Tuesday, June 13, 2023

When Pope Francis closed down the seminaries in Argentina and Rome he was interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. So there was a false rupture with the past. He calls that past rigidity. If he interprets Vatican Council II rationally his conclusion would be rigid


Don't we have a place in the Church?’: Read pope’s response to Argentine priest on seminary's closure


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La chiesa dei Francescani dell'Immacolata che è stata scassinata ora ha l'altare deturpato e il tabernacolo rimosso: il resto della parrocchia festeggia il suo giubileo e ignora la vecchia chiesa per motivi ideologici.


La chiesa dei Francescani dell'Immacolata che è stata scassinata ora ha l'altare deturpato e il tabernacolo rimosso: il resto della parrocchia festeggia il suo giubileo e ignora la vecchia chiesa per motivi ideologici.

Questa è l'antica chiesa della parrocchia di Santa Maria di Nazareth, Casalotti. I giornali di sinistra non riportano questo incidente poiché non è una sinagoga e nemmeno una chiesa ideologicamente approvata. La polizia è presente quotidianamente nella nuova chiesa per controllare, tra l'altro, deviazioni ideologiche. La nuova chiesa è dotata di videosorveglianza, assente nella vecchia chiesa.

Dal mese scorso c'è un rischio per la sicurezza anche per la nuova chiesa della parrocchia. Poiché questa vecchia chiesa ha una porta collegata ad un annesso, che immette nella nuova chiesa costruita negli ultimi anni. Se quella porta viene giù, i gruppi satanici di Boccea, di notte, potrebbero entrare nella nuova chiesa. Giovani di diverse religioni sono costretti ad unirsi a questi gruppi sostenuti da organizzazioni LGBT. 

Papa Francesco ha chiuso il seminario in 2013, ha proibito la messa in latino e bandito il Terz'Ordine della comunità.1 Si tratta di una communità che afferma il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Il Vicarioat di Roma non consente ancora che le sue pubblicazioni siano messe a disposizione dei cattolici generalmente.

Quindi p. Stefano Mannelli e quei sacerdoti che offrono la messa in latino non dovrebbero essere invitati alle celebrazioni di questa settimana. Si tratta della diocesi di Porta Santa Rufina, il cui vescovo è il liberale Gianrico Ruzza.

La parrocchia si trova nel quartiere Selva Candida di Roma, noto per i suoi martiri. Non erano martiri ecumenici. Avevano un'identità cattolica. Conoscevano la fede cattolica che non cambia.

https://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2010/12/burke-celebrates-pontifical-mass-in.html  1

Ma in 50 anni, la fede cattolica è cambiata nella diocesi, anche nella vecchia chiesa, da quando il Concilio Vaticano II è stato interpretato in modo irrazionale e non razionale.


Così al parroco brasiliano e alla comunità laica della parrocchia non sarebbe consentito interpretare razionalmente il Concilio Vaticano II in sintonia con la vecchia ecclesiologia esclusivista della Chiesa Cattolica e dei martiri della Selva Candida. Molte delle persone presenti nella nuova chiesa della parrocchia, come in altre chiese di Roma, provengono da famiglie non cristiane e la loro presenza sembra un grande progetto massonico, per infiltrarsi nella Chiesa Cattolica. Sono presenti anche alla messa in latino in altre chiese, compresa la cappella della FSSPX a Roma.

Come possono celebrare un giubileo d'oro ignorando la vecchia chiesa, che il mese scorso era in buone condizioni e ben conservata al suo interno? Sono davvero 50 anni per la vecchia chiesa.

Circa 11 o 12 anni fa, quando la nuova chiesa non esisteva, andavo a messa in latino o in italiano nella vecchia chiesa. La messa è stata offerta da p. Settimo Mannelli ffi, Rettore del Seminario e Parroco.

Qualche anno fa nella vecchia chiesa è stata offerta anche la messa in italiano, da p. Giovanni Francesco ffi, Rettore del Seminario e Superiore dei Francescani di Boccea. Ora è nella nuova amministrazione dei Francescani dell'Immacolata è il comitato approvato da papa Francesco e dal cardinale Gianfranco Ghirlanda sj, l'ex commissario.

