Wednesday, February 8, 2023

CMTV wants the SSPX to accept this political version of Vatican Council II


Archbishop Allen Vigneron, his Curia and the Rector and Faculty of the Sacred Heart Major seminary in Detroit, interpret LG 8,14 and 16 in Vatican Council II as being personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church in the  present times. Michael Voris needs to ask ‘whom do we know who is saved outside the Church in the present times?’

When Fr. Jonathan Morris, an ex priest of the Legion of Christ said that there is salvation outside the Church, Michael asked, whom, does he know who is saved outside the Church?

No one. Since if anyone was saved outside the Church it could only be known to God. These hypothetical cases could not be objective examples of salvation outside the Church and so practical exceptions for extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) etc.

The liberal theology structure of Robert Fastiggi and Ralph Martin at the seminary in Detroit comes with confusing what is  invisible as being visible and then projecting them as exceptions for the past ecclesiocentrism of the Catholic Church. 

So in the Archdiocese of Detroit they conclude that there are objective exceptions for the Athanasius Creed, the Great Commission, the dogma EENS, the Nicene Creed ( I believe in one baptism …), the Syllabus of Errors, the Catechisms of Trent and Pius X...

Michael Voris is not asking the Archdiocese of Detroit, “Whom do we know saved outside the Catholic Church?” Since if Michael Voris does not pretend that there known cases of non Catholics saved  outside the Church  i.e. people in Heaven who are also visible on earth, then there will be a Decree of Prohibitions  issued against him. CMTV has to accept the political and irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II of the archbishop and the curia in Detroit. Now CMTV wants the SSPX to accept this political version of Vatican Council II approved by Archbishop Vigneron and the ADL.He is not asking the SSPX to affirm Vatican Council II ( rational) and so support Feeneyite EENS and he will do the same. -Lionel Andrades

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CMTV cannot discuss this issue.


In his latest Vortex on the subject of the SSPX being allegedly in schism Michael Voris states:

Too many Catholic media types just stay mum on their support of schism and rejection of the Second Vatican Council as a legitimate council. They refuse to answer your questions because it provides them a certain cover. Why not debate these issues openly and live? Church Militant is happy to do so. Why not allow your underpinnings to be questioned? Why not go directly on the record and lay your cards on the table?

Is Francis the pope? Do you accept the determination of the last three popes that the SSPX is in schism? Was Vatican II a legitimate council? All yes-or-no questions. Yes, there is much to discuss, falling from those questions, but the questions themselves are very straightforward. Media have an obligation to present the truth. Covering up your position and keeping it out of the public's eye is not honest.

 I accept Vatican Council II as a legitimate Council only when it is interpreted rationally. The popes are in schism when they interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and produce a new theology with new doctrines.

I have mentioned this many times before but Michael Voris and Christine Niles will not respond. Since they accept the political Left interpretation of the popes. They call this irrational interpretation the ‘magisterium’. If they reject it a Decree of Prohibitions will be issued against them by the Vatican and the Left. Since, then they will affirming traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) with no exceptions i.e Feeneyite EENS.

Overnight Pope Francis and the cardinals can interpret Vatican Council II rationally and then the Council will be in harmony with Tradition. This will be magisterial.

Then even Michael Voris will have to accept Vatican Council II interpreted rationally. If he continues to interpret the Council irrationally, it will be a mortal sin of faith. Voris will be rejecting the Athanasius Creed and changing the interpretation of the Nicene Creed.This is what he is doing today and does not deny it for political reasons

Michael Voris needs, politically,  to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally like the popes. This is an obligatory condition the Left has placed upon the Catholic Church. It is schismatic. It is a break with the 16th century interpretation of the Nicene and Athanasius Creed which had no exceptions. 

CMTV cannot discuss this issue.

Is Francis the pope? Do you accept the determination of the last three popes that the SSPX is in schism? Was Vatican II a legitimate council? All yes-or-no questions. Yes, there is much to discuss, falling from those questions, but the questions themselves are very straightforward. Media have an obligation to present the truth. Covering up your position and keeping it out of the public's eye is not honest.

