason for the very existence of Saint Benedict Center (read the
Loyolas and Cabots if you want to know why). It is the magnifying glass that gives o-cus and burning zeal to all of our prayers, works, and studies.It is the very special and essential aspect of the Center that made our dear Brother Francis say with confidence, “If any-one can tell us something better we could be doing, let him tell us, and we will do it today!” It is a special grace given to the Center, an essential grace for the work of converting America to the one, true Faith.
So, here is our fourth vow: “I promise to make the doctri-nal crusade of Saint Benedict Center the first interest in my life.” This is not merely a vow to believe the dogma —Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus — and profess it. It is not merely “one of the interests” in our life. By this vow, we religious focus all of our prayers, works, and studies, through the three vows and in the hands of Our Blessed Mother, toward the healing and expansion of the Mystical Body throughout the world. Without this crusade and its global interest in the Mystical Body, we may convert individuals, but the conversion of our homeland is not even possible.
Brother Francis never let an article, lecture, or conversation go by without relating it to the crusade. After all, he made that precious vow, too, and was one of the principal leaders of this crusade. Another article (at least!) needs to be written on the crusade specifically in order to do the cause justice. For now, I hope I have whetted your appetite for it.
You, dear friend of the Center, have the advantage of being, to some degree, part of this crusade. To that degree,there is nothing better you could be doing for the conversion of your beloved country.Until our next “meeting,” let us pray for one another to the Mother of God. And may your wholesome curiosity may lead you to look on our website for the Loyolas and Cabots ,and more material on our history and the salvation doctrine.
Email Sister MarieTérèse at

Friday, September 27, 2013

Mohammad al Concilio Vaticano II

St.Alphonsus Liguori ha detto Mohammad è all'Inferno , come gli altri musulmani. I santi e papi ha detto cosi. Concilio Vaticano  II dice anche che tutti bisogna fede e battesimo per la salvezza e tutti hanno bisogno entrare nella Chiesa Cattolica  , come attraverso una porta ( AG 7) . Mohammad non aveva la fede cattolica e non è stato lui battezzato con acqua .
Essere salvato con il battesimo di acqua e di fede cattolica, è il mezzo ordinario di salvezza.In genere tutti i musulmani hanno bisogno di essere membri visibili della Chiesa per la salvezza.Non possiamo dire che lui  è stato salvato con il battesimo di desiderio o con  ignoranza invincibile. Perché anche se ci fosse un caso cosi in principio, Dio potrebbe inviare un predicatore a battezzare la persona nell'ignoranza . Così ogni uno che entra cielo è cattolica con la fede cattolica e il battesimo di acqua. Essere  salvato con il battesimo di desiderio ecc è una possibilità che solo Dio conosce .Non esiste un caso noto di us.Neither può aspettare di conoscere , ognuno di questi casi nei tempi presenti .
Quindi non siamo incontro qualcuno chi riceveremo salvezza o che verranno salvate con il battesimo di desiderio o di ignoranza invincibile. Dal tempo presente  il mezzo ordinario di salvezza è entrata visibile nella Chiesa Cattolica ( con la fede e il battesimo di acqua).Non ci sono casi di battesimo di desiderio ecc per noi , nel 2013.In particolare per noi non c'e questi case solo in teoria, in principio e una possibilita.
Non possiamo dire che Mohammad è stato salvato nell'ignoranza invincibile perche  l'unico mezzo per andare in Paradiso è il battesimo d'acqua dato chi e dato per adulti chi ha Fede Cattolica.Lui inoltre non e ignora della Fede Cattolica .