Il Comitato è composto da membri del gruppo di p. Affonso Bruno ffi.L’assenza di p. Stefano Manelli ffi, il fondatore dei francescani dell'Immacolata e del gruppo latino è cospicua.

Anche il contributo di don Stefano Mannelli per la parrocchia sarà ignorato nelle celebrazioni approvate da Mons. Ruzza.Lui è anche vescovo di Civitavecchia e membro esecutivo della Conferenza episcopale italiana (CEI). Agiscono come se p. Mannelli non è vivo.

  P. Mannelli aveva giustamente respinto il Concilio Vaticano II interpretato irrazionalmente. Anche la FSSPX ha fatto lo stesso. Il vescovo Ruzza e papa Francesco accettano il Concilio Vaticano II interpretato in modo irrazionale e disonesto. Tuttavia nessuno dei due interpreta razionalmente il Concilio.


La polizia è presente quotidianamente nella nuova chiesa, per motivi di sicurezza e per far rispettare l'agenda di sinistra. Ma non ci sono alla vecchia chiesa, il cui portone è spalancato dal mese scorso. Anche il cancello d'ingresso è stato parzialmente rotto. Quindi la chiesa può essere utilizzata durante tutto il giorno e la notte da tossicodipendenti, satanisti e ladri. Può essere un luogo di incontro per bigotti religiosi. Dato che c'è una porta interna che collega alla nuova chiesa, potrebbe esserci una mancanza di sicurezza anche nella nuova chiesa. –Lionel Andrades

-Lionel Andrades


On Sunday, December 26th, His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke offered a Pontifical Solemn High Mass at the Seminary of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in Rome. The Mass was offered in honor of Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli, being his patronal feast day, and in thanksgiving for the elevation of His Eminence to the Cardinalate. The Mass was sung by the combined choirs of the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Immaculate from various convents of the F.I. in Italy, and was conducted by Sr. Maria Cecilia Manelli and Fr. Giovanni Maria Manelli – resulting in an outstanding example of the magnificence the Mass is meant to have. The Friars and Sisters also had the honor of hosting His Excellency Bishop Gino Reali of the local diocese of Porto-Santa Rufino, Rome.

In his homily, Cardinal Burke focused on the need for beauty and splendor in the sacred liturgy, echoing what His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI wrote in the letter accompanying his Moto Proprio “Summorum Pontificum:” “It is not appropriate to speak of these two versions of the Roman Missal as if they were ‘two Rites’. Rather, it is a matter of a twofold use of one and the same rite.” And “What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church’s faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place…”

JUNE 13, 2023

Franciscans of the Immaculate church in Rome broken into has the altar defaced and tabernacle removed : the rest of the parish celebrates its jubilee and ignores the old church for ideological reasons.


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Franciscans of the Immaculate church in Rome broken into has the altar defaced and tabernacle removed : the rest of the parish celebrates its jubilee and ignores the old church for ideological reasons.


                                    The new church in the parish Santa Maria di Nazareth.

Cardinal Raymond Burke offering the Latin Mass in the parish Santa Maria di Nazareth,Boccea. The altar of the old church has been defaced and the tabernacle has been physically removed.

Franciscans of the Immaculate church in Rome broken into has the altar defaced and tabernacle removed : the rest of the parish celebrates its jubilee and ignores the old church for ideological reasons.



The Franciscans of the Immaculate church in Boccea, Rome broken into last month, now has its inside defaced with vulgarity while blasphemy is spray- painted in black on the white marble altar.The tabernacle has been removed.This is the old church in the parish of Santa Maria di Nazareth, Casalotti. The leftist newspapers are not reporting on this incident since it is not a synagogue and neither is it an approved church-ideologically. The police are present at the new church daily to check, among other things, ideological deviation. The new church has video surveillance.This is absent at the old church.