Yes Pope Francis is the schismatic pope who rejects the 16th century interpretation of the Nicene and Athanasius Creed which had no exceptions. CMTV cannot discuss this issue.Pope Francis is interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and  not rationally like Brother Andre Marie micm, the Prior of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at the St.Benedict Center in New Hampshire.

Do you accept the determination of the last three popes that the SSPX is in schism? 

The popes since Paul VI were interpreting Vatican Council II with the irrational premise. The conclusion was non traditionl. It was schismatic and heretical. It was good that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the SSPX did not accept this non traditional version of the Council.Pope Francis and the cardinals today can correct the error.

 Was Vatican II a legitimate council?

Yes. Vatican Council II was a legitimate Council when it is today interpreted rationally.The Council Fathers, Ratzinger, Rahner etc were interpreting the Council irrationally. This was not magisterial, though the Council was legitimate.

-Lionel Andrades

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If the SSPX priest admits that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican, do not contradict Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), since they are invisible and hypothetical only, then a Decree of Prohbitions will be issued against them by the Vatican and the Left.


If the SSPX priest at the chapel in Rome admits that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican, do not contradict Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), since they are invisible and hypothetical only, then a Decree of Prohbitions will be issued against them by the Vatican and the Left.

Since he is supporting the strict interpretation of EENS like the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16 th century, the SSPX this would not be tolerated.The SSPX could expel him to protect the community.

The SSPX at Albano will not comment on this issue.They will pretend that Vatican Council II is a break with Tradition and will criticize the Council.

This is approved for them by the Vatican and the Left. It is political.This is the false doctrinal issue that Pope Benedict wanted the SSPX to accept.

For Pope Benedict, Vatican Council II was a break with Tradition and LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc referred to physically visible cases and so objective exceptions for EENS and the traditional ecclesiocentrism.

This is fantasy theology. It is political nonsense.But this was the political line that Pope Benedict wanted the SSPX to accept.It was only then that their Mass could be licit with full canonical recognition.

So for the last two consecutive Sundays in his homily at the St. Catherine of Siena chapel in Rome, the priest has not mentioned Vatican Council II. He has not said that the Council (LG 8 etc) does not contradict 16th century EENS.

Instead like Pope Pius XII he accepts the irrational 1949 Letter of the Holy Office.Like Pope Paul VI he will continue to use the irrational and not rational premise to interpret the Council.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 6, 2023

For the second consecutive Sunday the SSPX priest in his homily has not mentioned Vatican Council II.


For the second consecutive Sunday the SSPX priest at the St.Catherine of Siena chapel in Rome, in his homily at the 10 am Latin Mass has not mentioned Vatican Council II. Last month I e-mailed the SSPX centers inclusing that of Albano, near Rome. I explained that there are two interpretations of Vatican Council II. One is rational and the other is irrationalThe SSPX chooses the irrational version. These priests, like the others, at Albano, interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational premise and inference. So the conclusion is nontraditional. Then they will criticize the Council and not their common false premise.

At this Mass regularly attended by Roberto Fiore and his family, they are interpreting Vatican Council II, irrationally and not rationally.

Fr. Aldo Rossi a former prior of the SSPX in Albano, a few years back told me that there were no visible cases of non Catholics being saved with the baptism of desire (BOD) or in invincible ignorance (II). This is something obvious he said. There were no objective cases. Also some young SSPX priests at that time agreed with him.

However Econe seemed to want to continue to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. Since for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the SSPX bishops and Pope Paul VI, BOD and II referred to visible and known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So LG 14, LG 16 etc in Vatican Council II were practical exceptions for the traditional strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), with no known exceptions.

For me BOD and I.I refer to invisible cases but for this priest and the Fiore family it refers to visible cases. So the Council is a break with Tradition for them but not for me.

If the young people who were present at the Mass yesterday morning would interpret the Council rationally like me, then Vatican Council II would not be a break with the dogma EENS, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed.

