Saturday, July 6, 2024

How can Pope Francis who interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and schismatically and does not deny it judge the veracity and theology of apparitions

Vatican cracks down on 'supernatural' occurrences in new apparition rules

Rome — May 17, 2024

In a new crackdown aimed to prevent scams, hoaxes and heresies, the Vatican has updated its guidelines for reviewing apparitions, visions and alleged revelations, and reaffirmed that only a pope could formally deem something to be "supernatural."

Lionel: Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II and the Nicene, Apostles and Athanasius Creed with heretical and schismatic Cushingism. There are now two interpretations of all the Catechisms in the Catholic Church – Feeneyism and Cushingism.Pope Francis chooses an irrational premise and inference, instead of a rational one, to produce an artificial break with Tradition. If he chose the rational premise and inference his conclusion would be traditional. The whole Church would return to Tradition immediately.So he is unethical when he chooses the fake premise to interpret Vatican Council II and he is to judge if an apparition is supernatural.


The document, "Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena," was released by the Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on May 17. It tasks bishops with investigating such cases, but mandates that they receive Vatican approval before ruling on the validity of alleged supernatural events.

Lionel: For over eight years there was no disapprova l of the apparitions of Our Lady at Trevignon, Italy. But when Our Lady allegedly told the visionary Cardia that Covid comes from China, it was manufactured there, there have been prohibitions placed on the visionary.

The visionary also says that Jesus is the only Saviour of the world and not one of the saviours. This  has not been the clear message of the Vatican.


The guidelines outline six potential conclusions that may be reached and that even the highest level of approval from the Vatican office — Nihil obstat ("nothing hinders") — does not express certainty about the event itself, but grants permission for the bishop to promote its pastoral value.

Lionel: In Brazil at an apparition site, Our Lady told the visionary that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. The apparitions were approved by the bishop. Then a new bishop was appointed who placed a prohibition on the visionary.


The new rules, which have been in development since 2019, replace the Vatican's 1978 norms, which were kept secret until 2011. The Vatican has historically exercised great caution in giving its seal of approval to supposed supernatural occurrences; the revisions require increased scrutiny and mandate sign-off from Rome before a bishop can rule on a particular case.

The update comes at a time when social media has led to an explosion of new claims of supposed apparitions or visions — including Jesus appearing on food and weeping statues of the Virgin Mary — and at a moment when even traditional Catholic devotions, such as Our Lady of Fatima, have become increasingly politicized and the source of seemingly endless conspiracy theories.

Lionel: At Fatima, Our Lady spoke about Hell as being one of the secrets of modern time. Pope Francis does not speak about a Hell which has a lake of fire.


While the document affirms that there have been historical cases where spiritual phenomena have led to spiritual flourishing — consider devotions to Our Lady of Guadalupe or Our Lady of Lourdes, which have received approval from the church — it also acknowledges that many claims have led to confusion or even harm.

"There are serious critical issues that are detrimental to the faithful; in these situations, the Church must respond with utmost pastoral solicitude," wrote Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, head of the Vatican's doctrinal office, in the introduction to the new norms.

Lionel: Cardinal Victor Fernandes interprets Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church irrationally and then justifies changes in faith and morals.

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"In particular, I am thinking of the use of such phenomenon to gain 'profit, power, fame, social recognition, or other personal interest," he continued, "even possibly extending to the commission of gravely immoral acts or the use of these phenomena 'as a means of or pretext for exerting control over people or carrying out abuses.' "

In assessing the spiritual authenticity of such claims, the May 17 guidelines — which were approved last month by Pope Francis and officially take effect on May 19 — stresses the need to have quick and clear rulings that involve collaboration between local bishops and the Vatican's doctrinal office in order to avoid confusion.



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