Since last month there has been a security risk also for the new church of the parish. Since this old church has a door connected to an annex, which leads into the new church built over the last few years. If that door comes down, the satanic groups of Boccea, at night, could enter the new church.Youth from different religions are coerced into the joining these groups supported by LGBT organizations. 

Pope Francis closed down the seminary in 2013, prohibited the Latin Mass and banned the Third Order of the community.1 This is a religious community which affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The Rome Vicariate still does not allow its publications to be made available for Catholics in general.

So Fr. Stefano Mannelli and those priests who offer the Latin Mass are not expected to be invited for the celebrations this week.This is in the diocese of Porta Santa Rufina, whose bishop is the liberal-left Gianrico Ruzza.

The parish is situated in the Selva Candida area of Rome, noted for its martyrs. They were not ecumenical martyrs. They had a Catholic identity. They knew the Catholic faith which does not change.

Burke Celebrates Pontifical Mass in Rome at Seminary of Franciscans of the Immaculate
         https://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2010/12/burke-celebrates-pontifical-mass-in.html  2

But over 50 years, the Catholic faith has changed in the diocese, even at the old church, since Vatican Council II was interpreted irrationally and not rationally.


So the Brazilian parish priest and the lay community in the parish would not be allowed to interpret Vatican Council II rationally in harmony with the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church and the Selva Candida martyrs. Many of the people present at the new church in the parish, like at other churches in Rome, come from non Christian families and their presence seems like a big Masonic project, to infiltrate the Catholic Church. They are even there at the Latin Mass in other churches, including the SSPX chapel in Rome.


How can they celebrate a golden jubilee while ignoring the old church, which was in good condition last month and was well kept in its interior? It is really 50 years for the old church.

Some 11 or 12 years back when the new church did not exist I would go for Mass in Latin or Italian at the old church. The Mass was offered by Fr. Settimo Mannelli ffi, the Rector of the seminary and parish priest. 

A few years back Mass in Italian was also offered in the old church, by Fr. John Francesco ffi, the Rector of the seminary and superior of the Franciscans at Boccea. He is now on the new administration of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. This is the committee approved by Pope Francis and Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda sj, the ex-Commissar.

The Committee  consists of members of the group of Fr. Affonso Bruno ffi.Fr. Stefano Manelli ffi, the founder of the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the Latin group’s absence is conspicuous.

Fr.Stefano Mannelli’s contribution for the parish will also be ignored at the celebrations approved by Bishop Ruzza. He is also the bishop of Civitavecchia and an executive member of the Conference of Italian Bishops (CEI).They act as if Fr. Mannelli is not alive.

 Fr.Mannelli had correctly rejected Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. The SSPX has also done the same. Bishop Ruzza and Pope Francis accept Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally and dishonestly. However neither of them interpret the Council rationally.


The police are present daily at the new church, for security and to enforce the leftist agenda. But they are not there at the old church, whose front door is wide open since last month. The front gate has also been partly broken. So the church can be used throughout the day and night by drug addicts, Satanists and thieves. It can be a meeting place for religious bigots. Since there is an inner door which connects to the new church, there could be a security lapse in the new church too.-Lionel Andrades




On Sunday, December 26th, His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke offered a Pontifical Solemn High Mass at the Seminary of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in Rome. The Mass was offered in honor of Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli, being his patronal feast day, and in thanksgiving for the elevation of His Eminence to the Cardinalate. The Mass was sung by the combined choirs of the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Immaculate from various convents of the F.I. in Italy, and was conducted by Sr. Maria Cecilia Manelli and Fr. Giovanni Maria Manelli – resulting in an outstanding example of the magnificence the Mass is meant to have. The Friars and Sisters also had the honor of hosting His Excellency Bishop Gino Reali of the local diocese of Porto-Santa Rufino, Rome.

In his homily, Cardinal Burke focused on the need for beauty and splendor in the sacred liturgy, echoing what His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI wrote in the letter accompanying his Moto Proprio “Summorum Pontificum:” “It is not appropriate to speak of these two versions of the Roman Missal as if they were ‘two Rites’. Rather, it is a matter of a twofold use of one and the same rite.” And “What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church’s faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place…”