The SSPX at Albano could then ask Pope Francis, the cardinals and all the bishops in the world, to also interpret the Council rationally and so the conclusion will be conservative.

Rome will then have come back to the Catholic Faith; to the conservative Catholic Faith, as Archbishop Lefebvre wanted. The SSPX priest yesterday  interpreted the Council like the liberals. Last Sunday he could not say that the Council supported the ecclesiology of St. Francis of Sales.

So he keeps liberalism in the Church alive. This is appreciated by the Left.       - Lionel Andrades

 JANUARY 31, 2023

Historic SSPX homily

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At First Communion and Confirmation classes the Oblates of St. Joseph in Rome are not telling parents and their children, to interpret Vatican Council II with LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, as referring to only physically invisible cases in 2023.


At First Communion and Confirmation classes the Oblates of St. Joseph are not telling parents and their children, to interpret Vatican Council II with LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, as referring to only physically invisible cases in 2023.This is not being done in the  parish of San Giuseppe all’ Aurelio, Via San Giuseppe Marello, near the Cornelia Metro station in Rome. Catholics and non Catholics must be informed.

Those who are associated with the Oblates of St. Joseph in the parish and their General Curia in the parish must be informed about the rational interpretation. This is being honest.

In this way there is no rupture with Tradition. Parents and their children can then be taught to affirm the Athanasius Creed rationally and so also all the Catechisms, including Pope John Paul II‘s Catechism of the Catholic Church, interpreted rationally i.e. the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, are not exceptions for LG 14 and AG 7 which say all need faith and baptism for salvation.

The Oblates could also inform Pope Francis that they want to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and honestly. Also, according to Church Law it is obligatory for religious superiors, parish priests, rectors and bishops to affirm Church teachings in public. 

So when they interpret Vatican Council II rationally they can also affirm the Syllabus of Errors and the Oath against Modernism. They can avoid public heresy (new versions of the Nicene Creed) and schism (rupture with the pre-1949 Magisterium on extra ecclesiam nulla salus etc).

-Lionel Andrades,ik:CAoSLEFGMVFpcFBXN0kwUjlXTGVxOVlsUlFfNGlfbWhCeWZVS2VKNFd3bk1tTDdR

Nelle lezioni di Prima Comunione e Cresima gli Oblati di San Giuseppe non dicono ai genitori e ai loro figli di interpretare il Concilio Vaticano II con LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 ecc. ci sono solo casi invisibili nel 2023. Questo non si fa nella parrocchia di San Giuseppe all'Aurelio, via San Giuseppe Marello, vicino alla stazione della metropolitana Cornelia a Roma. Cattolici e non cattolici devono essere informati.

Coloro che sono associati agli Oblati di San Giuseppe in parrocchia e alla loro Curia generale dietro la chiesa devono essere informati sull'interpretazione razionale. Questo è essere onesti.

In questo modo non c'è rottura con la Tradizione. Si può quindi insegnare ai genitori e ai loro figli ad affermare razionalmente il Credo di Atanasio e così anche tutti i Catechismi, incluso il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica di Papa Giovanni Paolo II, interpretati razionalmente, cioè il battesimo del desiderio e l'essere salvati nell'invincibile ignoranza, non sono eccezioni per LG 14 e AG 7 che dicono che tutti hanno bisogno della fede e del battesimo per la salvezza.

Gli Oblati potrebbero anche informare Papa Francesco che vogliono interpretare razionalmente e onestamente il Concilio Vaticano II. Inoltre, secondo il diritto ecclesiastico, è obbligatorio per i superiori religiosi, parroci, rettori e vescovi, che loro  affermare pubblicamente gli insegnamenti della Chiesa Cattolica.

Così quando interpretano razionalmente il Concilio Vaticano II possono anche affermare il Sillabo degli Errori di Papa Pio IX e il Giuramento contro il Modernismo. Possono evitare l'eresia pubblica (nuove versioni del Credo Niceno) e lo scisma (rottura con il Magistero precedente al 1949 su extra ecclesiam nulla salus ecc.).