Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cardinal Kasper, Archbishop Bruno Forte and Bishop Semararo's books on ecclesiology, which are recommended reading for semesters in ecclesiology at the pontifical universities are now obsolete and need to be scrapped.

Cardinal Kasper, Archbishop Bruno Forte and Bishop Semararo's books on ecclesiology, which are recommended reading for semesters in ecclesiology at the pontifical universities are now obsolete and need to be scrapped.
Their ecclesiology was based upon speculative and unknown cases, mentioned in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc in Vatican Council II, being known and literally seen non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church. So in this way LG 8 etc, were projected as exceptions; practical exceptions, to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the past exclusivist ecclesiology  of the Church.It's only with this 'trick' a rupture was created with St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine and the Church Fathers on EENS.
Even the books on ecclesiology of Cardinal Ratzinger/ Pope Benedict  are based upon this objective error. It is a fact of life that we cannot see or meet non Catholics, saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16) or elements of sanctification and truth(LG 8) in other religions, or in imperfect communion with the Church(UR 3) as Protestants, Pentecostals or Orthodox Christians.-Lionel Andrades

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