Thursday, June 27, 2013

Conference on Sacred Liturgy: How can Bishop Charles Morerod O.P be allowed to offer Holy Mass ?

How can  Bishop Charles Morerod O.P the bishop of  Lausanne,Switzerland and former Rector of the University of St.Thomas Acquinas(Angelicum), Rome  participate in any liturgy, when he contradicts the Catholic Church's teaching on faith and morals? How can he teach a new doctrine and yet offer Holy Mass?
The bishop whose errors are there on the website of the International Theological Commission of which he was the Secretary General is possibly participating in the conference underway in Rome.
Consider the  drama of the doctrinal talks he held with the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) and wanted the SSPX to accept the following two  new teachings, before being given canonical status.
1) The bishop could see known, visible exceptions, in the present times, to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
2) The bishop could see known and visible exceptions to the traditional teaching on mortal sin.
That the SSPX interprets the Catechism of the Catholic  Church and Vatican Council II with this same  'liberal insight' is another issue.They only reject this liberal interpretation because they accept the traditional teachings of the Church independent of Vatican Council II.
So for Bishop Charles Morerod there is no more a traditional teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus and there is no more a traditional  teaching on mortal sin -and he offers Holy Mass. He rejects both teachings even after being informed.
He permits the  FSSP to offer Mass in his diocese possibly assuming that they interpret Vatican Council II with the same irrationality as him. They also possibly use the false premise of being able to see the dead; the Richard Cushing Error. With this false premise they interpret  the dogma on salvation and the three, instead of one,  conditions on mortal sin  mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
This is a rejection of the traditional teaching in the Catechism and yet this is not an impediment to his offering Holy  Mass. The Catechism of the Catholic Church no where claims that the dead are visible to us. One has to wrongly imply this in a personal interpretation.
This is the fruit of a wrong interpretation of Vatican Council with respect to the lilturgy, which needs to be discussed at the conference on the liturgy.
-Lionel Andrades


 Catholic Answers calls being a full fledged member of the Catholic Church extremism: imprimatur from the Bishop of San Diego, USA

Photo of Bishop Schneider and Fr.John Zuhlsdorf at the Liturgy Conference in Rome.Both of them,just as Bishop Morerod, assume that there are known exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II and other magisterial texts to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and to Ad Gentes 7,Vatican Council II. So for them the Council is a break with the past on other religions and Christian communities and churches- photo from Fr.Z's blog.

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