Saturday, May 25, 2024

Romano Amerio, Atila Guimares, Plinio Correa de Oliveira, Dietrich von Hildebrand and Michael Davies did not know about Vatican Council II (rational). They were interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally like Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Cardinal Ottaviani and Pope Paul VI.


                                                                            Plinio Correa de Oliveira

Romamo Amerio, Atila Guimares, Plinio Correa de Oliveira, Dietrich von Hildebrand and Michael Davies did not know about Vatican Council II (rational). They were interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally like Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Cardinal Ottaviani and Pope Paul VI.

We still go for the Latin Mass. We still go for the Novus Ordo Mass. But we keep the old ecclesiology in our head without rejecting Vatican Council II (rational) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (rational). The Catechisms don’t contradict each other when they are interpreted with Feeneyism (and not Cushingism). In this sense, everything is the same as before.     - Lionel Andrades

Parishes must open their chapels for those who make an appointment for Eucharistic Adoration every night


- Lionel Andrades

Italy’s beautiful Adoration for Life 

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION FOR LIFE Vigil in the Santuario di San Salvatore in Lauro church

Antoine Mekary | ALETEIA

Kathleen N. Hattrup - published on 05/23/24

The Church in Italy gathered in Eucharistic Adoration at the majestic Santuario di San Salvatore to ask forgiveness for "all the lives broken."

Forty-six years after the legalization of abortion in Italy, citizens “turn to the Lord to ask forgiveness for all the lives broken and the terrible sins committed against innocent human life.”

Eucharistic Adoration for Life was held May 22, 2024, at the Santuario di San Salvatore.

This ancient sanctuary is said to have been built on the ruins of a pagan temple. Today it holds two beloved Marian images, both perfectly apt for prayer to end abortion: a statue of Our Lady of Loreto and a painting of Our Lady of Grace.

Over the imposing front portal, a relief shows angels moving the Loreto Holy House.

Before the Eucharistic Lord in Italy, the Church gathers to ask the end of abortion all around the world.

In 2022, Pope Francis called for a Eucharistic Church kneeling before the Eucharist:

Brothers and sisters, let us dream. Let us dream of such a Church: a Eucharistic Church. […] A Church that kneels before the Eucharist and worships with awe the Lord present in the Bread; but which also knows how to bend down with compassion and tenderness before the wounds of those who suffer, lifting up the poor, wiping away the tears of those who suffer, making itself bread of hope and joy for all.


Parishes must open their chapels for those who make an appointment for Eucharistic Adoration every night


                                                                                                                                                                     -Lionel Andrades

Italy’s beautiful Adoration for Life 

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION FOR LIFE Vigil in the Santuario di San Salvatore in Lauro church

Antoine Mekary | ALETEIA

Kathleen N. Hattrup - published on 05/23/24

The Church in Italy gathered in Eucharistic Adoration at the majestic Santuario di San Salvatore to ask forgiveness for "all the lives broken."

Forty-six years after the legalization of abortion in Italy, citizens “turn to the Lord to ask forgiveness for all the lives broken and the terrible sins committed against innocent human life.”

Eucharistic Adoration for Life was held May 22, 2024, at the Santuario di San Salvatore.

This ancient sanctuary is said to have been built on the ruins of a pagan temple. Today it holds two beloved Marian images, both perfectly apt for prayer to end abortion: a statue of Our Lady of Loreto and a painting of Our Lady of Grace.

Over the imposing front portal, a relief shows angels moving the Loreto Holy House.

Before the Eucharistic Lord in Italy, the Church gathers to ask the end of abortion all around the world.

In 2022, Pope Francis called for a Eucharistic Church kneeling before the Eucharist:

Brothers and sisters, let us dream. Let us dream of such a Church: a Eucharistic Church. […] A Church that kneels before the Eucharist and worships with awe the Lord present in the Bread; but which also knows how to bend down with compassion and tenderness before the wounds of those who suffer, lifting up the poor, wiping away the tears of those who suffer, making itself bread of hope and joy for all.