Il Corano indica che Mohammad conosciuto chi  Gesù e la Chiesa e lui scegliere di non entrare . Il Concilio Vaticano II ( LG 14) , dice che chi conosce la Chiesa e la sua necessità per la salvezza , ma non entrano , sono orientati ad Inferno .
Il Concilio Vaticano II ( AG 7) si trova nel Catechismo della Chiesa cattolica sotto il titolo  fuori della chiesa non c'è salvezza .
AG 7 è in accordo con il dogma definito, extra ecclesiam nulla salus basato su Giov.3 : 5 e Mar 16:16 .
Non ci sono eccezioni noto in  Concilio Vaticano II (AG 7) o il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.In tempi attuali non conosciamo nessuno salvato attraverso le cose buone e sante nella loro religione ( NA 2 ) , semi del Verbo (AG 11) , l'ignoranza invincibile o una buona coscienza ( LG 16) . Quindi, questi casi non sono eccezioni. Tutti hanno bisogno convertire nella Chiesa mediante la fede e il battesimo , tutto ha bisogno di essere membri visibili della Chiesa Cattolica per andare in Paradiso ed evitare l'inferno ( per la salvezza ) .
Il Concilio Vaticano II è in accordo con i papi e santi nel dire Mohammad è all'Inferno. L'insegnamento ufficiale della Chiesa Cattolica , come  i documenti magisteriali , prima e dopo il Concilio Vaticano II , e anche il Concilio Vaticano II  stess, non sono cambiate .
L'Islam non è una via di salvezza. ( CDF , Notificazione, Jacques Dupuis SJ , Dominus Iesus 20 , il Concilio Vaticano II , AG 7 , LG 14 ecc) . Musulmani hanno bisogno di convertire visibilmente nella Chiesa per evitare l'inferno . ( Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica 845,846 , Ecclesia di Eucharistia , Cantate Domino , Concilio di Firenze 1441 , extra ccclesiam nulla salus ecc ) .
Il fondatore dell'Islam , una religione che ha buone e sante cose in esso e politicamente chi è una delle " grandi religioni " come il Giudaismo , era orientata all'Inferno .
Questa è una verità della Chiesa Cattolica , che iancora insegna salvezza esclusiva. Perchè non ci sono casi noti di musulmani o di altri non cattolici salvati , al fuori della Chiesa , non vi è alcuna base per una teologia delle religioni o  una nuova ecclesiologia . Ecclesiologia cattolica sulla base del Concilio Vaticano II ( LG 14 , AG 7)  è ancora ecclesiocentrico . Salvezza esclusiva e solo in la Chiesa Cattolica, secondo il Concilio Vaticano II , chi non menziona nessuno eccezione al dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus o Ad Gentes 7 ( tutti bisogna la fede e il battesimo per salvezza ) .
C'e Abbiamo bisogno di Missione Cattolica base sulla  Concilio Vaticano II . Questo non è solo un opinione personale . Il Cardinale Angelo Amato in un'intervista a Avvenire , l'Italia chiamò per la missione base sulla Concilio Vaticano II, chi  per lui è missionaria . Egli ha menzionato specificamente LG 14 e AG 7 .
-Lionel Andrades

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mohammad in Vatican Council II

St.Alphonsus Ligouri said Mohammad is in Hell, like other Muslims. The  saints and popes said  the same.Vatican Council II also says all need faith and baptism for salvation and all need to enter the Church as through a door(AG 7).Mohammad did not have Catholic faith and neither was he baptized with water.
Being saved with the baptism of water and Catholic faith is the ordinary means of salvation.In general all Muslims need to be visible members of the Church for salvation.
We cannot say that he was saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance since even if there was such a case , God could send a preacher to baptise the person in ignorance. So every one who enters Heaven is Catholic with Catholic faith and the baptism of water.
Being saved with the baptism of desire etc is a possibility  known only to God. There is no such case known to us.Neither can be  expect to know, any such case in the present times.
So we cannot meet anyone  in the present times who will be saved with the baptism of desire or invincible ignorance. Since the ordinary means of salvation is visible entry into the Catholic Church (with faith and baptism of water) and there are no cases of the baptism of desire etc for us, in 2013.
We cannot say that Mohammad was saved in invincible ignorance since the only means to go to Heaven is the baptism of water given to adults with Catholic Faith.He was also not ignorant of the Catholic Faith.
The Koran shows that Mohammad  knew about Jesus and the Church and yet choose not to enter. Vatican Council II (LG 14) says those who know about the Church and its  necessity for salvation but do not enter, are oriented to Hell.
Vatican Council II (AG 7) is placed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the title outside the church no salvation.
AG 7 is in agreement with the defined dogma extra eclesiam nulla salus based on John 3: 5 and Mark 16:16.
There are no known exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to AG 7 or the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.In the present times we do not know anyone saved through good and holy things in their religion (NA2) , seeds of the word , invincible ignorance or a good conscience (LG 16) . So these cases are not exceptions to all needing to convert into the Church through faith and baptism ; all needing to be visible members of the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell(for salvation).
Vatican Council II agrees with the popes and saints in saying Mohammad is in Hell. The official teaching of the Catholic Church,acccording to magisterial documents , before and after Vatican Council II, and including Vatican Council II, have not changed.
Islam is not a path to salvation.(CDF,Notification, Jacques Dupuis S.J, Dominus Iesus 20, Vatican Council II ,AG 7,LG 14).Muslims need to visibly convert into the Church to avoid Hell.(CCC 845,846, Ecclesia di Eucharistia, Cantate Domino , Council of Florence 1441, extra ecclesiam nulla salus).
The founder of Islam, a religion  which has good and holy things in it and politically is one of the 'great religions' like Judaism, was oriented to Hell.
This is a truth of the Catholic Church which still teaches exclusive salvation.Since there are no known cases of Muslims or other non Catholics saved, outside the Church, there is no basis for a theology of religions or a new ecclesiology. Catholic ecclesiology is still ecclesiocentric, based on Vatican Council II (LG 14,AG 7). There is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church according to Vatican Council II,which does not mention any exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus or to AG 7 (all need faith and baptism for salvation). 
We need Catholic Mission based on Vatican Council II. This is not just a personal view. Cardinal Angelo Amato in an interview with Avvenire,Italy called for mission based on Vatican Council II which for him is missionary. He specifically mentioned LG 14 and AG 7. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vatican Council II and Islam : two interpretations

Vatican Council II indicates all Muslims need 'faith and baptism' for salvation and not only those who know about Jesus and the Church. Muslims do not have Catholic Faith and the baptism of water and they have Original Sin on their soul and commit mortal sins in this state.They are on the way to eternal death at the times of their physical death.
All Muslims in 2013 are on the way to Hell according to Vatican Council II (AG 7) and not just 'those who know about Jesus and the Church and yet do not enter'. We cannot name any such case of those who 'know'.De facto, in the present times there is no such known case.
In principle as a possibility known to God there could be a Muslim saved who is not a visible member of the Church. If there was such case in the present times,it would be irrelevant to the Vatican Council II teaching on all needing faith and baptism for salvation, since we personally could not know this person.
The ordinary means of salvation is the Catholic Church (Redemptoris Missio 55). It is not invincible ignorance. Also those in invincible ignorance who are saved and those who 'know' and who are not saved , would be judged only by Jesus.They would be known only to Jesus.They are not known to us either way. They are not known to us either way for them to be exceptions to all needing faith and baptism for salvation.(AG 7,LG 14,CCC 846 etc).So there are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II.
The confusion is caused by many who interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism.
Cushingism says we can know on earth those who will be saved in invincible ignorance or those who will not be saved('who know').Archbishop Richard Cushing and the Jesuits opposed Fr.Leonard Feeney who believed that 'we cannot know' and so there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Here is Vatican Council II on Islam interpreted with Cushingism and Feeneyism.


Therefore, all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching, and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door. Therefore those men cannot be saved, who though aware that God, through Jesus Christ founded the Church as something necessary, still do not wish to enter into it, or to persevere in it."Therefore though God in ways known to Himself can lead those inculpably ignorant of the Gospel to find that faith without which it is impossible to please Him (Heb. 11:6), yet a necessity lies upon the Church (1 Cor. 9:16), and at the same time a sacred duty, to preach the Gospel...-Ad Gentes 7
FEENEYISM: The orange text does not contradict the text in yellow since the cases referred to are defacto not known to us, personally .We do not know and cannot know these cases. So they are not exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

CUSHINGISM: The orange text contradicts the text in yellow .It is assumed that thse cases are known to us in the present times. We can see the dead who are known exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Fr.Leonard Feeney.

There can be only one rational interpretation of these magisterial texts. If one assumes that the text in orange is an exception to the text in yellow, it would be implying that we can see the dead saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire who are known exceptions to the text in yellow.
So the official teaching of the Catholic Church on salvation and Islam ,before and after Vatican Council II has not changed-unless one is using Cushingism in the interpretation.
Pope Francis until today has never said that Muslims,Jews or Christian denominations need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation according to Vatican Council II. Instead he has said that inter religious dialogue is to be conducted according to Vatican Council II, in other words, according to Cushingism.
In his encyclical Lumen Fidei he indicates Christians have ecclesial faith.Again this is Cushingism.He assumes there are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. There are visible exceptions in the present times, for him, and so postulates that there is known salvation outside the Catholic Church.All non Catholics, Christians and non Christians, for him, do not need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. Neither atheists!
We can see this false reasoning in the on line  theological papers of the International Theological Commission. Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J , the present Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF),Vatican, approved by Pope Francis, was responsible for this error on the Vatican website.It is based on this error of known exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, that Cardinal Ladaria, with the approval of Pope Benedict XVI, put forward a theology of religions.
Pope Francis and Cardinal Ladaria, whether they know it or not, are representing the enemies of the Church  who want to infiltrate the Church and change Catholic doctrine and so destroy the Church in its present external form.
-Lionel Andrades


Are you referring to BOD(baptism of desire) visible to us or BOD invisible for us ?

On a sedevacantist blog I have sending comments which have suppressed by the blog owner. Here is a copy of the latest comments. I do not expect any answers from the Most Holy Family Monastery.-L.A

When will Bro.Peter and Michael Dimond clarify the following points ?
Catholic 2007 said:
At the moment your thinking demonstrates that you are not really a Catholic, you only think you are...
You reject EENS (extra ecclesiam nulla salus )...
Would I be accepting EENS if I said that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are not known to us in the present times?. Since these cases are known only to God they are not known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?
So I could accept EENS alongwith implicit for us baptism of desire etc.It would not contradict the Principle of Non Contradiction.
If there is an apple in a box of oranges, the apple is an exception because it exists.If it was not there in the box it would not be an exception.
We cannot see or meet anyone saved with the baptism of desire etc.
Catholic 2007:
You believe the New Mass is a true Mass - it is not, and must be avoided.
It is the Sacrifice of Jesus reenacted in an unbloody way.
Catholic 2007:
You still believe in BOD...
Are you referring to BOD(baptism of desire) visible to us or BOD invisible for us ? If it is invisible for us then I can believe it is a possibility known only to God. It does not contradict Peter and Michael's interpretation of EENS.It is not an exception to the dogma on salvation.
Catholic 2007:
You appear to accept the Vatican II Church and it's "popes" as true popes, when they are not, and so their "canonizations" are meaningless.
When you refer to the Vatican Council II Church are you referring to Vatican Council II according to Cushingism or Feeneyism ?
Cushingism assumes the dead saved in invincible ignorance are visible to us on earth and so are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Feeneyism assumes that we cannot see these dead-saved and so there are no exceptions to the dogma EENS.
One can use Cushingism to interpret the Catechism, Dominus Iesus etc.Cushingism is irrational.
Catholic 2007:
All the hypothetical cases you raised have been well aired on the MHFM website, which you should have studied by now.( )
The above points which I have mentioned have never been dealt with by Peter and Michael. It has been a few years since I have been posting them material and asking questions.
-Lionel Andrades